Category:Latvian verbs
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Latvian terms that indicate actions, occurrences or states.
- Category:Latvian verb forms: Latvian verbs that are inflected to display grammatical relations other than the main form.
- Category:Latvian ambitransitive verbs: Latvian verbs that may or may not direct actions, occurrences or states to grammatical objects.
- Category:Latvian impersonal verbs: Latvian verbs that do not indicate actions, occurrences or states of any specific grammatical subject.
- Category:Latvian verbs by inflection type: Latvian verbs organized by the type of inflection they follow.
- Category:Latvian intransitive verbs: Latvian verbs that don't require any grammatical objects.
- Category:Latvian perfective verbs: Latvian verbs that express actions considered as completed events, as opposed to ongoing or continuous.
- Category:Latvian reflexive verbs: Latvian verbs that indicate actions, occurrences or states directed from the grammatical subjects to themselves.
- Category:Latvian transitive verbs: Latvian verbs that indicate actions, occurrences or states directed to one or more grammatical objects.
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This category has the following 22 subcategories, out of 22 total.
- Latvian ambitransitive verbs (0 c, 63 e)
- Latvian second/third conjugation verbs (0 c, 6 e)
- Latvian unclassified verbs (0 c, 3 e)
- Latvian impersonal verbs (0 c, 1 e)
- Latvian perfective verbs (0 c, 5 e)
- Latvian third-person-only verbs (0 c, 18 e)
Pages in category "Latvian verbs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 625 total.
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