User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-u
übermensch {n} (figure in Nazi ideology) | :: nadčovek {m}, natčovek {m} |
Ürümchi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) SEE: Ürümqi | :: |
Ürümqi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) | :: Урумћи {n} |
UAE {prop} (initialism of United Arab Emirates) | :: УАЕ; UAE |
ubiquitous {adj} (widespread) SEE: widespread | :: |
udarnik {n} (shock worker, super-productive worker in the Soviet Union and the other countries from the Soviet Block, see also: Stakhanovite) | :: ударник; udarnik {m} |
udder {n} (organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals) | :: виме {n}; vȉme {n} |
Ufa {prop} (city) | :: Уфа {f}, Ufá {f} |
UFO {n} (an unidentified flying object) | :: НЛО; NLO |
Uganda {prop} (Republic of Uganda) | :: Уганда {f}; Uganda {f} |
ugly {adj} (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing) | :: ружан; ružan, grd, gadan |
uh {interj} (space filler or pause during conversation) | :: ovaj |
uhlan {n} (soldier with lance) | :: улани |
ukase {n} (proclamation from the Russian ruler) | :: указ {m}; ukáz {m} |
Ukraine {prop} (Eastern European country) | :: Украјина {f}; Ùkrajina {f} |
Ukrainian {n} (ethnic/citizen) | :: Украјинац {m}, Украјинка {f}; Ukrajinac {m}, Ukrajinka {f} |
Ukrainian {n} (language) | :: украински језик {m}; ukrainski jezik {m} |
Ukrainian {adj} (relating to Ukraine or its people) | :: украјӣнскӣ; ùkrajīnskī |
Ulaanbaatar {prop} (the capital of Mongolia) | :: Улан Батор {m}; Ulan Bator {m} |
Ulan-Ude {prop} (capital of Buryatia, Russia) | :: Улан Уде {m}, Ulan Ude {m} |
ulcer {n} (open sore) | :: чир {m}, гризлица {f}; čir {m}, grizlica {f} |
Ulcinj {prop} (City) | :: Улцињ; Ulcinj |
ulna {n} (bone of the forearm) | :: лакатна кост; lakatna kȏst |
ulp {interj} (sound of a person gulping in fear) SEE: gulp | :: |
Ulric {prop} (male given name) | :: Ulrik |
ulterior motive {n} (alternative or hidden reason for doing something) | :: скривени мотив {m}; skriveni motiv {m} |
ultimate {adj} (most distant) | :: najdalji |
ultrasound {n} (sound) | :: ултразвук {m}; ȕltrazvūk {m} |
Uluru {prop} (giant rock in Australia) | :: Улуру {m}, Ајерс рок {m}; Uluru {m}, Ajers rok {m} |
Ulyanovsk {prop} (city) | :: Уљановск {m}; Uljanovsk {m} |
umber {n} (grayling) SEE: grayling | :: |
umbilical cord {n} (cord between foetus and placenta) | :: пупчана врпца {f}; pupčana vrpca {f} |
umbilicus {n} (navel) SEE: navel | :: |
umbra {n} (a shadow) SEE: shadow | :: |
umbra {n} (the fully shaded inner area of a shadow) | :: umbra |
umbrella {n} (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun) | :: кишобран {m} [rain], сунцобран {m} [for sun]; kȉšobrān {m} [rain], sȕncobrān {m} [for sun] |
umbrella {n} (anything that provides protection) | :: кишобран {m}; kȉšobrān {m} |
ummah {n} (the worldwide Muslim community) | :: uma {f}, umma {f}, umet {f}, ummet {m} |
un- {prefix} (violative of; contrary to) | :: не-; ne- |
unanimous {adj} (based on unanimity) | :: једногласан, једнодушан; jednòglasan, jednòdušan |
unanimously {adv} (in a unanimous manner) | :: једногласно; jednòglasno |
unary operation {n} (one-operand operation) | :: unarna operacija {f} |
unary operator {n} (operator taking one operand) | :: unarni operator {m} |
unattractive {adj} (not handsome or beautiful or appealing) | :: ружан; rúžan |
unavoidably {adv} (in an unavoidable manner) | :: неизбјежно; neizbježno |
unbearably {adv} (in an unbearable manner) | :: несносно, nèsnosno |
unbeliever {n} (infidel) SEE: infidel | :: |
unbelieving {adj} (that does not believe) | :: неверан, невјеран; nȅveran, nȅvjeran |
unblock {v} (to remove obstructions) | :: deblokírati {impf} {pf} |
unbuckle {v} (to unfasten (the buckle of)) | :: разгалити; razgáliti |
unciform {adj} (of the shape of a hook) | :: кукаст {m}, kukast {m} |
uncle {n} (brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent) | :: [paternal] стриц {m}, чичa {m}, амиџа {m} [regional, non-standard], [parent's brother-in-law] тетак {m}, течa {m}, течо {m}, [maternal] ујак {m}, даиџа {m} [regional, non-standard]; [paternal] stric {m}, čiča {m}, amidža {m} [regional, non-standard], [parent's brother-in-law] tetak {m}, teča {m}, tečo {m}, [maternal] ujak {m}, daidža {m} [regional, non-standard] |
uncle {n} (close male friend of the parents) | :: чико {m}, чика {m}; čiko {m}, čika {m} |
unclean {adj} (dirty, soiled or foul) | :: нечист, прљав; nèčist, pȑljav |
unclear {adj} (ambiguous; liable to more than one interpretation) | :: нејасан; nejasan |
Uncle Sam {prop} (personification of the US government) | :: Ујка Сем {m}; Ujka Sem {m} |
uncollected {adj} (not collected) | :: нескупљен; neskupljen |
uncomfortable {adj} (not comfortable) | :: неудобан; nȅudoban |
unconcerned {adj} (indifferent) | :: ravnodušan, nezainteresiran |
unconcerned {adj} (not worried) | :: nezabrinut |
unconditional surrender {n} (surrender without conditions) | :: безусловна предаја {f}; bezuslovna prȅdaja {f} |
unconnected {adj} | :: неповезан; nepòvēzān |
unconstitutional {adj} (contrary to the constitution) | :: неуставан; nȅustāvan |
unconstitutionality {n} (status of being unconstitutional) | :: неуставност {f}; nȅustāvnōst {f} |
unconvincing {adj} (not convincing) | :: neuvjèrljiv |
undecidable {adj} (incapable of being algorithmically decided) | :: neodlučiv |
undemocratic {adj} (not democratic) | :: недемократски; nedemokratski |
under {prep} (in a lower level than) | :: под; pod |
under {prep} | :: pod |
underage {adj} (below legal age) | :: малољетан; maloljetan |
undercurrent {n} (current of water which flows under the surface) | :: duboka struja {f} |
undercut {v} (to undermine) SEE: undermine | :: |
underdiagnosis {n} | :: hipodijagnosticiranje {n} |
underfloor heating {n} (heating system that operates from under the floor) | :: podno grijanje {n} |
underground {n} (subway) SEE: subway | :: |
underground {adj} (below the ground) | :: подземан; podzeman |
underground {adj} (hidden, furtive) | :: прикрѝвено, потајно; prikrìveno, pȍtājno |
underground {adj} (outside the mainstream) | :: подземно; podzemno |
underhair {n} (pubic hair) SEE: pubic hair | :: |
undermine {v} (hinder, sabotage) | :: поткопати, поткопавати; potkopati, potkopavati |
under one's hat {prep} (secret) SEE: secret | :: |
under one's thumb {prep} (under one's thumb) | :: у шаци, u šaci |
underpants {n} (underwear) | :: гаће {p}; gaće {p} |
underpass {n} (passage) | :: podvožnjak {m}, подвожњак {m} |
undershirt {n} (for wifebeater) SEE: singlet | :: |
understand {v} (to grasp the meaning of) | :: (Ekavian) разумети {impf}, (Ijekavian) разумјети {impf}; (Ekavian) razumeti {impf}, (Ijekavian) razumjeti {impf} |
understandable {adj} (capable of being understood) | :: razumljiv |
understanding {n} (mental process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, subjective by its nature) | :: разумевање {n}; razumevanje {n} |
undertow {n} (flow of water) | :: povratna morska struja {f} |
undertreatment {n} | :: hipotretiranje {n} |
underwear {n} (clothes worn next to the skin) | :: доње рубље {n}; donje rublje {n} |
underworld {n} (part of society engaged in crime or vice) | :: podzemlje {n} |
undeterred {adj} (undiscouraged) | :: neometen {m}, neosujećen {m} |
undies {n} (panties) SEE: panties | :: |
undo {v} (to reverse) | :: opovrgnuti, revertirati |
undo {v} (to unfasten) | :: razvezati [what is tied], raskopčati /what is buttoned up/ [what is buttoned up] |
undue {adj} (Excessive; going beyond that what is natural or sufficient) | :: prekom(j)erno |
unduly {adv} (undeservedly; in a way that is not warranted) | :: neopravdano, nezasluženo |
unemployed {adj} (having no job) | :: незапослен; nezaposlen |
unemployment {n} (joblessness) | :: незапосленост {f}; nezàposlenōst {f} |
unencumbered {adj} (not burdened with worries, cares or responsibilities) | :: neopterećen, bezbrižan |
unencumbered {adj} (free of encumbrance) | :: neopterećen, nezadužen, bez duga |
unencumbered {adj} (of property, not subject to any claims) | :: neoperećen, nezadužen |
unequivocal {adj} (without equal) | :: bez premca |
unerring {adj} (consistently accurate) | :: непогрешив, непогрјешив; nepogrèšiv, nepogrjèšiv |
uneven {adj} (odd) SEE: odd | :: |
unexpected {adj} (not expected, anticipated or foreseen) | :: неочекӣван; neočèkīvān |
unfair {adj} (not fair) | :: неправичан; nepravičan |
unfavourable {adj} (of wind or weather: causing delay or obstacles) | :: неповољан; nȅpovōljan |
unforgettable {adj} (which is very difficult to forget) | :: незабораван; nȅzaborāvan |
unforgivable {adj} (not forgivable) | :: неопростив; neopròstiv |
unfortunately {adv} (happening through bad luck) | :: нажалост; nažalost |
unfreeze {v} (thaw) SEE: thaw | :: |
ungratefulness {n} (the state of being ungrateful) SEE: ingratitude | :: |
unguent {n} (cream applied to the skin for a therapeutic purpose) SEE: ointment | :: |
ungulate {n} (hooved mammal) | :: kopitar, papkar |
unhappy {adj} (not happy; sad) | :: несретан; nesretan |
unharness {v} (to liberate) SEE: liberate | :: |
unicellular {adj} (having a single cell) | :: једностаничан; jednostàničan |
Unicode {prop} (series of computer encoding standards) | :: Уникод {m}; Unikod {m} |
unicorn {n} (mythical beast) | :: једнорог {m}; jȅdnorog {m} |
unicycle {n} (one-wheeled pedaled cycle) | :: jednotočak {m}, jednokolka {f} |
uniform {adj} (unvarying) | :: униформан, једнообразан, једноличан; ùnifōrman, jednoòbrazan, jednòličan |
uniform {adj} (consistent) | :: конзистентан, постојан; konzistèntan, póstojān |
uniform {n} (distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group) | :: одора {f}, униформа {f}; òdora {f}, ùnifōrma {f} |
uniformity {n} (a state of being uniform) | :: unifórmnōst {f}, jednòličnōst {f}, jednoòbraznōst {f} |
uniformity {n} (an absence of alternativism) | :: ujèdnāčenōst {f}, jednòlikōst {f} |
uniformly continuous {adj} (property of a function) | :: [Ijekavian] равномјерно непрекӣдан, [Ekavian] равномерно непрекӣдан, једнолико непрекӣдан, униформно непрекӣдан; [Ijekavian] rȁvnomjerno nȅprekīdan, [Ekavian] rȁvnomerno nȅprekīdan, jednòliko nȅprekīdan, ùnifōrmno nȅprekīdan |
uninstaller {n} (a program that uninstalls software) | :: alat za deinstaliranje {m} |
union {n} (trade union) SEE: trade union | :: |
union {n} (the act of uniting or the state of being united) | :: савез {m}, унија {f}; sávez {m}, ȗnija {f} |
union {n} | :: savez {m} |
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics {prop} (a confederation of Communist states, see also: Soviet Union; USSR) | :: Савез Совјетских Социјалистичких Република {m}; Savez Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika {m} |
unique {adj} (one of a kind) | :: једѝнствен; jedìnstven |
unit {n} (standard measure of a quantity) | :: јединица {f}; jedinica {f} |
unit {n} (organized group comprising people and/or equipment) | :: јединица {f}; jedinica {f} |
unit {n} (member of a military organization) | :: јединица {f}; jedinica {f} |
unit {n} (algebra: element of a ring) | :: јединица {f}; jedinica {f} |
unite {v} ((transitive) to bring together as one) | :: ујединити {pf}; ujedíniti {pf} |
United Arab Emirates {prop} (country in the Middle East) | :: Уједињени Арапски Емирати {m-p}; Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati {m-p} |
United Kingdom {prop} (Kingdom in Europe, see also: Great Britain) | :: Уједињено Краљевство {n}, Уједињено Краљевство Велике Британије и Сјеверне Ирске {n}; Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo {n}, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske {n} |
United Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain) | :: Уједињено Краљевство Велике Британије {n}; Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velike Britanije {n} |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) | :: Уједињено Краљевство Велике Британије и Ирске {n}; Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velike Britanije i Irske {n} |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | :: Уједињено Краљевство Велике Британије и Северне Ирске {n}; Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske {n} |
United Nations {prop} (international coalition) | :: Уједӣњенӣ народи {m-p}, Уједињене нације {f-p}; Ujèdīnjenī národi {m-p}, Ujedinjene nacije {f-p} |
United States {prop} (the United States) | :: Сједињене Америчке Државе {p}; Sjedinjene Američke Države {p} |
United States of America {prop} (country in North America) | :: Сједињене Америчке Државе {f-p}, Америка {f}, САД {f-p}; Sjedinjene Američke Države {f-p}, Amerika, SAD {f-p} |
unit matrix {n} (identity matrix) SEE: identity matrix | :: |
unity {n} (state of being one or undivided) | :: јединство {n}, једност {f}, једињење {n}, једноћа {f}; jedinstvo {n}, jednost {f}, jedinjenje {n}, jednoća {f} |
universal set {n} (set) | :: univerzalni skup {m} |
universal Turing machine {n} (Turing machine capable of simulating all the other Turing machines) | :: univerzalni Turingov stroj {m} |
universe {n} (the Universe) | :: свемир {m}, васиона {f}, васелена {f}, васељена {f}; svemir {m}, vasiona {f}, vaselena {f}, vaseljena {f} |
universe {n} (an entity similar to our universe) | :: vasióna, vaseljena |
university {n} (institution of higher education) | :: универзѝтет {m}, свеучилӣште {n}; univerzìtēt {m}, sveùčilīšte {n} |
unjustice {n} (injustice) SEE: injustice | :: |
unjustifiable {adj} (that cannot be justified) | :: neopravdan, neoprostiv |
unknown {adj} (not known) | :: непознат; nepoznat |
unknown {n} (variable) | :: непозната {f}; nepoznata {f} |
unleaded {adj} (without lead) | :: bezolovni |
unleash {v} (to free from a leash) | :: pustiti s lanca, razobručiti, odvezati |
unleavened bread {n} (bread without a raising agent) | :: pogača {f} |
unless {conj} (except on a specified condition) | :: osim ako, ukoliko ne, ako ne |
unlettered {adj} (not well educated; unable to read) | :: nepismen, analfabet |
unmarried {adj} (having no husband or wife) | :: неожењен [of a man], неудан or неудат [of a woman]; neòženjen [of a man], nȅudān or nȅudāt [of a woman] |
unmask {v} (to remove a mask from someone) | :: raskrinkati |
unmask {v} (to expose the true character of someone) | :: raskrinkati |
unnamed {adj} (having no name) | :: bezimen |
unnatural {adj} (not natural) | :: neprírodan |
unnerve {v} (upset) | :: uznemiriti, [adj. "unnerving"] jeziv {m}, živcirati |
unpleasant {adj} (not pleasant) | :: neugodan, odvratan |
unpopular {adj} (lacking popularity) | :: немио; nèmio |
unpopularity {n} (property or degree of being unpopular) | :: nepopularnost, neomiljenost |
unqualified {adj} (undescribed) | :: неоспособљен; neosposobljen |
unquestioning {adj} (believing without question) | :: neupitno |
unreliable {adj} (not reliable) | :: nepouzdan {m} |
unsafe {adj} (not safe) | :: opasan |
unscented {adj} (Unperfumed) | :: neparfemirani |
unscented {adj} (Not scented (detected by smell)) | :: bezmirisni |
unsheltered {adj} (without shelter) | :: незаштӣћен; nezàštīćen |
unsolicited {adj} (not requested, welcome or invited) | :: netražen, neželjen |
unstoppable {adj} (unable to be stopped) | :: незаустављив; nezaustàvljiv |
unsullied {adj} (not sullied) | :: neukaljan {m} |
unsustainability {n} (state or condition of being unsustainable) | :: neodrživōst {f}; неодрживост {f} |
untenable {adj} (Not able to be held, as of an opinion or position) | :: neodrživ |
untidiness {n} (the quality of being untidy) | :: неуредност {f}; nȅurednōst {f} |
until {prep} (up to the time of) | :: до; dȍ |
untouchable {adj} (not able to be touched) | :: недодѝрљив; nedodìrljiv |
untranslatable {adj} (not able to be translated) | :: непреводив, непреводљив; neprevòdiv, neprevòdljiv |
untruth {n} (lie or falsehood) | :: neistina {f}, netačnost {f} |
ununbium {n} (chemical element) | :: унунбиј {m}, унунбијум {m}; ununbij {m}, ununbijum {m} |
ununennium {n} (chemical element) | :: унуненијум |
ununhexium {n} (element with atomic number 116) | :: унунхексиј {m}, унунхексијум {m}; ununheksij {m}, ununheksijum {m} |
ununoctium {n} (chemical element) | :: унуноктиј {m}, унуноктијум {m}; ununoktij {m}, ununoktijum {m} |
ununpentium {n} (chemical element) | :: унунпентиј {m}, унунпентијум {m}; ununpentij {m}, ununpentijum {m} |
ununquadium {n} (chemical element) | :: унунквадијум {m}, унунквадиј {m}; ununkvadijum {m}, ununkvadij {m} |
ununseptium {n} (element with atomic number 117) | :: унунсептиј {m}, унунсептијум {m}; ununseptij {m}, ununseptijum {m} |
ununtrium {n} (chemical element) | :: унунтријум {m}, унунтриј {m}; ununtrijum {m}, ununtrij {m} |
unununium {n} (systematic name for roentgenium) | :: унунуниј, унунунијум; unununij, unununijum |
unutterable {adj} (inexpressible) | :: неизрецив; neizrèciv |
unvisible {adj} (invisible) SEE: invisible | :: |
unvisibly {adv} (invisibly) SEE: invisibly | :: |
unwavering {adj} (never doubted; always steady and on course) | :: постојан, непоколебљив, устрајан; póstojān, nepokolèbljiv, ȕstrājan |
unwearied {adj} (not stopping) SEE: persistent | :: |
unwed {adj} (not married) SEE: unmarried | :: |
unwed {n} (bachelor or a spinster) SEE: unmarried | :: |
unworked {adj} (yet to be changed from its natural state) | :: необрађен; neòbrāđēn |
unwritten {adj} (not written) | :: непӣсан; nèpīsān |
up {adv} | :: uvis |
upbringing {n} (raising or training) | :: одгој {m}, васпитање {n}; odgoj {m}, vaspitanje {n} |
update {n} (action of making something up to date) | :: ažuriranje {n}, aktualizacija {f} |
update {n} (action of advising someone so that they are up to date) | :: ažuriranje, brifiranje |
update {v} (to make something up to date) | :: ažurirati, nadograditi, aktualizirati |
uphill {adv} | :: uzbrdo {f} |
upload {v} (to transfer data) | :: prenositi, transferirati, otpremiti, poslati, postaviti, izbaciti |
upper arm {n} (section of an arm) | :: надлактица {f}; nadlaktica {f} |
uppercut {n} (in boxing) | :: aperkat {m} |
upper hand {n} ((idiomatic) advantage) | :: предност {f}; prȅdnōst {f} |
Upper Volta {prop} (former name of Burkina Faso) | :: Gornja Volta |
uprising {n} (a popular revolt) | :: устанак {m}; ustanak {m} |
upriver {adj} (towards the source of a river) | :: узводно /uzvodno/ |
uproot {v} (eradicate) SEE: eradicate | :: |
upset {adj} (angry, distressed, unhappy) | :: узрујан; ùzrujān {m} |
upstart {n} (newly rich or prominent) | :: skorojević {m}, skorojevićka {f} |
up-to-date {adj} (current; recent) | :: ažuran, aktualan |
Uranian {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual | :: |
Uranian {adj} (of or pertaining to astronomy) SEE: astronomical | :: |
uranium {n} (uranium (element)) | :: уран {m}, уранӣј {m}; uran {m}, ùrānīj {m} |
Uranus {prop} (god of the sky and heavens) | :: Уран {m}; Ùrān {m} |
Uranus {prop} (planet) | :: Уран {m}; Ùrān {m} |
urban {adj} (of the city; characteristic of city life) | :: градскӣ; gràdskī |
Urban {prop} (male given name) | :: Урбан {m}; Urban {m} |
urchin {n} (hedgehog) SEE: hedgehog | :: |
urchin {n} (sea urchin) SEE: sea urchin | :: |
Urdu {n} (the Indo-Iranian language) | :: урду {m}; ȕrdu {m} |
Urdu {adj} (relative to the Urdu language) | :: урду {m}; ȕrdu {m} |
urea {n} (organic compound) | :: mòkraćevina {f}, urea {f}, urèa {f} |
ureter {n} (narrow duct that carries urine from the kidneys) | :: мокраћовод {m}; mokraćovod {m} |
urethra {n} (anatomical tube) | :: мокраћна цијев; mokraćna cijev |
urge {n} (a strong desire; an itch to do something) | :: poriv {m} |
urgent {adj} (requiring immediate attention) | :: hitan {m} |
Uriah Heep {n} (yes man) SEE: yes man | :: |
urinal {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
urinal {n} (a vessel specially used for urination, see also: chamber pot) | :: ćurak {m}, curenje |
urinal {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine | :: |
urinary bladder {n} (urinary bladder) | :: мокраћна бешика {f}; mokraćna bešika {f} |
urinate {v} | :: мокрити, пишати /pišati/, шорати /šorati/; mokriti, pišati, šorati, scati [Croatia] |
urine {n} | :: мокраћа {f}, урӣн {m}, пѝшаћа {f}; mòkraća {f}, ùrīn {m}, pìšaća {f} |
urn {n} (a vessel for ashes or cremains of a deceased person) | :: жара {f}; žara {f} |
Ursa Major {prop} (large circumpolar constellation of the northern sky) | :: Великӣ медвед {m}; Vȅlikī mèdved {m} |
Ursa Minor {prop} (a circumpolar constellation of the northern sky) | :: Мали медвед {m} /Mali medved/ |
Uruguay {prop} (country) | :: Уругвај {m}; Urugvaj {m} |
Uruguayan {n} (a person from Uruguay) | :: Urugvajac {m}, Urugvajka {f} |
us {pron} (objective case of "we") | :: nas |
USA {prop} (United States of America) | :: САД {f-p}, Америка {f}; SAD {f-p}, Amerika {f} |
usage {n} (the manner or the amount of using; use) | :: upotreba {f} |
usage {n} (the way words are spoken or written in a community) | :: jezična uporaba {f}, jezična praksa {f}, jezična izvedba {f} |
usance {n} (customary or habitual usage) | :: uzanca {f} |
use {n} (act of using) | :: употреба {f}, примена {f}; upotreba {f}, primena {f} |
use {v} (employ, apply) | :: користити; kòristiti |
useful {adj} (having a practical or beneficial use) | :: употребљив; upotrèbljiv |
useless {adj} (without use or possibility to be used) | :: бескористан; beskoristan |
user {n} (one who uses something, a consumer) | :: корисник {m}; korisnik {m} |
user {n} (person who uses a computer) | :: корисник {m}, корисница {f}; korisnik {m}, korisnica {f} |
ushanka {n} (a traditional Russian fur cap with earflaps) | :: šubara {f}, шубара {f} |
usher {n} (person who escorts people to their seats) | :: razvodnik {m} |
USSR {prop} (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) | :: СССР {m}; SSSR {m} |
usual {adj} (most commonly occurring) | :: уобѝчајен; uobìčājen |
usurer {n} (one who loans money at exorbitant interest rates) | :: лихвар {m}; lihvar {m} |
usurious {adj} (Of or pertaining to usury) | :: лихварскӣ; lȉhvarskī |
usurper {n} (one who usurps) | :: узурпатор {m}; uzùrpātor {m} |
usury {n} (exorbitant rate of interest in excess of any legal rates) | :: лихва {f}; lȉhva {f} |
usury {n} (practice of lending money at illegal or unfair rates) | :: kamatarenje, lihvarenje |
uterine tube {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube | :: |
uterus {n} (womb) SEE: womb | :: |
utopia {n} (world in perfect harmony) | :: утопија {f}; utòpija {f} |
utterance {n} (an act of uttering) | :: iskaz {m} |
utterance {n} (something spoken) | :: iskaz |
utterance {n} (ability to speak) | :: dar govora, rječitost |
uvula {n} (appendage that hangs from the palate) | :: ȕvula {f}, увула {f} |
uxorial {adj} (of or pertaining to a wife) | :: supružinski {m} |
uxorial {adj} (devoted to one's wife) SEE: uxorious | :: |
uxoricide {n} (a man who kills his wife) | :: женоубица {m}; ženoubica {m} |
uxoricide {n} (the killing of one's wife) | :: женоубиство {n}; ženoubistvo {n} |
uxorious {adj} (Very devoted and/or submissive to one's wife) | :: papučarski {f} |
Uzbek {n} (person) | :: Узбек {m}, Узбекистанац {m}; Ùzbek {m}, Uzbekistánac {m} |
Uzbek {n} (language) | :: узбечкӣ {m}; ùzbečkī {m} |
Uzbekistan {prop} (Republic of Uzbekistan) | :: Узбекистан {m}; Uzbekistan {m} |
Uzbekistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Uzbek language) SEE: Uzbek | :: |
Uzbekistani {n} (A person from Uzbekistan) | :: Узбекистанац /Uzbekistanac/ |
Uzbek SSR {prop} (Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic) | :: Uzbečka SSR {f} |
Uzhgorod {prop} (Uzhhorod) SEE: Uzhhorod | :: |
Uzhhorod {prop} (a city in western Ukraine) | :: Ужгород {m}; Užgorod {m} |