Appendix:Romanian palindromes
This appendix lists palindromes in Romanian.
List of palindromes
[edit]11 letters
[edit]- elenofonele – the female Greek language speakers
9 letters
[edit]7 letters
[edit]- anilina – the aniline
- apocopa – to produce an apocopation
- atacata – the attacked woman
- atașata – the attached woman
- elenele – the Greek women
- elevele – the schoolgirls
- etajate – (fem. pl.) placed in vertical columns
- etalate – (fem. pl.) ostentatiously displayed
- mărirăm – we increased
- nauruan – inhabitant of Nauru
- rolelor – to the transmission belts
- rotitor, rotator – that rotates
- tartrat – tartrate
5 letters
[edit]- caiac – kayak
- capac – cap (as for a bottle), limit
- cojoc – sheepskin coat
- cubuc – cube
- etate – age, era
- minim – minimum
- potop – downpour
- rever – coat collar
- soios – dirty, slimy, stained
- supus – subject, rule, obedient
- tivit – hem sewing
- uiuiu – (interjection) a joyful cry in folk dances
3 letters
[edit]- aba – thick white woolen fabric
- aia – that woman
- ana – type of rope used in fishing
- apa – the water
- așa – so, thus, in this way
- ața – the thread
- ele – they (fem. pl.)
- pap – glue, paste
- pop – pole, beam
- sos – sauce
- țâț – winter wren, Orphean Warbler
[edit]- Acru tip e Pițurcă! "What a sour guy is Piturca!"
- Ai rămas acasa, Maria? "Did you stay home, Mary?"
- Alina m-a luat să stau la Manila. "Alina took me to stay in Manila."
- Au o navă nouă. "They have a new ship."
- Ele fac cafele. "They make coffees."
- Ele ne seduc cu desenele. "They seduce us with the drawings."
- El a gătit agale. "He cooked slowly."
- El o să facă fasole. "He'll cook some beans."
- Ene purta patru pene. "Ene wore four feathers."
- Era nudă la Dunăre. "She was naked, facing the Danube."
- Era o tipă răpitoare ! "She was a ravishing girl."
- Era să pozez o pasăre. "I was about to photograph a bird."
- Icre, pui, ciuperci. "Caviar, chicken, mushrooms."
- Ion a luat luni vinul tău la noi. "Ion took away your wine on Monday."
- Maria bea, că e bairam. "Mary's drinking for there's a party going on."
- O ramă maro. "A brown frame."
- Românii-s ași în amor. "Romanians are aces in love."
- Să nu iei un as. "Do not take an ace."
- Arama e amară. "Copper is bitter."
See also
[edit]Appendices of palindromes in all languages (edit) |
English |