Wiktionary:Requested entries (Proto-Germanic)
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- Add glosses or brief definitions.
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- If you know what a word means, consider creating the entry yourself instead of using this request page.
- Please indicate the gender(s) .
- If you see inflected forms (plurals, past tenses, superlatives, etc.) indicate the base form (singular, infinitive, absolute, etc.) of the requested term and the type of inflection used in the request.
- Don’t delete words just because you don’t know them – it may be that they are used only in certain contexts or are archaic or obsolete.
- Don’t simply replace words with what you believe is the correct form. The form here may be rare or regional. Instead add the standard form and comment that the requested form seems to be an error in your experience.
Requested-entry pages for other languages: Category:Requested entries.
As Proto-Germanic is a reconstructed language, please list possible descendants after the word.
Individual requests
[edit]- *sinþnaną (“to journey, spend time, sojourn”)
- *juta (“yet”)
- *manniskō (“human?”)
- *kunstiz
- *þunkōną
- *fres (“forward”)
- *rehtuz
- *flinōną
- *karlaz - free man
- *karaz
- *grain- - branch?
- *snakkōną (“to open the mouth”)
- *arniz - descendant of *h₃er-
- *krīganą
- *agwjō
- *winjō
- *guþóm
- *swumdan
- *tehunt
- *klenkwaz
- *kaupaz
- *stubō
- *burzô
- *afar, *abar, *abur (“after, following”)
- *sūrą
- *-ōnijaz
- *hrēdijaną
- *bilaz
- *hleumaz
- *-stiz
- *stōdiz
- *kerzą, *kerzuz (“scrub, bushes”)
- *rebaz
- *biwwiþō
- *hramusô
- *þrahilaz, *þrēhilaz, *þrēgilaz, *þrigilaz, *þrihilaz and *þrēg-, *þrag- (“to run”) - all mentioned in *þragilaz
- *oswtuppaz
- *tebō
- *tappaz
- *tumpaz
- *winjō
- *ballô
- *kukaz
- *knus- (“to crush; grind”) - mentioned in Proto-Germanic *knuzlijaną
- *īsaz - mentioned in Old Norse íss
- *aftanaz, *aftunaz - etymon of Old Norse aptann
- *bandą - etymon of Old Norse band
- *bernuz - etymon of Old Norse bjǫrn
- *hōgiz (“skilled”) - etymon of Old Norse hǿgr
- *stiją
- *hēnō - mentioned in Elfdalian ą̊
- *mekō (“big, great”) - from *meǵh₂- (“great”)
- *þursaz
- *hatjǭ - mentioned in Icelandic hetja
- *kengaz, *keng- (“to turn”) - etymon of Old Norse kengr
- *swe- - mentioned in Proto-Germanic *swihô
- *hwammaz
- *ne - missing Proto-West-Germanic
- *slahtrą - slaughter
- *slahtōną - slaughter
- *līmaz - see German Leim (“glue”)
- *gīraz
- *skrahō - see Old Norse skrá
- *uwwô - see Danish ugle
- *ūfaz, *ūfǭ - see Danish ugle
- *metōduz - see Old Norse mjǫtuðr
- *felþo- - field?
- *wlōhō - see Icelandic ló
- *smēhijaną - see Old Norse smá
- *hwammaz - see Old Norse hvammr
- *nauþiz - see Icelandic nauð
- *wanh- - see Icelandic vondur
- *wandaz - see Old Norse vándr
- *bernijǭ - see Old Norse birna
- *blaikijǭ - see Icelandic bleikja
- *-uhtaz - see Old Norse -óttr
- *enþjan - see Estonian otsima
- *skellǭ - see Estonian kell
- *laimô
- *þrōwōną (“to grow, prosper”) - see Old English Þrowendas
- *Balðraz
- *bruskaz
- *barô
- *baruz - see *barwaz
- *dabanōną - see Old Norse dafna
- *werdu- - see Old Norse verðr
- *Halbadaniz
- *Markōmann-
- *duntijaną - see Old Norse detta
- *dilkaz - see Old Norse dilkr
- *fulją - see Old Norse fyl
- *Austrô - see Old Norse Austri
- *drauzijô - see Icelandic dreyri
- *druppô - alternative form of *drupô
- *-inaz - see Proto-Germanic *druhtinaz
- *trūwaz (“true, faithful”) - see Old Norse trúr
- *dūjan- (“to tremble”) - see Old Norse dyja
- *warþō - see Icelandic varða
- *dēlijaz - see Icelandic dæll
- *setiją - see Old Norse sæti
- *dunkwaz - see Old Norse døkkr
- *derkaz - see *dunkaraz
- *dinkwa- - see *dunkaraz
- *dunkalą, *dunkalāną, *dunkalį̄, *dunkaljaną - see *dunkalaz
- *jabą (“doubt”) - see Old Norse ef
- *ladjō- - see Icelandic leðja
- *mukī - see English muck
- *aiþǭ - see Old Norse eiða
- *ainaliftô (“eleventh”) - see Old Norse ellipti
- *falþaz - see Old Norse faldr
- *watnōną - see Icelandic vatna
- *felō - see Old Norse fjǫl
- *flīsō - see Old Norse flís
- *leuþraz - see Icelandic ljóður
- *frankaz - see Proto-Germanic *frankô
- *grēdugaz - see Old Norse gráðugr
- *framaz - see Old Norse framr
- *fridilǭ - see Old Norse friðla
- *frustą - see Old Norse frost
- *frōwōn, *frōwō- - see Old Norse frouva
- *frīsīz, *frīsaniz - see Old Norse frísir
- *frīsô - see Proto-West Germanic *frīsō
- *framōduz - see Old Norse frǫmuðr
- *furhiją (“forest of firs”) - see Old Norse fýri
- *fulgjō (“guardian spirit-”) - see Old Norse fylgja
- *gappon-, *gabbōn- (“to joke”), *gapōn (“to gape”) - see Old Norse gabba
- *galdjan (“to castrate”) - see Icelandic gelda
- *lukjaną (“to close; shut”) - see Old Norse lykja
- *hallijǭ - see Old Norse hella
- *gladį̄ - see Old Norse gleði
- *ganū(w)aną - see Old Norse gnúa
- *gneujaną - see Icelandic gnýja
- *grūtą, *grutą - see Old Norse grautr
- *trugą - see Old Norse trog
- *grainiz - see Old Norse grein
- *gruniz - see Old Norse grunr
- *-anǫ̂, *-ōnǫ̂ - see Old Norse -na
- *Gudarūnō, *Gunþarūnō - see Old Norse Guðrún
- *gīganą - see Middle Low German gîge
- *harbustaz - see Old Norse haust
- *hagja- - see Old Norse heggr
- *hailia- - see Old Norse heili
- *gahaitą - see Old Norse heit
- *haljōwītiją - see Proto-Germanic *haljō
- *glapjaną - see Old Norse glepja
- *lidą - see Old Norse lið
- *harisjaz - see Old Norse hersir
- *harjatugô - see Proto-West Germanic *harjatogō
- *togō - see Proto-West Germanic *harjatogō
- *hardī - see Old Norse herðr
- *hadinaz - see Old Norse heðinn
- *hilmijaz - see Old Norse hilmir
- *hiksatjaną - see Old Norse hixta
- *hluniz - see Old Norse hlynr
- *apulaz - see Old Norse mǫpurr
- *hnuzô - see Icelandic hnerri
- *Aþalaberhtaz - see Proto-Germanic *Hrōþiberhtaz
- *humara- - see Old Norse humarr
- *radą - see Old Norse hundrað
- *(uz)andiją - see Proto-Finnic *acja
- *bitulaz, *bītilaz (“that which tends to bite, biter, beetle”) - see Danish bille
- *ajuka- (“time, eternity”) - see Proto-Finnic *aika
- *frauþaz - see Old Norse frauðr, missing own entry
- *hīwōn- (“household”) - see Icelandic hjú
- *harudōz - see Old Norse hǫrðar
- *Haþuz - see Old Norse Hǫðr
- *egiþǭ - see Old Norse igða
- *maisingō - see Proto-Germanic *maisǭ
- *emat- - see Swedish Jämtland
- *gandaz - see Old Norse Jǫrmungandr
- *blisk - see Swedish bläs
- *kattijǭ - see Old Norse ketta
- *knattuz - see Old Norse knǫttr
- *krappaz - see Icelandic krappur
- *klagō - see Danish klage
- *krufjaną - see Icelandic kryfja
- *segją - see Proto-Indo-European *sek-
- *frēgijaz - see Icelandic frægur
- *gaskutją - see German Geschütz
- *kwījō - see Icelandic kví
- *kwīgǭ - see Old Norse kvíga
- *twīsilō - see Icelandic kvísl
- *starjaną - see Icelandic stara
- *kōpēn- - see Old Norse kópr
- *kubb- - see Icelandic kobbi
- *hulkaz - see Icelandic hólkur
- *rauzaz, *rauzą - see Old Norse reyrr
- *kasō - see Old Norse kǫs
- *langabardōz - see Old Norse langbarðar
- *laiza- - see Icelandic leir
- *laubiją - see Old Norse leyfi
- *lugnijaz - see Old Norse logn
- *hēli- - see Alemannic German hääl
- *lauhō - see Old Norse ló
- *maþukaz, *maþikaz - see Old Norse maðkr
- *meganą - see Old Norse mega
- *dōlidō - see Old Norse dǿld
- *wlakuz - see Old Norse laki
- *laka-, *lak(k)ōn- (“to blame, reproach”) - see Old Norse lakr
- *laugnō - see Old Norse laun
- *luginō, *lugjaz - see Proto-Germanic *lugiz
- *wurmjō, *(ga-)wurmją - see Proto-Germanic *wurmiz
- *musô - see Proto-Germanic *musą
- *wlituz - see Old Norse litr
- *baswaz, *-ō - see Proto-Germanic *farwō
- *hliþō - see Icelandic hlið
- *luhnō - see Icelandic lón
- *lukidjō - see Old Norse lykt
- *flauþī - see Finnish lauta
- *trumbā - see Old Norse trumba
- *mulmaz - see Old Norse malmr
- *melmaz - see Proto-Germanic *malmaz
- *manalīkaz - see Proto-Germanic *manalīkô
- *margaz - see Old Norse margr
- *meurǭ - see Old Norse maurr
- *baitą - see Old Norse beit
- *maisaz - see Old Norse meiss
- *askiz - see Faroese askur
- *stulpan - see Swedish stolpe
- *markiją - see Old Norse merki
- *mōrī- - see Old Norse Mǿrr
- *medanō (“meanwhile, as long as”) - see Old Norse meðan
- *mōnijaną- (“to tower”) - see Faroese møna
- *kruttijaną, *kruttōną - see Old Norse krytja
- *kwinōn, *kunōn, *kwēni-z, *kwēnō - all mentioned in the Wikipedia article titled "Etymology of Kven"
- *melhtaz - see Old Norse mjaltr
- *meuk- - see Old Norse mjúkr
- *meldunjaz - see Old Norse Mjǫllnir
- *metą - see Old Norse mjǫt
- *fraukô, *fraukkô, *frauþukô - see Old Norse frauki
- *muglōną, *mukiz - see Icelandic mygla
- *mugiljǭ - see Old Norse mygla
- *sprēkiz - see Proto-West Germanic *sprākī
- *mukkan- (“bump, lump”) - see Dutch mok
- *mētijaz - see Faroese mætur
- *mōnijaz - see Old Norse mœnir
- *minþijō - see Proto-Indo-European *men-
- *malwan - see Old Norse mǫlr
- *nai (“never”), *nē (“not”) - see Old Norse nei
- *rinkiz - see Old Norse rekkr
- *ramjōną, *rēmaz - see Old Norse remja
- *raubiją - see Old Norse reyfi
- *-jaz - see Proto-Norse -ᛃᚨᛉ (-jaʀ)
- *rēkō - see Icelandic rák
- *kranhō - see Icelandic krá
- *sakjaz - see Old Norse sekr
- *sessijaną - see Old Norse sissa
- *skatô - see Old Norse skati
- *skub- - see Old Norse skaup
- *skaljafiskaz - see Old Norse skelfiskr
- *skarją - see Old Norse sker
- *skarsjǭ - see Icelandic skessa
- *skrifą - see Icelandic skref
- *stōdijō - see Old English stēda
- *gōį̄ - see Proto-Germanic *wintruz
- *swangaz - see Icelandic svangur
- *waipaz - see Old Norse veipr
- *pūto, *bu- - see Danish pude
- *put-, *pud- - see Dutch puit
- *warją - see Old Norse ver
- *warpijaną - see Icelandic verpa
- *gurmaz - see Icelandic gormur
- *kragô - see Faroese kragi
- *hwurbōną - see Old Norse horfa
- *wēngijaz - see Old Norse vængr
- *wēingaz, *wēingô - see English wing
- *wīkingaz - see Old Norse víkingr
- *wīsǭ - see Old Norse vísa
- *wīþijō - see Icelandic víðir
- *Wēlanduz, *Wēlandaz - see Old Norse Vǫlundr
- *uzdijaną - see Icelandic ydda
- *kōnjǭ - see Icelandic kæna
- *rōkō, *rōkā - see Proto-Finnic *rooka
- *ainamōd - see Old English ānmōd
- *wībalīkaz - see German weiblich
- *hrengaz - see Finnish rengas
- *hnauwjaz - see English niggard
- *lundiją - see Icelandic lyndi
- *aganō - see Proto-Finnic *akana
- *ilīkaz
- *stiklaz - see English stickle, Gothic 𐍃𐍄𐌹𐌺𐌻𐍃 (stikls)
- *skrikkōną
- *gestijaną (“to stay the night”) - see Old Norse gista
- *rawwō (“long wool”) - see English rug
- *ūtlandiskaz - see Old Norse útlenzkr