- 而且,真正的「港獨」,其實視何韻詩為左膠、大中華膠,對她是排拒的。 [Literary Cantonese, trad.]
- ji4 ce2, zan1 zing3 dik1 “gong2 duk6”, kei4 sat6 si6 ho4 wan6 si1 wai4 zo2 gaau1, daai6 zung1 waa4 gaau1, deoi3 taa1 si6 paai4 keoi5 dik1. [Jyutping]
- Moreover, the actual Hong Kong independence advocates view Denise Ho as a leftard and Chinese nationalist, and renounce her.
而且,真正的「港独」,其实视何韵诗为左胶、大中华胶,对她是排拒的。 [Literary Cantonese, simp.]
- 近年「愛國情懷」倒退,逐漸對大陸反感,甚至連參與「六四集會」都會被標纖為「大中華膠」。 [Literary Cantonese, trad.]
- gan6 nin4 “oi3 gwok3 cing4 waai4” dou3 teoi3, zuk6 zim6-2 deoi3 daai6 luk6 faan2 gam2, sam6 zi3 lin4 caam1 jyu6 “luk6 sei3 zaap6 wui6-2” dou1 wui5 bei6 biu1 cim1 wai4 “daai6 zung1 waa4 gaau1”. [Jyutping]
- Recently the "patriotic mood" has dwindled. People become increasingly antipathic towards mainland. Even those participating the memorials for the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests get labelled as "Chinese nationalists".
近年「爱国情怀」倒退,逐渐对大陆反感,甚至连参与「六四集会」都会被标纤为「大中华胶」。 [Literary Cantonese, simp.]
- 2020 June 29, 郝子雨, quoting 王耀宗 [Wong Yiu-chung], “什麼是香港「真.本土」?為何與「分離主義」畫上等號?”, in 《香港01》 [HK01][3]:
- 「我們這代人被現在的後生仔稱為『大中華膠』。我在嶺南執教也聽說有些同學在背後這麼叫我,哈哈哈。」 [Literary Cantonese, trad.]
- “ngo5 mun4 ze2 doi6 jan4 bei6 jin6 zoi6 dik1 hau6 saang1 zai2 cing1 wai4 ‘daai6 zung1 waa4 gaau1’. ngo5 zoi6 ling5 naam4 zap1 gaau3 jaa5 ting3 syut3 jau5 se1 tung4 hok6 zoi6 bui3 hau6 ze2 mo1 giu3 ngo5, haa1 haa1 haa1.” [Jyutping]
- Our generation are called "Chinese nationalists" by youngsters nowadays. I also heard that some students called me this behind my back when I was teaching in the LingU. Ha ha ha.
「我们这代人被现在的后生仔称为『大中华胶』。我在岭南执教也听说有些同学在背后这么叫我,哈哈哈。」 [Literary Cantonese, simp.]
- 他憧憬孫中山的共和精神,稱他為「國父」,也不怕老實承認,自己是一個強烈反對台獨藏獨的「大中華膠」。 [Literary Cantonese, trad.]
- taa1 cung1 ging2 syun1 zung1 saan1 dik1 gung6 wo4 zing1 san4, cing1 taa1 wai4 “gwok3 fu6”, jaa5 bat1 paa3 lou5 sat6 sing4 jing6, zi6 gei2 si6 jat1 go3 koeng4 lit6 faan2 deoi3 toi4 duk6 zong6 duk6 dik1 “daai6 zung1 waa4 gaau1”. [Jyutping]
- He yearns for Sun Yat-sen's republican spirit, and calls him the "father of China". He also unashamedly admitted that he is a Chinese nationalist that strongly opposes to Taiwan and Tibet independence.
他憧憬孙中山的共和精神,称他为「国父」,也不怕老实承认,自己是一个强烈反对台独藏独的「大中华胶」。 [Literary Cantonese, simp.]