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From ie- +‎ art (to plow).


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ieart (transitive or intransitive, 1st conjugation, present iearu, iear, iear, past iearu)

  1. to cover with earth while plowing; to plow into the earth (so that it is covered with earth)
    ieart zemē mēslusto plow manure into the earth
    ieart kartupeļus, nezālesto plow potatoes, weeds in (so as to cover them with earth)
    kūtsmēslus... var ieart rudenī vai pavasarīone can plow in manure in autumn or in spring
  2. to drive (something) into (earth, water, etc.)
    straume pienesa plostu pie malas; plostnieks nokāpa un ieara plosta arklu zemēthe strem brought the raft to the shore; the rafter came down and plowed the raft into the earth
    tad pārcēlājs pēkšņi iear airi ūdenī, ar milzu spēku notur laivu uz vietasthen the ferryman suddenly plowed the oars into the water and with great strength kept the boat on the (same) place (= immobile)
    rudais runcis Mika dziļi iear nagus zēna segāthe red-haired cat Mika plowed (his) nails deep into the boy's face
  3. to make furrow-like fissures, grooves (on a surface) with some moving object
    āķa gals iearis smiltīs dziļu rievuthe tip of the hook plowed a deep groove into the sand
    laivas vairs nebija... tikai smiltīs iearta rieva norādīja, ka tā iedzīta atpakaļ ezerāthe boat was no longer (there)... only the groove plowed into the sand showed that it (= boat) had been driven back into the lake
  4. (rare) to move into some place while plowing
    ieart kaimiņdaļāto plow into the neighbor's lot
  5. (syn. aizart) to begin (but not finish) plowing
    iearts lauks, tīrumsa plowed (but not finished) field


Conjugation of ieart
indicative (īstenības izteiksme) imperative
(pavēles izteiksme)
1st person sg es iearu iearu iearšu
2nd person sg tu iear ieari iearsi iear
3rd person sg viņš, viņa iear ieara iears lai iear
1st person pl mēs iearam iearām iearsim iearsim
2nd person pl jūs iearat iearāt iearsiet,
3rd person pl viņi, viņas iear ieara iears lai iear
renarrative (atstāstījuma izteiksme) participles (divdabji)
present iearot present active 1 (adj.) iearošs
past esot iearis present active 2 (adv.) ieardams
future iearšot present active 3 (adv.) iearot
imperative lai iearot present active 4 (obj.) iearam
conditional (vēlējuma izteiksme) past active iearis
present ieartu present passive iearams
past būtu iearis past passive iearts
debitive (vajadzības izteiksme) nominal forms
indicative (būt) jāiear infinitive (nenoteiksme) ieart
conjunctive 1 esot jāiear negative infinitive neieart
conjunctive 2 jāiearot verbal noun iearšana



Derived terms
