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Appendix:Sino-Korean tensing

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

This appendix contains quantitative data on compound tensing in Sino-Korean based on the Standard Korean Language Dictionary, as calculated by Yu 2019, along with Wiktionary's own examples of tensed and non-tensed words. Yu's data includes fully Sino-Korean compounds as well as compounds of both Sino-Korean and native elements.

While tensing (which originates from a genitive marker) is more common for genitive or attributive constructions in which the final hanja is the main component, and for words that are compounds of hanja which are still productive in isolation in Korean, there is no consistent principle by which the phenomenon can be predicted for all words.


Hanja Number of tensed compounds Number of listed compounds Percentage of tensing Example of tensing Example without tensing
(ga, price, value) 154 166 92.78% 물가 (物價, mulkka, “consumer price”) 시가 (時價, siga, “duration of a musical note”)
(gan, interval, room, chamber) 104 342 30.41% 곳간 (庫間, gokkan, “storehouse”) 시간 (時間, sigan, “time”)
(geon, item) 61 64 95.31% 사건 (事件, sakkeon, “incident”) 물건 (物件, mulgeon, “object”)
(gyeok, character) 70 121 57.85% 성격 (性格, seongkkyeok, “personality”) 가격 (價格, gagyeok, “price”)
(gol, bone) 47 277 16.97% 등골 (, deungkkol, “vertebra”) 해골 (骸骨, haegol, “skeleton”)
(gwa, branch (of study, etc.)) 248 319 77.74% 안과 (眼科, ankkwa, “ophthalmology”) 화과 (畫科, hwagwa, “genre of painting”)
(gwa, course, task) 11 38 28.95% 분과 (分課, bunkkwa, “divisions for a task”) 일과 (日課, ilgwa, “daily task”)
(gwa, fruit) 44 301 14.62% 성과 (成果, seongkkwa, “achievement”) 결과 (結果, gyeolgwa, “result”)
(gwae, omen) 12 78 15.38% 점괘 (占卦, jeomkkwae, “omen”) 건괘 (乾卦, geomgwae, “type of omen”)
(gu, phrase) 56 83 67.47% 시구 (詩句, sikku, “verse of poetry”) 어구 (語句, eogu, “phrase”)
(gweon, voucher, certificate) 79 93 84.95% 여권 (旅券, yeokkweon, “passport”) 고권 (故券, gogweon, “old certificate”)
(gweon, area) 116 120 96.67% 영미권 (英美圈, yeongmikkweon, “anglosphere”) 시권 (豕圈, sigweon, “pigsty (archaic)”)
(gweon, authority, right) 400 415 96.39% 인권 (人權, inkkweon, “human rights”) 당권 (當權, danggweon, “seizure of power”)
(geup, level) 21 69 30.43% 거물급 (巨物級, geomulkkeup, “big shot-level”) 계급 (階級, gyegeup, “social class”)
(gi, energy) 119 427 27.87% 인기 (人氣, inkki, “popularity”) 공기 (空氣, gonggi, “air”)
(daek, residence) 20 28 71.43% 과댁 (寡宅, gwattaek, “widow's residence”) 시댁 (媤宅, sidaek, “husband's family”)
(dok, poison) 26 97 26.80% 손독 (, sonttok, “infection from scratching an itch”) 맹독 (猛毒, maengdok, “strong poison”)
(bang, room) 100 354 28.25% 셋방 (貰房, seppang, “rented room”) 궁방 (宮房, gungbang, “palace room”)
(beop, law, method) 1302 1399 93.07% 문법 (文法, munppeop, “grammar”) 불법 (佛法, bulbeop, “Buddha's law”)
(byeok, wall) 36 254 14.17% 손뼉 (, sonppyeok, “palm of the hand”) 성벽 (城壁, seongbyeok, “castle walls”)
(byeong, disease) 340 475 71.58% 상사병 (相思病, sangsappyeong, “lovesickness”) 발병 (發病, balbyeong, “breakout of disease”)
(byeong, bottle) 37 91 40.66% 화염병 (火焰甁, hwayeomppyeong, “Molotov cocktail”) 화병 (花甁, hwabyeong, “flower vase”)
(bo, blanket) 29 41 70.73% 책상보 (冊床褓, chaeksangppo, “blanket over a table”) 강보 (襁褓, gangbo, “swaddling blanket”)
(bok, luck) 13 94 13.83% 인복 (人福, inppok, “fortune in having good associates”) 명복 (冥福, myeongbok, “fortune in the afterlife”)
(sang, table, bed) 105 200 52.5% 제상 (祭床, jessang, “altar of offerings”) 온상 (溫床, onsang, “hotbed”)
(seong, quality, -ness) 1126 1291 87.22% 여성성 (女性性, yeoseongsseong, “womanness, femininity”) 인성 (人性, inseong, “quality of personality”)
(se, tax) 207 284 72.89% 거래세 (去來稅, georaesse, “transaction tax”) 조세 (租稅, jose, “tax collection”)
(su, number) 228 472 48.31% 소수 (素數, sossu, “prime number”) 무리수 (無理數, murisu, “irrational number”)
(ja, letter) 155 248 62.50% 한자 (漢字, hanjja, “Chinese characters”) 고자 (古字, goja, “archaic Chinese characters”)
(jan, cup) 18 45 40.00% 소주잔 (燒酒盞, sojujjan, “small glass for soju”) 사기잔 (沙器盞, sagijan, “ceramic cup”)
(jang, document, warrant) 129 166 77.71% 영장 (令狀, yeongjjang, “warrant”) 서장 (書狀, seojang, “letter (dated)”)
(jang, registry) 43 105 40.95% 일기장 (日記帳, ilgijjang, “diary book”) 통장 (通帳, tongjang, “bank account”)
(jeom, point) 398 467 85.22% 장점 (長點, jangjjeom, “benefit”) 반점 (斑點, banjeom, “spots on a plant or animal”)
調 (jo, tune) 120 235 51.06% 장조 (長調, jangjjo, “major key (music)”) 성조 (聲調, seongjo, “tone (linguistics)”)
(joe, crime) 136 222 61.26% 절도죄 (竊盜罪, jeoldojjoe, “crime of robbery”) 면죄 (免罪, myeonjoe, “pardon from a crime”)
(jeung, evidence, certificate) 81 135 60.00% 민증 (民證, minjjeung, “national identity card”) 영수증 (領收證, yeongsujeung, “receipt”)
(jeung, illness, syndrome) 553 577 95.84% 우울증 (憂鬱症, uuljjeung, “depression”) 이증 (痢症, ijeung, “dysentery”)


  • 유경민 [yugyeongmin] (2019) “어말 일음절 한자의 경음화와 사전 정보 [eomal ireumjeol hanjaui gyeong'eumhwawa sajeon jeongbo]”, in Hangugeo uimihak, volume 64, →DOI, pages 85—106