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From ap- +‎ vienot (to unite, to link).


  • IPA(key): [ɑbviɛ̯̂nuô̯t]
  • Audio:(file)



apvienot (transitive, 2nd conjugation, present apvienoju, apvieno, apvieno, past apvienoju)

  1. to unite, to combine, bring together (to make a single whole from separate parts, elements)
    apvienot sīkas saimniecības lielākāsto combine small farms into larger ones
    šos darba procesus var apvienotone can combine these work processes
    katra Šuberta dziesma kļuvusi par mazu psiholoģisku ainavu; šādas vokālās gleznas Šuberts dažkārt apvieno ciklāevery one of Schubert's songs became a small psychological landscape; Schubert sometimes combined such vocal paintings into a (single) cycle
  2. to bring together organizationally, to unite, to join, to combine, to include
    apvienot spēkusto join forces
    apvienot visus kopīgai cīņaito unite everybody for the common fight
    tā bija viena no milzu fabrikām, kura apvienoja sevī tūkstošiem strādniekuthat ones one of the giant factories that combined, included in itself thousands of workers
  3. to combine, to harmonize, to make work together
    apvienot darbu un mācības, darbu ar mācībāmto combine work and study
    apvienot derīgo ar patīkamoto combine the useful and the pleasant
    profesors mācīja savus skolniekus apvienot gaumes un skaistuma izjūtu ar īstu kompozīcijas tehnikuthe professor taught his students to combine taste and a feeling of beauty with true composition technique



Derived terms
