Wiktionary:Place names
- For the place name policy, see Wiktionary:Criteria for inclusion#Place names.
This is a list of all types of place names separated by country. Please explain all the place names that a country use (city, town, county, province, state, prefecture, etc. when applicable).
Some suggestions to enrich the descriptions for placenames of each country:
- Official status:
- Mention if a type of place is official status in the country or not. (e.g., in some countries, "city" is an official, government-sanctioned status, in others it's just arbitrary usage of the word)
- Say if there's an official term prefered instead of "city" or "town". (like "municipality")
- Say if an English speaker would usually use terms like "town"/"city" regardless of the words that the native speakers use.
- Usage/sources
- Feel free to provide external links and/or links to Wikipedia as sources.
- Link to current categories that Wiktionary uses.
- Link to categories that Wikipedia uses.
- Languages:
- Comprehensiveness:
- Mention all types of placename, down to the smallest ones such as "village" or "borough".
- Mention any obscure types of placenames like "region" or "macroregion" (which could maybe be a group of cities, a group of states, etc., depending on the country).
- Mention former types of placenames, i.e. that a country does not have anymore.
- Explain the capitals that the country has, such as capitals of states/provinces and say if the capital of the country is the capital of the state too.
- Appeal/illustration:
- Add some map or image if you'd like!
This list can be used when deciding names of categories and formatting definitions.
Note: See #Brazil for example. Once more countries are created here, remove this line.
See also Template:place, the template used to generate definitions of place names.
List of countries
[edit]- 7 parishes (parròquies)
- Some parishes are subdivided into quarters (quarts)
- One parish (Canillo) subdivided into 10 veïnats
[edit]Antigua and Barbuda
[edit]- Divided into six parishes and two dependencies
[edit]- 6 traditional regions (Cuyo, Gran Chaco, Mesopotamia, Noroeste, Pampa, Patagonia)
- 23 provinces (provincia) and the autonomous city of Buenos Aires.
- 377 departments (departamentos)
- departments are further divided into municipalities (municipios)
[edit]- 6 states, 3 federal territories, 7 external territories
- 547 local government areas (LGAs), which can either be cities, boroughs shires, or unorganised areas. These are subdivided into localities (rural) and suburbs (urban).
[edit]- 9 states (Land)
- States subdivided into districts (Bezirk) and statutory cities (Statutarstadt)
[edit]- 67 districts (rayon) and 11 cities (şəhər). Districts are further subdivided into municipalities (bələdiyyə)
[edit]- 8 regions (বিভাগ (bibhag))
- 64 districts (জেলা (jela))
- 495 subdistricts or upazilas (উপজেলা (upojela))
- 330 towns, governed by municipal corporations (পৌর কর্পোরেশন (pōur korpōreśon))
- 12 cities, governed by city corporations (সিটি কর্পোরেশন (śiṭi korpōreśon)): Dhaka, Chattogram, Khulna, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Mymensingh, Ragpur, Comilla, Borishal, Narayanganj and Gazipur
- 495 subdistricts or upazilas (উপজেলা (upojela))
[edit]- 6 regions (Belarusian: вобласць (vóblascʹ), Russian: область (oblastʹ) ) and the city of Minsk.
- Regions are divided into districts (Belarusian: раён (rajón), Russian: район (rajon))
[edit]- 3 regions (Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia)
- 10 provinces, 5 each for Flanders and Wallonia.
- 581 municipalities (Dutch: gemeente, French: commune, German: Gemeinde)
[edit]- 6 districts
- Districts subdivided into constituencies
[edit]- Divided into 20 dzongkhags, or districts
- Each district is subdivided into gewogs, or groups of villages
- Gewogs are subdivided into chewogs for elections and thromdes "municipalities" for administration
[edit]- 9 departments (departamentos)
- Departments subdivided into provinces (provincias)
- Provinces subdivided into municipalities (municipios)
- Municipalities subdivided into cantons (cantones)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
[edit]- 3 federal-level entities: Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina (FBH), Republika Srpska and the condominium of Brčko District. FBH is divided into 10 cantons, in turn divided into 64 municipalities (opština/општина), and Republika Srpska is divided into 65 municipalities.
- Brazil has 27 federative units: 26 states (estados) and 1 federal district (Federal District/Distrito Federal). Until 1988 there was a third type, federal territory.
- Brazil is divided into 5 regions, where the federative units are located: South, Southeast, North, Northeast and Center-West.
- Each state is officially divided into municipalities (municípios).
- But the Federal District, not being a state, is officially divided into "administrative regions" (regiões administrativas), not municipalities. (See List of administrative regions in Federal District.)
- The municipalities with an urban area are commonly called cities (non-official). Small municipalities are called towns in English sometimes. (non-official)
- Often, a state is divided into multiple levels of "regions", including "mesoregions" and "microregions", each comprised of multiple municipalities. Wikipedia article List of municipalities in Bahia illustrates those divisions in the state of Bahia. There are arbitrary regions such as Chapada Diamantina and Greater São Paulo that don't qualify as "mesoregion" or "microregion".
- Each municipality is further divided into neighborhoods (bairros).
- Brasília is an administrative region (i.e., not a municipality) in the Federal District. Brasília is the capital of the Federal District and also the capital of the country.
Current categories:
- Category:en:States of Brazil
- Category:en:Regions of Brazil
- Category:en:Municipalities in Brazil
- With subcategories such as: Category:en:Municipalities in São Paulo, Brazil
- Category:en:Cities in Brazil
[edit]Burkina Faso
[edit]Divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. Further subdivisions vary depending on the province or territory.
- Alberta: 74 municipal districts, 19 cities, 105 towns, 80 villages, and 51 summer villages
- British Columbia: 28 regional districts, subdivided into 52 cities, 50 district municipalities, 1 Indian government district, 1 island municipality, 1 mountain resort municipality, 1 resort municipality, 14 towns, 42 villages and 312 Indian reserves
- Manitoba: 97 rural municipalities, 10 cities, 25 towns and 2 villages
Cape Verde
[edit]Central African Republic
[edit]- 17 regions (regiones)
- Regions subdivided into provinces (provincias)
- Provinces subdivided into communes (comunas)
[edit]- Province-level divisions: 22 provinces (省), 5 autonomous regions (自治區 / 自治区 (zìzhìqū): Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Tibet, Xinjiang), 2 special administrative regions (特別行政區 / 特别行政区 (tèbié xíngzhèngqū): Hong Kong and Macau) and 4 directly-administered municipalities (直轄市 / 直辖市 (zhíxiáshì): Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, Tianjin)
- Prefecture-level divisions: 293 prefecture-level cities (地級市 / 地级市 (dìjíshì)), 7 prefectures (地區 / 地区 (dìqū) only in Heilongjiang, Tibet and Xinjiang), 30 autonomous prefectures (自治州 (zìzhìzhōu))
[edit]- 32 departments (departamentos) and one capital district
- Departments subdivided into municipalities (municipios)
- Municipalities subdivided into corregimientos in rural areas and comunas in urban areas
[edit]Democratic Republic of the Congo
[edit]Republic of the Congo
[edit]Costa Rica
[edit]- 7 provinces (provincias)
- Provinces subdivided into cantons (cantones)
- Cantons subdivided into districts (distritos)
[edit]- Formerly six large historical provinces (provincias)
- Currently 15 provinces and one special municipality (Isla de la Juventud)
- Provinces subdivided into municipalities (municipios)
[edit]Czech Republic
[edit]- The Czech Republic has 14 higher-level territorial administrative units (vyšší územní samosprávné celky): 13 regions (kraje) + Prague (officially the Capital City of Prague, Hlavní město Praha).
- These regions are subdivided into 76 districts (okresy); Prague does not belong into any of them.
[edit]- 5 regions (region) and the home rule territories of Faroe Islands and Greenland
- 98 municipalities (kommune)
[edit]Dominican Republic
[edit]- 31 provinces (provincias)
- Provinces subdivided into municipalities (municipios)
East Timor
[edit]- 24 provinces (provincias)
- Provinces subdivided into cantons (cantones)
[edit]- 27 governorates (مُحَافَظَة (muḥāfaẓa), subdivided into markaz or counties (مَرْكَز (markaz), pl. marakiz مَرَاكِز (marākiz)), qism (قِسْم (qism), pl. aqsam أَقْسَام (ʔaqsām)), and cities.
- Counties and aqsam are divided into villages, and cities divided into districts.
- Districts may be further divided into subdistricts.
El Salvador
[edit]- 14 departments (departamentos)
- Departments subdivided into municipalities (municipios)
Equatorial Guinea
[edit]- 7 provinces (provincias)
- Provinces subdivided into districts (distritos)
[edit]- 17 counties (maakond), all of them existing as geographical and statistical units after the abolition of county governments in 2017.
- Counties divided into urban municipalities or cities/towns (linn) and rural municipalities or parishes (vald).
[edit]- 12 regions (ክልል (kəll)) and 2 chartered cities (አስተዳደር አካባቢ (ʾästädadär ʾäkababi): Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa)
[edit]- 4 divisions (Central Division, Eastern Division, Northern Division, Southern Division) and the autonomous island of Rotuma
- Division divided into 14 provinces (yasana)
- Provinces divided into 17 districts.
[edit]- 19 regions (Finnish maakunta, Swedish landskap), including Åland, which has greater autonomy over most regions.
- Regions are divided into 70 sub-regions (Finnish seutukunta, Swedish ekonomisk region). These are mostly for statistics purposes and have no administrative value.
- Sub-regions are divided into 320 municipalities (Finnish kunta, Swedish kommun)
- Historically, from 1634 to 2009, there were provinces (Finnish: lääni, Swedish: län)
- There are 15 Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (Finnish: elinkeino-,_liikenne-_ja_ympäristökeskus|elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus, abbreviated ely-keskus, Swedish: närings-,_trafik-_och_miljöcentralen, abbreviated NTM-centralen)
[edit]- 19 regions (région): 13 are in Metropolitan France and 6 are overseas
- 96 departments (département)
- The departments are subdivided into:
- 320 arrondissements (non-governing)
- 1,995 cantons (non-governing)
- 34,826 communes, either cities, towns or villages
[edit]The Gambia
[edit]- 2 autonomous republics (ავტონომიური რესპუბლიკა (avṭonomiuri resṗubliḳa): Abkhazia and Adjara, Abkhazia being de facto under control of the unrecognized state of South Ossetia) and 9 regions (მხარე (mxare)), divided into 76 municipalities (მუნიციპალიტეტი (municiṗaliṭeṭi))
[edit]- 16 states (Land)
- 13 area states (Flächenland)
- 3 city states (Stadtstaat: Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen)
- The area states are further subdivided into districts (Kreis)
- Some states divide districts into Ämte, which are then divided into municipalities
- Districts are further subdivided into municipalities (Gemeinde)
[edit]- 13 regions (περιφέρεια (periféreia)) and the autonomous region of Mount Athos
- 332 municipalities (δήμος (dímos))
[edit]- Divided into 6 parishes
[edit]- Divided into 22 departments (departamentos)
- Departments subdivided into municipalities (municipios)
[edit]- 18 departments (departamentos)
- Departments subdivided into municipalities (municipalidades)
- Municipalities subdivided into aldeas
- Aldeas subdivided into caserios
- Some caserios subdivided into barrios or colonias
[edit]- 19 counties (vármegye) and 23 cities with county rights (including Budapest). The counties are further divided into districts (járás)
- Budapest is divided into 23 districts (kerület)
[edit]- 8 regions, which mostly exist for statistical purposes.
- 63 municipalities (sveitarfélag)
[edit]- 28 states and 8 union territories
- States and union territories are further divided into divisions, except in Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat, Kerala, Manipur, Mizoram, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Tripura, and five union territories (Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Lakshadweep and Puducherry)
- Divisions and states/union territories without divisions are subdivided into 766 districts (zillas)
- Districts are subdivided into 6057 subdistricts (also termed mandals, circles, subdivisions, tehsils or taluks).
[edit]- 38 provinces (provinsi, including Jakarta, Aceh, Special Region of Yogyakarta and the provinces forming West Papua)
- 416 regencies (kabupaten) and 98 cities (kota)
- 7,252 districts (kecamatan)
- 83,411 subdistricts (kelurahan in urban areas, desa in rural areas)
- In Aceh, subdistricts are called gampong.
[edit]Republic of Ireland
[edit]- 6 districts (מְחוֹזוֹת m pl (m'khozot) each having around a million people and one area (אֵזוֹר m sg (ezór). CBS example
- Which are further divided into fifteen sub-districts (נָפוֹת f pl (nafót)), although two of these include the same area as the district and such are not usually listed.
- 3 metropolitan areas, a separate distinction from districts. CBS example
- There are 3 types of local government: Government website
- City or municipal councils (עִירִיּוֹת f pl (ʿiriyót)) – an authority with the status of a city.
- Local councils (מוֹעְצוֹת מְקוֹמִיּוֹת f pl (mo'atsót mekomiyót)) – an authority that is not large enough to have the status of a city.
- Regional councils (מוֹעְצוֹת אֵזוֹרִיּוֹת f pl (mo'atsót ezoriyót)) – an authority of several settlements, usually rural. The most common form of communities are kibbutzim and moshavim.
- However most of these divisions are mainly used for administrative purposes and colloquially (in addresses for example) only the local types are used and sometimes their divisions (e.g. kibbutzim and moshavim).
- Cities are sometimes divided into neighbourhoods (שְׁכוּנוֹת f pl (sh'khunót)) or older ones into quarters (רובעים / רֹבָעִים f pl (rova'ím)), but these are usually descriptive (e.g. לב העיר (lev ha'ir, literally “heart of the city”), הרובע היהודי (harova' hay'hudí, literally “the Jewish quarter”)) and might be considered SOP.
[edit]Ivory Coast
[edit]- 47 prefectures (都道府県 (todōfuken), including Tokyo, Hokkaido, and the urban prefectures (府 (fu)) of Kyoto and Osaka)
- 792 cities (市 (shi), including Tokyo's special wards (特別区 (tokubetsu-ku)), 743 towns (町 (machi)) and 143 villages (村 (mura))
Other subdivisions are:
- 8 traditional regions (地方 (chihō)): Hokkaido, Tōhoku, Kantō, Chūbu, Kansai (Kinki), Chūgoku, Shikoku and Kyushu. These subdivisions do not have any administrative value, but are used in statistics collection, geography and weather reports; such often feature in names of regional companies and institutions. Some regional schemes further divide Chūbu into Tōkai (composed of Aichi, Gifu, Mie and Shizuoka prefectures, and sometimes the southern part of Yamanashi Prefecture) and Hokuriku (composed of Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures, and sometimes Niigata Prefecture), the prefectures of Yamanashi, Nagano and Niigata may be grouped into the Kōshin'etsu region separate from Kantō, and Okinawa Prefecture may be treated as a separate region from Kyushu.
- 354 districts (郡 (gun)). These are non-governing divisions below prefectures, but are used in addresses and maps. These are usually divided into towns and villages (see above)
- 158 subprefectures (支庁 (shichō)): the main subdivision of Hokkaido. Some prefectures also have subprefectures (Kagoshima, Miyazaki, Tokyo, Shimane and Yamagata).
- wards (区 (ku)), only in certain cities (Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Fukuoka, Kobe, Kawasaki, Kyoto, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai, Chiba, Kitakyushu, Sakai, Niigata, Hamamatsu, Kumamoto, Sagamihara, Okayama and Shizuoka). Tokyo's special wards are considered city-level subdivisions (see above).
[edit]- 17 regions (Kazakh: облыс (oblys)) and the independent cities of Almaty, Astana and Shymkent
- 170 districts (Kazakh: аудан (audan))
[edit]- 8 provinces (Swahili: mkoa)
- 47 counties (Swahili: kaunti)
- 497 divisions (Swahili: tarafa)
- 2,427 locations (Swahili: mtaa)
North Korea
[edit]Note: Korean terms listed here are romanized according to the McCune-Reischauer system; the Revised Romanization (RR) is provided after the MR romanization. In case the MR and RR are the same, only one romanization is provided
- The first-level divisions are 9 provinces (도 (道, MR: to, RR: do)) and 4 special cities (특별시 (特別市, MR: t'ŭkpyŏlsi, RR: teukbyeolsi): Pyongyang, Kaesong, Nampo and Rason)
- The 9 provinces are divided into 27 cities (시 (市, si), excluding the 4 special cities above) and 82 counties (군 (郡, MR: kun, RR: gun))
- The 27 cities (including the 4 special cities) are subdivided into neighborhoods 동 (洞, MR: tong, RR: dong))
- Counties are further subdivided into towns (읍 (邑, ŭp, eup)), and villages (리 (里, ri). Some counties may also have workers' districts (로동자구 (勞動者區, rodongjagu)).
South Korea
[edit]- The first-level divisions are 9 provinces (도 (道, do)), 1 special city (특별시 (特別市, teukbyeolsi): Seoul), 1 special self-governing city (특별자치시 (特別自治市, teukbyeoljachisi): Sejong) and 6 metropolitan cities (광역시 ( 廣域市, gwang'yeoksi): Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Daejeon, Gwangju and Ulsan)
- The 9 provinces are divided into 75 cities (시 (市, si), excluding the 8 special cities above) and 82 counties (군 (郡, gun))
- The 83 cities (including the 8 special cities) as well as Jeju and Seogwipo are divided into 104 districts (구 (區, gu))
- Busan, Incheon, Daegu and Ulsan are also subdivided into counties in addition to districts.
- Counties are further subdivided into towns (읍 (邑, eup)), townships (면 (面, myeon)) and villages (리 (里, ri), and districts and cities without districts are further subdivided into neighborhoods (동 (洞, dong)
[edit]- 7 regions (Kyrgyz: облус (oblus)) and 2 cities of republican importance (Bishkek and Osh)
- Regions subdivided into 44 districts (район (rayon)), including the districts of Bishkek, and 13 cities of regional importance.
- Districts are further divided into cities of district importance, urban-type settlements and villages.
[edit]- 36 municipalities (novads) and 6 state cities (valstspilsēta).
- municipalities subdivided into cities/towns (pilsēta) and parishes (pagasts).
[edit]- 9 governorates (مُحَافَظَة (muḥāfaẓa), subdivided into 25 districts (قَضَاء (qaḍāʔ))
[edit]- 10 counties (apskritis), all of them existing as geographical and statistical units after the abolition of county governments in 2010.
- Counties subdivided into 60 municipalities (savivaldybė).
- 43 district municipalities (rajono savivaldybė), which were previously districts or raions during the Soviet era.
- 7 urban municipalities or parishes (miesto savivaldybė).
- 10 regular municipalities, created after 1994.
[edit]- 22 regions (Malagasy: faritra, French: région)
- Regions subdivided into districts (Malagasy: distrika, French: district)
- Districts subdivided into communes (Malagasy: kaominina, French: commune)
- Communes subdivided into fokontany
[edit]- Three regions: Central, Northern, Southern
- Regions are subdivided into districts
[edit]- 13 states (negeri) and 3 federal districts (wilayah persekutuan: Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya)
- 17 divisions (bahagian, in Sabah and Sarawak only)
- 19 cities (bandar raya), 39 municipalities (bandar), and 92 districts (daerah)
[edit]Marshall Islands
[edit]- 31 states (estados), which are divided into (municipios), and the federal district of Mexico City, divided into 16 boroughs (delegaciones).
- Municipalities are further divided into neighborhoods (colonias).
Federated States of Micronesia
[edit]- Divided into 4 states
- Each state is subdivided into municipalities
[edit]- Top-level divisions
- 7 regions (တိုင်းဒေသကြီး (tuing:desa.kri:))
- 7 states (ပြည်နယ် (pranynai))
- 1 union territory (ပြည်ထောင်စုနယ်မြေ (pranyhtaungcu.nai-mre))
- 1 self-administered regions (ကိုယ်ပိုင်အုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရ တိုင်း (kuiypuing-uphkyuphkwang.ra. tuing:))
- 7 self-administered zones (ကိုယ်ပိုင်အုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ (kuiypuing-uphkyuphkwang.ra.desa.))
[edit]- 14 administrative districts grouped into 8 electoral constituencies
- Districts are subdivided into villages
[edit]- 7 provinces (प्रदेश (pradeś))
- 77 districts (जिल्ला (jillā)), which are subdivided into:
- 6 metropolitan cities (महानगरपालिका (mahānagarpālikā)): Kathmandu, Pokhara, Bharatpur, Lalitpur, Birgunj, Biratnagar
- 11 sub-metropolitan cities (उपमहानगरपालिका (upamhānagarpālikā)
- 276 municipalities (नगरपालिका (nagarpālikā)
- 460 rural municipalities (गाउँपालिका (gāũpālikā)
[edit]- 12 provinces (provincie)
- Provinces subdivided into municipalities (gemeente), which are mostly administrative in nature.
- Municipalities are subdivided into places (woonplaats), which represent individual settlements. A municipality may have only one place in it, or it may have many individual places spread across a wider area.
- No legal distinction is made between places of different sizes or statuses. woonplaats covers anything from a tiny hamlet to a big city. A woonplaats may not even have anyone living in it (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is one).
New Zealand
[edit]- 16 regions (Maori: ngā tākiwa)
- 13 regions and 53 districts and the Chatham Islands
[edit]- 15 departments (departamentos) and 2 autonomous communities
- Departments subdivided into municipalities (municipios)
[edit]North Macedonia
[edit]Note: Norwegian terms linked here are generally in Bokmål, with the Nynorsk equivalent listed after. Where the term in Bokmål and Nynorsk is the same, only the form in Bokmål is linked.
- 15 counties (fylke) forming Metropolitan Norway, and the integral territories of Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
- Counties are divided into 442 municipalities (kommune).
- Three municipalities (Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger) are further divided into boroughs.
[edit]- 7 provinces (صوبہ (sūbah))
- 39 divisions (ڈویژن (ḍivīzhan))
- 170 districts (ضلع (ẓilā))
- 655 tehsils (تحصیل (tahsīl))
[edit]- 2 regions (West Bank and Gaza Strip)
- 16 governorates (مُحَافَظَة (muḥāfaẓa): 11 in the West Bank and 5 in the Gaza Strip), including areas under Israeli control. These are subdivided into cities, towns, villages, refugee camps and neighborhoods.
[edit]- 10 provinces (provincias)
- Provinces subdivided into districts (distritos)
- Districts subdivided into corregimientos
Papua New Guinea
[edit]- 20 provinces, the autonomous territory of Bougainville (planned for independence by 2027) and the capital territory of Port Moresby.
[edit]- 17 departments (departamentos) and one capital district
[edit]- 25 regions (regiones)
- Regions subdivided into provinces (provincias)
- Provinces subdivided into districts (distritos)
[edit]- 17 regions (rehiyon): 16 are administrative, and 1 (Bangsamoro) is autonomous
- 81 provinces (lalawigan or probinsiya)
- 145 cities (lungsod or siyudad) and 1,489 municipalities (bayan or munisipalidad)
- Certain cities are further divided into administrative districts (distrito). These divisions are non-governing, geographical units used in addresses.
- Manila, Davao City, Iloilo City and Samal have their districts defined by law.
- Other cities such as Quezon City or Caloocan have districts, but their boundaries are not defined in law, nonetheless these are commonly used in addressing. Those districts are usually former barangays that have been split into smaller ones.
- 42,029 barangays
[edit]- 16 provinces or voivodeships (województwa)
- 379 counties (powiaty)
- 2479 municipalities (gminy)
[edit]- Portugal has three tiers of administration:
- Since 2013 there exist two áreas metropolitanas (metropolitan areas)
- Comunidades intermunicipais (intermunicipal communities) replaced the former urban communities
- Outside of mainland Portugal exist two regiões autónomas (autonomous regions)
[edit]- 89 federal subjects (субъект федерации (subʺjekt federacii)), 6 of which are internationally recognized as part of Ukraine, namely Donetsk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Crimea, Zaporozhye and Sevastopol. These are subdivided into these subclasses:
- 24 republics (республика (respublika))
- 9 krais (край (kraj))
- 48 oblasts (область (oblastʹ))
- 3 federal cities (город федерального значения (gorod federalʹnovo značenija)): Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Sevastopol
- 1 autonomous oblast (автономная область (avtonomnaja oblastʹ)): Jewish Autonomous Oblast
- 4 autonomous okrugs (автономный округ (avtonomnyj okrug)): Nenetsk, Yamalia, Khantia-mansia and Chukotka
- Each federal subject, except the federal cities, are subdivided into:
- districts (район (rajon)), 1873 are administrative districts and 1823 are municipal districts, include those in territories internationally recognized as part of Ukraine.
- cities of federal subject significance (город федерального значения (gorod federalʹnovo značenija))
[edit]Saint Kitts and Lewis
[edit]Saint Lucia
[edit]Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
[edit]San Marino
[edit]- 9 municipalities (castelli), including the capital city
- Each municipality has a main settlement known as a capoluogo
- Municipalities subdivided into parishes or curacies (curazie)
São Tomé and Príncipe
[edit]Saudi Arabia
[edit]- Divided into 13 regions / provinces
- Provinces are subdivided into 118 governorates (محافظة)
- Governorates are subdivided into sub-governorates
- Regional capitals are not part of any governorate, but are governed by municipal councils (أمانة)
[edit]- 14 regions
- Regions subdivided into departments
- Departments subdivided into arrondissements
[edit]- 3 province-level divisions: Central Serbia, Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohija (disputed). Vojvodina and the disputed Kosovo and Metohija (under control of the de facto independent state of Kosovo) are autonomous provinces with their own administration. Remainder of country is under Central Serbia, which is under direct control and has no autonomous authority.
- 145 municipalities (општина/opština) and 29 cities (град/grad)
[edit]Sierra Leone
[edit]Solomon Islands
[edit]- 6 federal states (dowlad), including the de facto independent state of Somaliland.
- States subdivided into 18 regions (gobol)
South Africa
[edit]- 9 provinces
South Sudan
[edit]- 17 autonomous communities (comunidades autónomas) and 2 autonomous cities (ciudades autónomas: Ceuta and Melilla)
- 50 provinces (provincias)
- 8,131 municipalities (municipios)
- Municipalities are further subdivided into comarcas, but these have geographical units with no administration
- Catalonia's provinces are subdivided into comarques, which are then subdivided into municipalities (Catalan: municipis)
Sri Lanka
[edit]- 7 provinces (Sinhala: පළාත (paḷāta), Tamil: மாகாணம் (mākāṇam))
- 25 districts (Sinhala: දිස්ත්රික්ක (distrikka), Tamil: மாவட்டம் (māvaṭṭam))
[edit]- 26 cantons (German: Kanton, French: canton, Italian: cantone, Romansch: chantun)
- The cantons are further subdivided into districts (German: Bezirk, French: district, Italian: distretto)
- The districts are further subdivided into 2,636 municipalities (German: Gemeinde, French: commune, Italian: comune, Romansch: vischnanca)
[edit]- 14 governorates (مُحَافَظَة (muḥāfaẓa), subdivided into 61 districts (مِنْطَقَة (minṭaqa)). This includes areas under de facto control of the AANES (Autonomous Administration of North East Syria, aka Rojava) and Israel (as with the Golan Heights).
[edit]- 2 provinces (省 (shěng), non-governing): Taiwan and Fujian
- 13 counties 縣/县 (xiàn), 6 special municipalities (直轄市/直辖市 (zhíxiáshì): Taipei, Kaohsiung, New Taipei City, Taichung, Tainan, Taitung and Taoyuan) and 3 cities (市 (shì): Chiayi, Hsinchu and Keelung)
[edit]- 2 regions (вилоят (viloyat)), 1 autonomous region (Gorno-Badakhstan) and districts under Republican subordination (including Dushanbe), divided into districts (ноҳия (nohiya)) and cities (шаҳр (šahr)).
[edit]- 31 regions (Swahili: mkoa), divided into 184 districts (wilaya)
- Districts are further subdivided into divisions (tarafa)
[edit]- 76 provinces (จังหวัด (jang-wàt)), including the special administrative region of Bangkok
- The provinces excluding Bangkok are subdivided into 878 districts or amphoe (อำเภอ (am-pəə)).
- The districts are further subdivided into 7,255 subdistricts or tambons (ตำบล (dtam-bon))
[edit]Trinidad and Tobago
[edit]- 5 provinces (welaýat), divided into districts (etrap), either counties or cities. The capital Ashgabat is a city with province status.
[edit]- 9 islands, with villages on each (no further subdivision)
[edit]- 27 regions, belonging to either one of three types:
- 24 oblasts (область (oblastʹ))
- 2 cities with special status (міста зі спеціальним статусом (mista zi specialʹnym statusom)): Kyiv and Sevastopol
- 1 autonomous republic (автономна республіка (avtonomna respublika)): Crimea
- 136 districts (район (rajon))
- 457 cities (місто (misto)), 886 towns (селище (selyšče), селище міського типу (selyšče misʹkoho typu)) and 28,556 villages (село (selo))
- 1,469 hromadas (громада (hromada))
United Arab Emirates
[edit]- Divided into 7 emirates
United Kingdom
[edit]- 4 countries or home nations (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). England is under central control, and the latter three countries having devolved administrations.
- England is subdivided into 9 administrative regions and 48 ceremonial counties including Greater London (which is divided into 33 local government districts and the 32 boroughs of London) and the City of London. The ceremonial counties are divided into local administration districts (LADs)
- Scotland is subdivided into 32 council areas (Scottish Gaelic: comhairle). These can encompass large cities such as Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, to large sparsely populated areas such as the Highlands or the Orkney Islands. Previously, Scotland was administratively divided into 34 counties or shires, which remain as geographical or cultural divisions.
- Wales is divided into 22 local councils
- Northern Ireland is divided into six traditional counties, which are no longer administrative units; some of these have areas administered as part of the Republic of Ireland. Administratively, Northern Ireland is divided into 11 single-tier local government districts (LGDs).
United States
[edit]- 50 states, some called commonwealths in their formal names.
- Also the District of Columbia, territories, the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and other entities.
- Most states divided into counties, but Louisiana into parishes, Alaska into boroughs, and the New England states into towns, though counties exist, often used for judicial districts.
- States have varying local-government nomenclature and relationships among the state (or equivalent), the counties (or equivalents), and the local governments
- Native peoples are in a curious position, the tribes being principally in a treaty relationship with the federal government, sometimes having reservations. The native peoples can vote is US and state (?) elections.
[edit]- 19 departments (departamentos)
- Departments subdivided into municipalities (municipios)
[edit]- 10 regions (viloyat), the autonomous republic of Karakalpakstan, and the independent city of Tashkent.
- Regions subdivided into 175 districts (tuman).
[edit]- 9 administrative regions (regiones administrativas)
- Regions subdivided into 23 states (estados), a capital district (distrito capital), and the federal dependencies (Dependencias Federales)
- States subdivided into municipalities (municipios)
- Municipalities subdivided into parishes (parroquias)
[edit]- 58 provinces (tỉnh) and 5 municipalities (thành phố trực thuộc trung ương: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Haiphong, Da Nang and Can Tho)
- Provinces are further subdivided into these subunits:
- Municipalities are further subdivided into these subunits:
- municipal cities (thành phố thuộc thành phố trực thuộc trung ương), which are subdivided into wards (phường)
- urban wards or boroughs (quận), which are subdivided into wards (phường)
- towns (thị xã, which are subdivided into wards (phường) and communes (xã)
- districts (huyện, which are subdivided into townships (thị trấn) and communes (xã)