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User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-q

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
ρ. {n} [grammar, linguistics] :: abbreviation of ρήμα verb
ρ {letter} :: The lower case letter rho (ρο), the 17th letter of the modern Greek alphabet
Ρ {letter} :: The upper case letter rho (ρο), the 17th letter of the modern Greek alphabet
ρ΄ {num} [non-standard] :: alternative form of Ρ΄
Ρ΄ {num} :: The Greek numeral representing the number one hundred (100), typically romanized as the Roman numeral C
ραββί {m} [religion, Judaism] :: rabbi [minister of religion]
ραββίνος {m} [religion, Judaism] :: rabbi (minister of religion)
ραβδί {n} :: rod
ραβδίο {n} :: alternative form of ραβδί: small rod
ραβδίο {n} [anatomy] :: rod [part of the retina]
ράβδος {f} :: rod, stick, baton
ράβδος {f} :: ingot
ραβέντι {n} :: rhubarb
ραβίνος {m} :: alternative form of ραββίνος
ράβομαι {v} :: Ι am sewn
ράβομαι {v} :: I am a customer of a tailor
ράβω {v} :: sew
ράβω {v} :: (in the passive) seeράβομαι
ραγιάς {m} :: rayah
ραγιάς {m} [by extension, pejorative] :: vassal, subordinate
ράγισμα {n} :: fissure
ράγισμα {n} :: fissuring
ράγκμπυ {m} [rugby] :: rugby, rugby football
ράδα {f} [nautical] :: roadstead [open waters outside a harbour, suitable as an anchorage]
ραδερφόρντιο {n} [chemistry] :: rutherfordium
ραδιενεργά απόβλητα {np} :: radioactive waste
ραδιενέργεια {f} [physics] :: radioactivity
ραδιενεργό νέφος {n} :: radioactive fallout
ραδιενεργός {adj} [physics] :: radioactive
ραδίκι {n} :: radicchio, dandelion, chicory (a group of edible, often bitter, leaves)
ράδιο {n} [media, physics] :: radio, wireless
ράδιο {n} [chemistry] :: radium, the element symbol Ra
ραδιοσυχνότητα {f} :: radio frequency
ραδιόφωνο {n} :: radio
ραδόνιο {n} [chemistry] :: radon
ραθυμία {f} :: indolence, idleness
ρακή {f} :: raki (spirit sometimes flavoured with aniseed or other herbs)
ρακί {n} :: alternative form of ρακή
ρακοσυλλέκτης {m} :: ragpicker
Ραμαζάνι {prop} {n} [Islam] :: Ramadan (ninth month of the Islamic calendar)
ραμολιμέντο {n} [colloquial] :: senile dementia (deterioration in mind and body often accompanying old age)
ραμολιμέντο {n} [colloquial, pejorative, by extension] :: senile person
Ραμπάτ {prop} {n} :: Ραμπάτ (capital)
ράμφος {n} :: beak, bill (of a bird)
ρανίδα {f} :: drop (of liquid)
ραντάρ {n} :: radar
ραντεβού {n} :: appointment, rendezvous
ραντίτσιο {n} :: radicchio (form of chicory)
ραντό {n} [Egyptiot Dialect] :: platform in the sea
ραπανάκι {n} [most common] :: radish
ραπάνι {n} :: radish
ράπισμα {n} :: slap [to the face]
ράπτω {v} [Katharevousa] :: simplified spelling of the ancient ῥάπτω, in Standard Modern Greek: ράβω
Ρας αλ-Καϊμά {prop} {n} :: Ρας αλ-Καϊμά (emirate)
Ρας αλ-Καϊμά {prop} {n} :: Ρας αλ-Καϊμά (capital city)
ράσο {n} :: habit [clothing worn a monk, friar, nun, etc]
ράτσα {f} [biology] :: race, a breed or strain of domesticated animal
ράτσα {f} [rare] :: race (of human races)
ρατσισμός {m} :: racism
ρατσιστής {m} :: racist
ρατσιστικός {adj} :: racist
ρατσίστρια {f} :: racist
ραφείο {n} :: tailor shop
ράφι {n} :: shelf
ράχη {f} [anatomy] :: back, spine
ράχη {f} [generally] :: back, rear
ράχη {f} [landform] :: ridge, crest
ράχη {f} [books] :: spine
ραχοκοκαλιά {f} [anatomy] :: spine, backbone
ρε {interj} [colloquial, colloquial] :: hey, eh, dude [informal address to a friend or acquaintance, usually male]
ρε {interj} [colloquial, colloquial, offensive] :: you, blud [informal address to strangers and unfamiliar people to deliberately offend]
ρε {interj} [colloquial, colloquial] :: jeez, gosh, yikes, my [expressing surprise or bewilderment]
ρε {n} [music] :: re, ray (second note in the tonic sol-fa or solfège scale)
ρε {n} [music] :: D (second note or supertonic in the C major scale)
ρέβα {f} :: turnip
ρεβέντι {n} :: alternative form of ραβέντι
ρεβιθάδα {f} :: baked chickpeas, chickpea bake
ρεβίθι {n} :: chickpea [food/seed]
ρεβιθιά {f} :: chickpea plant
ρεβιθοκεφτές {f} :: alternative form of ρεβυθοκεφτές
ρεβιθοσαλάτα {f} :: chickpea dip, chickpea paste, revithosalata
ρεβυθάδα {f} :: alternative form of ρεβιθάδα
ρεβύθι {n} :: alternative form of ρεβίθι
ρεβυθοκεφτές {m} :: chickpea ball
ρεβυθοσλάτα {f} :: alternative form of ρεβιθοσαλάτα
ρέγγα {f} :: herring [fish]
ρέγκα {f} :: alternative form of ρέγγα
ρεζέρβα {f} :: reserve, spare [all senses]
ρεζέρβα {f} [automotive] :: spare tyre, spare wheel
ρεζέρβα {f} :: emergency fuel
ρεζιλεύομαι {v} :: be humiliated, made to look ridiculous
ρεζιλεύω {v} :: humiliate, make the laughing stock, make to look ridiculous
ρεζίλι {n} :: laughing stock, object of ridicule
Ρέθυμνο {prop} {n} :: Ρέθυμνο (city)
ρεκόρ {n} :: record (a supreme achievement)
ρελέ {n} [electricity] :: relay
ρελές {m} [electricity] :: relay
ρεμπέτικο {n} :: rebetiko (type of Greek urban folk music)
ρεντγκένιο {n} [chemistry] :: roentgenium
ρεντίκολο {n} :: laughing stock
ρεντίκολο {n} :: butt [of a joke]
Ρέντινγκ {prop} {n} :: Reading
Ρεουνιόν {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Ρεϋνιόν
ρεπάνι {n} :: alternative form of ραπάνι
ρεπερτόριο {n} [theater] :: repertoire
ρεπεσάζ {n} [sport] :: repechage
ρέπο {n} [colloquial] :: day off, rest day, one day holiday
ρεπόρτερ {mf} :: reporter, journalist
ρέπω {v} :: tend
ρεσεψιόν {n} :: reception, reception desk [especially in a hotel]
ρεσεψιονίστ {mf} :: receptionist [especially in a hotel]
ρεσιτάλ {n} :: recital
ρέστα {np} :: change
ρετιρέ {n} [architecture] :: penthouse, top floor
ρετσίνα {f} :: retsina
ρεύμα {n} :: current, stream, torrent
ρεύμα {n} [electricity, colloquial] :: electric current
ρευματοδότης {m} [electricity] :: socket, electrical socket, wall socket
Ρεϋνιόν {prop} {f} :: Réunion (French overseas department)
ρεύομαι {v} :: burp, belch
ρεφραίν {n} :: alternative form of ρεφρέν
ρεφρέν {n} :: refrain, chorus
ρεφρέν {n} :: repetitious (something repeated verbally to the point of tedium)
ρέω {v} :: flow, run (of liquids)
ρήγας {m} [playing card] :: king in a pack of playing cards
ρήμα {n} [part of speech] :: verb
ρήνιο {n} [chemistry] :: rhenium
Ρήνος {prop} {m} :: Rhine (European river)
Ρήντινγκ {prop} :: Reading
ρήον το βαρβαρικόν {n} :: rhubarb
ρήση {f} :: saying, statement [significant phrase uttered by someone]
ρήτορας {m} :: orator
ρήτορας {m} :: speaker (maker of a speech to an audience)
ρητορικός {adj} :: rhetorical, rhetoric, oratorical
ρηχός {adj} :: shallow
ρίγα {f} :: line, stripe
ρίγα {f} [dated] :: straightedge, rule, ruler
Ρίγα {prop} :: Ρίγα (capital city)
ρίγανη {f} [cooking] :: oregano [herb and plant]
ριγκ {n} :: rink
ριγκ {n} :: boxing ring
ριγώ {v} :: shiver, tremble
ρίζα {f} [botany] :: root [of a plant]
ρίζα {f} [grammar] :: root
ρίζα {f} [mathematics] :: root
ριζά {np} :: foot [of a mountain]
ριζοβούνι {n} :: foot [of a mountain]
ριζοσπάστης {m} :: radical
ριζοσπαστικοποίηση {f} :: radicalization
ριζοσπαστικοποιούμαι {v} :: be radicalised [UK], be radicalized [US]
ριζοσπαστικοποιώ {vt} :: make radical, radicalise [UK], radicalize [US]
ριζοσπαστικός {adj} :: radical
ριζοσπάστρια {m} :: radical
ρίζωμα {n} [botany] :: rhizome
ρινόκερος {m} :: rhinoceros
ρινόκερως {m} :: alternative form of ρινόκερος
ρινολογία {f} [science, rhinology] :: rhinology
Ρίντινγκ {prop} {n} :: alternative form of Ρέντινγκ
ρίπτω {v} [Katharevousa] :: simplified spelling of the ancient ῥίπτω, in Standard Modern Greek: ρίχνω
ρίτσα {f} [Egyptiot Dialect] :: sea urchin
Ρίτσαρντ {prop} :: given name
ρίχνει καρεκλοπόδαρα {phrase} :: to rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
ρίχνω {v} :: drop [anchor]
ρίχνω {v} :: drop, lower [price]
ρίχνω {v} :: shed [a load]
ρίχνω {v} :: throw
ρίχνω {v} :: knock over
ρίχνω {v} :: shoot down
ρίχνω {v} :: sprinkle, strew
ρίχνω {v} :: (in the passive only) make a pass at
ρίχνω φως {v} :: See: el ρίχνω φως
ρίχνω φως {vt} [idiom] :: shed light on, shed light on (to illuminate or to make clear)
ρο {n} :: rho, the 17th letter of the modern Greek alphabet
Ροβέρτος {prop} {m} :: given name
ροβίθι {n} :: alternative form of ρεβίθι
ρόγα {f} [demotic, rare] :: payment to farmer [especially for keeping animals for grazing]
ρόδα {f} [automotive, transport] :: wheel
ρόδα {f} [automotive, transport] :: tyre [UK], tire [US]
ρόδα {f} :: roller
ροδακινί {n} [colour] :: peach
ροδακινιά {f} :: peach tree
ροδάκινο {n} :: peach [fruit]
ροδάκινο {n} [figurative] :: soft skin. In expression:
Ροδανός {prop} {m} :: Rhone (the European river)
ρόδι {n} :: pomegranate
ροδιά {f} :: pomegranate tree
ρόδιο {n} [chemistry] :: rhodium
ροδο- {prefix} :: rhodo-, red
ρόδο {n} :: rose [flower]
ροδοδάφνη {f} :: oleander
ροδόκηπος {m} :: rose garden
ροδόνερο {n} :: rose water, rosewater
Ρόδος {prop} {f} :: Ρόδος (island)
Ρόδος {prop} {f} :: Ρόδος (city)
ροδόσταγμα {n} :: rosewater
ροδόσταμο {n} :: rosewater
ροδώνας {m} :: rose garden
ροζ {adj} :: pink
ροζέ {adj} :: rosé
ρόζος {m} :: knot (deformity in wood)
ροή {f} :: flow
ροή {f} [physics] :: flow, flux
ροή {f} [figuratively] :: flux, change
ρόιδι {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of ρόδι
ρόιδο {n} :: alternative form of ρόδι
ροκ {n} [music] :: rock
ρόκα {f} :: rocket (a salad leaf)
ρόκα {f} [colloquial] :: distaff (device for holding fibres to be spun)
ροκ εντ ρολ {n} [music] :: rock and roll
ροκφόρ {n} :: Roquefort
ρόλεϊ {n} [colloquial] :: hair roller
ρολό {n} :: roll [paper, fabric, etc]
ρολό {n} :: roller [paint, etc]
ρολό {n} :: hair roller
ρολό {n} :: rolled food [meat, etc]
ρολό {n} [as plural] :: roller blind, roller shutter, roller door
ρολόι {n} :: watch
ρολόι {n} :: clock
ρόλος {m} [theatre] :: role, part
ρόλος {m} [figuratively] :: role
Ρομ {m} :: gypsy, a member of the Roma, a Romani, [singular form of Ρομά]
Ρομά {prop} {mp} :: the Roma people
ρομαντικός {adj} :: romantic [connected with love and romance]
ρομαντικός {adj} :: romantic [connected with that period of art, literature, music]
ρόμβος {m} [geometry] :: rhombus
ρόμβος {m} :: diamond [colloquially]
ρόμβος {m} [nautical] :: point (one of 32 divisions on a compass)
ρόμπα {f} :: dressing gown
ρόμπα {f} :: robe, gown
ρόμπα {f} :: (colloquial) fool, idiot
ρομπαμπέκια {m} [Egyptiot Dialect] :: junk dealer
Ρομπέν {prop} {m} :: given name borrowed from English
Ρομπέν {prop} {m} :: given name borrowed from English
Ρομπέν των Δασών {prop} {m} :: Robin Hood [legendary English outlaw]
Ρομπέρ {prop} {n} :: Robert, Bert
Ρόμπερτ {prop} {m} :: given name
ρομπότ {m} :: robot
ρομποτική {f} [sciences] :: robotics
ρόπαλο {n} :: bat, club, truncheon
ροπή {f} :: inclination
ροπή {f} [physics] :: torque
ροπή {f} [figuratively] :: trend, tendency
Ρόρσαχ {prop} {m} :: Rorschach
ροσόλι {n} :: rose-flavoured liqueur (an alcoholic liqueur flavoured with extract of rose)
Ρουάντα {prop} {f} :: Rwanda
Ρουαντέζα {f} :: Rwandan (a person from Rwanda)
ρουαντέζικος {adj} :: Rwandan (of or pertaining to Rwanda or its people)
Ρουαντέζος {m} :: Rwandan (a person from Rwanda)
ρουβίδιο {n} [chemistry] :: rubidium
ρούβλι {n} :: rouble, ruble
ρούγα {f} [colloquial, dialect] :: street, alley
ρούγα {f} [colloquial, dialect] :: small village square
Ρουέν {prop} {f} :: Ρουέν (city)
Ρουθ {prop} {f} :: Ruth (eighth book in the Old Testament of the Bible)
Ρουθ {prop} {f} [biblical] :: Ruth (the resident of Moab around whom the text centers)
ρουθήνιο {n} [chemistry] :: ruthenium
ρουθούνι {n} [anatomy] :: nostril (either of the two orifices located on the nose)
Ρουμάνα {f} :: Romanian (a person from Romania)
Ρουμανία {prop} {f} :: Romania
ρουμανικά {np} :: The Romanian language
Ρουμανικά {np} :: alternative form of ρουμανικά
ρουμανικός {adj} :: Romanian (relating to Romania or its people or language)
Ρουμάνος {m} :: Romanian (a person from Romania)
ρούμι {n} :: rum
Ρουμπελστίλτσκιν {prop} {m} :: Rumpelstiltskin
ρουμπίνι {n} [jewelery] :: ruby
ρουσφέτι {n} :: favour [UK], favor [US]
ρουφάω {v} :: swallow, gulp, slurp, drain
ρουφάω {v} :: sip
ρουφάω {v} :: suck, breathe in
ρουφάω {v} :: soak up, absorb [of knowledge, learning]
ρουφάω {v} [vulgar, sex] :: to blow, to suck off
ρουφηγμένος {v} :: sipped and see ρουφάω
ρουφηγμένος {v} :: [of lips, cheeks] hollow
ρουφιάνος {m} :: pander, procurer, pimp
ρουφιέμαι {v} :: I am sipped
ρουφώ {v} :: alternative form of ρουφάω
ρούχο {n} :: garment
ρούχο {n} [plural] :: clothes, clothing, dress
ροφός {m} :: grouper (fish)
ροχάλα {n} :: phlegm, spittle
ροχαλητό {n} :: snoring (act of someone breathing loudly in sleep)
ροχαλητό {n} :: snore (an instance of snoring)
ροχαλίζω {v} :: snore (breathe during sleep with harsh snorting noises)
ροχάλισμα {n} :: snoring (act of someone breathing loudly in sleep)
ρόχαλο {n} :: alternative form of ροχάλα
ρυάκι {n} :: stream, brook, rivulet
ρύγχος {n} :: snout, the nose of an animal, muzzle
ρύζι {n} :: rice
ρυθμός {m} [music] :: rhythm [music, dance, poetry, etc]
ρυθμός {m} :: rate, pace
ρυθμός {m} [figuratively, architecture] :: style
ρυμουλκώ {v} :: tow, drag
ρύπανση {f} :: pollution (something that pollutes; a pollutant)
ρύπανση {f} :: contamination
ρύπανση {f} :: soiling
ρύπος {m} :: filth, dirt
ρύπος {m} [chemistry, ecology] :: contamination, impurity
ρώγα {f} :: berry (of a grape) (small round fruit)
ρώγα {f} :: nipple
ρώγα {f} :: finger tip
ρώθων {m} :: alternative form of ρουθούνι
ρωμαίικος {adj} :: Greek, of the Greek people
ρωμαϊκός {adj} :: Roman (of or from Rome)
Ρωμαίος {prop} {m} :: Roman (a native or resident of Rome, a citizen of the Roman Republic or the Roman Empire)
Ρωμαίος {prop} {m} :: Romeo (character of William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet)
Ρώμη {prop} {f} :: Ρώμη (capital city)
Ρώμη {prop} {f} :: Rome (Ancient civilisation)
Ρωσία {prop} {f} :: Russia
Ρωσίδα {f} :: Russian (a person from Russia)
ρωσικά {np} :: The Russian language
Ρωσική Ομοσπονδία {prop} {f} :: Russian Federation
ρωσικός {adj} :: Russian (relating to Russia or its people or language)
Ρώσος {m} :: Russian (a person from Russia)
ρωτάω {v} :: ask [about]
ρωτάω {v} :: enquire [UK], inquire [US]
ρωτάω {v} :: question
ρώτημα {n} :: question, query
ρωτημένος {v} :: asked
ρωτώ {v} :: alternative form of ρωτάω