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From the same stem as the adjective gatavs (ready) (q.v.), made into a regular 2nd-conjugation verb.[1]


  • IPA(key): [ɡatavuôt]
  • Audio:(file)



gatavot (transitive, 2nd conjugation, present gatavoju, gatavo, gatavo, past gatavoju)

  1. to prepare, to produce, to build, to make (to act so that something reaches a state desired or necessary for some use, some task, etc.)
    gatavot aparātusto prepare, to build engines, machines
    gatavot no māliem ķieģelusto prepare, to produce bricks with clay
    gatavot ķīmisku vielu maisījumuto prepare a mixture of chemicals
    gatavot zālesto prepare medicine
    pēc mākslinieku zīmējumiem fabrikas meistari gatavoja porcelāna izstrādājumusthe factory specialists prepared, produced the porcelain products according to the artist's drawings
  2. to prepare, to cook (to make food ready for consumption)
    gatavot pudiņuto prepare, to make a pudding
    gatavot brokastis, pusdienas, vakariņasto prepare, to cook breakfast, lunch, dinner
    ēdienus gatavoja divas saimnieces no Klidziņas klubatwo ladies from the Klidziņa club prepared, cooked the food
    biešu salātus var gatavot arī ar kartupeļiemone can prepare beet salad also with potatoes
  3. to prepare (to make ready for use)
    divas istabas tika gatavotas viesu uzņemšanaitwo rooms were prepared to receive guests
  4. (of texts, events) to prepare (to create, to organize)
    gatavot rakstu krājumuto prepare a collection of articles
    gatavot reportāžu, izrādito prepare a report, a show
    gatavot stunduto prepare a lesson (for the teacher, to prepare for teaching it; for the student, to learn it)
    Ozols gatavoja pārskatu par savu darbu pagastāOzols prepared a report, an overview of his work in the parish
    un tad viņi ieraudzīja to ilgi gatavoto jokuand then they saw that long-prepared joke
    bērni gatavo skolas uzdevumusthe children are preparing, doing the school exercises
  5. to prepare (to teach, to train someone, usually for a specific occupation)
    gatavot ārstusto prepare, to train doctors
    institūtā gatavo svešvalodu speciālistusin the institute they prepare foreign language specialists


Conjugation of gatavot
indicative (īstenības izteiksme) imperative
(pavēles izteiksme)
1st person sg es gatavoju gatavoju gatavošu
2nd person sg tu gatavo gatavoji gatavosi gatavo
3rd person sg viņš, viņa gatavo gatavoja gatavos lai gatavo
1st person pl mēs gatavojam gatavojām gatavosim gatavosim
2nd person pl jūs gatavojat gatavojāt gatavosiet,
3rd person pl viņi, viņas gatavo gatavoja gatavos lai gatavo
renarrative (atstāstījuma izteiksme) participles (divdabji)
present gatavojot present active 1 (adj.) gatavojošs
past esot gatavojis present active 2 (adv.) gatavodams
future gatavošot present active 3 (adv.) gatavojot
imperative lai gatavojot present active 4 (obj.) gatavojam
conditional (vēlējuma izteiksme) past active gatavojis
present gatavotu present passive gatavojams
past būtu gatavojis past passive gatavots
debitive (vajadzības izteiksme) nominal forms
indicative (būt) jāgatavo infinitive (nenoteiksme) gatavot
conjunctive 1 esot jāgatavo negative infinitive negatavot
conjunctive 2 jāgatavojot verbal noun gatavošana



(of "cook (food)"): cept, vārīt

Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
other derived terms:


  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “gatavs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN