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From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Alter ego



IPA: / vɛ' losɪpɛd /



Proper noun



A truncated adaptation of the proto-bicycle term velocipede. It was adopted as an IRC nick over a decade ago and references the fact that I favor the bicycle as my primary form of daily transportation. Most IRC networks limit the nick name length to nine characters; thus velociped was born.

How and why I came to be here


Having heard vague references to the Wikimedia projects for over a year in 2004, it was not until reading a newspaper article on the efforts of contributors from my region of the county, North Central Texas, that I became interested in contributing. After visiting the site a few times and having a look around, I decided that participation would compliment my other net related projects quite nicely.

Though I originally became a member of the sister site, Wikipedia, I find myself contributing more to the Wiktionary. However, I find both to be fascinating and extremely worthy endeavors and look forward to many years of my own contributions.

Language and history are two of my favorite subjects and giving back to the internet community with my knowledge of these topics is a great way to assist others.
