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Wiktionary:Requested entries:Latin/etymons/en

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The following is a list (as of 2022-01-20) of Latin words listed as an etymological source of another word, but for which we lack a Latin entry.

There are basically three reasons why a word would appear on this list:

  • The Latin etymon is a valid, attested Latin word (from any time period) and merits an entry.
  • The Latin etymon is valid but putative and unattested and should be entered in the Reconstruction namespace.
  • The etymon is wrong and the source entry needs to be fixed. This may be by adding appropriate linking for multi-word terms ({{der|en|la|[[quid]] [[prō]] [[quō]]}}) or de-linking stems ({{m|la||homin-}}).

See the parent page for other languages.

Source language Source entry Template Latin etymon In L&S? In TLL?
English sensorium der -orium (suffix denoting a place for a particular function) no no
English ab Urbe condita bor ab Urbe conditā ([in the year] from the city [of Rome] having been founded) no
English ab urbe condita bor ab Urbe conditā (in the year from the city having been founded) no
English abdomin- bor abdomin- (abdomen) no no
English abdominous der abdomin- (abdomen) no no
English Aberdonian der ML. Aberdonia (Aberdeen) no
English abrotine der ML. abrotanum (wormwood) no no
English absentation der ML. absentatio (en) no YES
English absit omen bor absit omen (may what is said not come true) no no
English Abundius der abundiantus (abundant, plentiful) no no
English accolade der VL. accolare (to hug around the neck) no no
English accouter der VL. acconsūtūrāre (to equip with clothes) no no
English accost der VL. accosto (to come alongside someone) no no
English acnestis bor LL. acnestis (en) no no
English acquit der ML. acquitāre (to settle a debt) no no
English actus reus bor LL. āctus reus (guilty act) no no
English addubitation der addubitātio (doubting) YES YES
English adduction bor adductio no YES
English adnate der adnatus (la) YES no
English adynaton bor LL. adynaton (impossibility; adynaton) no no
English aetites der aetites (eagle (stone)) YES YES
English affinition der ML. affino no no
English African der Africanus no
English Alghero der ML. Aleguerium (en) no
English allodial der allodialis (held in freehold) no no
English embassy der LL. ambactia (service rendered) no no
English analphabet der LL. analphabetus (unable to read and write; illiterate) no no
English annals der annales libri (chronicles) no no
English antelope der ML. antalopus no no
English apheresis der aphaeresis (en) YES YES
English Buster der apostema (boil) YES YES
English appreciate bor ML. appreciatus (valued or appraised) no no
English appoint der LL. appunctare (to bring back to the point, restore, to fix the point in a controversy, or the points in an agreement) no no
English agrimony der argemōnia (a kind of poppy) YES YES
English array der ML. arrēdō (to put in order, arrange, array) no no
English artisan der artītus (skilled) no YES
English shallot der ascalonia no no
English assibilate der assībilātus (murmured, whispered at, hissed) no no
English asteismus der asteismos (the more refined style of speaking) YES YES
English attediate der LL. attaediare no no
English atterrate der LL. atterrare (to cast to earth) no no
English Atticus bor Atticus (from Attica, Athenian) YES
English osier der ML. auseria (willow-bed) no no
English Austronesian der austro- (southern) no no
English avens der ML. avencia (a kind of clover) no no
English avizandum der LL. avizō (consider) no no
English Babylonian der Babylōnius (of Babylon, Babylonian) no
English baccano der Bacchānālia (feast of Bacchus) no
English Bacchanalia der Bacchānālia (feast of Bacchus) no
English bacchanal der Bacchānālis (of or pertaining to Bacchus) YES
English Bavaria der ML. Baioarii (Bavarians) no
English Baltic der Balthae (dwellers near the Baltic sea) no
English bannimus bor ML. bannimus (we banish, we expel) no no
English barbarian der ML. barbarinus (Berber, pagan, Saracen, barbarian) no no
English barge board der ML. bargus (a scaffold) no YES
English barret der LL. barretum (a cap) no no
English bawl der ML. baulō (to bark) no no
English borax der ML. baurach (borax) no no
English Bible der ML. biblia (book) YES no
English bigam der bigamus (twice married) YES YES
English bipunctum bor bipunctum (double point) no no
English berretto der LL. birretum (linen headgear) no no
English bishop der VL. biscopus no no
English bolus bor LL. bōlus (clod of earth, lump) YES YES
English bonanza der ML. bonacia (fair weather) no no
English bondage der ML. bondagium (an inferior tenure held by a bond or husbandman) no no
English brigantine der brigare (to fight) no no
English Brunonian der ML. brunus (brown) no no
English brutal der ML. brutalis (savage, stupid) no no
English bugle der LL. bugulus (a woman's ornament) no no
English burglar der ML. burgātor (burglar) no no
English Burgundy der LL. Burgundiones (highlanders) YES
English bezant der byzantius (of Byzantium) no no
English chivalry der ML. caballaria (knighthood, status or fief of a knight) no no
English Selena der Caelīna (heavenly) YES
English cementitious bor caementitius (pertaining to quarry stones) no no
English calamanco der LL. calamaucus (skullcap) no YES
English galosh der LL. calopedia (a wooden shoe; a shoe with a wooden sole) no no
English cambuca der LL. cambuca (hooked rod or stick) no no
English campaign der LL. campānia (open country, battlefield) no YES
English canary der Canariae insulae (Canary Islands) no
English cancerate der cancerātus (eaten by a cancer) no no
English chandler der candelarius (a candle-maker; a candlestick) no YES
English canopic jar der Canopicus no
English capitulate der ML. capitulare (draw up under headings) YES YES
English carceral der LL. carcerālis (carceral) YES YES
English cargason der cargare (to load) no no
English carrel der LL. carola (round dance; round object) no no
English carucate der ML. carucata (ploughland) no no
English catacomb der LL. catacumbas (en) no no
English Cathar der ML. Catharī (Pure (ones)) no
English chaotic der LL. chaoticus (of or pertaining to the primordial state of the universe) no no
English chitin der chitōn (mollusk) no no
English cream der LL. chrisma (ointment) YES YES
English scissors der LL. cīsōrium (cutting tool) YES no
English Cistercian der Cistercium (Cîteaux) no
English clarion der ML. clario (trumpet) no no
English cloistral der claustrālis (of the cloister) YES YES
English Clovis bor ML. Clodovicus (fr) no
English cochineal der coccus (berry or grain) no YES
English cockle der coccus (berry) no YES
English cenobiarch bor coenobiarcha (abbot) no no
English collect der ML. collectare (to collect money) no no
English colophony bor colophonia (of Colophon) no YES
English culver der columbula (little pigeon) no no
English constable der comes stabulī (officer of the stables) no no
English complain der ML. complangere (to bewail, complain) no no
English compress der LL. compressare (to press hard/together) no no
English compress der LL. compressare (to press hard/together) no no
English inconcussible der concussibilis (that can be shaken) YES YES
English constellate bor constellatus (starred) YES YES
English contemporaneous der contemporāneus (contemporary) YES YES
English countervail der contrā valēre (to be strong against) no no
English controvert der contro- (against) no no
English covin der convena (a meeting, a coming together) YES YES
English convoy der ML. convio (to accompany on the way) no no
English quarry der VL. corata (entrails) no no
English cornucopia der cornūcōpia (mythical horn of plenty) no YES
English coronation der LL. coronatio no YES
English corporation bor LL. corporatio (assumption of a body) YES YES
English coticular der coticula (a small touchstone) YES YES
English crambo der crambe repetita (cabbage served up again) no no
English cranny der ML. crenō (split) no no
English cryptic bor LL. crypticus (en) YES YES
English cryptosporidium der crypto- (hidden) no no
English culpable der culpabilis (blameworthy) YES YES
English customer der ML. custumarius (a toll-gatherer, tax-collector) no no
English cynosure der Cynosūra (Ursa Minor) YES
English acanthoma adenoides cysticum der cystis (cyst) no YES
English de profundis bor de profundis (from the depths) no no
English decacumination der dēcacūminātiō (a lopping off the top of a tree) YES YES
English decadence der ML. decadentia (decay) no no
English decener der decena (a group of ten; a tithing) no no
English decener der decenarius no YES
English decennal der decennalis (decennial) YES YES
English decennoval der decennovalis YES no
English dehortation der dehortatio (dissuasion) YES YES
English demy der demi-socii (half-fellows) no no
English depletion bor depletio no YES
English depreciate bor depretiare no no
English depurgatory der dēpurgō (to cleanse, purify) YES YES
English desanguinate der LL. desanguino no YES
English descriptive der descriptivus (containing a full description) YES YES
English devolution der ML. devolutio no YES
English dial der diālis (daily, concerning the day) no YES
English dilatory der dilatorius (extending or putting off (time)) YES YES
English director bor LL. director no YES
English discount der ML. discomputō (I deduct, discount) no no
English desperado der disperare (to despair, to lose hope) no no
English dissever der VL. dissepero no no
English dissepiment der dissepimentum (a partition) no no
English journey der ML. diurnata (a day's work, a day's journey, a fixed day, a day) no no
English duodene der duodena (dozen) no no
English duplication der LL. duplicatio YES YES
English ebony der ebenius (of ebony) no no
English emaciate bor emacio (to make lean, cause to waste away) YES YES
English emphysema bor emphysema (swelling) no YES
English epiplexis der epiplexis (rebuke) YES no
English epiploce der epiplocē ((rhetoric) connection) YES YES
English erosion der ērōsiō (eating away) YES no
English ex ante bor ex ante (before the event) no no
English exacervation der exacervō (to heap up exceedingly) no YES
English excavation bor excavātiō (a hollowing out) YES YES
English excrescence bor excrescentia (abnormal growths) YES YES
English expletive bor LL. explētīvus (serving to fill out) YES YES
English extraversion der extra- (outside) no no
English extro- der extra- (outside, beyond) no no
English astray der ML. extravagari (to wander beyond) no no
English extraversion der extraversio no no
English estouffade der extufo no no
English Estouffade der extufo no no
English stifado der extufo no no
English exungulate der exungulare (to lose the hoof) no no
English Fabian der Fabianus (belonging to Fabius) no
English falsidical der falsidicus (speaking falsehood) YES YES
English ferric der ferricus (la) no no
English flabellation der flabella (fan) no no
English Frank der Francus (a Frank) no
English fumigation der LL. fumigatio no YES
English garganey der LL. gargala (tracheal artery) no YES
English genius hominis bor genius hominis (tutelary deity of a/the person) no no
English genius loci bor genius loci (tutelary deity of a/the place) no no
English genius locorum bor genius locorum (tutelary spirit of the places) no no
English glean der LL. glenō (make a collection) no YES
English graphic der graphicus (belonging to painting or drawing) YES YES
English habitué der LL. habituare (to habituate) no no
English hocket der hoquetus (hiccup) no no
English hydragogue der hydragogus (conveying off water) YES YES
English jactitation der ML. iactitio no no
English Idalian der Īdalius (pertaining to Idalium) no
English parge der LL. iectare no no
English emblement der ML. imblādāre (to sow with grain) no no
English immemorable der immemorabilis (not memorable) YES YES
English impale der ML. impalare no no
English impeccable der impeccabilis (not liable to sin) YES YES
English commendam der in commendam (in trust) no no
English incastle der incastellare (to fortify, to incastle) no no
English incastellate der incastellātus (fortified, incastled, incastellate) no no
English incendious der incendiosus (burning, hot) YES YES
English inceration der incerare (to smear with wax) no no
English incicurable der incicur (not tame) YES no
English incorrigible der incorrigibilis (not to be corrected) YES YES
English endorse der ML. indorso no no
English indorse der ML. indorso no no
English infibulation der infībulō (to close with a clasp or pin) YES YES
English infuriate bor ML. infuriatus (enraged) no no
English engross der ML. ingrossō (thicken, write something large and in bold lettering) no no
English inimical bor inimīcālis (hostile) YES YES
English noisome der LL. inodiare (to make hateful) no no
English inrecision der intercisio (a cutting through) no YES
English internecine bor LL. internecīnus (deadly) YES YES
English internection der internectere (to bind together) no no
English intersperse der interspergō no YES
English intorsion der intortio (a curling, crisping) YES YES
English extro- der intro- (inwards) no no
English intro- der intro- (inwards) no no
English introversion der intro- (within) no no
English introversion der introversio no no
English introvert der introvertere no no
English intuse der intundere (to bruise) no no
English invultuation der invultare (to stab the face of) no no
English jeopardy der ML. iocus partītus (an even chance, an alternative) no no
English jot and tittle der iōta (Ι, ι) YES YES
English laity der laitas (en) no no
English lamentable der lāmentābilis (full of sorrow, mournful; deplorable) YES YES
English longiloquence der langus (long) no no
English lappaceous der lappaceus (burlike) YES YES
English larvated der larvatus (bewitched) no YES
English Latimer der latinarius (interpreter; Latinophone) no no
English Lattimore der latinarius (interpreter; Latinophone) no no
English -latry der LL. latria (en) YES YES
English legist der ML. legista no no
English legitimation bor ML. legitimatio no no
English lenticular bor lenticulāris (lentil-shaped) YES YES
English Lionel der Leo (lion) YES
English lixiviate bor ML. lixivio no no
English loculament der loculamentum (case, box) YES YES
English lorimer der loranum (bridle) no no
English lucrative der lucrativus (profitable) YES YES
English machicolation der LL. machicolamentum (machicolation) no no
English malacissation der malacissare (to make soft) no no
English pomegranate der mālum grānātum no no
English mandatory der LL. mandatorius (of or belonging to a mandator) YES YES
English mantelletta der LL. mantelletum (a short, sleeveless cape or cloak; a mantlet) no no
English mantle der mantēllum (covering, cloak) no YES
English manufacture der ML. manufatura (a making by hand) no no
English marshal der ML. mariscalcus (groom, army commander, court dignitary) no YES
English marocain der ML. Marrochium (the city of Marrakech, the former capital of Morocco) no
English Marocain der ML. Marrochium (the city of Marrakech, the former capital of Morocco) no
English mother church der mater ecclesia (mother church) no no
English materiation der materiatio (woodwork) YES YES
English matutinal bor LL. mātūtīnālis (belonging to the early morning) YES YES
English massacre der ML. mazacrium (massacre, slaughter, killing”, also “the head of a newly killed stag) no no
English meconium bor mēcōnium (opium; excrement of a newborn child) YES YES
English mediastinum bor ML. mediastīnus (middling; middle) YES YES
English mediastinum bor mediastīnus (a common servant) YES YES
English melicerous der meliceris (a kind of tumor) YES YES
English molasses der LL. mellāceus (honeylike, honey-sweet) no no
English mensual bor mēnsuālis (monthly) YES YES
English mensuration der LL. mensuratio (a measuring) YES YES
English menthol der mentha (mint) YES no
English Merovingian der ML. la|Merovingi|Merovingi|the descendants of [[w:|]] no
English micturition der micturio (to urinate) YES YES
English micturate bor micturīre (to have the urge to urinate) no no
English miliarense der miliarensis (pertaining to a thousand) YES YES
English ministerialis bor ministeriālis (ministerial) YES YES
English minstrelsy der LL. ministerialis (imperial household officer, one having an official duty) YES YES
English minstrelsy der ML. ministralis (servant, jester, singer) no no
English modiolus der modiolus (wheel's hub) YES YES
English monotone der monotonus (unvarying in tone) no YES
English mount der ML. montare (to mount; literally, go up hill) no no
English morbilliform der morbilli (little disease) no no
English morsicatio bor morusus (bite) no no
English mucilage der LL. mūcilāgō (musty or moldy juice) YES YES
English camouflage der ML. muffula no no
English muscosity der muscosus (mossy) YES YES
English mussitation der mussātĭo (ceasing to speak) YES YES
English mygale bor mygalē (field mouse) YES YES
English myristic der LL. myristicus (fragrant) no no
English nauplius der nauplius (argonaut, paper nautilus (genus Argonauta)) YES YES
English nauseous der nauseōsus (causing nausea) YES no
English navicular der LL. nāviculāris (boat shaped) YES no
English nepenthes bor nēpenthes (a drug bringing relief from grief) YES no
English nigrification der nigrificare (to blacken) no no
English nomad der nomas (wandering shepherd) no no
English novennial der novennis (of nine years) YES no
English novennium bor novennium (9-year [period]) no no
English nucament der nucamenta (fir cones) YES no
English nullius filius bor ML. nullius filius (nobody's son) no no
English hostage der VL. obsidāticum (condition of being held captive) no no
English occlusion bor LL. occlūsiō (occluding, obstruction) no YES
English octennium bor octennium (8-year [period]) YES YES
English Oenone bor Oenone YES
English olitory der olitorius (belonging to a kitchen gardener, or to vegetables) YES no
English omission der LL. omissio YES YES
English omniparient der omniparens (all-producing) YES YES
English oppress der ML. oppressare (to press against, oppress) no no
English oriel der LL. oriolum (portico, hall) no no
English ovary der ML. ovaria (bird ovary) no no
English Palladian der Palladius (of or relating to Pallas) YES
English pandurate der pandura (a pandore) YES YES
English parenthesis bor LL. parenthesis (addition of a letter to a syllable in a word) no YES
English parietine der parietinus (parietal) YES YES
English paroemia bor paroemia (proverb) YES YES
English paroxysm der ML. paroxysmus (severe illness, fit of agony, paroxysm) no YES
English parturition der parturitio (parturition) YES YES
English patriot der LL. patriōta (fellow countryman) YES YES
English patronize der ML. patronisāre (to lead a galley as patron) no no
English paucal der paucālis (few, little) no no
English pectineus der pectineus (comblike) no no
English pedilavium der pedi- (combining form relating to feet) no no
English pedilavium bor LL. pedilavium (footbath) no no
English percentage der per centum (for every hundred) no no
English perendinate der perendinare (to defer until the day after tomorrow) no no
English pergameneous der pergamena (parchment) no no
English parchment der pergamīna no no
English periplus bor periplūs (account of a voyage) YES YES
English perjury der perjurare (swear falsely) no no
English persicaria der persicarius (a peach tree) no YES
English perspective der ML. perspectiva (science of optics) no YES
English perspective der perspectivus (of sight, optical) no no
English perspiration der perspirare (to blow or breathe constantly) no no
English perspirative der perspīrāre (to perspire) no no
English perspire bor perspirare (to breathe everywhere, blow constantly) no no
English Phaëthontiad bor Phaëthontias no
English ziti der VL. pittitus (small, worthless) no no
English pituitary der pītuītārius (mucous) no no
English placidity der placiditās (mildness, placidity) YES YES
English plantain der plantāginem (plantain) no no
English plate der ML. plata (en) no no
English plate der plata (silver) no no
English plight der plicitum (fold) no no
English ploce der ploce YES YES
English pocilliform der pōcillum (small cup) YES YES
English polyhistor der polyhistor (very learned) no YES
English popularity der popularitas (an effort to please the people) YES YES
English precession der ML. praecessio no YES
English preclusion bor praeclusio YES YES
English praemunire facias bor praemunire facias (that you cause to be forewarned) no no
English prescind der praescindo (I cut off in front) YES YES
English prestigious bor praestigiosus (full of tricks) YES YES
English prevision der LL. praevisio no YES
English pragmatic der LL. pragmaticus (relating to civil affair; in Latin, as a noun, a person versed in the law who furnished arguments and points to advocates and orators, a kind of attorney) YES YES
English primipara bor prīmipara (pregnant for the first time; having given birth to only one offspring; primiparous) YES YES
English prodigal der LL. prōdigālis (wasteful) no no
English program der LL. programma (a proclamation, edict) YES YES
English projector der projector (person who throws away) no no
English prolepsis bor prolepsis (en) YES YES
English propulsion bor ML. propulsio no no
English prosaic der ML. prosaicus (in prose) YES YES
English proselyte der LL. proselutus (proselyte, alien resident) no no
English prosopography der prosōpographia (description of a person’s appearance; description of an individual’s life) no no
English provection bor prōvectiō (an advancement) YES YES
English proverse bor prōversus (turned forwards) YES YES
English puberulent der puber (downy, adult) YES YES
English pyrope der pyropus (a kind of red bronze) YES YES
English pyrrhic der pyrrhichius (en) YES YES
English Quadragesima Sunday bor Quadragesima (Lent) no
English Quadragesima bor Quadrāgēsima (Lent) no
English quest der quaesta (tribute, tax, inquiry, search) no no
English quant suff bor quantum sufficit (as much as is required) no no
English quarantine der ML. quarentīna (forty days) no no
English quarry der ML. quarreria no no
English quillet bor quidlibet (anything) no no
English quindenary der quindēnārius (containing fifteen) YES no
English rara avis bor rāra avis (rare bird) no no
English rara avis bor rāra avis (rare bird) no no
English ratiné der LL. raster (to scrape) YES YES
English ratteen der raster (to scrape) YES YES
English recapitulation der LL. recapitulatio (summing up, summary) YES YES
English receptory der ML. receptorium (a place of shelter) no no
English recollect bor ML. recollectus (remembered, composed) no no
English recompense der LL. recompenso no YES
English recrudescent der recrūdēscō (I become raw again) YES YES
English regiment der LL. regimentum (direction for government; course of medical treatment) YES YES
English remand der LL. remandare (to send backward) no no
English remand der remandare (to order) no no
English reminiscence bor LL. reminīscentiae (remembrances) YES no
English remora bor remora (delay, hindrance, passive resistance) YES no
English repair der LL. repatriare (to return to one's country) no no
English repertitious der reperticius (newly found) YES no
English reptitious der LL. reptitius (creeping) no no
English repulsion der LL. repulsio YES no
English reputation der reputationem (consideration, thinking over) no no
English responsory der respons (answered) no no
English retection der retectio (discovery, uncovering) no no
English return der ML. retornare (to turn back) no no
English retroverse der retroversus (turned back) YES no
English romantic lbor LL. la|romanticus|romanticus no no
English rumination der rūminātio (chewing the cud) YES no
English Russia bor ML. Russi (Russians) no
English seize der ML. sacīre (to lay claim to, appropriate) no no
English ammonia der sal ammoniacus (salt of Amun, ammonium chloride) no no
English Sara der Sara (Sarah) YES
English summer der VL. saumarius YES no
English Saxonical der Saxonicus (Saxon) no
English scabious der ML. scabiōsus (scabious) YES no
English secundine der LL. secundinae (afterbirth) YES no
English demigod der semideus (half-god) YES no
English sesquialterate der sesquialter (one and a half times) YES no
English sex- bor sex- (six) no no
English sinister der sinestra (left hand) no no
English situation der ML. situatio (position, situation) no no
English soldier der ML. soldarius (soldier (one having pay)) no no
English spicer der speciarius (dealer in spices) YES no
English spermatize der spermatizo no no
English esquamulose der squamula (small scales) YES no
English squamulose der squamula (small scales) YES no
English stagnant der stagnans (la) no no
English strangulation der strangulatio (choking, suffocation) YES no
English biostrome der stroma (coverlet) YES no
English stroma der stromat- (bed covering) no no
English Swabia bor Suabia no
English subdeacon der LL. subdiaconus YES no
English subjicible der subicibilis no no
English subiculum bor subiculum (support) YES no
English substantiate bor ML. substantiatus (given substance) no no
English succenturiate der succentūriō (to add soldiers to fill up a century; to substitute) YES no
English succubus der LL. succuba (strumpet, especially a mythological fiend in female form who has intercourse with men in their sleep) YES no
English succubus der succubare (to lie under) no no
English superannuated bor superannuatus (more than one year old) no no
English superlative der superlātus (extravagant, of hyperbole) YES no
English surreptitious bor surrēptīcius (furtive, clandestine) YES no
English tannin der tannum (oak bark) no no
English tapinosis bor tapīnōsis (depreciation) YES no
English telamon bor telamon (en) no no
English terrier der ML. terrarius (of earth) no no
English testamentary der testāmentārius (of or belonging to wills) YES no
English testimonial der LL. testimonialis (of or pertaining to testimony) YES no
English teterrimous der teterrima (most foul, most ugly) no no
English Teuton bor Teutonēs no
English Tiffany der Theophania (Epiphany) no
English tintinnabulary der tintinnabularius (bell-ringer) no no
English tophus bor tophus (stone) YES no
English tormentil der tormentilla (minor pain) no no
English transpire der ML. transpirare (to breathe through) no no
English triangulation der triangulātiōnem (triangulation) no no
English Tropæan der tropaeus YES no
English trophy der trophaeum (a sign of victory, a monument) no no
English trouble der turbula (disorderly group, a little crowd or people) YES no
English Tuscan der LL. Tuscānus (belonging to the Tusci) no
English Tuscany der LL. Tuscānus (belonging to the Tusci) no
English tutelary der tūtēlārius (guardian) YES no
English baldmoney bor valdē bona (very good) no no
English vassal der vassus (servant) no no
English v.g. der verbi gratiā (for instance) no no
English verricule der verriculum (a net) YES no
English vintner der ML. vīnētārius (wine dealer) no no
English hippocras der ML. vinum Hippocraticum (Hippocrates's wine) no
English ferrule der viriola (little bracelet) YES no
English vitrification der LL. vitrifcatio (glassification) no no
English volition der ML. volitiō (will, volition) no no
English vulcanology bor Vulcan (the god of fire) no
English gambeson der ML. wambāsium (doublet, waistcoat) no no
English guerdon der ML. widerdonum no no
English xyrid der xyris (iris) YES no