The Wiktionarians are the people who make, and read, this website. The region specification helps (sometimes) identify what perspective people are coming from, as well as identifying who to ask for help, for specific questions about any given dialect.
Listing by country
[edit]- Black-Velvet
- Chrismo
- Hippietrail
- Richardb (–2009)
- Tooironic
- Ⓥⓛⓐⓓ (–2004)
- Werdna
- Atitarev (Anatoli Titarev)
- RainbowToffee (Lily)
- SwearingCreeper
- This, that and the other
- H. (living in Germany)
- Polyglot
- SPQRobin
- Vildricianus (–2006)
- Vin
- Artur
- Daniel Carrero
- Davi
- Jesielt
- Juwan (living in Portugal)
- Luan
- Marcot (–2007)
- MedK
- Pereru (–2015)
- Polomo
- Protegmatic
- Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV
- VABritto
- វ័ណថារិទ្ធ (Vantharith) (–2011)
- 24 (–2005)
- Circeus
- Eclecticology (–2013)
- Internoob
- Yair rand
- Dan Polansky
- Jan Kameníček
- Tabberib (native speaker to both English & Czech)
- Deleet (–2013)
- Nielsheur (–2013)
- ContraVentum
- Pinnerup
- Gamren
- Andres
- Flying Saucer
- Jeraphine Gryphon (–2012)
- Joonas07
- Kipmaster (-2012)
- Koxinga
- Lmaltier
- Mglovesfun (talk; 2009-2014)
- WikiLucas00
- Caligari
- H. (born in Belgium)
- Jberkel (currently in Catalonia)
- Mutante
- Ozelot911 (living in U.S.)
- Zeitlupe
- Tc14Hd (aka Marc)
- Aɴɢʀ (originally U.S.)
- BiT
- Jóhann Heiðar Árnason (–2009)
- Krun
- AryamanA (of Indian nationality, currently in the United States)
- Kutchkutch
- Pulimaiyi
- Rajasekhar1961
- Svartava
- The Witty Warrior
- Veeven (–2009)
- Camelista27
- DDG9912 (Danisht Dzakwan Greyhouse)
- Ekirahardian (Naufal Rizky Rahardian)
- PutriAmalia1991 (Putri Amalia)
- Alison (-2008)
- Yaron
- JulieKahan (born in US)
- Cymelo (born in Italy, currently living in Switzerland)
- Gloria sah
- Pharamp (–2012)
- Liria1312 (born in Albania, living in Finland)
- Imetsia (living in the United States)
- Dentonius (currently in Germany)
- CodeCat
- DrJos
- GerardM
- InfoSlave (–2007)
- Mammal (–2009)
- Mnemosientje
- Salaskan (–2007)
- wietsezuyderwijk (–2006)
- Eivind
- Njardarlogar (native speaker, fluent in both Nynorsk and Bokmål)
- Jon Harald Søby
- Ptalatas (living in Denmark, studying Greek)
- Tollef Salemann
- Hunain (being raised in UK)
- icqgirl (–2011)
- Blysk (–2009)
- Lukasz Wojciech Hebda (living in the Netherlands)
- Profesjonalizm
- Tweenk
- Vininn126 (–2019)
- Dennis Valeev (–2007)
- Jaroslavleff (–2010)
- Smuconlaw
- verily nest no settingsuns [ mai tok paeij ] (–2011)
- benjamin
- Red Prince (born and raised in SK, for the last 20+ years has lived in the US; –2004)
- Andrew massyn (–2007)
- ceNobiteElf (–2013)
- Allan
- Celestianpower
- Conrad.Irwin
- Equinox
- Fleur
- Vikram Aarella (–2006)
- Gazamp
- Jonathan Webley
- niallj
- Paul G
- Pkbwcgs
- SemperBlotto
- Sjc
- Spacevezon
- Thorskegga (–2008)
- Thryduulf
- Widsith (living in Switzerland)
- Williamsayers79
- Woofboy (–2007)
- Wytukaze
- A D Monroe III
- Apisite (Twin Falls, Idaho)
- Ardonik
- ArielGlenn
- AryamanA
- Atelaes (–2014)
- Atlantima
- AugPi
- Bennmorland (Benn)
- Benwing
- Bequw (DC)
- Blurpeace (–2011)
- Brholden (–2007)
- Bumm13
- Carolina wren
- ChiefDoggyDaddy (Tennessee; –2012)
- Chuck Entz (Los Angeles)
- Comrade Nick
- Connel MacKenzie
- DAVilla
- DCDuring
- Dijan
- Dran
- Dvortygirl
- Długosz (John; –2005)
- ebix1 (Thomas)
- Erutuon (MN)
- Gormflaith (RI, OH)
- Haplology (living in Japan; –2016)
- ILVI (Jay Bowks; –2009)
- IrishDragon (Idaho; –2008)
- Jacecar (PA, OH, and others; –2012)
- Jdickinson
- Jeffqyzt (MD; –2007)
- JohnC5 (DC)
- Julia
- Jun-Dai (San Francisco)
- Kevin Rector
- Kjtobo (Karen J. Tobo)
- Koavf (Indianapolis, Indiana, Midwest)
- Lady Aleena (–2008)
- Leasnam
- Mark4011 (2005)
- Medellia (–2008)
- Metaknowledge
- Mike Dillon (–2008)
- msh210
- Muke Tever
- Nbarth (Nils Barth)
- Neskaya
- Nicole Sharp (Appalachian Maryland)
- ObsequiousNewt (IA)
- Ortonmc
- PanCogito (–2005)
- Panda10
- Phroziac
- Purplebackpack89 (Southern California)
- Romanophile (Texas)
- PseudoSkull (South Carolina/Ohio)
- Pufferfish101
- Quintucket (living in Turkey)
- Razorflame
- Rainmonger
- rappo
- RogueScholar (Northern California)
- rsvk
- Ruakh
- Sack36
- SalomeCzapiewski
- Sewnmouthsecret (–2012)
- +Sj+
- Smartguy8 (–2007)
- SnoopY (–2007)
- Stephen G. Brown
- Stevey7788 (talk page)
- Tedius Zanarukando
- Teh Rote (NC)
- ThaesOfereode, upstate New York
- TheDaveRoss (VT)
- Tormod (–2008)
- Ultimateria (TX)
- Velociped (–2008)
- Versageek (CT)
- Vorziblix (born in Yugoslavia, currently in Indiana)
- Whoop whoop pull up (Central Massachusetts → north-central Minnesota)
- WikiWinters (PA)
- Yorktown1776 (–2006)
- Xbony2 (NC)
Note: For an alphabetical list of all registered users, see Special:Listusers.