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From at- +‎ art (to plow).


  • IPA(key): [atâɾt]
  • Audio:(file)



atart (transitive or intransitive, 1st conjugation, present ataru, atar, atar, past ataru)

  1. (perfective, corresponding to imperfective art vaļā) to open, to uncover (something) while/by plowing
    jāpadziļina vaga un jāpaaugstina rinda, bet jāatar kartupeļiit was necessary to deepen the furrow and to raise the (planted) row, but it was necessary to plow the potatoes open
  2. to move away (toward some place) while plowing
    atart līdz tīruma malaito plow away as far as the edge of the field
    atart līdz grāvimto plow away toward, as far as the ditch
    mēs abi ar vagām normali gan, bet barons paliek ceļmalā... un gaida, mūs atarotwe both were doing OK with the furrows, but the baron stayed at the edge of the road... and waited, (while) we plowed away



