Appendix:Chinook Jargon/Part II
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Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon
Part II - English-Chinook
[edit]- above, ságh-a-lie.
- absolve, mam'-ook stoh.
- acorns, káh-na-way.
- across, in'-a-ti.
- afraid, kwass.
- after, afterwards, kim'-ta.
- again, weght.
- all, kon'-a-way.
- alms, e'-la-han, or e-lann'.
- also, weght.
- although, kégh-tchie.
- always, kwáh-ne-sum.
- american, boston.
- amusement, hee'-hee.
- and, pee.
- anger, angry, sol'-leks.
- apple, le pome.
- apron, kéh-su, or ki'-su.
- arbutus uva ursi, lahb.
- arrive at, ko.
- arrow, ka-li'-tan.
- as if, káh-kwa spose.
- at, ko'-pa.
- aunt, kwal'h.
- awl, shoes keep'-wot.
- axe, la-hash'.
[edit]- bad, me-sáh-chie; pe-shuk'.
- bag, le sak.
- ball, le bal.
- bargain, máh-kook; húy-húy.
- bark, s'ick-skin.
- barrel, ta-mo'-litsh.
- basket, o'-pe-kwan.
- beads, ka-mo'-suk.
- bear (black), chet'-woot; its'woot; (grizzly), si-am'.
- beat, to, kok'-shut.
- beaver, ee'-na.
- because, kéh-wa.
- become, to, cháh-ko.
- bed, bed.
- before, e'-lip, or el'-ip.
- behind, kim'-ta.
- bell, tin'-tin.
- belly, ya-kwáh-tin.
- below, kee'-kwil-lie.
- belt, la san-jel'.
- berries, o'-lil-lie; o'-lal-lie.
- best, e'-lip closhe.
- bird, kal-lak'-a-la.
- biscuit, le bis'-kwee.
- bitter, klihl.
- black, klale.
- blackberries, klik'-a-muks.
- blanket, pa-see'-sie.
- blind, ha'-lo se-áh-host.
- blood, pil-pil.
- blow out, mam'-ook poh.
- blue, (light), spo'-oh.
- blue, (dark), klale.
- blunder, to, tsee'-pie.
- board, la plash.
- boat, boat.
- bob-tailed; a bob-tailed horse, sis'-ki-you.
- boil, to, lip'-lip.
- bone, stone.
- borrow, to, a-yáh-whul.
- bosom, (female), to-toosh.
- both, kun'-a-moxt.
- bottle, la-boo-ti'.
- bow, o'-pitl-kegh.
- bowl, oos'-kan.
- box, la ca-sett'.
- bracelet, klik'-wal-lie.
- brave, skoo'-kum tum'-tum.
- bread, le pan.
- break, to, kok'-shut.
- breasts, to-toosh'.
- breech clout, o'-poots sill.
- bridle, la bleed.
- bright, to-wágh.
- broad, kluk-ulh'.
- broom, bloom.
- brother, káhp-ho, if elder than the speaker; ow, if younger. male cousins the same.
- brother-in-law, ek'-keh.
- bucket, ta-mo'-litsh.
- buffalo, moos'-moos.
- bullet, le bal; ka-li'-tan.
- bundle, kow.
- but, pe.
- butter, to-toosh' la-kles'.
- buttons, tsil'-tsil.
- buy, to, máh-kook.
- by-and-by, win'-a-pie.
[edit]- candle, la shan-del'.
- carrot, la ca-lat'.
- carry, to, lo' lo.
- cart, tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik.
- cascade, tum' wa-ter.
- castrate, to, mash stone.
- cat, puss'-puss.
- cataract, tum' wa-ter.
- cattle, moos'-moos.
- certainly, na-wit'-ka.
- chain, la shen; chik'a-min lope.
- chair, la shase.
- cheat, to, la-láh.
- chicken, la pool.
- chief, ty-ee'.
- child, ten'-as.
- clams, o'-na; luk'-ut-chee; la-kwit'-chee.
- clams, the large kind, smet-ocks.
- clear up, to, cháh-ko klah.
- cloth, (cotton), sail.
- clouds, smoke.
- coat, ca-po'.
- coffee, kau'-py.
- cold, cole; tshis.
- comb, comb.
- comb, to, mam'-ook comb.
- come, to, cháh-ko.
- confess, to, yi'-em.
- conjuring, ta-máh-no-us.
- cook, to, mam'-ook pi'-ah.
- copper, pil chik'-a-min.
- cord, ten'-as lope.
- corn, e-salt'h', or ye-salt'h'.
- corral, kul-lágh.
- cotton goods, sail.
- cough, hoh'-hoh.
- count, to, mam'-ook kwun'-nun.
- cousin, see brother and sister.
- coyote, tal'-a-pus.
- crab apple, pow'-itsh.
- cranberry, so'-le-mie.
- crazy, pel'-ton.
- cream colored, le clem.
- crooked, ki'-wa.
- cross, la clo-a'.
- crow, káh-kah.
- cry, to, cly.
- cup, oos'-kan.
- curly, hunl'-kih.
- cut, to, tl'ko'-pe.
[edit]- dance, to, tanse.
- dark, darkness, po'-lak-lie.
- day, sun.
- dead, mem'-a-loost,
- deaf, ik-poo'-ie kwil-lan.
- dear, hy'-as máh-kook.
- deep, klip.
- deer, mow'-itsh.
- demon, skoo'-kum.
- devil, di-aub'; yaub; le-jaub'.
- different, hul-o'-i-ma.
- difficult, kull.
- dig, to, mam'-ook il'-la-hie.
- dime, bit, or mit.
- do, to, mam'-ook.
- doctor, doc'-tin.
- dog, kam'-ooks.
- dollar, dol'-la, or táh-la.
- door, la po'te.
- down stream, mi'-mie.
- drink, to, muck'-a-muck.
- drive, to, kish'-kish.
- drunk, páht-lum.
- dry, de-ly'.
- duck, (mallard), kwéh-kweh; háht-haht.
- dust, po'-lal-lie.
[edit]- eagle, chak'-chak.
- ear, kwo-lann'.
- early, ten'-as sun.
- earn, to, to'-lo
- earth, il'-la-hie.
- eat, to, muck'-a-muck.
- egg, le sap'; le zep'.
- eight, sto'-te-kin.
- elk, moo'-lock.
- enclosure, kul-lágh.
- english, king chautsh.
- englishman, king chautsh.
- enough, hi-yu'; ko-pet'.
- entreiils, ki-yágh.
- evening, ten'-as po'-lak-lie.
- every, kon'-a-way.
- exchange, húy-huy.
- eyes, se-áh-host.
[edit]- face, se-áh-host.
- faded, spo'-oh.
- falsehood, klim-in'-a-whit.
- far, si-áh.
- fast, (quick), hy-ak'.
- fast, (tight), kwutl.
- fasten, to, kow.
- fat, glease.
- father, pa'-pa.
- fathom, it'-lan.
- fear, kwass.
- fell, to, (as a tree), mam'-ook whim.
- fence, kul-lágh.
- fetch, to, mam'-ook cháh-ko.
- fever, waum sick.
- few, ten'-as.
- fight, to, mam'-ook sol'-leks.
- fight, with fists, mam'-ook puk'-puk.
- figured, (as calico), tzum.
- file, la leem.
- fill, to, mam'-ook pahtl.
- find, to, klap.
- fingers, le doo.
- fire, pi'-ah; o-la-pits'-ki.
- first, e'-lip, or el'-ip.
- fish, pish.
- fish-hook, ik'-kik.
- five, kwin'-num.
- flea, so'-pen e'-na-poo; cho'-tub.
- flesh, itl'-wil-lie.
- flint, kil-it'-sut.
- flour, sap'-o-lill.
- fly, to, ka-wak'.
- fog, smoke.
- food, muck'-a-muck.
- fool, pel'-ton.
- foolish, pel'-ton.
- foot, le-pee'.
- forever, kwáh-ne-sum.
- forget, to, máh-lie.
- fork, la poo-shet'.
- formerly, áhn-kut-te, or áhn-kot-tie.
- four, lak'-it, or lok'-it.
- fowl, la pool.
- french, frenchman, pa-si'-ooks.
- friend, sikhs, or shikhs.
- frog, shwáh-kuk.
- fry, to, mam'-ook la po-el'.
- frying-pan, la po-el'.
- full, pahtl.
- fundament, o'-poots.
[edit]- gallop, to, kwa-lal'-kwa-lal'.
- gather, to, ho'-ku-melh.
- get, to, is'-kum.
- get out, mahsh.
- get up, get-up',-or ket-op'.
- ghost, skoo'-kum.
- gift, cul'-tus pot'-latch.
- give, to, pot'-latch.
- glad, kwann.
- go, to, klat'-a-wa.
- god, ságh-a-lie ty-ee'.
- gold, pil chik'-a-min.
- good, klose, or kloshe.
- good-bye, kla-how'-ya.
- goods, ik'-tah.
- goose, whuy'-whuy; kal-ak-a-láh-ma.
- grandfather, chope.
- grandmother, chitsh.
- grease, la-kles'; glease.
- green, pe-chugh'.
- grey; a grey horse, le gley.
- grizzly bear, si-am'.
- ground, il'-la-hie.
- gun; musket, suk'-wa-lal.
[edit]- hair, yak'-so.
- half, sit'-kum.
- hammer, le máh-to.
- hand, le máh.
- hand, (game of), it'-lo-kum.
- handkerchief, hak'-at-shum.
- hard, kull.
- hare, kwit'-shad-ie.
- harrow, to, mam'-ook comb il'-la-hie.
- hat, se-áh-po; se-áh-pult.
- haul, haul.
- hazel-nuts, tuk'-wil-la.
- he, his, yáh-ka.
- head, la tet.
- heart, tum'-tum.
- heaven, ságh-il-lie il'-la-hie.
- heavy, till.
- help, to, mam'-ook e-lann'.
- here, yuk'-wa.
- hermaphrodite, bur'-dash.
- hide, to, ip'-soot.
- high, ságh-a-lie.
- hit, to, kwul'h.
- hoe, la pe-osh'.
- hog, co'-sho.
- hole, kla-whap'.
- holiday, sunday.
- horn, stone.
- horse, kiu'-a-tan.
- house, house.
- how, káh-ta.
- how are you, kla-how'-ya.
- how many, kun'-sih; kun'-juk.
- hundred, tuk-a-mo'-nuk.
- hungry, o'-lo.
- hurry, howh; hy-ak'.
[edit]- i, ni-ka.
- if, spose.
- in, ko'-pa.
- indian, si'-wash.
- in shore, máht-wil-lie.
- iron, chik'-a-min.
- it, yáh-ka.
[edit]- kam-ass root, la'-ka-mass.
- kettle, ket-ling.
- kick, to, chuk'-kin.
- kiss, to kiss, be'-be.
- knife, o'-pit-sah.
- knock, to, ko'-ko.
- knotty, hunl'-kih.
- know, to, kum'-tuks.
[edit]- lame, klook te-áh-wit.
- lamprey eel, skwak'-wal,
- language, la lang.
- large, hy-as'.
- lately, chee.
- laughter, hee'-hee.
- lazy, lazy.
- leap, to, so'-pe-na.
- leaf, tup'-so, or tip'-so.
- lean, to, lagh.
- leave, to, mahsh.
- leave off, to, ko-pet'.
- leg, te-áh-wit.
- leggings, mi-tass'.
- lend, to, a-yáh-whul
- lick, to, klak'-wun.
- lie, to, klim-in'-a-whit.
- like, káh-kwa.
- like, to, tik-égh.
- little, ten'-as.
- long, youtl'-kut.
- long ago, áhn-kut-te, or áhn-kot-tie.
- look, to, nan'-itsh.
- look here!, nah.
- look out!, klose nan'-itsh.
- looking-glass, she-lok'-um.
- loose, stoh.
- lose the way, to, tso'-lo; tsee-pie' way-hut.
- louse, e'-na-poo, or in'-a-poo.
- love, to, tik-égh.
[edit]- magic, ta-máh-no-us.
- make, to, mam'-ook.
- man, man.
- many, hy-iu'.
- marry, to, mal-i-éh.
- mass, (ceremony of), la messe.
- mast, ship stick.
- mat, klis'-kwiss.
- mattock, la pe-osh'.
- measure, to, tah'-nim.
- meat, itl'-wil-lie.
- medicine, la mes'-tin.
- mend, to, mam'-ook tip'-shin.
- menstruate, to, mahsh pil'-pil.
- metal, metallic, chik'-a-min.
- middle, the, kat'-suk, or kot'-suk.
- midnight, sit'-kum po'-lak-lie.
- milk, to-toosh'.
- mill, moo'-la.
- mind, the, tum'-tum.
- miss, to, tsee'-pie.
- mistake, to, tsee'-pie.
- moccasins, skin-shoes.
- molasses, mel-ass'.
- money, chik'-a-min.
- month, moon.
- moon, moon.
- more, weght.
- mosquito, mel'-a-kwa.
- mother, mama; na'-ah.
- mountain, la mon'-ti.
- mouse, hool'-hool.
- mouth, la boos.
- much, hy-iu'.
- mule, le mel.
- musical instrument, tin'-tin.
- musket, musket.
- mussels, to'-luks.
- my, mine, ni'-ka.
[edit]- nails, le cloo.
- name, nem; yah-hul.
- near, wake si-áh.
- neck, le cou.
- needle, keep'-wot.
- new, chee.
- night, po'-lak-lie.
- nine, kwaist, or kweest.
- no, not, wake.
- noise, la tlah.
- none, ha'-lo.
- nonsense, cul'-tus wau'-wau.
- noon, sit-kum sun.
- nose, nose.
- notwithstanding, kégh-tchie.
- now, al'-ta.
- numerals--
1, ikt. 2, mokst. 3, klone. 4, lakit. 5, kwinnum. 6, taghum. 7, sinnamokst. 8, stotekin. 9, kwaist. 10, tahtlelum. 11, tahtlelum pe ikt 20, mokst tahtlelum. 100, ikt takarnonuk.
- nuts, tuk'-wil-la.
[edit]- oak, kull stick.
- oar, la lahm; la lum.
- oats, la wen.
- off, klak.
- off shore, máht-lin-nie
- oil, glease.
- old, o'-le-man.
- old man, o'-le-man.
- old woman, lam'-mi-eh.
- one, ikt.
- one-eyed, ikt se-áh-host.
- open, háh-lakl.
- opposite to, in'-a-ti.
- or, pe.
- order, to, mahsh tum'-tum.
- other, hul-o'-i-ma.
- otter, (land), ne-mam'-ooks.
- our, ne-si'-ka.
- out doors, klágh-a-nie.
- ox, moos'-moos.
- oyster, chet'-lo, or jet'-lo; klógh-klogh.
[edit]- paddle, a, is'-ick.
- paddle, to, mam'-ook is'-ick.
- paint, pent.
- paint, to, mam'-ook pent.
- paper, péh-pah.
- peas, le pwau.
- people, til'-i-kum.
- perhaps, klo-nas'.
- petticoat, kal-a-kwah'-tie.
- piebald, le kye.
- pin, kwek'-wi-ens.
- pipe, la peep.
- pitch, la gome.
- plate, la si-et'.
- pleased, youtl.
- plough, le shal-loo'.
- plough, to, klugh il'-la-hie.
- pole, la pehsh.
- poor, kla-how'-yum; ha'-lo ik'-ta.
- pork, co'-sho.
- posteriors, o'-poots.
- potato, wap'-pa-too.
- pour, to, wagh.
- powder, po'-lal-lie.
- prairie wolf, tal'-a-pus.
- presently, al'-kie; win'-a-pie
- pretty, to'ke-tie.
- priest, le plet.
- proud, youtl; kwetl'h.
- provided that, spose.
- pull, haul.
[edit]- rabbit, kwit'-shad-ie.
- rain, snass.
- rattle, shugh.
- rattlesnake, shugho'-pools.
- razor fish, o'-na.
- reach, ko.
- red, pil.
- relate, to, yi'-em.
- return, to, kel'-i-pi.
- ribbon, le lo'-ba.
- rice, lice.
- rifle, cal'-li-peen.
- ring, a, kwéo-kwéo.
- ripe, pi'-ah.
- river, chuck.
- road, way'-hut.
- roan colored, san'-de-lie.
- roast, mam'-ook la pel-lah'.
- rock, stone.
- rope, lope.
- rotten, poo'-lie.
- round, lo'-lo.
- rudder, boat o'-poots.
- rum, lum.
[edit]- sack, le sak.
- saddle, la sell.
- saddle housings, le pish'-e-mo.
- sail, sail.
- sailor, ship'-man.
- salmon, salmon.
- salt, salt.
- sand, po'-lal-lie.
- sash, la san-jel'.
- saw, la gwin; la scie.
- say, to, wau'-wau.
- scissors, le see'-zo.
- sea, salt-chuck.
- seal, ol'-hi-yu si'-wash co'-sho.
- see, to, nan'-itsh.
- sell, to, máh-kook.
- seven, sin'-a-moxt.
- sew, to, mam'-ook tip'-shin.
- shake, to, to-to; hul'-lel.
- shame, shem.
- sharp, yáh-kis-ilt'h.
- sharpen, to, mam'-ook tsish.
- she, her, yah-ka.
- sheep, le moo'-to.
- shell money, (the small size), coop-coop; (the large), hy-kwa.
- shingle, le-báh-do.
- shining, to-wágh.
- ship, ship.
- shirt, shut.
- shoes, shoes.
- shoot, to, mam'-ook poo.
- short, yútes-kut.
- shot, shot; ten'-as le bal.
- shot pouch, ka-li-tan le-sac'; tsole'-pat.
- shout, to, hy'-as wau'-wau.
- shovel, la pell.
- shut, to, ik-poo'-ie.
- sick, sick.
- sift, to, to-to.
- silk, la sway.
- silver, t'kope chik'-a-min.
- similar, káh-kwa.
- since, kim-ta.
- sing, to, shan'-tie.
- sister, káhp-ho, if older than the speaker; ats, if younger.
- sit, to, mit'-lite.
- six, tógh-um.
- skin, skin.
- skunk, hum o'-poots; piu'-piu; skub'-e-you.
- sky, koo'-sagh.
- slave, e-li'-te; mist'-shi-mus.
- sleep, moo'-sum.
- slowly, kláh-wa.
- small, ten'-as.
- smell, a, humm.
- smoke, smoke.
- snake, o'-luk.
- snow, snow; cole snass.
- soap, soap.
- soft, klim'-min.
- sorrel colored, a sorrel horse, le blau.
- sorry, sick tum'-tum.
- sour, kwates.
- spade, la pell.
- speak, to, wau'-wau.
- spill, to, wagh.
- spirits, lum.
- split, tsugh.
- split, to, mam'-ook tsugh.
- spectacles, dol'-la se-ágh-ost, or lak-it se-agh-ost.
- spit, to, mam'-ook toh.
- split, to become, cháh-ko tsugh.
- spoon, spoon.
- spotted, le kye; tzum.
- spurs, le see'-blo.
- squirrel, skwis'-kwis.
- stab, to, klem'-a-hun.
- stand, to, mit'-whit.
- stars, tsil'-tsil.
- stay, to, mit'-lite.
- steal, to, kap-su-al-la.
- steam, smoke.
- steamer, pi'-ah ship.
- stick, a, stick.
- stink, a, piú-piú; humm.
- stirrup, sit'-lay.
- stockings, stock'-en; kush-is'.
- stone, stone.
- stop, to, ko-pet'.
- store, máh-kook house.
- story, eh-káh-nam.
- straight, de-láte, or de-let'; si'-pah.
- strawberries, a-mo'-te.
- strong, skoo'-kum.
- sturgeon, stutch'-un.
- sugar, le sook; shu'-gah; shu'-kwa.
- summer, waum il'-la-hie.
- sun, sun; óte-lagh.
- sunday, sunday.
- sunset, klip sun.
- suppose, spose.
- swan, káh-loke.
- sweep, to, mam'-ook bloom.
- sweet, tsee.
- swim, sit'-shum.
[edit]- table, la tahb.
- tail, o'-poots.
- take, to, is'-kum.
- take care, klose nan'-itsh.
- take off, or *out, mam'-ook klak; mahsh.
- tale, or *story, yi'-em; eh-káh-nam.
- talk, to, wau'-wau.
- tame, kwass.
- tea, tea.
- teach, to, mam'-ook kum'-tuks.
- tear, to, klugh.
- teeth, le táh.
- tell, to, wau'-wau.
- ten, táht-le-lum.
- testicles, stone.
- thank you, máh-sie.
- that, o'-koke.
- that way, yáh-wa.
- there, yáh-wa; ko-páh.
- they, klas'-ka.
- thick, (as molasses), pit'-lilh.
- thin, (as a board), p'chih; pe-what'-tie.
- thing, ik'-tah.
- this, o'-koke.
- this way, yuk'-wa.
- thou, thy, thine, mi'-ka.
- thread, kla-píte.
- three, klone.
- throw away, mahsh.
- tide, see chuck.
- tie, to, kow.
- tight, kwutl.
- tinware, ma-láh.
- tip, to, lagh.
- tired, till.
- to, towards, ko'-pa.
- tobacco, ki'-nootl; ki'-noos.
- tomorrow, to-mol'-la.
- tongue, la lang.
- trail, way'-hut.
- trap, la piége.
- tree, stick.
- tree, fallen, whim stick.
- trot, to, téh-teh.
- trowsers, sa-kol'-eks.
- true, de-láte.
- truth, de-láte wau'-wau.
- tub, ta-mo'-litsh.
- twine, ten-as lope; kla-píte.
- two, twice, mokst.
[edit]- uncle, tot.
- under, kee'-kwil-lie.
- understand, to, kum'-tuks.
- unhappy, sick tum'-tum.
- untamed, le-mo'-lo.
- untie, to, mam'-ook stoh; mahsh kow.
- up, ságh-a-lie.
- upset, to, kel'-i-pi.
- us, ne-si'-ka.
[edit]- venereal, the, pi'-ah sick.
- venison, mow'-itsh.
- very, hy-as'.
- vessel, ship.
- vest, la west.
- vomit, to, wagh.
[edit]- wagon, tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik.
- wander, to, tso'-lo.
- want, to, tik-égh.
- warm, waum.
- wash, to, mam'-ook wash.
- watch, a, tik'-tik.
- water, chuck.
- waterfall, tum'-water.
- we, ne-si'-ka.
- weigh, to, mam'-ook till.
- wet, pahtl chuck.
- whale, eh'-ko-lie; kwáh-nice, kwad'-dis.
- what, ik'-tah.
- wheat, sap'-o-lill.
- wheel, tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik.
- when, kan'-sih; kun-juk.
- where, kah.
- whip, le whet.
- white, t'kope.
- who, klak'-sta.
- whole, lo'-lo.
- why, káh-ta.
- wicked, me-sáh-chie.
- wide, kluk-ulh'.
- wild, le mo'-lo.
- will, the, tum'-tum.
- willow, ee'-na stick.
- win, to, to'-lo.
- wind, wind.
- winter, cole il'-la-hie.
- wipe, to, klak'-wun.
- wire, chik'-a-min lope.
- wish, to, tik-égh.
- with, ko'-pa.
- without, ha'-lo.
- wolf, le-loo'.
- woman, klootsh'-man.
- woman, (old), lam'-mi-eh.
- wood, wooden, stick.
- work, to, mam'-ook.
- worn out, o'-le-man.
- worthless, cul'-tus.
- wound, to, klem'-a-hun.
- write, to, mam'-ook péh-pah; mam'-ook tzum.
- writing, tzum.