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From aiz- +‎ iet (to go).


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aiziet (intransitive, no conjugation, present aizeju, aizej, aiziet, past aizgāju)

  1. (perf., imperf. iet prom, iet projām) to leave, to go away, to escape (to depart from some place, from certain people)
    aiziet pa ceļuto go (away) on the road
    aiziet gar krastuto go (away) along the coast
    aiziet uz mājāmto go (away) into the house
    aiziet aiz stūrato go (away) around the corner
    domas aiziet tālā nākotnē(his) thoughts go (away) into the distant future
    aiziet no ģimenesto leave one's family
    aiziet no tēva mājāmto leave (one's) father's house
    aiziet no dzīvesto leave life (= to die)
    zēns atvadījās un aizgājathe boy said goodbye and left
    autobuss, vilciens aizietthe bus, the train is leaving
    pēdējais tramvajs jau aizgājisthe last tram has already left
    no rīta aiziet un vakarā atgrieztiesto leave in the morning and to come back at night
    dzērves nāk un aiziet lokiem slaikiemcranes come and go away (= fly away) forming slender arches (in the sky)
    sieviete ar kanniņu aiziet... viņa pazūd aiz Telts ielas stūraa woman with a pot is going away... she disappears behind the corner of Telts street
    pēc svētkiem Kārlēns aizgāja un solījās pārnākt atkal rudenīafter the holiday Kārlēns went away, promising to come back in autumn
    Dzidra no manis aizgāja galīgi... saglābjams tur vairs nekas nebijaDzidra clearly had left me definitely... there was nobody to save there anymore
    lietojot zarainās rungas, izdodas izlauzties no policijas aplenkuma un aizietusing big, knotty bludgeons, he managed to break the police siege and escape, go away
  2. to go somewhere, for a specific purpose
    aiziet uz teātra izrādito go to a theater show
    aiziet pie frizierato go to the hairdresser's
    aiziet pēc pienato go get some milk, to go for some milk
    aiziet ogās, riekstosto go (looking) for berries, nuts
    aiziet malku cirstto go chop wood
    aiziet paskatītiesto go have a look
    aiziet aprunātiesto go have a talk (with someone)
    aiziet gulētto go to sleep
    otrā dienā tēvs un māte jau agri aizgāja darbāthe other day, father and mother went to work very early
  3. to go (to start a new activity, a new phase in life, to change one's living conditions)
    aiziet uz jaunu dīvoklito go to a new apartment
    aiziet armijāto go to the army
    aiziet pensijāto go on a pension (= to start receiving a pension, to retire)
    aiziet pagrīdēto go underground (= to join a resistance movement)
    aiziet darbā par priekšsēdētājuto go work as a chairman (= to become chairman)
    aiziet (plašajā) pasaulēto go to the (wide) world (= to leave one's hometown)
    viņš šodien aiziet karātoday he is going to the war
  4. to go (to die, also figuratively)
    aiziet nebūtībā, aizsaulēto go to non-existence, to the underworld (= to die)
    aiziet pie tēviem, pie senčiemto go to one's fathers, ancestors (= to die)
    nemiers neaizietanxiety isn't going away (= disappearing, ending, dying)
    nekad Antonam prātā nebija ienākusi doma, ka sieva varētu aiziet pirmā, ka Hedviga vispār varētu mirtthe thought that his wife might go first, that Hedviga could die at all, had never entered Antons' head
    sen pagātnē aizgājusi baronu varaa long time ago the power of the barons had gone (= died, disappeared)
  5. (usually 3rd pers., of natural phenomena) to go (to move away, in reality or appearance)
    mēness aiziet aiz mākoņathe moon went behind a cloud
    aizejoša vakara blāzmathe going (= leaving, disappearing) evening glow
    arī vējš aizgāja līdzi lielajām šaltīm un pērkonam, lietus gāza vienā baltā straumēthe wind went together with the big showers and the thunder, the rain poured in one big white stream
  6. (usually 3rd pers., of time, time periods) to go, to go by, to pass
    aiziet gadiyears go by
    aiziet laikstime goes by
    mužs aiziet darbālife passes, goes by at work (= while we work)
    gaidu tikai vēl vakariņas, lai ietu gulēt; tad diena būs aizgājusi un nāks otraI am only waiting for dinner in order to go to sleep; then the day will have gone by, and another one will come
    ja jaunība aiziet bez priekiem, vecums vairs nesniedz neniekaif youth goes by without joy, (then) old age no longer offers anything
  7. (usually 3rd pers., of money, resources, goods) to go, to run out (to be finished, to be spent, to be ruined)
    visi sapelnītie latiņi aizgāja ārstiem un slimnīcaiall the earned lats (= money) went to doctors and hospital (bills)
    ugunsgrēkā aizgāja visa iedzīveall the property went (= was destroyed) in the fire
    izstrādājot no lietaskokiem zāģmateriālus, labākajā gadījumā pāri paliek tikai divas trešdaļas, viena trešdaļa aiziet atkritumoswhile producing lumber out of trees, in the best case scenario only two thirds of them will remain, one third will go to waste
  8. (usually 3rd pers., of mail, news, etc.) to go (to be sent, to be divulged)
    telegramma aiziet ātrithe telegram went fast
    dzejnieka slava aizgājusi tālu pāri savas zemes robežāmthe poet's fame has gone far beyond the borders of his country
    vai esat kādreiz sev jautājuši, cik diennaktī Rīgā pienāk un no Rīgas aiziet vēstuļu uz citām pilsētām, zemēm un kontinentiem?have you ever asked yourselves how many letters go in one day from Riga to other cities, countries and continents?
  9. (usually 3rd pers., of paths, roads, etc.) to go (to lead, to be placed in a certain direction, towards a certain place)
    “kurp tad sitas celiņš aiziet?” viņš piepeši iejautājās“where does this little road go to?” he suddenly asked
    aiz Ogres mums tūlīt jānogriežas mežā no lielceļa, kas aizejot uz Veldenibefore Ogres we must immediately turn to the forest (away) from the highway that goes to Veldene
    pāri Kundziņsalas rietumu daļai, pāri Daugavai aiziet augstsprieguma līnijas vadithe high-voltage wire lines go over the Daugava (river), over the west side of Kundziņa island
    kilometriem tālu aiziet balto ūdensrožu joslasthe belt of white lilies went on for kilometers
  10. third-person singular/plural present indicative of aiziet
  11. (with the particle lai) third-person singular imperative of aiziet
  12. (with the particle lai) third-person plural imperative of aiziet


Conjugation of aiziet
indicative (īstenības izteiksme) imperative
(pavēles izteiksme)
1st person sg es aizeju aizgāju aiziešu
2nd person sg tu aizej aizgāji aiziesi aizej
3rd person sg viņš, viņa aiziet aizgāja aizies lai aiziet
1st person pl mēs aizejam aizgājām aiziesim aiziesim
2nd person pl jūs aizejat aizgājāt aiziesit,
3rd person pl viņi, viņas aiziet aizgāja aizies lai aiziet
renarrative (atstāstījuma izteiksme) participles (divdabji)
present aizejot present active 1 (adj.) aizejošs
past esot aizgājis present active 2 (adv.) aiziedams
future aiziešot present active 3 (adv.) aizejot
imperative lai aizejot present active 4 (obj.) aizejam
conditional (vēlējuma izteiksme) past active aizgājis
present aizietu present passive aizejams
past būtu aizgājis past passive aiziets
debitive (vajadzības izteiksme) nominal forms
indicative (būt) jāaiziet infinitive (nenoteiksme) aiziet
conjunctive 1 esot jāaiziet negative infinitive neaiziet
conjunctive 2 jāaizejot verbal noun aiziešana



Derived terms
