User:Robert Ullmann/Missing/m
- as of 22 March 2009
- all words forced to lower case for comparison
- often it is the reference that is wrong, or uses # for non-definition lines
- only "English" words are shown, words with diacritics etc are not
- Finnish entries are ignored because there are a ridiculous number of bad links
- hyphenated words where all components are present are not listed unless explicitly linked
- total of 22001 missing entries
- if you want comments to persist, write to User talk:Robert Ullmann/Missing
[edit]- maajaa (maajii-)
- maajibiisaa (maajii-)
- maajigaa (maajii-)
- maajigwaaso (maajii-)
- maajiigi (maajii-)
- maajiigin (maajii-)
- maajipon (maajii-)
- maajise (maajii-)
- maatjesharing (maatje)
- Machghara (مشغرة)
- Machiavellism (machiavellismo)
- Machika (真実愛)
- machine gunner (mitragliere)
- Macintyre (Mac an t-Saoir)
- Mackeswell (Maxwell)
- Macquarie (skin)
- Macrauchenia (Macraucheniidae)
- macrocarpon (solanum)
- macrochirus (bluegill)
- Macrodactyli (macrodactyl)
- Macrodactylus (rose chafer)
- macrognathos (왜꾹저구)
- macrolinguistics (macrolinguistica)
- macronaria (Abrosaurus)
- Macrones (Μάκρων)
- Macropus antilopinus (antilopine kangaroo)
- Macropus dorsalis (black-striped wallaby)
- Macroramphosus (longspine snipefish)
- Mactaggart (Mac an t-Sagairt)
- Madhu (वृष)
- Madhus (जीवन्मुक्ति)
- Madhya (Maria)
- Madreporaria (madrepore)
- Maeander (Μαίανδρος)
- Maenalus (Μαίναλον)
- Maeones (Μαίων)
- Maeonia (Μαίων)
- Magalhaes (SSA)
- magnetic domain (domain wall)
- Magnoliidae (magnoliid)
- magnuspinnatus (큰볏말뚝망둥어)
- magpie moth (Abraxas)
- Mahapadanasutta (ābādha)
- Maharloka (जन)
- Mahesh (transcendental meditation)
- Maheshvara (ब्राह्म)
- Maianthemum (konwalijka)
- maibsan (ibis)
- mail office (post)
- main dish (Hauptgericht)
- Mainalo (Μαίναλον)
- maintenance man (manutentore)
- Maipuran (Chamicuro)
- Maipurean (Wayuu)
- maitri (あいご)
- Majidae (spider crab)
- majimae (긴몰개)
- major calyx (kalich)
- Majorem (AMDG)
- Majoris (Dubhe)
- Makaira (marlin)
- make a show of (backslapper)
- make advances (Avancen machen)
- make even (ivenia)
- make oneself comfortable (adagiarsi)
- make so (κτίζω)
- make the best (adattarsi)
- make the most (sfruttare)
- makinesi (hesap makineleri)
- makokanzh (makwa)
- makowayaan (makwa)
- makruk (将棋)
- makuwa (참외)
- makwaanzh (makwa)
- Malacanthidae (tilefish)
- Malacochersus (pancake tortoise)
- maladaptive behaviour (slip)
- maladie sexuellement transmissible (MST)
- Malay gooseberry (chùm ruột)
- Malay-Indonesian (baxso)
- maldivica (coco-de-mer)
- Malekeh (ملکه)
- Malleville (Melville)
- Mallotus japonicus (楸)
- malma trout (곤들매기)
- Maluki (मल)
- malur (mal)
- Mamia (真実亜)
- Mamii (真実伊)
- Mamiji (真実路)
- Mamika (真実佳)
- Mamiki (真実妃)
- Mamina (真実菜)
- Mamio (真実生)
- Mamiya (真実也)
- Mamiyo (真実世)
- man of science (scienziato)
- manaeesh (مناقيش)
- management of technology (MOT)
- Mandane (Μανδάνη)
- mandarin vole (쇠갈밭쥐)
- mandibular ramus (gonys)
- Mandrillus (drill)
- manej (manejarlo)
- mangje (望)
- manila paper (manila)
- Maniraptora (maniraptoran)
- Manisa (Μαγνησία)
- manjusaka (曼珠沙華)
- Manlia (Μάλλιος)
- Mannagetta (Beck)
- Manneristic (manieristico)
- manners maketh man (สำเนียงส่อภาษา กิริยาส่อสกุล)
- Manoel (Manoel Island)
- manual exchange (коммутатор)
- manvantara (शिव)
- Manvel (Մանվել)
- many-faceted (centuplice)
- manzai (大夫)
- Maonaigh (Mooney)
- mapsto (Schwarzian derivative)
- Marani (Europanto)
- Maranta (arrowroot)
- Marantaceae (arrowroot)
- Marcellin (Bory)
- Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus (Βίβλος)
- Marcy (verb phrase)
- Mardin (Νίσιβις)
- Mardonius (Μαρδόνιος)
- Marford (Flintshire)
- margin stop (marginatore)
- marginal analysis (marginalism)
marginal note
[edit]- marila (검은머리흰죽지)
- Marinduque (Tagalog)
- Maritsa (Ἕβρος)
- mark of honour (augmentation)
- market gardener (ortolano)
- Markievicz (Fianna Éireann)
- marking machine (marcatrice)
- marking out (tracciamento)
- Markolf (Mark)
- Markvard (Mark)
- Markward (Mark)
- Marolatry (mariolatria)
- Marpessa (Μάρπησσα)
- marriage class (yibatha)
- marriage vow (dicho)
- marriage-bed (εὐνή)
- marrow squash (vegetable marrow)
- Marryat (baboonery)
- Marshall plan (Marshallův plán)
- Marsian (Μαρσός)
- Marsilea quadrifolia (स्वस्तिक)
- Marsilia dentata (शिव)
- Marsyas (Μαρσύας)
- Martialis (flamen)
- Martinizing (Martinize)
- Martiros (Մարտիրոս)
- Martu (Amorite)
- Marut (वायु)
- Maruts (कवि)
- Marwar (मरु)
- Marymount (MMU)
- masago (애기망둑)
- Mashghara (مشغرة)
- Masinissa (Μασσανάσσης)
- Masis (Մասիս)
- masked booby (푸른얼굴얼가니새)
- masorah (Mm)
- Massagetae (Jat)
- Massalia (Μασσαλία)
- Massaliote (Μασσαλιώτης)
- Massinissa (Μασσανάσσης)
- Master of Agriculture (MAgr)
- Master of Laws (LLM)
- Mataco-Guaicuru (Kadiwéu)
- matematic (matematică)
- maternal grandparent (morförälder)
- maternity hospital (porodnice)
- mathematical programming (matematické programování)
- Matlatzinca (Tlahuica)
- matreshka (Russian doll)
- matrix algebra (diagonalisation)
- maugh (kiyev)
- Maulisia (palegold searsid)
- Mausolus (Μαύσωλος)
- Maussolus (Μαύσωλος)
- May beetle (хрущ)
- May lily (konwalijka)
- mayek (ໄມ້ເອກ)
- Mayen (Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands)
- maytho (ໄມ້ໂທ)
- Mazar (مزار شریف)
- Mazar-i (مزار شریف)
- mazel (mazal tov)
- MBh (संस्कृत)
- Mbum-Day (Day)
- McClinton (Clinton)
- McCulley (Zorro)
- McDairmid (McDearmont)
- McElrath (advice)
- McKelvey (clock)
- mean curvature (minimal surface)
- mean-tone (tertian)
- means of labor (means of production)
- measure out (dosare)
- measuring device (měřící zařízení)
- measuring instrument (měřící přístroj)
- Meclisi (TBMM)
- med mera (mm)
- mediadiposalis (자가사리)
- Medicago esculenta (वर्षा)
- medical bath (gyógyfürdő)
- medical prescription (Rezept)
- medical thermometer (Fieberthermometer)
- Medicinae (MB)
- medicinal herb (Heilkraut)
- Mediolanum Santonum (Μεδιόλανον)
- medirostris (용상어)
- medium frequency (MF)
- medium invert sugar (MIS)
- medium range ballistic missile (MRBM)
- medium-wooled (Polwarth)
- Megabates (Μεγαβάτης)
- Megabazus (Μεγάβαζος)
- Megabyzus (Μεγάβυζος)
- Megacles (Μεγακλῆς)
- megaelectron (megaelectronvolt)
- Megalomycteridae (megalomycterid)
- megarayleigh (MR)
- Megareus (Μεγαρεύς)
- megarhynchos (common nightingale)
- Megarid (Μεγαρίς)
- megaroentgen (MR)
- Megrez (Charles' Wain)
- Mehelya (file snake)
- Meidias (Μειδίας)
- Meitei (ภาษามณีปุระ)
- Melampus (Μελάμπους)
- melancoryphus (black-necked swan)
- Melanippe (Μελανίππη)
- Melanippus (Μελάνιππος)
- melanoleucos (알락개구리매)
- Melchisedech (Мелхиседек)
- Melchizedek priesthood (high priest)
- Meleager (Μελέαγρος)
- Meles (Eurasian badger)
- Meletus (Μέλητος)
- Melica (melic)
- Melkon (Մելքոն)
- melon-headed whale (고양이고래)
- melops (conner)
- Melrose (Maxwell)
- Melvyn (Mel)
- Melyridae (batrachotoxin)
- membela (bela)
- memberi (beri)
- membina (bina)
- memory expansion (Speichererweiterung)
- Memphremagog (Memphre)
- menadoensis (coelacanth)
- menambang (tambang)
- Menander (Μένανδρος)
- Mendeleev-type (tri-)
- mengejamkan (kejam)
- menghadap (hadap)
- meniaon (menaia)
- Menoeceus (Μενοικεύς)
- mental state (humeur)
- menthadiene (pine terpene)
- Menticirrhus (kingfish)
- Menyanthaceae (Menyanthes)
- Mephisto (Мефистофель)
merchant vessel
[edit]- merchant vessel (MV)
- mercredi des cendres (mardi gras)
- mercurous chloride (calomel)
- Meridiungulata (meridiungulate)
- Meriones (Μηριόνης)
- meromorphic function (regular function)
- merriami (chachauatl)
- Merryfield (dolos)
- Mersenne (GIMPS)
- Meruzhan (Մերուժան)
- Mesenchytraeus (ice worm)
- Meskheti (სალამური)
- Mesoeucrocodylia (mesoeucrocodylian)
- Mesogobio (압록자그사니)
- Mesonychia (mesonychid)
- mesophily (mesophyllic)
- Mespilus (medlar)
- Mesrop (Մեսրոպ)
- mess tin (gamella)
- Message Digest (MD5)
- Messala (Μεσσάλας)
- Mestrius (Plutarch)
- Mesua roxburghii (सर्प)
- metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD)
- Metastrongylidae (lungworm)
- Metelli (Μέτελλος)
- meter attendant (meter maid)
- Methydrium (Μεθύδριον)
- Methymna (Μήθυμνα)
- Meton (Μέτων)
- metric signature (segnatura)
- Metriinae (bombardier beetle)
- Metynnis (silver dollar)
- Meurig (Morris)
- Mevlana (Whirling Dervishes)
- meyenii (maca)
- MFantsefo (Fanti)
- mhic (nic)
- Mhuilinn (Mills)
- Mibae (実生)
- Mibu (実生)
- Micklethwait (Brenan)
- Microberlinia (zebrawood)
- microdorsalis (미유기)
- Microgastrinae (microgastroid)
- Micromonospora (-mycin)
- Micromys (Micromys minutus)
- microoculus (참중고기)
- Micropercops (좀구굴치)
- Microphysogobio (돌마자)
- Microstomus (tunga)
- microtuning (microtuner)
- Microtus richardsoni (water vole)
- microwave landing system (MLS)
- mid-oceanic (rift valley)
- mid-twentieh (Gro)
- middle course (Mittelweg)
- middle distance (middle ground)
- middle guard (nose guard)
- Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic)
- middle-distance runner (mezzofondista)
- middle-distance running (mezzofondo)
- Midias (Μειδίας)
- midplayer (center)
- mieum (ㅁ)
- Mifegyne (abortion pill)
- Miharu (実はる)
- Miho spine loach (미호종개)
- Mikhailovich (Bukasov)
- Mikladalur (kalsoyingur)
- Mikoto (実子都)
- Milas (Μύλασα)
- mildy (weisswurst)
- mileometer (contachilometri)
- military fatigues (battle fatigues)
- military trade (zipperhead)
- miljoenenrede (miljoenennota)
- milk-stone (galaxias)
- Milletler (BM)
- Milon (Μίλων)
- Mindarus (Μίνδαρος)
- Mindoro (Tagalog)
- Mineyo (実子代)
- Minimal Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP)
- Ministry for State Security (Stasi)
- ministry of foreign affairs (Außenministerium)
- minnesbeta (beta)
- Minor League Baseball (AAAA)
- minor snow (しょうせつ)
- Minoris (Polaris)
- Minyae (Μινύης)
- Miori (実生利)
- Miquelon (Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
- Mirapinnidae (mirapinnid)
- Mirie (実理絵)
- Miriko (実利子)
- mirugai (geoduck)
- mirukuigai (geoduck)
- mis-pegged (muggins)
- misfeasant (kinderfeindlichkeit)
- Mishou (実生)
- misic (dissonanza)
- Misnagdic (ultra-Orthodox)
- misnaged (snag)
- miso soup (味噌汁)
- missile launcher (lanciamissili)
- Misumalpan (Sumo)
- Mithymna (Μήθυμνα)
- Mitsuoka (光岡)
- Mixe-Zoquean (Popoloca)
- mixed action (ejectment)
- mixed race (half and half)
- mizolepis (미꾸라지)
- mju (mute)
- Mkrtich (Մկրտիչ)
- Mkrtum (Մկրտում)
- Mladenovo (Dunabökény)
- moarns (moarn)
- Mobarak (مبارک)
- mobility dog (かいじょけん)
- Mobutu (abacost)
- mocinno (quetzal)
- mock privet (fillirea)
- mock-heroic (eroicomico)
- modalize (modalise)
- model year (Baujahr)
- model-making (modellistica)
- Moderate Intellectual Disability (MO)
Modiolus barbatus
[edit]- Modiolus barbatus (bearded mussel)
- Moerae (Μοῖρα)
- Moeris (Μοῖρις)
- Mogera (두더지)
- Mohandas (Gandhi)
- Mohs scale of hardness (Mohsova stupnice tvrdosti)
- moliminal (molimina)
- molitrix (백련어)
- Molossus (Μολοσσός)
- Molotschna (Plauttdietsch)
- Molycreum (Μολύκρειον)
- Molykreio (Μολύκρειον)
- moment of shock (Schrecksekunde)
- Momiko (百実子)
- Monadelphia (adelphia)
- Monarda clinopodia (basil balm)
- Monascus purpureus (red yeast rice)
- monetary reform (měnová reforma)
- Mongolian language (mongol)
- Mongolian toad (작은두꺼비)
- monkey-flower (pithecium)
- Monkwearmouth (Wearmouth)
- monochloroacetic acid (MCAA)
- Monocotyledonae (monocotyledon)
- Monocotyledones (monocotyledon)
- Monomethylurea (MMU)
- monopole antenna (monopole)
- Monopterus (드렁허리)
- monostarch phosphate (E1410)
- monsterkind (fifelcynn)
- montan wax (E912)
- Monterosso (Cinque Terre)
- Montezuma pine (ocoʼ)
- montezumae (ocoʼ)
- montifringilla (fjallígða)
- monumentous (epochal)
- moon lute (đàn nguyệt)
- moon-stricken (mearanach)
- moral person (abandonnateur)
- Moravian Church (Moravian)
- more than (более)
- more than ever (plus que jamais)
- Morelia (yabaa)
- Moreton (Morton)
- morfader (morfædre)
- morhua (toskur)
- Moriz (Borkh.)
- Morlaix (Montroulez)
- morning sun (morgunsól)
- Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)
- Morobe (Adzera)
- Morone (barfish)
- Morristown (MMU)
- Morsimus (Μόρσιμος)
- mortar round (мина)
- mortar shell (Mörsergranate)
- Mortemer (Mortimer)
- mortgage interest statement (MIS)
- Mosander (erbia)
- moschus (麞)
- Moskvich (москвич)
- mostr (mostrarte)
- Motella (gade)
- moth bean (moth)
- mother-tongue (madrelingua)
- motor cortex (premotor)
- motor function (spastic tetraplegia)
- motor race (Le Mans)
- motor torpedo boat (mas)
- motor-service (автобаза)
- motor-trolley (автодрезина)
- motorailer (автомотриса)
- motortrike (cycle)
- Motya (Μοτύη)
- Moulard (magret)
- Mount Lebanon (Λίβανος)
- Mount Macedon (Geboor)
- Mount Saint Helens (St Helens)
- mountain boot (Bergstiefel)
- mountain hawk eagle (뿔매)
- mountain shoe (Bergschuh)
- Mountain Time (MT)
- mountains classification (KOM)
- mourning bride (viudo)
- mouse button (muisknop)
- move back (retrocedere)
- move oneself (ôter)
- Movses (Մովսես)
- Moxostoma (ᎣᎵᎦ)
- moyel (מוהל)
- mpl (homosexualilor)
- MRCP (physician)
- Mtsvane (Tsinandali)
- mud hopper (말뚝망둥어)
- mudarib (modaraba)
- muddy loach (미꾸리)
- Mugilogobius (모치망둑)
- muiltjes (muil)
- Muirghis (Morris)
- mukhoyar (мухояр)
- multi-pole (pin)
- Multi-Programing (MUMPS)
- multifasciata (수수미꾸리)
- multimaculatus (점몰개)
- multinomial distribution (multinomické rozdělení)
- multiple drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)
- multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)
- Multiple program multiple data (MPMD)
- multiple reentry vehicle (MRV)
- Mummius (Μόμμιος)
- Munslow (clock)
- Munychia (Μουνυχία)
- muqueux (muqueuse)
- Murchadha (Murphy)
- murio (kiino)
- Murray Island sardine (aryari)
- Musaeus (Μουσαῖος)
- Muscardinidae (dormouse)
- Musci (moss)
- music staff (notová osnova)
- musical form (concerto grosso)
- Musikkapelle (Kapelle)
- Mustela americana (sable)
- Muybridge (zoopraxiscope)
- MVD (Министерство внутренних дел)
- myagrum (полёвка)
- Mycale (Μυκάλη)
- Mycalessus (Μυκαλησσός)
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)
- Mycosphaerellaceae (Septoria)
- Mycteroperca (grouper)
- Mygdonia (Μυγδονία)
- Mylasa (Μύλασα)
- Mymaridae (fairyfly)
- Myoporum (ngaio)
- Myoxocephalus (개구리꺽정이)
- Myrcinus (Μύρκινος)
- myrdur (myrdu)
- Myrobalan (कल्य)
- Myron (Μύρων)
- Myronides (Μυρωνίδης)
- mystus (싱어)
- Myus (Μυοῦς)
- Myxomycota (myxomycete)