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Proto-Indo-European Germanic Latin Ancient Greek other
*deh₁- (bind) asyndeton, -desis, amphidetic
*deh₂- (share) tide, zeitgeist (de), time, dapifer, damnum, damage (fro), damn, dempne (fro), damnous, indemnity, condemn deme, endemic, daimon, Lacedaemon, daemon (la), demon (la), demonic (la), cacodemon, geodesy, isodapane, demiurge, demagogue (frm), democracy, democrat, Democritus, Demosthenes, Nicodemus, demonym, pandemic, epidemic, demotic, demos, demo-,
*deh₃- (give) add, addendum, addition, additive, dative, abscond, sconce (fro), condition, condiction, conditional, donative, donate, donation, donor, condone, reddition, render (fro), deditio, rendition, treason (fro), dedition, editor, edition, perdition, deperdition, subdititious, pardon (fro), tradition, traitor (fro), betray (fro), recondite, recond, datum, data, die (ety 2, fro), dice (fro > enm), date, mandate, mandatory, mandamus, amand, amandation, command (VL. > fro), commend, commando (LL. > pt > af), demand, vend, vendor, vendue (fro > nl), vendition, endow (fro), dowry (fro), dowager (fro), apodosis, Herodotus, anecdote, antidote, dose (LL.), doos (LL. > nl > af), Theodora, Theodore (la), Isidore, Pandora, fedora (ru > fr), Dorothy, Dažbog (sla), dana (sa > pi), Aditi (sa)
*deḱ- (take) decent, décor (fr), decorate, decorum, doctor, docile, document, docility, doctrinal, doctrine, doctrix, indign, indignity, indignant, indignation, dignity, dainty (fro), deign (fro), disdain (fro), fonda (ar > es), diplodocus, dogma, paradox, dogmatic
*déḱm̥ ten cent, centum, qindarkë (sq<vl.)
*deḱs- (right side) Texel dexter, dexterity, ambidextrous, dexterous Deccan (sa > hnd)
*delh₁- (split) tell, teller, tale, talk dolabra, condole, dolent, dol, dolour, Dolores (es), indolent, dolorose, dolorous, dolium
*dóru tree, tar, true dryad druid (Gaulish)
*DEM- (build up) teem, toft (non), timber, dome (fr), domus, domestic, domestique, don (es), domino, domine, dominie, dominus, demoiselle (fr), damsel (fr), donzella (it), doncella (es), donzel (it), domina, donna (it), dame (fr), dam (fr), domination, dominatrix, domme, dom, Dominic, dominion, dominium, domaine (fr), demesne (fr), domain (fr), dominate, AD, domicile, Despina, despot, despotic
*demh₂- (tame) tame, daunt (fr), don (es), domino, domine, dominie, dominus, demoiselle (fr), damsel (fr), donzella (it), doncella (es), donzel (it), domina, donna (it), dame (fr), dam (fr), domination, dominatrix, domme, dom, Dominic, dominion, dominium, domaine (fr), demesne (fr), domain (fr), dominate, AD Hippodamia
*denḱ- (bite) tong, tang, tough
*der- (split) tear, tire (fr), retire (fr), try (fr), turd dermatology, pachyderm, dermal, dermis, epidermis
*derbʰ- (spin) topsy-turvy, turf
*derHgʰ- (tug) tarry
*derḱ- (see) dracontine, dragon (fr), dragoon (fr), drake (ang < la) darsana (sa)
*dewh₂- (fit) tool, taw, tew, tow dynamic, dynasty (la)
*dewk- (pull) tee, tie, tye, toy (nl), tuck, touch (fr < frk), touché (fr < frk), zugzwang (de), tow, tug, tog, tether, team, teem, abduce, abduct, abduction, adduce, adduct, adductor, aqueduct, circumduct, conduce, conduct, conduction, conductor, conduct, conductus, conduit (fr), deduce, deduct, deduction, deductive, deductor, adductive, abductor, ductin, duct, ductus, doge (vec), dux, duke (fr), duchess (fr), archduke (fr), duchy (fr), ducat (it), educe, educate, education, induce, induct, induction, introduce, introduction, obduce, obduction, obduct, produce, product, production, productive, productivity, reduce, reduction, redux, ridotto (it), redoubt (fr < it), seduce, seduction, traduce, traduct, subdue (fr), subduction, traduction
*deyḱ- (point out) token, teach, toe dictum, ipse dixit, abdication, abdication, dedicate, dedication, indicate, index, indication, indicator, predict, predicate, preach (fr), indict, addict, addiction, benediction, Benedict, bentsh (yi), condiction, condition, contradict, contradiction, contradictory, diction, dictionary, avenge (fr), vindicate, judge (fr), abjudicate, abjudge (fr), adjudicate, adjudge (fr), adjudication, judication, vendetta (it), prejudge (fr), prejudicate, prejudice, judicial, judiciary, dictate, dictamen, ditto (it), dictum, edict, interdict, dictation, dictator, dictature, valediction, valedictorian, maledict, vindical, digit, digital, digitalis, digitate, digitule, deictic, paradigm, Eurydice
*drem- (run, sleep) dorm, dormitory, dormant, dorter (fr), dormancy syndrome, palindrome, hippodrome
*dweh₂- (move away, move forward) dour (sco < gd), dure (fr), duramen, duress (fr), durable, durability, duration, endure
*dwey- (fear) dire dinosaur
*dyew- (be bright) Lent, Tiw (ang), Tyr (non), Tuesday, diva (it), adieu (fr), adios (es), Agnus Dei, Opus Dei, deity, deus ex machina, deify (fr), deification, joss (cpi < crp-mpp < pt), divination, divine (fr), divinity, Diana, Vejovis, Jove, Jupiter, biduous, carpe diem, diary, journey (fr), diurnal, journal (fr), Mardi Gras (fr), meridiem, a.m., p.m., meridian, meridional, triduum, nudiustertian, sesquidiurnal, nundine, nundines, Zeus, deva (sa), diwata (ceb < sa), Dyeus (ine), Dyaus Pita (sa), daeva (ae), div (fa), Devi (sa)
Proto-Indo-European Germanic Latin Ancient Greek other