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no ending in lemma


with u-mutation in plural if possible

  • blað (leaf; sheet of paper; newspaper); many others; note that u-mutation without -u or -v in the ending is indicated by ^^; also afl (power, strength), bað (bath) (steypibað (shower (when washing oneself))), bak (back), ball (ball, dance), band (band, binding) (límband (adhesive tape), málband (measuring tape), segulband (magnetic recording tape)), bar (bar (unit)), barn (child), fat (dish; barrel; garment), fjall (mountain) (eldfjall (volcano)), gagn (use, advantage; (plural) data), gas (gas), gat (hole), gramm (gram), gras (grass), lag (layer; shape, condition; melody; (plural) law), lak (bedsheet), lakk (varnish), land (land, country), magn (quantity; strength, power), nafn (name), raf (amber; electricity (in compounds)), salt (salt), sjónvarp (television), tal (speech, conversation; enumeration, list) (samtal (conversation)), útvarp (broadcasting), vatn (water; lake), vatt (wadding; watt), vaff (letter V)
  • bíó (movie theater); also óbó (oboe)
  • emj (cries, shouting)
  • feðgin (father and daughter), hjón (married couple), jól (Christmas), lok (end), [meðgin (mother and son); not in BÍN], trúsystkin (fellow believers) (and other compounds of systkin)
  • jarðgöng (tunnel); unumut should be the default
  • kex (cracker, dry cookie); gen kex because clusters of consonant + ss not allowed; also pils (skirt)
  • vax (wax); gen vax because clusters of consonant + ss not allowed
  • Ísland (Iceland); singular by default
  • (letter B); also (letter C), (letter D), eff (letter F), (letter G) (also ge), (letter H), joð (letter J), (letter K), ell (letter L), emm (letter M), enn (letter N), (letter P), (letter Q), err (letter R), (letter T)
  • ess (letter S), ex (letter X)
  • frí (vacation); listed as j-inserting in Thomson; likewise men (necklace, collar)
  • flet (couch, interior bed); listed as optionally j-inserting in Thomson; likewise kið (goat kid), net (net), veð (pledge)
  • aðal (nature, character); also boldang (thick linen cloth; sailcloth), hunang (honey), mundang (balance pointer; mean), spínat (spinach)
  • hafald (heddle (guide thread in loom)); uumut indicates double u-mutation with both a's going to ö
  • óðal (hereditary farm)
  • söl (dulse) (plural-only, v-infixing, no unumut)

irregular, ending in -é

  • tré (tree; wood); def nom/acc sg -ð (no -i-); dat sg -; def nom/acc pl -n (no -i-); dat pl -m; def gen pl has no -a ending); all handled by <já> indicator; also hné (knee), kné (knee)
  • (sheep; cattle; money)

with contraction, ending in -ur

  • austur (east); contraction and defcon are the default here; also daður (flirting; tailwagging), fiður (feathers; down), veggfóður (wallpaper), gaspur (idle talk, twaddle), hreistur (fish scale), jórtur (cud; cud chewing), lamstur (thrashing, beating), norður (north), okur (usury, profiteering), púður (gunpowder; (cosmetic) powder), rökkur (twilight), silfur (silver), suður (south), sykur (sugar) (also masculine), timbur (wood, lumber), vestur (west), vikur (pumice) (also masculine), þvaður (idle talk, twaddle)
  • mastur (mast); contraction and defcon are the default here; u-mutation produces möstur in the plural

with contraction, a different ending

  • höfuð (head); contraction is not the default here and defcon doesn't occur
  • gaman (pleasure, fun)
  • megin (power, strength)
  • regin (gods); declension given as <regin, regin, rögnum, ragna> in Thomson but this must be obsolete; not in BÍN

with -j- insertion

  • kyn (sex, gender; family, kind); also ben (wound) (also feminine ben, also with j-insertion), ber (berry) (bláber (blueberry, whortleberry, bilberry), hindber (raspberry), jarðarber (strawberry), kirsuber (cherry), kirsiber (cherry (proscribed)), rifsber (red or white currant), sólber (black currant), stöngulber (gooseberry), týtuber (red whortleberry), vínber (grape)), (bog), egg (egg), él (snow/hail snower), [el (snow/hail shower), not in BÍN], fen (bog), fley (ship (poetic)), fræ (seed), fyl (unborn foal), gil (gorge, canyon), gren (lair, earth) (also neuter greni), grey (dog; poor wretch), hey (hay), hregg (storm), hræ (carcass, carrion), lyf (drug), (gnat; letter mu), nef (nose; beak), nes (ness, headland), sel (mountain cowhouse), skegg (beard), sker (skerry), ský (cloud), stef (verse, stanza; main point), þil (panel, partition)
  • blý (lead (metal)); listed as non-j-inserting in Thomson
  • ker (large vessel, tub) (baðker (bathtub)); listed as non-j-inserting in Thomson
  • rif (rib; reef)

lemma ends in -i


without -j- insertion



  • læti (behavior, demeanor); likewise ólæti (noise, racket)
  • altari (altar); u-mutates to pl ölturu

in -ki, -gi or with -j- insertion

  • NOTE: Per Thomson, -j- insertion occurs in all neuter words ending in -ki and -gi, so it should be automatic.
  • öryggi (safety; fuse (electrical)); Thomson lists it as without -j- insertion (possibly an error)
  • áfengi (alcoholic liquor); also birki (birch), fiski (fishing;large fish) (also feminine meaning "fishing", mostly in fixed expressions) (heilagfiski (halibut)), fylgi (support, following), greni (spruce; fir), silki (silk), [tylgi (stearin), not in BÍN]
  • Alþingi (the Icelandic parliament); should be singular-only, indefinite-only
  • hádegi (noon, midday); Thomson lists it with -j- insertion but BÍN says without
  • greni (den, lair (of some animals))

lemma ends in -a


common nouns

  • auga (eye); forms are -a -a -a -a, -u -u -um -a/-na (where the -u- endings trigger u-mutation); in the definite, -i- always drop out; all this should be the default for neuters in -a; also, gagnauga (temple (at side of head)), glerauga (glass eye), bjúga (sausage) (rarely feminine), eista (testicle), eyra (ear), , [leika (toy, doll (archaic; only given as feminine in BÍN, indicated as more commonly feminine in Thomson)], lunga (lung), milta (spleen) (also neuter milti), nýra (kidney),þrúga (snowshoe) (more often feminine)
  • hjarta (heart); with u-mutation in nom/acc/dat pl
  • gleraugu ((eye)glasses, spectacles)
  • with genpl -a (the default): firma (firm), hnoða (ball of yarn (archaic; also feminine)), jóta (iota), sigma (sigma), síma (string, cord (archaic)), skema (scheme), tema (theme, subject), þema (theme, subject), esophagus
  • with genpl -a (the default) and u-mutation: lambda (lambda)

place names


two-part words


Lua error in Module:User:Benwing2/is-noun at line 1842: Unrecognized gender '+', should be 'm', 'f' or 'n': <+>

  • langabak (?) (with u-mutation in the plural löngubök)

Lua error in Module:User:Benwing2/is-noun at line 1842: Unrecognized gender '+', should be 'm', 'f' or 'n': <+>



Lua error in Module:User:Benwing2/is-noun at line 1842: Unrecognized indicator 'defonly': <n.defonly>

Lua error in Module:User:Benwing2/is-noun at line 1842: Unrecognized indicator 'defonly': <n.pl.defonly.iending.j>