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Alternative forms




Inherited from Middle High German ander, from Old High German andar, from Proto-West Germanic *anþar.

Cognate with Old Saxon ōthar (whence Low German anner), Old Dutch andar (whence Dutch ander), Old Frisian ōther (whence West Frisian oar), Old English ōþer (whence English other), Old Norse annarr (whence Swedish annan, Danish anden, Icelandic annar) and Yiddish אַנדער (ander).


  • (most of Germany, some of Austria) IPA(key): /ˈandərər/, [ˈänd(ə)ʁɐ], [ˈand(ə)ʁɐ], [ˈänd(ə)ra]
  • (Switzerland, some of Austria and southern Germany) IPA(key): /ˈandərər/, [ˈänd(ə)rər], [ˈänd(ɛ)rɛr], [ˈɑnd(ə)rər]
  • Audio:(file)
  • Hyphenation: an‧de‧rer



anderer m (feminine andere, neuter anderes)

  1. other, different
    ein and(e)rer Mannanother man
    das Geld and(e)rer Leuteother people's money
    mit jemand ander(e)m sprechento talk with someone else
    etwas völlig anderessomething completely different
    eine vollkommen andere Persona completely different person
    • 2018, Hans Josef Wieling, Thomas Finkenauer, Bereicherungsrecht, 5th edition, Berlin: Springer, →DOI, →ISBN, § 3 Rn. 59, page 43:
      Ganz herrschend wird § 817, 2 auf alle Leistungskondiktionen angewendet. Umstritten ist aber, ob § 817, 2 auch auf andere als Bereicherungsansprüche anwendbar ist.
      According to general opinion Par. 817, 2 is to be applied for all performance condictions. However, it is disputed whether Par. 817, 2 is to be applied for claims other than condictions.
  2. (archaic) second
    Synonym: zweiter
    • 1869, Die Kirchen-Geschichte des Eusebius von Cäsarea (translated by F. A. Stroth; printed in St Louis, Missouri), page 51:
      Das erste, andere, dritte, vierte und fünfte Buch von dem Satz, daß Moses zufolge die Träume von Gott geschickt würden.
      The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth book about the proposition that our dreams, according to Moses, are sent by God.



anderer m (feminine andere, neuter anderes)

  1. another (one), others
    Andere (Leute) wussten es früherOthers know it before
    Wir wollen das andere (Brot)We want the other one
    Wir wollen ein anderes (Brot).We want another one

Usage notes

  • Its use as an indefinite pronoun follows an adjectival declension and can be used together with the definite article (following the weak declension), indefinite article (with mixed declension) or with no article (strong declension).
  • The German word means “other” only in the sense of “different”, not in the sense of “more”. For example, Willst du ein anderes Bier? (literally Do you want another beer?) means “Do you want a different beer?”. In order to convey the meaning of “more”, the adverb noch is used: Willst du noch ein Bier?
  • The shortened forms, such as andre or andern (instead of andere, anderen) are prevalent in pronunciation. It is also correct to use them in writing, although this has become less frequent over the past decades.
  • The 1996 reform spelling rules as of 2011 allow spellings like Anderer when the word is used substantivally (§58 (5) E4). However, forms like this might be nonstandard.
  • If we want to use the word predicatively, the adverbialised anders is used: Sie sind ganz anders. (They're completely different.)

