Category:Hungarian parasynthetic adjectives
Here are Hungarian compound adjectives formed by parasynthesis, the formation of a word by the addition of a derivational suffix to a phrase, as of fair‑minded, which is fair mind plus ‑ed (rather than *fair + minded). Many of them have the suffix -ú/-ű/-jú/-jű (which can only be added to a phrase, not to a single adjective stem), sometimes -s/-os/-as/-es/-ös, occasionally -i.
Note that noun-adjective compounds like szolgalelkű, világméretű etc. do not normally belong here because they do not derive from * [szolga + lélek] + ‑ű etc. but szolga + [lelk + ‑ű] etc.
Pages in category "Hungarian parasynthetic adjectives"
The following 123 pages are in this category, out of 123 total.