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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-v

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
vacant {adj} (not occupied) :: вакантний
vacation {n} (official holiday period) :: канікули {c-p}
vacation {n} (holiday, period of leisure time) :: відпустка {f}, канікули {f-p} [students, MP's]
vaccine {n} (substance meant to stimulate production of antibodies) :: вакцина {f}
vacuüm {n} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum ::
vacuole {n} (large membrane-bound vesicle) :: вакуоля {f}
vacuum {v} (transitive: to clean with a vacuum cleaner) :: пилососити {impf}, пропилососити {pf}
vacuum {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner ::
vacuum cleaner {n} (machine for cleaning) :: пилосос {m}
vacuum flask {n} (a bottle, flask or similar vessel having a vacuum between its inner and outer silvered walls) SEE: thermos ::
vagabond {n} (a bum, a hobo, a tramp, a homeless person) :: волоцюга, бродяга
vagina {n} (anatomical sense) :: піхва {f}, вагіна {f}
vagina {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
vaginitis {n} (inflammation of the vagina) :: вагініт
vain {adj} (overly proud of one's appearance) :: марнославний {m}
vair {n} (heraldic fur) :: вивірка {f}
valenki {n} (winter felt boots) :: повстяники {m-p}, валянки {m-p}
Valentine's Day {prop} (Saint Valentine's Day) SEE: Saint Valentine's Day ::
valerian {n} (Valeriana officinalis) :: одолян {m}, валеріана {f}
Valhalla {prop} (in Norse mythology, the home of warriors slain gloriously in battle) :: Вальгалла {f}
valid {adj} (related to the current topic) SEE: relevant ::
valise {n} (a piece of hand luggage such as a suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
valkyrie {n} (any of the female attendants, or handmaidens of Odin) :: валькирія {f}
Valletta {prop} (capital of Malta) :: Валлетта {f}
valley {n} (elongated depression between hills or mountains) :: долина {f}
Valley of the Kings {prop} (Egyptian valley known for its tombs) :: Долина царів {f}
valor {n} (value, worth) SEE: value ::
valour {n} (value) SEE: value ::
valuable {adj} (having a great value) :: цінний
value {n} (quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable) :: цінність {f}, вартість {f}, кошт {m}
value {n} (degree of importance given to something) :: значення {n}
value {n} (amount (of money, goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else) :: ціна {f}, вартість {f}, кошт {m}
value {n} :: оцінювати
valve {n} (device that controls flow of gas or fluid) :: клапан {m}, вентиль {m}
valve {n} (in anatomy) :: клапан {m}
vamp {v} (to seduce or exploit someone) SEE: exploit ::
vampire {n} (mythological creature) :: упир {m}, вампір {m}
vampire {n} (bat) :: вампір {m}
vampirism {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion ::
van {n} (a covered vehicle) :: фургон {m}
van {n} (enclosed railway vehicle for transport of goods) :: вагон {m}
vanadinite {n} (mineral) :: ванадиніт
vanadium {n} (chemical element) :: ванадій {m}
Vancouver {prop} (city) :: Ванкувер {m}
vandal {n} (person who destroys or damages property) :: вандал {m}
vandalism {n} (needless damage or destruction of property) :: вандалізм {m}
Van Gogh {prop} (van Gogh) :: ван Гог
vanguard {n} (leading units of an army) :: авангард {m}
vanish {v} (become invisible or to move out of view unnoticed) :: зникати
vanity {n} (excessive pride) :: марнославство {n}
vantage point {n} (point of view) SEE: point of view ::
vapor {n} (the gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid) :: пара {f}, пар {m}
vapour {n} (vapor) SEE: vapor ::
vapour {n} (steam) SEE: steam ::
Varangian {n} (member of a Scandinavian tribe) :: варяг {m}
vardapet {n} (archimandrite in the Armenian Apostolic Church) :: вардапет
varenik {n} (varenyky) SEE: varenyky ::
vareniki {n} (varenyky) SEE: varenyky ::
varenye {n} (kind of sweet fruit preserve) :: варення {n}
varenyk {n} (varenyky) SEE: varenyky ::
varenyky {n} (a kind of dumplings) :: вареник {m}, вареники {m-p} [usually plural as a dish], пироги {m-p} [Western Ukraine]
variable {adj} (able to vary) :: змінний {m}, мінливий {m}, змінна {f}, мінлива {f}
variable {adj} (likely to vary) :: змінний {m}, мінливий {m}, змінна {f}, мінлива {f}
variable {adj} (marked by diversity or difference) :: змінний {m}, мінливий {m}, змінна, мінлива {f}
variable {adj} (mathematics: having no fixed quantitative value) :: змінна {f}
variable {n} (mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values) :: змінна {f}
variable {n} (computing: a named mutable piece of storage) :: змінна {f}
variant {adj} (variable) SEE: variable ::
variant {n} (something slightly different) :: варіант {m}
varicella {n} (chicken pox) SEE: chicken pox ::
varied tit {n} (Sittiparus varius) :: гаїчка японська {f}
variegated {adj} (streaked or spotted with a variety of colours) :: строкатий, пістрий [regional]
variety {n} (variation of something) :: різновид
variety {n} (state of constant change) :: різноманітність
variety {n} (linguistics: term used for a specific form of a language) :: різновид мови {m}, форма мови {f}, форма існування мови {f}
variety show {n} (theatrical entertainment) :: вар'єте {n}
various {adj} (an eclectic range of) :: різний, різноманітний
varnish {n} (transparent paint) :: лак {m}
varsity {n} (university) SEE: university ::
vas deferens {n} (vas deferens) :: сім'явивідна протока {m}
vase {n} (container used mainly for displaying flowers) :: ваза {f}
vast {adj} (very large or wide (literally or figuratively)) :: широкий, величезний
Vatican {prop} (state) :: Ватикан {m}
Vatican City {prop} (State of the Vatican City) :: Ватикан {m}
Vaticanian {adj} (Vatican) SEE: Vatican ::
vatnik {n} (Russian patriotic redneck (disparaging)) :: ватник {m}
vatrushka {n} (a small, round cottage cheese-filled pastry) :: ватрушка {f}
vaudeville {n} (a style of multi-act theatrical entertainment) :: водевіль {m}
vault {n} (arched masonry structure) :: склепіння {n}
vault {n} (underground storeroom) :: сховище {n}, погріб {m}, льох {m}
vault {n} (underground burial chamber) :: склеп {m}
veche {n} (a popular assembly in medieval Slavic countries) :: віче {n}
vector field {n} (construction) :: векторне поле
vegan {n} (supporter of veganism) :: веган {m}, веганка {f}
vegetable {n} (any plant) :: рослина {f}
vegetable {n} (a plant raised for some edible part of it) :: овоч {m}
vegetable {n} (a person whose brain has been damaged) :: овоч {m}
vegetable {adj} (of or relating to plants) :: рослинний
vegetable garden {n} (vegetable garden) :: город {m}
vegetable oil {n} (oil produced from plants) :: олія {f}, рослинна олія {f}
vegetarian {n} (person who does not eat any animal flesh) :: вегетаріанець {m}, вегетаріанка {f}
vegetarian {adj} (relating to the type of diet eaten by vegetarians) :: вегетаріанський
vegetarianism {n} (practice of following a vegetarian diet) :: вегетаріанство {n}
vehicle {n} (conveyance) :: транспортний засіб {m}
vein {n} (blood vessel transporting blood towards the heart) :: вена {f}, жила {f}
veisalgia {n} (unpleasant after-effects of the consumption of alcohol) SEE: hangover ::
Vela {prop} (constellation) :: Вітрила
velocity {n} (vector quantity) :: швидкість {f}
velvet {n} (fabric) :: оксамит {m}
vending machine {n} (machine that dispenses merchandise) :: торговельний автомат {m}, торговий автомат {m}, автомат {m}
Vendémiaire {prop} (the first month of the French Republican Calendar) :: вандем'єр {m}
vendor {n} (a person or a company that vends or sells) :: продавець {m}, продавщиця {f}
venereal disease {n} (disease contracted through sexual contact) SEE: sexually transmitted disease ::
venereology {n} (branch of medicine) :: венерологія {f}
Venetian {adj} (relating to Venice) :: венеціанський
Venetian {n} (inhabitant of Venice) :: венеціанець {m}, венеціанка {f}
Venezuela {prop} (country) :: Венесуела {f}
Venice {prop} (city and province in Italy) :: Венеція {f}
venom {n} :: отрута {f}
venous {adj} (of or pertaining to veins) :: венозний
Ventimiglia {prop} (city in Italy) :: Вентімілья {f}
Ventôse {prop} (the sixth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: вентоз {m}
venturi {n} (throat of a carburetor) SEE: throat ::
Venus {prop} (planet) :: Венера {f}
Venus {prop} (goddess) :: Венера {f}
Vera {prop} (female given name) :: Віра {f}, Вера {f}, Вєра {f}
veranda {n} (roofed open gallery) :: веранда {f}
verb {n} ((grammar) a word that indicates an action, event, or a state) :: дієслово {n}
verbal {adj} (of, or relating to words) :: словесний, вербальний
verbatim {adv} (word for word) :: дослівно
verlan {n} (type of backslang used in French) :: верлан {m}
vermiculation {n} (peristalsis) SEE: peristalsis ::
vernally {adv} (in a vernal manner) :: весняно
vernissage {n} (private viewing of an exhibition before it opens to the public) :: вернісаж {m}
veronica {n} ((Roman Catholicism) image of Jesus's face on a cloth; the cloth itself) :: плат (святої) Вероніки {m}
Veronica {prop} (female given name) :: Вероніка {f}
Versailles {prop} (suburb of Paris) :: Версаль {m}
verse {n} (poetic form with regular meter and a fixed rhyme scheme) :: вірш {m}
verse {n} (a small section of the Bible) :: вірш {m}
version {n} (a translation from one language to another) :: переклад {m}
verst {n} (unit of length) :: верста {f}
vertex {n} (anatomy: highest surface on skull) :: тім'я {n}, маківка {f}
vertical {adj} (being perpendicular to horizontal) :: вертикальний, прямовисний
vertical bar {n} (vertical bar) SEE: pipe ::
very {adv} (to a high degree) :: дуже
very much {adv} (indeed) SEE: indeed ::
vest {n} (garment worn over a shirt) :: жилет {m}
vestment {n} (clothing) SEE: clothing ::
vet {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
veteran {n} (old soldier) :: ветеран {m}
veterinarian {n} (doctor who treats animals) :: ветеринар {m}
veterinary {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
veterinary surgeon {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
Vetka {prop} (a town in Belarus) :: Вітка {f}
veto {n} (invocation of that right) :: вето {n}, запрет {m}
vexillology {n} (study of flags) :: вексилологія {f}
vexillum {n} (sign of the cross) SEE: sign of the cross ::
via ferrata {n} (protected climbing route) :: віа феррата {f}
vial {n} (a small tube-shaped bottle used to store a chemical) :: флакон {m}, пляшечка {f}
viburnum {n} (plants of the genus Viburnum) :: калина {f}
vice {n} (bad habit) :: нецнота {f}, вада {f}, ґандж {m}, хиба {f}, порок {m}
vice {n} (screw apparatus) SEE: vise ::
vice versa {adv} (the other way round) :: навпаки
vicious circle {n} (situation in which the solution to a problem creates another problem) :: порочне коло, замкнене коло {n}
victim {n} (one who is harmed by a disaster or other adverse circumstance) :: жертва {f}, потерпілий {m}
victim {n} (a living being slain and offered as a sacrifice) :: жертва {f}, офіра {f}
Victoria {prop} (female given name) :: Вікторія {f}
Victoria {prop} (Queen Victoria) :: Вікторія {f}
Victoria {prop} (state in Australia) :: Вікторія {f}
Victoria {prop} (Lake Victoria) :: Вікторія {f}
victory {n} (an instance of having won a competition or battle) :: перемога {f}
Victory Day {n} (a day to commemorate victories in important battles or wars in the countries' history) :: День Перемоги {m}
video {n} (television show, movie) :: відео {n}
videocassette {n} (cassette containing recorded videotape) :: відеокасета {f}
Vidzeme {prop} (A region in northeastern Latvia) :: Відземе
vie {v} (to rival; to struggle for superiority; to compete) :: суперничати {impf}, змагатися {impf}
Vienna {prop} (capital of Austria) :: Відень {f}
Viennese {n} (inhabitant) :: віденець {m}, віденка {f}
Vientiane {prop} (capital of Laos) :: В'єнтьян {m}
Vietnam {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: В'єтнам {m}
Vietnamese {adj} (of or pertaining to Vietnam) :: в'єтнамський
Vietnamese {n} (Vietnamese person) :: в'єтнамець {m}, в'єтнамка {f}
Vietnamese {n} (language) :: в'єтнамська мова {f}, в'єтнамська {f} [мова]
view {n} (seeing) :: вигляд, вид
view {n} (range of vision) :: погляд
view {n} (something to look at) :: погляд, вигляд {m}
view {n} (way of understanding) :: погляд
view {n} (point of view) :: погляд, точка зору
view {v} (to look at) :: дивитися
viewer {n} (someone who views a spectacle) :: глядач {m}, глядачка {f}
viewer {n} (someone who watches television) :: глядач {m}, глядачка {f}, телеглядач {m}, телеглядачка {f}
viewer {n} (program) :: переглядач {m}
viewfinder {n} (device on a camera) :: видошукач {m}, візир {m}
viewpoint {n} (point of view) SEE: point of view ::
vigilance {n} (Alert watchfulness) :: пильність {f}
vigilance {n} (Close and continuous attention) :: пильність {f}
villa {n} (a house used as a retreat) :: вілла {f}, дача {f}
village {n} (a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town) :: село {n}
villager {n} (person who lives in, or comes from, a village) :: селянин {m}, селюк {m}
villain {n} (scoundrel) :: лиходій {m}, злочинець {m}
Vilnian {n} (inhabitant of Vilnius) :: вільнюсець {m}, вільнюска {f}
Vilnius {prop} (capital of Lithuania) :: Вільнюс {m}, Вільно {n}, [dated] Вільна {f}
vinaigrette {n} (sauce) :: соус вінегрет {m}, вінегретна заправка {f}
vinaigrette {n} (a Russian salad) :: вінігрет {m}
Vincent {prop} (male given name) :: Вінсент
vinegar {n} (condiment) :: оцет {m}
vinification {n} (winemaking) SEE: winemaking ::
Vinnitsa {prop} (Vinnytsia) SEE: Vinnytsia ::
Vinnytsia {prop} (city) :: Вінниця {f}
violate {v} (to break or fail to act by rules) :: порушувати
violate {v} (to rape) :: гвалтувати
violation {n} (rape) SEE: rape ::
violence {n} (action intended to cause destruction, pain or suffering) :: насильство {n}, насилля {n}, ґвалт {m}
violent {adj} :: сильний
violet {n} (colour) :: фіолетовий
violet {adj} (having a bluish-purple color) :: фіолетовий
violet carpenter bee {n} (Xylocopa violacea) :: бджола-тесляр фіолетова {f}
violin {n} (string instrument) :: скрипка {f}
violoncello {n} (cello) SEE: cello ::
viper {n} (a poisonous snake in the family Viperidae) :: гадюка {f}
viper {n} (adder) SEE: adder ::
viral load {n} (measure of the severity of a viral infection) :: вірусне навантаження {n}
Virgil {prop} (Roman writer) :: Вергілій {m}
virgin {n} (person who has never had sexual intercourse) :: незайманець {m} [referring to a man], незаймана {f} [referring to a woman], діва {f}
Virgin Islands {prop} (archipelago) :: Віргінські острови {m-p}
virginity {n} (state or characteristic of being a virgin) :: цнота {f}, незайманість {f}, цнотливість {f}
Virgin Mary {prop} (mother of Christ) :: Діва Марія {f}
virile {adj} (being manly) :: мужній
virtual {adj} (in effect; not fact) :: як би
virtual {adj} (simulated in a computer) :: віртуальний
virtual {adj} (in object-oriented programming) :: віртуальний
virtually {adv} (almost) :: практично, фактично
virtual reality {n} (virtual reality) :: віртуальна реальність {f}
virtue {n} (excellence in morals) :: цнотливість {f}, доброчесність {f}
virus {n} (infectious organism) :: вірус {m}
virus {n} (computer virus) :: комп'ютерний вірус {m}
visa {n} (permit) :: віза {f}
viscount {n} (a member of the peerage above a baron but below a count or earl) :: віконт {m}
vise {n} (two-jawed instrument for holding work) :: лещата {p}
Vishnu {prop} (the god) :: Вішну {m}
vision {n} (sense or ability of sight) :: зір {m}
visit {v} (to go and meet (someone)) :: відвідувати {impf}, відвідати {pf}
visit {n} (single act of visiting) :: візит {m}, візита {f}, відвідування {n}
visit {n} (meeting with a doctor) :: візит {m}, візита {f}
visit {v} (to avenge) SEE: avenge ::
visiting card {n} (business card) SEE: business card ::
visitor {n} (guest) :: відвідувач {m}, гість {m}, гостя {f}
visitor {n} (sightseer) :: відвідувач {m}
visor {n} (mask) SEE: mask ::
visor {n} (part of a helmet) :: забрало {n}
visor {n} (fore piece of a cap) :: козирок {m}
Vistula {prop} (Polish river) :: Вісла {f}
vital {adj} (containing life) SEE: living ::
vitalism {n} (doctrine that life involves a "vital force") :: віталізм {m}
vitamin {n} (organic compound essential to human health) :: вітамін {m}
Vitebsk {prop} (city) :: Вітебськ {m}
vitiligo {n} (patchy loss of skin pigmentation) :: вітиліго
vitreous humor {n} (vitreous humour) SEE: vitreous humour ::
vitreous humour {n} (clear gel) :: скловидне тіло {n}, склисте тіло {n}
vitrine {n} (glass-paneled cabinet or case) :: вітрина {f}
Vitsebsk {prop} (Vitebsk) SEE: Vitebsk ::
viva {interj} (long live ... !) SEE: long live ::
vivianite {n} (mineral) :: вівіаніт
vixen {n} (attractive woman) SEE: fox ::
vixen {n} (female fox) :: лисиця {f}
Vladikavkaz {prop} (city) :: Владикавказ {m}
Vladimir {prop} (male given name) :: Володимир {m}
Vladimir {prop} (Russian city) :: Владимир {m}
Vladimir {prop} (Volodymyr) SEE: Volodymyr ::
Vladivostok {prop} (seaport in Russia) :: Владивосток {m}
Vltava {prop} (a major river in the Czech Republic) :: Влтава {f}
Völuspá {prop} (first book of the Poetic Edda) :: Волюспа
Vänern {prop} (Swedish lake) :: Венерн
vobla {n} (Rutilus caspicus) :: вобла {f}
vocabulary {n} (set of words a person knows) :: запас слів {m}, словниковий запас {m}, лексика {f}, лексикон {m}
vocabulary {n} (words of a language collectively) :: лексика {f}, лексичний запас {m}
vocal {adj} (of or pertaining to the voice or speech) :: вокальний, голосовий
vocative {adj} (grammar: used in address) :: кличний
vocative {n} (grammatical case) SEE: vocative case ::
vocative case {n} (case of address) :: кличний відмінок
vodka {n} (clear distilled alcoholic liquor) :: горілка {f}, водка {f}
vodyanoi {n} (vodyanoy) SEE: vodyanoy ::
vodyanoy {n} (type of water sprite) :: водяник {m}
voetsek {interj} (get lost) SEE: get lost ::
voetsek {interj} (go away) SEE: go away ::
voice {n} (sound uttered by the mouth) :: голос {m}
voice actor {n} (an actor who provides voices for animations, dubbed films) :: актор озвучування {m}, акторка озвучування {f}
voice box {n} (larynx) SEE: larynx ::
voiced {adj} (sounded with vibration of the vocal cords) :: дзвінкий, дзвенячий, гучний, голосний, лункий
voiceless {adj} (lacking a voice, without vocal sound) :: безголосний, беззвучний
voiceless {adj} ((phonetics, of a consonant) spoken without vibration of the vocal cords) :: глухий, безголосний
voice talent {n} (voice actor) SEE: voice actor ::
voivode {n} (a local ruler or official in various parts of central and eastern Europe) :: воєвода {m}
voivode {n} (an administrative chief in modern Poland) :: воєвода {m}
voivodeship {n} (the jurisdiction of a voivode) :: воєводство {n}
Vojvodina {prop} (autonomous province of Serbia) :: Воєводина {f}
Volapük {prop} (language) :: волапюк {m}, воляпюк {m}
volcano {n} (mountain containing a magma chamber) :: вулкан {m}
vole {n} :: полівка, нориця
Volga {prop} (longest river in Europe, flowing to the Caspian Sea) :: Волга {f}
Volgograd {prop} (Volgograd) :: Волгоград {m}
Volhynia {prop} (region) :: Волинь {f}
volleyball {n} (game) :: волейбол {m}, відбиванка {f}
volleyball {n} (ball used to play the game) :: волейбольний м’яч {m}, м’яч до відбиванки {m}
Volodymyr {prop} (Vladimir) SEE: Vladimir ::
Volodymyr {prop} (male given name) :: Володимир {m}
Vologda {prop} (city in Russia) :: Вологда {f}
volt {n} (unit of measure) :: вольт {m}
voltage {n} (difference in electrostatic potential) :: напруга {f}, напруження {n}
volume {n} (three-dimensional measure of space) :: об'єм {m}
volume {n} (strength of sound) :: голосність {f}, гучність {f}
volume {n} (single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia) :: том {m}, книга {f}
voluntarily {adv} (in a voluntary manner) :: добровільно
voluntary {adj} (done, given, or acting of one's own free will) :: добровільний
volunteer {n} (one who voluntarily offers himself/herself for service) :: доброволець {m}, волонтер {m}
Volyn {prop} (oblast) :: Волинь {f}
vomit {v} (to regurgitate the contents of a stomach) :: блювати {impf}, рвати {impf} [impersonal], ригати {impf}
vomit {n} (regurgitated former contents of a stomach) :: блювота {f}, блювотиння {n}
Voronezh {prop} (city in Russia) :: Воронеж {m}
vote {n} (formalised choice) :: голос {m}
vote {n} (instance of voting) :: голосування {n}
vote {v} (assert a formalised choice) :: голосувати {impf}, проголосувати {pf}
voter {n} (one who votes) :: виборець {m}, обиральник {m}, голосуючий {m}
voting {n} (action of the verb to vote) :: голосування {n}
vow {n} (A solemn promise to perform some act, or behave in a specified manner) :: клятва {f}, клятьба {f}, присяга {f}, обіт {m}
vowel {n} (sound) :: голосний {m}
vowel harmony {n} (phonological process) :: сингармонізм {m}, гармонія голосних {f}
voyager {n} (traveller) SEE: traveller ::
Vuelta a España {prop} (annual cycling race in Spain) :: Вуельта Іспанії {f}
vulcanization {n} (process by which rubber is hardened using heat and sulphur) :: вулканізація {f}
vulgar {adj} (distasteful, uncouth, obscene) :: вульгарний, непристойний
vulgarian {adj} (having the characteristics of a vulgarian) :: вульгарний
Vulgate {prop} (Latin Bible translation) :: Вульґата {f}
vulnerability {n} (security vulnerability) SEE: hole ::
vulnerability {n} (state of being vulnerable) :: уразливість {f}
vulnerable {adj} (exposed to attack) :: уразливий, уразливий
Vulpecula {prop} (autumn constellation) :: Лисичка
vulture {n} (bird) :: гриф {m}, падальник {m}
vulva {n} (collectively the external female sexual organs) :: вульва {f}
vuvuzela {n} (horn) :: вувузела
vyshyvanka {n} (traditional Ukrainian and Belarusian clothing) :: вишиванка {f}