Minimal sets:
Pronunciation differences: Pontevedra (western Galicia) vs. Ferrol (central Galicia):
Pronunciation differences: south Pontevedra vs. most other dialects:
Pronunciation differences: western Galician vs. central/eastern:
However, everyone agrees on:
Homographs: native words vs. Spanish borrowings
(Spanish [e̞, o̞] adapted by Galician as [ɛ, ɔ] whether stressed or unstressed)
Variation of stressed mid-vowels in neologisms:
Nasalization of vowels surrounded by nasals:
Environments that favour low-mid vowels:
- Trisyllables with initial stress:
- Disyllables with initial stress and a final consonant:
- Disyllables with final stress:
- Paroxytones with a rising diphthong in the final syllable:
- Stressed monosyllables:
Some exceptions
Examples showing the productivity of
- the trisyllable rule:
- the paroxytone rule:
- Correlation of low-mids with syllable-coda /l/:
Correlation of /ɛ/ with final stress + following /ɾ, n/:
Correlation of /o/ (!) with final stress + following /ɾ, n/:
Correlation of /ɔ/ with final stress + following coronal obstruent:
Correlation of low-mids with following coda plosive (generally found in loanwords):
Correlation of low-mids with preceding [j, w]:
Correlation of high-mids with following [j, w]:
In some dialects, [ɛ] correlates with following [w]: