User:Saph/Hamar/Petrollino 2016
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Glossary of all Hamer-Banna dictionary entries in Petrollino 2016, adjusted to match the different lemma forms used here.
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Hamer-Banna lemmas |
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Hamer-Banna non-lemmas |
[edit]- aabó n.: vocative of aarák (“uncle (mother's brother)”)
- áaɗe n.: hippopotamus
- aaɗimɓá v.: (intransitive) to hide
- aajaɗá v.: to be sick
- aajimɓá v.: to be wounded
- aajími n.: wound
- aajímo n.: disease
- aaká n.: grandmother, aunt (mother's older sister)
- aakó n.: vocative of aaká (“aunt (mother's older sister)”)
- aan n.: arm, hand
- aapá v.: to see
- áapi n.: eye; seed, fruit
- aapi kayá n.: blind person
- áapi kerí n.: face
- áapi síiti n.: eyelash
- áapisa tʼía n.: pupil
- aapó n.: mouth, opening of a container, message
- aapó qúuro n.: lip
- aarák: n.: uncle (mother's brother)
- aashá: n.: (transitive) to hide
- ab: alternative form of ábi (“another”)
- ábi det.: another
- adamá n.: hunt
- aɗá v.: to give birth
- aɗɗá v.: (passive voice) to be born
- áɗima n.: birth, delivery
- agá dem.: that
- agála n.: fence surrounding a cattle enclosure
- ágili n.: a newborn kid or calf
- ayá v.: to be broken
- áiɗa interj.: I don't know
- áigi n.: fence
- aisá v.: (causative) to break
- áis adj.: (of an animal) pregnant
- aizí n.: goat hide, sheep hide
- áka n.: large intestine
- áka mukánde n.: Bucorvus abyssinicus; Abyssinian ground hornbill (bird species)
- ákatti n.: joke, funny story
- alá v.: to guard, follow, chase
- alánqa n.: whip
- albén n.: type of gun (clarification of this definition is needed)
- albén tʼáali n.: type of gun introduced by the Italians (clarification of this definition is needed)
- álko n.: Sansevieria erythraeae (plant species)
- álla n.: parsí beer mixed with honey
- álpa n.: knife
- áma n.: second wife
- amɓá v.: to dream
- amí n.: breast
- amín aapó n.: nipple (literally, “mouth of the breast”)
- ánamo n.: friend
- ancʼá v.: to laugh
- anɗí n.: Euphorbia candelabrum; candelabra tree (tree species)
- angála n.: day before yesterday
- angále n.: last year
- angálla n.: alternative form of angála (“day before yesterday”)
- angámo n.: stuff, material, belongings; metal
- ángi n.: male
- ánna adv.: alternative form of cʼan (“always”)
- ánnibir galá adv.: three days ago
- ánqaqo n.: termite
- anqási n.: lamb and kid (clarification of this definition is needed)
- ánqasi n.: bee
- anshá n.: to descend, climb down; put something down
- anzá n.: girl, unmarried woman
- apá v.: to unfold, stretch, spread
- apaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be unfolded, spread, stretched
- apála n.: clothes, blanket, fabrics
- ardá v.: to enter, get in
- árka n.: hartebeest (a type of grassland antelope, Alcelaphus buselaphus, native to parts of Africa)
- árpi n.: moon, month
- árqi n.: Acacia tree with yellow mimosa flowers
- arsá v.: (causative) to wear, put on
- arsaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be inserted
- asará n.: dry sorghum or corn
- ashá v.: to insult
- áshawa n.: a kind of silverish metal bracelet
- ashká v.: to make, do; work
- ashká n.: flat dish used to make bread
- ashkaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be done
- ashó n.: kind of tree (clarification of this definition is needed)
- ásho n.: slope
- ási n.: tooth
- asíle n.: red ochre mixed with butter
- ásino n.: big tooth, elephant's tusk
- atá v.: (intransitive) to burn
- atáɓ n.: tongue
- atará n.: soybean
- átti n.: bird
- átti káira n.: lark (bird species of the genus Mirafra)
- attí n.: fermented sorghum used to prepare parsí beer
- áyo n.: spokesman
- ã́ʔãʔ interj.: no
[edit]- báako nprop.: Jinka (the capital of South Omo Zone, Ethiopia)
- báakulo n.: the three cooking stones (clarification of this definition is needed)
- báasha n.: hen, rooster
- báasha berá olé n.: dawn (literally, “time of day when the hens first cackle”)
- báashano n.: hen
- babáti n.: armpit
- baɗá v.: (passive voice) to be brought
- bagá v.: to tease
- bagadé n.: cooked blood mixed with milk and eaten as porridge
- bagáde n.: pelvis, loin
- bairó n.: alternative form of barjó
- bairó imé interj.: thank you (literally, “may God give”)
- baití n.: river
- bajé n.: hunter
- bakkí n.: bifurcation (of branches or roads)
- balá adj.: bald
- balásha n.: bread
- balí n.: plain (an expanse of land with relatively low relief and few trees, especially a grassy expanse); level ground
- banák n.: kind of tree used for timber
- bankár n.: arrow with a metal point
- bánna n.: Banna people
- banqí n.: spear, fight
- banzí n.: bull's penis
- bánzo interj.: please
- baqá v.: to fall
- baqalá v.: to sprout
- baráza n.: Grewia mollis (plant species)
- barɗá v.: (passive voice) to be drunk
- barɗá v.: drunk
- bargá n.: millet
- bargaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be dry (during a short rainy season)
- bárgi n.: short rainy season
- barjó n.: fate, fortune, destiny; god; good fortune, well-being
- barsá v.: (causative) to make drunk
- bárshi adj.: young
- bashá v.: to exceed, win
- bashaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be tired, overwhelmed; won
- baská v.: to carry
- báski n.: lover
- baskisá n.: (causative) to make somebody carry
- baxá v.: to cook, prepare food
- baxaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be cooked; (of food) to be prepared
- baxalsaɗá v.: to fermentate
- baxarɗá v.: to sweat
- baxarsá v.: (causative) to make sweat
- baz n.: alternative form of bázi (“big water; flowing river”)
- bazá n.: debt, prize
- bázi n.: big water (clarification of this definition is needed); flowing river
- baʔá v.: to bring, carry
- bel n.: bond friend (among girls)
- belbatá v.: to snort (of a mating male goat)
- bénzo n.: clapper (an object so suspended inside a bell that it may hit the bell and cause it to ring; a clanger or tongue)
- berá v.: to reveal
- berá n.: in front of
- berá num.: (ordinal number) first
- beráise adv.: first
- beré adv.: after, later
- bersá v.: (causative) to inform
- bertʼ ideo.: just a drop (of liquid)
- bərr n.: alternative form of birré
- bíiri n.: three-pronged stirring stick, often used for parsí beer
- biká v.: to stop raining
- bilqáti n.: any container made of glass
- biɲaré n.: collar made of dik-dik skin for a bride; long twisted strip made of animal skin wrapped around the waist of a maz
- birr n.: alternative form of birré
- birré n.: birr (the currency of Ethiopia, divided into 100 santims)
- bish adv.: only, alone
- bíshi n.: body, skin
- bití n.: ritual leader
- bocʼá v.: (of primates and dogs) to bark
- bɔ́da n.: valley
- bolále n.: trousers
- bɔ́lta n.: fermented milk (similar to yogurt)
- bɔ́na n.: drought, dry season
- bóndi num.: ten (for counting money)
- bonɗá v.: to be dry (during drought)
- boocʼá n.: dialectal form of doocʼá (“container used to collect milk”)
- booká v.: to dig a hole for water
- bóoko n.: carved stick with a rounded end
- boqá v.: to scratch
- boqólo n.: corn
- boráana n.: Boráana (clarification of this definition is needed)
- bordí labál n.: spotted and white-patched coat pattern (of cattle)
- bóro n.: red ochre used decoratively
- borqotó n.: headrest, stool
- borqotó káro n.: headrest (for old people)
- borqotó qailí n.: decorated headrest
- bɔ́ta n.: space, room
- bóte n.: pumpkin
- buccá n.: (causative) to boil
- budámo n.: lie
- budámo adj.: false
- bulá v.: to open, take out
- bul n.: structure supporting a beehive on a tree
- bulɗá v.: (passive voice) to be taken out, pulled out
- bulsá v.: (causative) to send out
- búme nprop.: Nyangatom people
- búno n.: coffee
- búqo n.: knee
- burí n.: morning
- burqá v.: to be hot; (intransitive) boil
- burqaɗá v.: (passive voice) to hurt
- buudó adv.: behind
- buudó n.: back
- búushi n.: beard
- búushi síiti n.: alternative form of búushi (“beard”)
[edit]- ɓáa adv.: up there, above
- ɓáabar adv.: on, up, upper, upward
- ɓáabar aapó n.: upper lip
- ɓáabar ási n.: upper teeth
- ɓáaɗa n.: food
- ɓaashá n.: comb
- ɓagá v.: to fall
- ɓelé n.: edible mushroom
- ɓɛ́nta n.: seed
- ɓoccá v.: to think
- ɓóde v.: do not
- ɓórle n.: young person
- ɓul n.: waterhole
- ɓulá v.: to jump
- ɓulá v.: to lay eggs
- ɓúla n.: egg
- ɓuldúq ideo.: splash (sound of object falling into water)
- ɓúltʼa n.: kidney
[edit]- ciggír n.: problem
- cóo adv.: down, below
- cóobar adv.: under, lower, downward
- cóobar aapó n.: lower lip
- cóobar ási n.: lower teeth
[edit]- cʼaá v.: to clap
- cʼaacʼí n.: root
- cʼaaná v.: to load
- cʼaaqá v.: to cast the evil eye on someone
- cʼaaqí n.: evil eye, jinx
- cʼaaró n.: Polihierax semitorquatus; pygmy falcon (bird of pray species)
- cʼácʼi n.: sky
- cʼácʼi guní n.: airplane (Literally, “snake of the sky”)
- cʼagáj adj.: green
- cʼailí gawá n.: spotted white coat pattern (of cattle)
- cʼámpa n.: nightjar
- cʼan adv.: always
- cʼan ánna adv.: alternative form of cʼan (“always”)
- cʼanshá v.: (causative) to make somebody load; to load a car, donkey, or person
- cʼapá adj.: rotten
- cʼarí n.: blade (of a knife)
- cʼarkí n.: dew
- cʼarshá v.: to sharpen
- cʼaulí adj.: white
- cʼíilo n.: small ant
- cʼíshi n.: bile
- cʼoncʼóro n.: goat hoof rattle
- cʼúba n.: smoke
- cʼúla n.: beads bend used as a necklace (clarification of this definition is needed)
- cʼulɗá v.: (passive voice) to choke
- cʼurá v.: to jump over an obstacle without touching it
- cʼushpá v.: (causative) to make somebody wash clothes
- cʼuubá v.: to wash clothes
[edit]- dáa n.: clay pot
- dáa v.: to exist, be; live
- dáa n.: life
- daaqarɗá v.: (passive voice) to be hungry
- dáar n.: section of a field portioned off for cows and goats
- dáatʼa adj.: sweet
- dabí n.: wild animal
- dakaɗá v.: to be dirty
- damá v.: to be able, manage
- dámbi n.: tradition, custom
- dámpo n.: tobacco
- dandayá v.: to be able, manage
- dandaimá v.: to be possible
- dap ideo.: act of taking
- dará ukulí n.: zebra (literally, “donkey of the valley”)
- darángoli n.: male Anaplectes rubriceps; red-headed weaver (bird species)
- darɗ ideo.: crash, explosion
- daʔíni n.: snake venom; poison; gunpowder
- deebarɗá v.: (passive voice) to be thirsty
- deebarɗá n.: thirst
- dɛ́ɛga adj.: foolish, dumb
- déer adj.: red
- déer balá n.: coat pattern of red with a white patch on the head (of cattle)
- déer labál n.: red- and white-patched coat pattern (of cattle)
- déer shɔ́ta n.: synonym of déer labál (“red- and white-patched coat pattern”)
- deesá v.: to kill
- deesaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be killed
- deesisá v.: (causative) to cause to kill
- déetʼa adj.: heavy (weight)
- demɓí n.: death
- demí n.: side
- demí adv.: next to
- demínka maataɗé n.: after midnight (literally, “tossing and turning while sleeping”)
- desá v.: to grind
- desaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be ground
- desí adv.: like, similar to
- desimá v.: synonym of desá (“to grind”)
- désima n.: grinding stone
- dettá v.: (causative) to cause to kill
- dettí n.: cow dung
- diá v.: to die
- dibíni n.: ashes
- diibá v.: to steal
- díibi n.: thief
- díire n.: bushy area, forest
- dik ideo.: all, everyone, everywhere
- díllama n.: bird species of the family Pycnonotidae; bulbul
- díngisha n.: potato
- ditʼá v.: to close
- dong num.: (cardinal number) five
- dongár n.: elephant
- dónso num.: (ordinal number) fifth
- dɔ́nza n.: elder; married man
- doobí n.: rain
- doocʼá n.: container used to collect milk
- doolá n.: calabash container for milk; milk churn
- dorá v.: to collect sorghum
- dorqá v.: to sit
- dottá v.: (causative) to put down, place
- dubaná n.: tail
- dúbeza n.: mongoose
- dúbo n.: foam (of a river or milk)
- dúgge n.: sorghum container
- dúki n.: grave
- dul ideo.: action of going
- dumá v.: to grab
- dúmai n.: thumb; big toe
- dungurí n.: sandals, shoes; pieces of leather used to read the future
- durmá n.: dry log
- durpá v.: to become fat
- dúrpi adj.: fat
- duuqá v.: to plant
- dúure n.: comb of a rooster
- duusá v.: to get used to, be used to
[edit]- ɗaaɓá v.: to stand up; wake up; take off, fly (of birds)
- ɗaasá v.: to lift up a heavy load; call on the phone, pick up the phone
- ɗabá v.: to throw, fall
- ɗabaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be thrown
- ɗaccá v.: (causative) to miss the target
- ɗagaɗá v.: to be angry
- ɗáki n.: rope
- ɗalqá v.: to speak, talk
- ɗammá v.: to fall
- ɗánga n.: throat
- ɗaqá v.: to avoid, survive
- ɗaxá v.: to tie
- ɗaxaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be tied
- ɗaxamá v.: to be jailed
- ɗaxamɓá v.: (passive voice) to be fastened
- ɗeeshá n.: medicine
- ɗesá v.: to know
- ɗesaɗá v.: (passive voice) to be known
- ɗesimá v.: (passive voice) to be known, introduce oneself
- ɗettá v.: (causative) to teach
- ɗíli n.: flour
- ɗíta n.: plant species (clarification of this definition is needed)
- ɗittá v.: to pour for somebody
- ɗittaɗá v.: to be poured
- ɗoyá v.: to show
- ɗoiɗá v.: (passive voice) to be shown
- ɗóngo n.: trapezoidal bell
- ɗónko n.: wise narrative, speech
- ɗooná v.: to build a beehive
- ɗɔ́ya n.: bone marrow
- ɗúka n.: mountain
- ɗúkan noqó n.: waterfall
- ɗukúr ideo.: act of entering
- ɗúrra n.: salt for tobacco
[edit]- ecc interj.: shut up!; stupid!; shit!
- edá v.: to separate
- ɛdá n.: luck, good fortune
- edimá v.: Alternative form of edá (“to separate”)
- ee interj.: OK, yes
- éeɓe n.: cowhide, leather; animal hide
- eedá n.: relative
- ɛɛdá n.: Alternative form of eedá (“relative”)
- éedi n.: person, man
- éedi naasí n.: mankind
- eelá v.: to call
- ɛ́ɛmajo n.: good forest spirit
- éeno n.: plural of éedi: people
- eepá v.: to cry
- eepí n.: dead body; coffin, funeral
- éeqe n.: (of firewood) fresh, wet, green
- eermaɗá v.: to be dirty, be sweaty
- eezín n.: star
- eezintâ angɛ̂ n.: Jupiter (literally, “the male star”)
- eezintóno máano n.: Venus (literally, “the female star”)
- eiké n.: grandfather; uncle (father's older brother)
- eikéno n.: plural of eiké; descendants
- ékeri n.: bedbug
- elatá v.: to scream
- elɗá v.: to be called
- ensá v.: to go with; to bring somebody along, pick up
- ermát n.: tears
- eshká v.: to show
- ɛɗ ideo.: insult
- ɛɛ n.: Alternative form of éedi (“man”)
- ɛ́na n.: past
[edit]- gaacʼá v.: to grind into a fine powder
- gáagi n.: a game similar to mancala using stones or seeds
- gaalá v.: to struggle
- gaamá v.: to smell good
- gaarí adj.: big
- gáashi n.: Eragrostis tef; teff (plant species)
- gaashimísha n.: monitor lizard
- gabá n.: market, village
- gabáre n.: Gabra people
- gabarsá v.: to force, oppress
- gaitá n.: thin metal blade at the end of a hoe or a wóso stick
- gal n.: Amhara, enemy
- galá n.: food
- galáp adj.: goldenish
- galshá v.: to disturb, annoy, harrass
- galtʼá v.: to cover or seal with mud or dung
- galtʼaɗá v.: passive of galtʼá: to be covered or sealed with mud or dung
- galtʼí n.: wall of a hut covered with mud
- gamá n.: to procreate (of both humans and animals)
- gamále n.: camel
- gámuri n.: jackal
- gancʼá adj.: thin
- gancʼaɗá v.: to be thin, become thin; to lose weight
- gangá n.: resin
- gansá v.: to sniff
- gará v.: to stop, let up; to leave
- garán boqóna n.: ankle
- gas n.: threshold of a hut
- gasgó n.: wheat
- gáu n.: iron bracelet
- gáya n.: baboon
- gáya úkumɓa n.: kind of plant used to treat a scorpion sting (literally, “baboon's thorn”)
- gazá adj.: generous, kind
- gaʔá v.: to bite; to chew, crunch (of animals); (transitive) to sting
- gaʔásh n.: warthog
- geɓá v.: to grow up
- geɓí adv.: a lot, very
- geɓí adj.: big
- geccá v.: to become old
- geccó adj.: old
- gɛ́daqa n.: a type of tree that produces small berries
- gedé n.: bed
- geeɗá v.: to answer
- gɛ́laba n.: Daasanach
- géle n.: shoulder
- gerák n.: beam supporting the ceiling of a hut
- gertámo n.: clan
- geshó n.: a person of high status; a term of address for such a person
- giá v.: to say, tell
- gibáre n.: wind
- gíbaz n.: malaria
- gibazá v.: to have malaria; to shiver
- gibá v.: to rush, be in a hurry
- gidí n.: middle
- gidí bárgi n.: short rainy season
- giɗá v.: passive of giá: to be told
- gigirí n.: molar; nail adjoining the beam and blade of a plough
- gíito n.: metalsmith
- gilgishá v.: to tickle
- giló n.: culture; ritual
- gimbát n.: thunder
- giní n.: vein; tendon
- gírsho n.: porcupine
- gisá v.: causative of giá to make (somebody) tell, say
- gishá v.: to herd cattle
- gishishá v.: causative of gishá: to make (somebody) herd cattle
- gizé n.: period (of time)
- gobá v.: to run
- gobisá v.: causative of gobá: to make (somebody) run
- gɔ́ggama n.: woodpecker
- gogilí n.: type of gun (clarification of this definition is needed)
- goití n.: pathway, way
- golál n.: Acacia nilotica, Vachellia nilotica; gum arabic tree (kind of tree)
- gon n.: truth
- goobá v.: to decorate
- góodo n.: aardvark
- gor n.: type of ritual (clarification of this definition is needed)
- góro n.: Colobus guereza; mantled guereza (kind of monkey)
- goshá v.: to pull out
- goshaɗá v.: passive of goshá: to be taken out
- goshpá v.: to respect, honour
- góshpi n.: respect
- gudirí n.: hyena
- gudúɓ adj.: tall, long
- guɗá v.: to snort (of oxen)
- gugána n.: lightning
- gul n.: corner of a house
- gulɗánti n.: navel
- gulpá n.: cold; flu
- gumí n.: Ourebia ourebi; oribi (kind of antelope)
- gúngulo n.: calabash ladle used with a clay pot
- gungumá v.: to roll
- gungusá v.: causative of gungumá: to make (something) roll
- guní n.: snake
- guní ɓelé n.: poisonous mushroom
- gur n.: ring used to hold a calabash
- gurá v.: to line up
- gurdá n.: village
- gúrgur n.: crocodile
- gúrguro n.: Alternative form of gúrgur (“crocodile”)
- gurmá n.: slope, downhill
- gurtá v.: scrape out the excess flesh from a hide
- gurtaɗá v.: passive of gurtá: to be scraped out
- gúsho n.: nail, claw
- gusí n.: Lagenaria siceraria; calabash (kind of fruit)
- guttá v.: to rub branches to light a fire
- gutúm n.: upper arm
- gúuri adj.: empty; useless; empty-handed