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Appendix:False friends between German and Romanian

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

This is a list of false friends between German and Romanian. These are word pairs similar in appearance but different in meaning, even though some of them come from the same root. Some of them are partial false friends in that one of the words covers a meaning the other doesn't, but they still share some of the meanings. Green background means that they are partial false friend, i.e. sharing at least one meaning.

German word Romanian translation English translation Romanian word German translation English translation
alt[1] bătrân / vechi old alt anderer other
am la at am (ich) habe (I) have
Arme[2] brațe arms armă Waffe weapon
Bann[3] vrajă spell ban[4] Münze coin
Bahre[5] tragă stretcher bară Stab bar
Bäcker brutar baker becher Junggeselle bachelor
Blockhaus cabană log cabin blochaus Geschosswohnungsbau apartment building
bot[6] ofeream / oferea (I / he / she) offered bot Schnauze snout
Brand incendiu blaze brand Marke brand
brav cuminte well-behaved brav tapfer brave
Kai chei quay cai Pferde horses
Kalk var lime calc Lehnübersetzung calque
kalt rece cold cald warm warm
kam veneam / venea (I / he / she) came cam ziemlich rather
Kamin[7] cămin chimney cămin Studentenwohnheim dormitory
Karriere carieră career carieră Steinbruch quarry
kipp! răstoarnă! tip over! chip Antlitz visage
Konkurs faliment bankruptcy concurs Wettkampf contest
Korb coș basket corb Rabe raven
Kot excrement feces cot Ellenbogen elbow
Krug ulcior jug crug Umlaufbahn orbit
Kur cură treatment course cur Arsch ass
da acolo there da ja yes
Daune puf down feather daună Schaden damage
Dom catedrală cathedral dom Kuppel dome
drum de aia therefore drum Weg way
fast aproape almost fast Prunk splendor
frag! întreabă! ask! frag Walderdbeere woodland strawberry
Fund descoperire finding fund Po butt
Gardine perdea curtain gardină Falz rabbet
Glas sticlă glass glas Stimme voice
Glaswand glasvand glass wall glasvand Glastür French door
Goal gol goal gol leer empty
Gras iarbă grass gras dick fat
groß mare big gros dick thick
Hain dumbravă grove hain grausam cruel
Haine dumbrăvi groves haine Kleider clothes
Haar păr hair har Gnade grace
herb no equivalent no equivalent herb Landeswappen coat of arms of a country
jede fiecare each iede Kitze kids
Jute iută jute iute scharf spicy
leg! pune! put! leg (ich) verbinde (I) connect
mag no equivalent[8] (I / he / she) like(s) mag Magier magician
Mai mai May mai -er more
Mal[9] dată time mal Ufer shore
Maare maaruri maars mare Meer sea
Maß[10] măsură measure mas Einkehr no equivalent
Masse masă mass masă Tisch table
Matura bacalaureat A level matură Besen broom
Mine[11] mină mine mine mich me
Miete chirie rent mite Bestechungsgelder bribes
Moor[12] mlaștină swamp mor (ich) sterbe / (sie) sterben (I / they) die
Nu clipă blink of an eye nu nein no
Ort loc place ort no equivalent no equivalent
Palme palmier palm palmă Handfläche palm
Parasit parazit parasite părăsit verlassen deserted
Passat alizeu trade wind pasat gepasst passed
prima grozav great prima erste first f
prostǃ norocǃ cheersǃ prost Dummkopf idiot
Puff[13] bordel brothel puf Daune down feather
rege activ brisk rege König king
Rocker rocker rocker rocă Gestein rock
Ruder vâslă oar rudă Verwandter relative
Sau scroafă sow sau oder or
Stau ambuteiaj traffic jam stau (ich) stehe / (sie) stehen (I / they) stay
Sud decoct stock sud Süden south
Tau rouă dew tău dein your
tot mort dead tot alles everything
und și and unt Butter butter
Wallach cal castrat gelding valah Walache Vlach
was ce what vas Gefäß vessel
Weste vestă vest veste[14] Neuigkeit tidings
  1. ^ also Alt
  2. ^ also Arm
  3. ^ also bann
  4. ^ also bani
  5. ^ also bare
  6. ^ also Boot
  7. ^ also kam in
  8. ^ expressed with plăcea
  9. ^ also Mahl, mal
  10. ^ also Maß
  11. ^ also Miene
  12. ^ also Mohr
  13. ^ also puff
  14. ^ also vestă