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[edit]About me
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Wiktionary:Babel | ||||||||||||||||
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You can call me Bisma.
To see my appearances on other Wikimedia projects, check out my global userpage on Wikimedia Meta-Wiki.
Notably, I am also on Wikipedia. Sometimes I am relatively more active on Wikipedia and other times more active here on Wiktionary. Then again, due to school, I'm not very active on Wiktionary (or Wikipedia), so I may not respond quickly to queries (as the above template suggests). That being said, if you wish to reach out to me via my talk page, reach out whenever and I wish to respond to your query as soon as possible once I really have enough free time for editing.
My contribution statistics: see on
My language/script fluency listings on the side (made using the Babel tag) are listed roughly in the order I've learned them (languages first, then scripts), but influenced by my fluency level as well. Do note that just because I've started learning a language earlier than another, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm less fluent in the latter. I did not list languages that I can now barely speak and don't wish to speak, even though I was once actively learning them. Malay is an exception, listed right after Indonesian because I can quite understand Malay due to cognates and similar grammar, even though I've never really actively learned Malay.
In short, I've listed those languages in the order that I would use when introducing myself, especially considering relevance to Wiktionary.
Details on my fluency below:
- I'm an Indonesian whose native language is actually English and has become fluent in Indonesian as a second language (indistinguishable from a native Indonesian speaker; fellow Indonesians who have met me, whether at first sight or having known me for long, automatically assume that my native language is Indonesian and that I have become fluent in English as a second language, until I tell them otherwise). I may, however, occasionally not know a rarely-used, "simple" word in Indonesian that everybody else knows (yet rarely uses), as well as perhaps not know some slang that everybody else knows (even though, otherwise, generally I can already use "colloquial Indonesian" as well with my friends without any problem whatsoever as if a native speaker) so I'm not sure about considering myself to be a native speaker of Indonesian as well (but I don't really mind being thought of as one).
- The story of how this is the case (my nationality being Indonesian yet my native language being English) probably won't be fitting on a user page here (since I think it's irrelevant to Wiktionary), so I'm not going to write about it here. Besides, it's quite long. Sorry about that.
- Either way, my native script (not language) is definitely Latin or Roman.
- As someone fluent in Indonesian, I could understand Malay fairly well (since Indonesian is, at least historically, a standardized dialect of Malay), and there are a lot of cognates and the grammar is similar if not the same, but I consider myself far from being truly fluent in Malay. Besides, there are a lot of false friends as well.
- German, Arabic, Javanese, and Dutch are four languages I'm currently learning (ordered left-to-right starting from the language that I wish for fluency the most, to the least), or at least looking to learn. I can already read Arabic script with harakat (though Arabic is mostly written without harakat, so I'm not sure if claiming to have an advanced understanding of the Arabic alphabet is a good idea), but I haven't been able to read Javanese script at all. Out of those four, though, I am currently best at German.
- I used to want to learn Greek, French, Russian and Esperanto when I was younger, so I still have some skill in reading them (notably, I am very familiar with the modern Greek alphabet, and somewhat familiar with Cyrillic script).
Occasionally, having grown a bit of enthusiasm in linguistics, I may also "peek" into some languages such as Romanian, in the sense that I briefly read up about it and only grasp a brief overview. Then, I might be able to make a few edits for that language.
Unresolved "issues" I wish to deal with
[edit]If an issue was once here but no longer is, it likely has been resolved.
See here, for an archive of issues previously mentioned here that have now been resolved: User:Bismabrj/Archives#"Issues"_that_I_wish(ed)_to_deal_with_(that_are_now_resolved)
Unresolved issues are below (within this "Unresolved 'issues' I wish to deal with" section), if any.
Indonesian entries I wish to add or improve on
[edit]I have divided this section into four lists:
- Group 1 is for red links; pages that do not yet exist. I wish to add the corresponding Indonesian entry alongside creating the page.
- Group 2 is for pages that already exist (blue links), but do not yet have an Indonesian entry. I wish to add an Indonesian entry to the page.
- Group 3 is for pages that already exist (blue links) and already have an Indonesian entry, but it's not the meaning I have in mind, or I'd like to add another. This means I want to add a particular definition or sense that isn't there yet.
- Group 4 is for pages that already exist (blue links) that already have the entry I have in mind, but I find something lacking or needing improvement. I wish to improve on the page.
Each list is in alphabetical order (where space is taken into consideration, and each uppercase letter directly takes precedence over their corresponding lowercase form, e.g. A, a, B, b, C, c, etc.).
Group 1
[edit]All of the pages listed below should be red links; they shouldn't yet exist. If any of them are already blue, I have yet to move them to the proper group.
- acap kali
- adakalanya
- akhirulkalam
- anjungan tunai mandiri
- antek (as in "antek PKI") (but apparently this is Javanese? I'm not sure)
- aposisi
- astagfirullah
- autodidak
- b aja
- bacol (bahan coli)
- bacot
- barang siapa (see "barang" at Group 3/4 for what to do first)
- belasungkawa
- beragama
- beranak
- berburu
- berkicau (see KBBI)
- berjanji
- berpangkat
- berputih tulang
- biasa aja
- bilamana
- bilangan asli
- bilangan bulat
- bilangan cacah
- bilangan riil
- binokular
- bujur
- buku tahunan sekolah: see "buku tahunan"
- bunga kamboja
- bunga kemboja
- cewe (see cewek)
- cowo (see cowok)
- dapar ("penyangga" as in "larutan penyangga", see KBBI and Indonesian Wikipedia)
- darmabakti
- darmasiswa
- darmawisata
- deviasi standar (see "simpangan baku")
- difabel: disabled, differently abled
- dikacangi (meaning "ignored", maybe see KBBI?)
- dikali: (see "kali" at Group 3/4 for what to do first)
- dukacita
- eksponen
- engga (see entry "enggak")
- GANEFO (historical)
- Ganefo (alternative of GANEFO, add quote)
- ga tau
- gana-gini (harta; see KBBI)
- ganyang
- gapapa: like "tidak apa-apa"
- gini: see "begini" and KBBI
- gitu: see "begitu" and KBBI
- gono-gini (harta; see KBBI)
- gugur
- habede (HBD)
- halalbihalal
- hulubalang
- identik: e.g. "(X) identik dengan (Y)"
- ikan paus (likely to distinguish from the meaning "pope")
- ilmu pengetahuan
- ilmu pengetahuan alam
- ilmu pengetahuan sosial
- iyain ("just reply yes"; "just agree")
- janggal (see KBBI)
- jasmani
- jual beli
- KBBI (as an abbreviation; with "For the wikt template, see R:KBBI Daring")
- Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (with alternative form: KBBI)
- kapal udara (see Indoneisan Wikipedia, also see "pesawat udara")
- karbol (related to detergent)
- kartu tanda pengenal
- kasatmata
- kebugaran jasmani
- kekebalan kelompok: herd immunity (plus Indonesain Wikipedia link)
- kelabang
- kelarutan: solubility
- kepala batu
- keras kepala
- keratabasa
- kesampingkan
- kesetimbangan kelarutan: solubility equilibrium (see Wikipedia)
- khususnya
- kicau (see KBBI)
- komplotan
- konsentrasi: see the English entry "concentration" ("act of concentrating" and the chemistry sense)
- lanjut
- lanjut usia
- Maladewa
- makasih
- manakala
- manasuka
- mangkubumi
- manula: manusia usia lanjut
- mapel (mata pelajaran; subject)
- materi pelajaran (synonym of "materi pembelajaran", likely from "materi" + "pelajaran")
- materi pembelajaran: learning/study(ing) material
- matpel (mata pelajaran; subject)
- marhaenisme
- memegang buntut meong (with references)
- mempengaruhi
- memperjualbelikan
- mengaca
- mengacangi: see "kacang" and KBBI
- mengesampingkan
- mengolah
- mengumpat
- meninggal dunia
- menjualbelikan (alternative of "memperjualbelikan")
- menutup mata
- moda raya terpadu
- modal dusta (modus)
- modal usaha
- modulus elastisitas: modulus of elasticity
- Nasakom (historical?)
- nolep: (bastardization of "no-life") (slang) (noun or adjective?)
- notulen (see KBBI)
- olah
- otodidak (nonstandard form of "autodidak")
- Partai Komunis Indonesia (historical)
- Partai Solidaritas Indonesia
- Partai Sosialis Indonesia (historical)
- padahal
- paduan
- pakar
- paramasastra (see KBBI)
- pemberi harapan palsu
- pencakar langit
- penurunan: (1) lowering (2) derivation/proof of a formula
- perbandingan
- petasan
- prinsip
- produk kelarutan
- produk skalar: scalar product (see pedia:en, pedia:id)
- pulang ke rahmatullah
- puspawarna
- putih tulang
- Resopim (historical? and I'm not sure how to explain this)
- radioaktif
- rajungan (+ scientific name)
- rohani
- S1
- S3
- s'moga (I'm not sure about this one)
- salkir (salah kirim)
- sama dengan
- sangkar
- saptamarga
- saripati
- sauh: anchor (synonym of jangkar)
- sebagaimana
- sederhana
- sediakala
- segenap (see KBBI) (e.g. "segenap hatiku padamu")
- segitiga
- sekalipun
- sekre (colloquial for sekretaris)
- selamat ulang tahun
- semoga
- silaturahim
- silaturahmi
- simpangan: (with derived terms: simpangan baku)
- singkat
- standar deviasi (see "simpangan baku")
- suap (to spoonfeed, to bribe. see KBBI)
- suka cita (misspelling of sukacita)
- sukarela
- suka ria (misspelling of sukaria)
- sukaria
- surat tanda nomor kendaraan (STNK)
- tabung
- tapal gigi
- tata boga (see KBBI)
- telor (egg, and "cadel". Maybe the "cadel" sense needs a quote)
- terbalik
- terbawa
- teropong (1) tool to see "faraway" objects (e.g. binoculars, telescopes, microscopes); (2) binoculars
- tersamping
- tertinggal
- tidak apa, like "tidak apa-apa" and "gapapa" (and see KBBI)
- tidak apa-apa: like "gapapa" (and see KBBI)
- tinju
- titimangsa
- tutup usia
- Uni Emirat Arab
- wasalam
- wassalam
- wkwk (see "555" maybe)
- yang benar saja (?)
- ziarah
Group 2
[edit]All pages listed below should be blue links, that when visited, don't yet have an Indonesian section/entry (even if it has a Malay entry, it can still be listed here). If a link is red, or if the page already has an Indonesian entry, I have yet to move it to the proper group.
- -kah (see KBBI)
- abis: alternative (slang) form of "habis" (also see KBBI, maybe "abyss")
- alhamdulillah
- ape (Betawi, "what")
- au (see "tau" at Group 3/4 for what to do first)
- b: (text messaging) "biasa"
- begini: see "begitu", see KBBI
- bugar
- buzzer (related to political campaigning on the Internet)
- cadel (see KBBI, seems to be a Sundanese word, but it's also used in Indonesian. Maybe needs a quote. Maybe its etymology is from Sundanese. See also "telor")
- cc: with etymology, IPA / (and /ce.ce/?) and "See also: sentimeter kubik"
- daripada
- dong
- geli
- habis: "finished" and, e.g. "habis dari mana?" (also see KBBI)
- Indo (1) see KBBI (2) (colloquial) Indonesian (with example sentence "orang Indo...")
- indo: alternative case form of "Indo"
- IPS (see IPA)
- iya
- iye (Betawi, "yes")
- jarak
- kilometer
- Laut (with a capital L, as in the tribe. See KBBI)
- makul
- mandul
- notula (see KBBI)
- PKI (historical)
- PSI (historical) (S)osialis; (S)olidaritas
- prodi (program studi)
- pun
- relativitas
- S2
- saputangan
- situ (see KBBI)
- sma (not SMA): satuan massa atom (atomic mass unit) (with "See also: SMA")
- sosialisme
- tai: shit (noun, interjection)
- turus: tally
- vektor
- wakil (also colloquial clipping of "wakil ketua")
Group 3
[edit]All pages listed below should be blue links that already have an Indonesian entry, but not with the definition or sense that I have in mind, or I'd like to add another. If a link is red, or if the Indonesian entry no longer exists, I have yet to move it to the proper group.
- apa: colloquial for "atau"
- apakah: see "apa" and KBBI
- batu: add adjective sense describing stubbornness
- barang: add more meanings (and derived terms) from KBBI, especially the adverbs (to help with "barang siapa")
- daerah: (when no adjective is used) specifically a rural area or town (or, rural areas in general) as opposed to a city (or cities in general). Sometimes unintentionally mildly derogatory(?). Add example sentence
- derivatif: add calculus sense, and add example sentence (also for the chemistry sense)
- diri: see KBBI
- erat: add more meanings from KBBI
- kafir: isn't it also used as an adjective?
- kali: Etymology 1, do we need a verb sense as well somehow?
- ketam: add more definitions from KBBI, and pronunciation
- mah: (see KBBI) (also nonstandard form of mag) (add pronunciation), also maybe add Sundanese-related meaning
- mampus: damned?
- mana: some Polynesian spiritual power. See KBBI and Wikipedia
- materi: add Etymology 2, likely a clipping of "materi pembelajaran", meaning "topic"(?)
- masuk akal: somehow add "to make sense" despite being an adjective
- mengikat (context: law)
- menurunkan: to derive (a formula), to take a derivative
- modus (slang?) "modal dusta"
- nah: add affirmative interjection
- peribahasa: maybe sometimes it just means a set phrase, doesn't have to be a proverb, unlike "pepatah"?
- sayang: (second Etymology?) "too bad" (pity? see Malay entry); also "wasteful"(?), "reluctant" etc., see KBBI
- tau: add Derived term "ga tau", then another Etymology as a clipping of "ga tau", meaning "dunno", then another derived term "au"
- tidak: add Particle sense meaning "no.", disagreeing. See English entry "no"
- tugas (add more meanings from KBBI)
- ya: add vocative and confirmative / tag question senses (see Malay entry)
- yuk: isn't it "come on"?
Group 4
[edit]All pages listed below should be blue links that already have an Indonesian entry, but I wish to improve on. If a link is red, or if the Indonesian entry no longer exists, I have yet to move it to the proper group.
- -i (related to "-kan", and add examples)
- aktifitas: to add or not to add an etymology. Discuss on User_talk:Rex Aurorum
- alkana: add IPA pronunciation
- alkena: add IPA pronunciation
- alkuna: add IPA pronunciation
- baper: elaborate on what the blend in the Etymology means
- barangkali: search for the etymology
- begitu: add IPA pronunciation
- benar: somehow add the meaning "really" as is in the term "bener" right now
- bener: mark as a nonstandard form of "benar"? or informal?
- bendera: letters ê and è in the headword? Maybe discuss with the user who made that edit.
- besuk: fix grammar in the definition
- biasa saja: add etymology as a compound?
- buku tahunan: make the definition more specific
- bundir: add quotations
- bunuh diri: add quotations
- cecan: add quotation and improve the etymology
- cogan: add quotation and improve the etymology
- delesi: add quotation
- gak: add IPA pronunciation
- hasil kali kelarutan: add quotation
- idih: add usage notes and quotations
- kapal: add many, many compounds from KBBI
- kartu keluarga: the definitions are still English red links, hmm
- keker: is it informal/colloquial? Check KBBI
- kenapa: improve quote translation
- kepiting: scientific name?
- kok: add non-sarcastic example sentences
- konspirasi: add IPA pronunciation and hyphenation
- lansia: add etymology as a blend(?) of "lanjut" + "usia"
- loh
- maag, mag, mah: (I am confused as to whether it is colloquial, informal or nonstandard. "penyakit maag" is a common phrase even among doctors)
- meninggal: compound? "tinggal"? as in "tinggal di" or "tinggalkan"?
- momen gaya: how is it just a partial calque?
- momen inersia: how is it just a partial calque?
- nasi jadi bubur: add quotation
- nasi sudah jadi bubur: add quotation
- nasi telah jadi bubur: add quotation
- ogah: add quotations
- olahraga: elaborate on what the compound in the Etymology means
- paduan suara: translate each word in the etymology
- padus: add quotations
- pap: separate Noun sense into an "Etymology 2"
- paus: add IPA pronunciation and hyphenation, and KBBI link
- pelajaran: add IPA pronunciation
- pepatah: add IPA pronunciation
- perkalian skalar: add Etymology as a compound and calque
- pesawat: add many, many compounds from KBBI
- SIM: add IPA pronunciation
- SMA: add IPA pronunciation, and "See also: sma"
- sama: add example sentence with "sama-sama" (e.g. "sama-sama besar")
- sange: add IPA pronunciation
- singkat cerita: add example sentence
- sukacita: are you sure about there being a plural form?
- surat izin mengemudi: (Etymology) add translation for each word in the compound
- swasiswa: add quotation, and think about the listed synonym, should it be "autodidak" instead?
- tinja: add IPA pronunciation, and other synonyms like "tahi"
- turun: investigate whether menurunkan should be here, just like the Malay entry
- turunan: add example sentence for each of the calculus, chemistry and linguistics senses
- usia lanjut: something's off with the wording of the definition...
- wibu: add quotation or example sentence
- x: somehow add to Etymology 2, that the abbreviation of "kali" here is from the use of "x" as a multiplication symbol, for which the word "kali" exists, however the letter "x" now also acts as an abbreviation for the other meanings of "kali" that are unrelated to multiplication
- zarah: add anagram: Zahra
[edit]See also: Wiktionary:Requested entries (Indonesian)
Other things in my to-do list
[edit]- Add documentation to Template:eo-head/documentation, especially regarding the pos= parameter, e.g. pos=adjective as used in pra. --Bismabrj (talk | contribs) 14:33, 27 December 2020 (UTC)
- Create Thesaurus:affix with "prefix", "infix" and "suffix" as hyponyms. --Bismabrj (talk | contribs) 16:50, 28 December 2020 (UTC)
- Add documentation to Template:id-noun/documentation, maybe about the plural settings as well, among others. --Bismabrj (talk | contribs) 08:53, 30 December 2020 (UTC)
- Create unified atomic mass unit, and edit the definition on u#Symbol so that it links to the multi-word term as a whole instead of individual one-word terms. --Bismabrj (talk | contribs) 10:24, 1 January 2021 (UTC)
- Create unchecked square, with the help of this resource and unch. --Bismabrj (talk | contribs) 16:23, 1 January 2021 (UTC)
- Add the physics sense to strain. --Bismabrj (talk | contribs) 17:07, 1 January 2021 (UTC)
- Add Javanese manut, and somehow maybe add KBBI Daring as a reference...? Should KBBI be considered to be Indonesian-only or...? Maybe this needs to be discussed first? --Bismabrj (talk | contribs) 08:34, 2 January 2021 (UTC)
- List Indonesian translations at yearbook. --Bismabrj (talk | contribs) 18:11, 31 January 2021 (UTC)
Things planned to be done at a specified time in the future
[edit]- (1 November 2021) By the time the meta:Community_Wishlist_Survey_2022 is announced for the first time (start checking from the beginning of November 2021), if there are still entries in the category wikt:CAT:E that have the "Lua error: not enough memory" error, re-propose this proposal: meta:Community_Wishlist_Survey_2020/Wiktionary/More_Lua_memory_for_Wiktionary. I really hope I won't forget. --Bismabrj (talk | contribs) 14:50, 27 December 2020 (UTC)