Appendix:Japanese film credit terms
This page is a glossary of Japanese film credit terms translated into English. Translation of credits requires knowledge of the terminology used by both the American and Japanese film industries, including television shows, live action, video games and anime. This article provides an easy translation guide.
[edit]Terms are listed alphabetically according to romanization.
Japanese | Rōmaji | English | Notes |
アドバイザー | adobaizā | advisor | |
アフレコ | afureko | voice dialogue recording |
from "after recording" |
合いの手 | ainote | interlude | |
アニメーション | animēshon | animation | Like Pokémon animation (ポケモンアニメーション, Pokémon animēshon) as an example. |
アニメーションデザイン | animēshon dezain | animation design | |
アニメーションディレクター | animēshon direkutā | animation director | |
アニメーション監修 | animēshon kanshū | animation supervisor | |
アニメーション監督 | animēshon kantoku | animation director | |
アニメーションコーディネーター | animēshon kōdinētā | animation coordinator | |
アニメーションキャラクター | animēshon kyarakutā | animation character character design |
アニメーションキャラクターデザイン | animēshon kyarakutā dezain | animation character design | Like animation Pokémon design (アニメーションポケモンデザイン, animēshon Pokémon dezain) as an example. |
アニメーション協力 | animēshon kyōryoku | animation assistance animation cooperation animation collaboration animation production support |
アニメーションプロダクション | animēshon purodakushon | animation production | |
アニメーションプロデューサー | animēshon purodyūsā | animation producer | |
アニメーション製作 | animēshon seisaku | animation production | |
アニメーション制作 | animēshon seisaku | animation work | |
アニメーション製作協力 | animēshon seisaku kyōryoku | animation production cooperation | Normally by studios that have work outsourced to them by the main animation production company アニメーション制作 (animēshon seisaku). |
アニメーション制作協力 | animēshon seisaku kyōryoku | animation work cooperation | |
アニメーター | animētā | animator | |
アニメ | anime | anime | |
アニメデザイン | anime dezain | anime design | |
アニメディレクター | anime direkutā | anime director | |
アニメ監修 | anime kanshū | anime supervisor | |
アニメ監督 | anime kantoku | anime director | |
アニメコーディネーター | anime kōdinētā | anime coordinator | |
アニメキャラクター | anime kyarakutā | anime character | |
アニメキャラクターデザイン | anime kyarakutā dezain | anime character design | Like anime Pokémon design (アニメポケモンデザイン, anime Pokémon dezain) as an example. |
アニメ協力 | anime kyōryoku | anime cooperation | |
アニメプロダクション | anime purodakushon | anime production | |
アニメプロデューサー | anime purodyūsā | anime producer | |
アニメ製作 | anime seisaku | anime production | |
アニメ制作 | anime seisaku | anime work | |
アニメ製作協力 | anime seisaku kyōryoku | anime production cooperation | |
アニメ制作協力 | anime seisaku kyōryoku | anime work cooperation | |
アシスタント | ashisutanto | assistant | Can be used after any credit term |
アシスタントディレクター | ashisutanto direkutā | assistant director | |
アシスタントプロデューサー | ashisutanto purodyūsa | assistant producer | |
アソシエイト | asoshieito | associate | |
アソシエイトプロデューサー | asoshieito purodyūsā | associate producer | |
アレンジメント | arenjimento | arrangememt | |
アテレコ | atereko | ADR revoicing |
from 声をあてる (koe o ateru, “to apply a voice”) |
アート | āto | art | |
アートボード | āto bōdo | art board | |
アートデザイン | āto dezain | art design | |
アートディレクター | āto direkutā | art director | |
アート協力 | āto kyōryoku | art cooperation | |
バック | bakku | sequence | |
バックグラウンド | bakkuguraundo | background | |
番組 | bangumi | program | |
番組事業 | bangumi jigyō | program business | |
番組宣伝 | bangumi senden | program promotion | |
番組担当 | bangumi tantō | program manager | |
ビデオ | bideo | video | |
ビデオチェック | bideo chekku | video check | |
ビデオディレクター | bideo direkutā | video director | |
ビデオ編集 | bideo henshū | video editing | |
ビデオ検査 | bideo kensa | video inspection | |
ビデオ協力 | bideo kyōryoku | video cooperation | |
ビジネス | bijinesu | business | |
美術 | bijutsu | art | |
美術ボード | bijutsu bōdo | art board | |
美術デザイン | bijutsu dezain | art design | |
美術監督 | bijutsu kantoku | art director | Pertaining to the backgrounds. |
美術監督補佐 | bijitsu kantoku hosa | art director assistant | |
美術協力 | bijutsu kyōryoku | art cooperation | |
美術製作 | bijutsu seisaku | art production | |
美術制作 | bijutsu seisaku | art work | |
美術設定 | bijutsu settei | artist setting | Refers to the major backgrounds; usually used for individual artists. |
美術進行 | bijutsu shinkō | art progresion | |
ボイス | boisu | voice | |
ボーカルス | bōkarusu | vocals | |
部長 | buchō | chief director | |
VE | bui ī | VE | from "video engineer" |
ブーム | būmu | boom | |
文芸 | bungei | script | |
文芸担当 | bungei tantō | script manager | |
チェック | chekku | check | |
チーフ | chīfu | chief | |
チーフディレクター | chīfu direkutā | chief director | |
チーフプロデューサー | chīfu purodyūsā | chief producer | |
著作 | chosaku | publication author copyright |
調整 | chōsei | coordination | |
ダビング | dabingu | dubbing sound mixing |
mixing dialogue/ADR, sound effects and music (with original production sound, where applicable) to produce the finished soundtrack. |
第二原画 | dai ni genga | secondary key animation | |
第2原画 | dai tsū genga | secondary key animation | |
デバッグ | debaggu | debug | |
デバッグプレイ | debaggu purei | debug play | |
デジタル | dejitaru | digital | |
デジタル合成 | dejitaru gōsei | digital composition | |
デジタルコーディネート | dejitaru kōdinēto | digital coordinating digital coordinator |
デスク | desuku | desk copy editor |
デザイナー | dezainā | designer | |
デザイン | dezain | design | |
デザイン協力 | dezain kyōryoku | design cooperation | |
デザインワークス | dezain wākusu | design works | |
ディレクター | direkutā | director | |
動画 | dōga | in-between animation animator |
Literally "video". |
動画チェック | dōga chekku | in-between animation check animation checker |
Checks the in-between animation drawings. Also credited as 動画検査 (dōga kensa) or in-between animation inspection. Literally "video check". |
動画検査 | dōga kensa | in-between animation inspection video inspection |
Literally "video inspection". |
動画工房 | dōga kōbō | video studio in-between animation studio |
動画協力 | dōga kyōryoku | supporting animation (studio) video cooperation in-between animation cooperation |
usually used for studios or groups that produced the backgrounds, sets or scenery, esp. in animation. Literally "video cooperation". |
ドラフト | dorafuto | draft | |
ドレス | doresu | dress | |
エディター | editā | editor | |
エグゼクティブ | eguzekutibu | executive | |
エグゼクティブディレクター | eguzekutibu direkutā | executive director | |
エグゼクティブプロダクション | eguzekutibu purodakushon | executive production | |
エグゼクティブプロデューサー | eguzekutibu purodyūsā | executive producer | |
AD | ei dī | AD | |
AP | ei pī | AP | |
絵コンテ | ekonte | storyboard storyboard artists |
Literally "storyboard". |
絵コンテ演出 | ekonte enshutsu | storyboard & assistant director | Literally "storyboard" & "directing". |
MIX | emu ai ekkusu | MIX | |
MA | emu ei | MA | |
エンディング | endingu | ending | |
エンディング作画 | endingu sakuga | ending drawing | |
エンディングCG | endingu shī jī | ending CG | |
エンディングテーマ | endingu tēma | ending theme | The ending theme for the television production. |
演出 | enshutsu | assistant director episode director direction directed by |
Literally "direction", "director", "directed by". |
演出補佐 | enshutsu hosa | assistant episode direction assistant direction assistant technical director assistant production |
演出補佐見習い | enshutsu hosa minarai | assistant director apprentice | |
演出助手 | enshutsu joshu | production assistant assistant to the director |
演出協力 | enshutsu kyōryoku | directing cooperation | |
演出応援 | enshutsu ōen | directing support | |
演奏 | ensō | musical performance performed by |
Literally "performance". |
LD | eru dī | LD | |
フィルム | firumu | film film negative stock |
Literally "the film". |
フォトグラフィー | fotogurafī | photography | |
吹替 | fukikae | revoicing, or dub dubbing |
"Revoicing" is the term used in the film industry. |
副監督 | fukukantoku | assistant director deputy director |
助監督 (jokantoku) is also used for "assistant director" |
振付 ふりつけ |
furitsuke | choreography (music) | usally prefers who is choreographing the music |
ゲーム | gēmu | game | |
ゲームデザイン | gēmu dezain | game design | |
原案 | gen'an | creator original plan created by based on a story by |
原案協力 | gen'an kyōryoku | original plan assistance original plan cooperation creative cooperation creative assistance |
原画 | genga | key animation | Literally "original picture". |
原画補佐 | genga hosa | key animation assistance | |
原曲 | genkyoku | score | |
原作 | gensaku | original production original work |
現像 | genzō | film developer film laboratory developing |
Literally "development". |
現像助 | genzō jo | photo lab | |
ゲスト | gesuto | guest | |
ゲストデザイン | gesuto dezain | guest design | |
ゲストキャラクター | gesuto kyarakutā | guest character design guest character |
ゲスト協力 | gesuto kyōryoku | guest cooperation | |
ゲスト設定 | gesuto settei | guest setting | |
技術 | gijutsu | technical | |
技術協力 | gijutsu kyōryoku | technical cooperation | |
技師 | gishi | technician | |
合成 | gōsei | composition | |
グラフィック | gurafikku | graphic | |
グラフィックディレクター | gurafikku direkutā | graphic director | |
背景 | haikei | background artists setting scenery background |
Usually used for studios or groups that produced the backgrounds, sets, or scenery. Literally "background". |
配給 | haikyū | distribution | The company that distributed the film. |
ハーモニー | hāmonī | harmony | |
ハーモニー処理 | hāmonī shori | harmony treatment | |
販売 | hanbai | marketing | |
発売 | hatsubai | release | |
編曲 | henkyoku | arrangement (music) | usually refers to who is arranging the music |
編集 | henshū | editor | Literally "edit". |
編集助手 | henshū joshu | editing assistant assistant editor |
日 | hi | date | |
方言指導 | hōgen shidō | dialect coach dialect instruction |
翻訳 | hon'yaku | translation | |
補佐 | hosa | assistant | |
放送 | hōsō | broadcast | |
放送進行 | hōsō shinkō | broadcast progression | |
一部 | ichibu | original | |
一部原曲 | ichibu genkyoku | original score | |
一部原曲作曲 | ichibu genkyoku sakkyoku | original score (partial) music composition |
一部音楽 | ichibu ongaku | original music | |
一部音楽作曲 | ichibu ongaku sakkyoku | original music (partial) | |
一部音響 | ichibu onkyō | original sound | |
一部音響作曲 | ichibu onkyō sakkyoku | original sound (partial) | |
ED | ī dī | editor | |
EDアニメーション | ī dī animēshon | ending animation | |
EED | ī ī dī | electronic editor | |
インアソシエーションウイズ | in asoshiēshon uizu | in association with | |
イラストレーション | irasutorēshon | illustration | |
イラストレーション製作 | irasutorēshon seisaku | illustration production | Usually shortened to イラスト製作 (irasuto seisaku, “illustrate production”). |
イラストレーション制作 | irasutorēshon seisaku | illustration work | Usually shortened to イラスト製作 (irasuto seisaku, “illustrate work”). |
色 | iro | color | |
色指定 | iro shitei | colorist color coordination |
Determines the color scheme of the anime in general. Generally come from the shiage (仕上げ) department. Literally "color designation". |
色指定検査 | iro shitei kensa | colorist & inspection color coordination & inspection colorlist ink & paint checking |
衣装 | ishō | costume | |
衣装デザイナー | ishō dezainā | costume designer | |
衣装協力 | ishō kyōryoku | costume cooperation | |
事業 | jigyō | business | |
事業管理 | jigyō kanri | business manager | |
助監修 | jokanshū | assistant supervisor | |
助監督 | jokantoku | assistant director | |
助手 | joshu | assistant | |
カメラ | kamera | camera camera operator |
カンパニー | kanpanī | company | |
管理 | kanri | manager | |
監修 | kanshū | supervision supervisor |
間奏 | kansō | interlude | |
監督 | kantoku | director directed by |
ディレクター (direkutā) is also used. |
カラー | karā | color | |
火薬 | kayaku | gunpowder | |
火薬技師 | kayaku gishi | gunpowder technician | |
掲載 | keisai | publisher published by |
研究者 | kenkyūsha | researchers | |
検査 | kensa | inspection ink & paint checking |
企画 | kikaku | planning | Usually called "development" in western production. |
企画協力 | kikaku kyōryoku | planning cooperation | |
基本設定 | kihon settei | basic setting | |
記録 | kiroku | recorder production diary journal script supervisor |
機材 | kizai | equipment | |
機材協力 | kizai kyōryoku | equipment cooperation | |
コーディネーション | kōdinēshon | coordination | |
コーディネーター | kōdinētā | coordinator | |
コーディネート | kōdinēto | coordinating coordination production coordinator |
Usually spelled as (コーディネイト, coordinate, kōdineito.) |
小道具 | kodōgu | props stage properties |
声の出演 | koe no shutsuen | voice appearance | |
広報 | kōhō | publicity public relations |
効果 | kōka | effects sound effects supervisor |
公開 | kōkai | release | |
公開日 | kōkaibi | release date | |
コッカー | kokkā | cooker | |
コンポジション | konpojishon | composition | |
コンポジット | konpojitto | composite animation composite |
コオペレーション | kooperēshon | cooperation | |
コンポーザー | konpōzā | composer | |
コリオグラフィー | koriogurafī | choreography | |
構成 | kōsei | composition organization (as in "series organization") |
コスチューム | kosuchūmu | costume | |
交通 | kōtsū | traffic | |
交通手段 | kōtsū shudan | transportation | |
クリエーター | kuriētā | creator | |
クリエイティブ | kurietibu | creative | |
クリエイティブスーパーバイザー | kurietibu sūpābaizā | creative supervisor | |
脚本 | kyakuhon | script screenplay scenario written by |
脚本家 | kyakuhonka | screenwriter | |
キャメラマン | kyameraman | cameraman | |
キャラクター | kyarakutā | character | |
キャラクターデザイン | kyarakutā dezain | character design | Like Pokémon design (ポケモンデザイン), Pokémon design, and monster design (モンスターデザイン), monsutā dezain) as an example. |
キャラクター原案 | kyarakutā gen'an | character draft conceptual coordination conceptual character artist conceptual character artists |
キャラクター協力 | kyarakutā kyōryoku | character cooperation | |
キャラクター設計 | kyarakutā sekkei | initial character design character design |
キャラクター設定 | kyarakutā settei | character setting character concept |
キャスト | kyasuto | cast | |
キャスティング | kyasutingu | casting | |
キャスティング協力 | kyasutingu kyōryoku | casting assistance casting cooperation |
協力 | kyōryoku | cooperation collaboration production assistance |
協力プロダクション | kyōryoku purodakushon | cooperative production | |
協賛 | kyōsan | sponsor | |
教師 | kyōshi | teacher/supervisor | |
マネージャー | manējā | manager | |
マップ | mappu | map | |
マップデータ設定 | mappu dēta settei | map data setting | |
マップデザイン | mappu dezain | map design | |
メイクアップ | meiku appu | makeup | Usually shortened to メイク (meiku). |
メカニック | mekanikku | mechanical | |
メカニックデザイン | mekanikku dezain | mechanical design | Usually shortened to メカデザイン (meka dezain, “mecha design”). This mostly refers to the design of robots. |
ミキサー | mikisā | mixer recording coordination |
ミキシング | mikishingu | mixing | |
ミキシングアドバイザー | mikishingu adobaizā | mixing advisor | |
Mix'd | mikkusudo | mix'd | |
見習い | minarai | apprentice | |
ミニ | mini | mini | |
ミニコーナー脚本 | mini kōnā kyakuhon | mini corner screenplay | |
モバイル | mobairu | mobile | |
モバイルプロジェクトリーダー | mobairu purojekuto rīdā | mobile project reader | |
モバイルシステムアドバイザー | mobairu shiautemu adobaizā | mobile system advisor | |
モバイルスタジアムディレクター | mobairu sutajiamu direkutā | mobile stadium director | |
問題 | mondai | problem | |
問題製作 | mondai seisaku | problem production | |
問題制作 | mondai seisaku | problem work | |
ムービー | mūbī | movie | |
ムービーディレクター | mūbī direkutā | movie director | |
ミュージック | myūjikku | music | |
ミュージックプロデューサー | myūjikku purodyūsā | music producer | |
ネガティブ | negatibu | negative | |
ネガティブ編集 | negatibu henshū | negative editing negative cutter |
Usually shortened to ネガ編集 (nega henshū, “nega editing”). |
オーディオ | ōdio | audio | |
オーディオディレクター | ōdio direkutā | audio director | |
オーディオ編集 | ōdio henshū | audio editing | |
大道具 | ōdōgu | stage setting scenery |
応援 | ōen | support | |
音楽 | ongaku | music composer |
mostly refers to "music" |
音楽監督 | ongaku kantoku | music director | |
音楽効果 | ongaku kōka | music effects | |
音楽協力 | ongaku kyōryoku | music co-production music cooperation |
音楽製作 | ongaku seisaku | music production | |
音楽制作 | ongaku seisaku | music work | |
音楽製作協力 | ongaku seisaku kyōryoku | music production assistance music production cooperation |
音楽制作協力 | ongaku seisaku kyōryoku | music work assistance music work cooperation |
音効 | onkō | sound effects | |
音響 | onkyō | sound | |
音響監督 | onkyō kantoku | sound director audio director |
音響効果 | onkyō kōka | sound effects | |
音響効果教師 | onkyō kōka kyōshi | sound effects supervisor sound effects engineer |
音響協力 | onkyō kyōryoku | sound cooperation | |
音響プロデューサー | onkyō purodyūsā | sound producer sound recording producer |
音響製作 | onkyō seisaku | sound production re-recording at audio facilities audio production music & sound effects production |
音響制作 | onkyō seisaku | sound work audio work music & sound effects work |
音響製作協力 | onkyō seisaku kyōryoku | sound production cooperation | |
音響制作協力 | onkyō seisaku kyōryoku | sound work cooperation | |
音響製作担当 | onkyō seisaku tantō | sound production manager sound assistant sound recording manager |
Literally "sound production charge". |
音響制作担当 | onkyō seisaku tantō | sound work manager | |
音声 | onsei | voice | |
音声収録協力 | onsei shūroku kyōryoku | voice recording cooperation | |
OP | ō pī | OP | |
OPアニメーション | ō pī animēshon | OP animation | |
オプチカル | opuchiaru | optical | |
オープニング | ōpuningu | opening | |
オープニング作画 | ōpuningu sakuga | opening drawing | |
オープニングCG | ōpuningu shī jī | opening CG | |
オープニングテーマ | ōpuningu tēma | opening theme | The opening theme for the television production. |
パーフォーマー | pāfōmā | performer | |
パラメータ | paramēta | para meter | |
パラメータ設定 | paramēta settei | para meter setting | |
PWCS設定協力 | pī daburyū shī esu settei kyōryoku | PWCS setting cooperation | |
プレイ | purei | play | |
プレスコ | puresuko | pre-scoring | From "pre-scoring" or "pre-recording." Voice recording for animated works in Japan is typically done after the animation is partially/fully complete, but pre-scoring has been used in a number of works, such as Knights of Sidonia. |
プリレコ | purireko | pre-recording | |
プロダクション | purodakushon | production | |
プロダクションスーパーバイザー | purodakushon sūpābaizā | production supervisor | |
プロデューサー | purodyūsā | producer | |
プロデューサー補 | purodyūsāho | assistant producer | |
プログラム | puroguramu | program | |
プロジェクト | purojekuto | project | |
プロモーショナル | puromōshonaru | promotional | |
プロモーショナル協力 | puromōshonaru kyōryoku | promotional assistant promotional cooperation |
Usually shortened to プロモーション協力 (puromōshon kyōryoku, “promotion cooperation”). |
プロモーショナルサンクス | puromōshonaru sankusu | promotional thanks | Usually shortened to プロモーションサンクス (puromōshon sankusu, “promotion thanks”). |
プロパティーズ | puropatīzu | properties | |
プロップ | puroppu | prop | |
プロップデザイン | puroppu dezain | prop design | |
ライン | rain | line | |
ラインプロデューサー | rain purodyūsā | line producer | |
ライター | raitā | writer | |
ライティング | raitingu | writing | |
ライティングディレクター | raitingu direkutā | writing director | |
ライト | raito | light | |
ライトニングディレクター | raitoningu direkutā | lightning director | |
レコーディング | rekōdingu | recording | |
連絡 | renraku | communications | |
連絡デスク | renraku desuku | communications desk response desk |
連載 | rensai | serialization | |
リーダー | rīdā | reader | |
リレコーディング | ri-rekōdingu | re-recording | |
リリックス | ririkkusu | lyrics | |
リサーチャーズ | risāchāzu | researchers | |
リスト | risuto | list | |
リストワーク | risuto wāku | list work | Ususally shortened to リス (risu, “lis”) (ワーク, wāku). |
録音 | rokuon | audio recording | |
録音調整 | rokuon chōsei | sound recording coordinating recording adjustment recording coordination |
Literally "recording adjustment". |
録音演出 | rokuon enshutsu | sound assistant director sound production audio director audio production recording director recording production |
録音助手 | rokuon joshu | sound recording assistant recording assistant |
録音製作 | rokuon seisaku | recording production | |
録音制作 | rokuon seisaku | recording work | |
録音スタジオ | rokuon sutajio | recording studio | |
ルール | rūru | rule | |
ルールエディター | rūru editā | rule editor | |
サブ | sabu | sub | |
サブディレクター | sabu direkutā | sub director | |
作画 | sakuga | animation key animation |
Literally "drawing". |
作画監督 | sakuga kantoku | animation director key animation director |
Literally "animation director". Checks the key animation and drawings and also ensures faces are drawn according to the character design. As such many character designers often double up as 総作画監督 (sō sakuga kantoku, “chief animation supervisor”) who checks the drawings, especially the character drawings. |
作画協力 | sakuga kyōryoku | animation assistance animation cooperation animation collaboration animation production support |
作詞 | sakushi | lyrics (music) | usually refers to who is writing the song |
作曲 | sakkyoku | composer (music) | usually refers to who is composing the music |
撮影 | satsuei | photography animation camera shooting staff camera compositing animation photography |
The meaning of this credit and role type varies greatly depending on the type of videography. In live action, stop-motion animation, and traditional animation shot on film, satsuei refers to controlling the camera movement, lighting, framing, and other aspects of the shooting process. For the two mentioned animation techniques, the movements of objects or drawings are photographed one frame at a time. For traditionally animated anime, this process involved the operation of a special rostrum camera, combining finished animation cels with background paintings with on-camera visual effects (e.g. lighting), and applying the motion as instructed in the exposure sheet provided by the animator. In modern computer animation, as well as digitally colored traditional animation (i.e. modern hand-drawn anime, most titles produced in the 2000s), whether drawn on a paper or a tablet, satsuei refers to using a compositing software for combining different visual elements — such as animators’ drawings, background artwork, and 3D objects — and enhancing them with digital effects (e.g. lighting). In general, this role should be referred to as compositing when writing about modern anime, to avoid confusing it with traditional film cinematography. |
撮影技師 | satsuei gishi | camera operator | |
撮影監修 | satsuei kanshū | photography supervisor | Literally "shooting supervision". |
撮影監督 | satsuei kantoku | director of photography (DoP, DP) camera director compositing director |
Literally "cinematographer". |
撮影協力 | satsuei kyōryoku | photography assistance photography cooperation |
撮影製作 | satsuei seisaku | photography production | |
撮影制作 | satsuei seisaku | photography work camera operator compositing |
サウンド | saundo | sound | |
サウンドエフェクト | saundo efekuto | sound effect | |
サウンドエディター | saundo editā | sound editor recording assistant |
サウンドミキサー | saundo mikisā | sound mixer recording coordination |
サウンドプロデューサー | saundo purodyūsā | sound producer | |
サウンドトラック | saundo torakku | sound track | |
製作 | seisaku | production producer executive production executive producer in association with original production by special cooperative company original presentation by |
制作 | seisaku | work | |
製作アシスタント | seisaku ashisutanto | production assistant | |
制作アシスタント | seisaku ashisutanto | work assistant | |
製作デスク | seisaku desuku | production desk first assistant coordinator production secretary |
制作デスク | seisaku desuku | work desk work secretary |
製作委員会 | seisaku iinkai | production committee | |
制作委員会 | seisaku iinkai | work committee | |
製作事務 | seisaku jimu | production office work | |
制作事務 | seisaku jimu | work office | |
製作助手 | seisaku joshu | production assistant | |
制作助手 | seisaku joshu | work assistant | |
製作管理 | seisaku kanri | production manager concept researcher |
制作管理 | seisaku kanri | work manager | |
製作協力 | seisaku kyōryoku | production assistance production cooperation |
制作協力 | seisaku kyōryoku | work assistance work cooperation |
製作プロデューサー | seisaku purodyūsā | production producer | |
制作プロデューサー | seisaku purodyūsā | work producer | |
製作主任 | seisaku shunin | production chief | |
制作主任 | seisaku shunin | work chief | |
製作総指揮 | seisaku sō shiki | executive producer | |
制作総指揮 | seisaku sō shiki | executive work | |
製作進行 | seisaku shinkō | production coordination second assistant coordinator production assistant production progression assistant coordinator |
Literally "production progress". |
制作進行 | seisaku shinkō | work assistant work progression |
製作スタジオ | seisaku sutajio | production studio | |
制作スタジオ | seisaku sutajio | work studio | |
製作担当 | seisaku tantō | in charge of production production manager |
制作担当 | seisaku tantō | in charge of work work manager |
設計 | sekkei | design | |
宣伝 | senden | promotion marketing |
宣伝プロデューサー | senden purodyūsā | advertising producer promotion producer marketing producer |
選曲 | senkyoku | theme song music selection |
線 | sen | line | |
線撮影 | sen satsuei | line photography | Literally "line shooting". |
設定 | settei | setting | |
設定管理 | settei kanri | setting management concept resercher |
設定協力 | settei kyōryoku | setting cooperation staging assistance concept cooperation concept coordination |
設定製作 | settei seisaku | setting production | |
設定制作 | settei seisaku | setting work | |
設定進行 | settei shinkō | setting progression | |
設定担当 | settei tantō | setting manager | |
写真 | shashin | photo | |
仕上 | shia | coloring finish animation touch-up animation ink & paint |
The people who do the clean-up work to make sure the animation cels look good. They also add color to the animation (using computers). |
仕上検査 | shia kensa | digital paint check finish check touch-up check ink & paint check |
check the clean-up work to make sure the animation cels look good |
仕上協力 | shia kyōryoku | ink & paint assistance support digital paint assistance support finish assistance support touch-up animation assistance support touch-up cooperation |
usually refers to outside studios which assisted in the ink and paint processes |
仕上げ | shiage | touch-up animation clean up animation animation clean-up |
Literally "finishing". |
仕上げ検査 | shiage kensa | digital paint check finish animation check touch-up animation check ink & paint check |
check the clean-up work to make sure the animation cels look good |
仕上げ協力 | shiage kyōryoku | ink & paint assistance support digital paint assistance support finish animation assistance support touch-up animation assistance support touch-up cooperation |
usually refers to outside studios which assisted in the ink and paint processes |
CAM | shī eī emu | CAM | |
CG | shī jī | CG | |
CGデザイン | shī jī dezain | CG design | |
CGI | shī jī aī | CGI | |
CGIデザイン | shī jī aī dezain | CGI design | |
指揮 | shiki | executive | |
色彩 | shikisai | color | |
色彩設計 | shikisai sekkei | color coordinator color keys color design |
シナリオ | shinario | script episode script scenario |
produced by the scriptwriter, it usually goes through 4/5 drafts before it is approved. |
シンガー | shingā | singer | |
進行 | shinkō | progression | |
シリーズ | shirīzu | series | |
シリーズディレクター | shirīzu direkutā | series director | |
シリーズコンストラクション | shirīzu konsutorakushon | series construction series supervisor |
シリーズ構成 | shirīzu kōsei | series organization | |
シール | shīru | seal | |
シールプログラム | shīru puroguramu | seal program | |
システム | shisutemu | system | |
照明 | shōmei | lighting | |
照明技師 | shōmei gishi | lighting technician | |
照明監督 | shōmei kantoku | lighting director | |
処理 | shori | treatment | |
主題歌 | shudaika | theme song | |
主題歌プロデュース | shudaika purodyūsu | theme song produced by theme song production |
Literally "theme song production." |
主任 | shunin | chief | |
収録 | shūroku | recording | |
出演 | shutsuen | appearance | |
総 | sō | general | This can appear before any title. It can also mean general. チーフ (chīfu) is also used. |
総監督 | sō kantoku | executive director chief director supervising director |
Literally "general director". |
総監督補佐 | sō kantoku hosa | assistant executive director | |
総作画 | sō sakuga | executive animation chief animator |
総作画監督 | sō sakuga kantoku | chief animation director executive animation director |
総作画監督補佐 | sō sakuga kantoku hosa | assistant executive animation director | |
ソング | songu | song | |
ソングライター | songuraitā | songwriter | |
挿入歌 | sōnyūka | insert song | song used during the movie, usually in the background (i.e., in a cafe) |
スチール | suchīru | still photography | |
スクリプト | sukuriputo | script | |
スクリプト設定 | sukuriputo settei | script setting | |
スーパーバイザー | sūpābaizā | production supervisor supervisor |
スペシャル | supesharu | special | |
スペシャルサンクス | supesharu sankusu | special thanks | |
スポンサー | suponsā | sponsor | |
3D | surī dī | 3D | |
3D美術 | surī dī bijutsu | 3D art | |
3Dコンポジットアドバイザー | surī dī konpojitto adobaizā | 3D composition advisor | |
3Dコンポジットディレクター | surī dī konpojitto direkutā | 3D composition director | |
3D製作進行 | surī dī seisaku shinkō | 3D production progression | |
3D制作進行 | surī dī seisaku shinkō | 3D work progression | |
3DCGI | surī dī shī jī ai | 3DCGI | |
スタジアム | sutajiamu | stadium | |
スタジオ | sutajio | studio | |
タイミング | taimingu | timing color timer |
タイトル | taitoru | titles titling title |
the credits (basically who picked the font and designed the opening and ending credit rolls) |
タイトルバック | taitoru bakku | title sequence | |
タイトルリストワーク | taitoru risuto wāku | title list work visual effects animator |
Usually shortened to タイトルリス (taitoru risu, “title lis”) (ワーク, work, wāku). |
担当 | tantō | manager | |
提供 | teikyō | sponsor | usually refers to who is sponsoring this program |
テキスト | tekisuto | text | A game designer can check the text of each character, like Pokédex text (図鑑テキスト, zukan tekisuto) as an example. |
テクニカル | tekunikaru | technical | |
テクニカルディレクター | tekunikaru direkutā | technical director | |
テーマ | tēma | theme | |
テーマソング | tēma songu | theme song | The theme song for the television production. |
テレビ | terebi | TV | |
テレビカンパニープロデューサー | terebi kanpanī purodyūsā | TV company producer | Like TV Asahi producer (テレビ朝日プロデューサー, terebi asahi purodyūsā) as an example. |
テレビジョン | terebijon | television | |
テレビジョンカンパニープロデューサー | terebijon kanpanī purodyūsā | television company producer | Usually shortened to テレビカンパニープロデューサー (terebi kanpanī purodyūsā, “TV company producer”). |
テロップ | teroppu | television opague projector | |
テロップリストワーク | teroppu risuto wāku | television opague projector list work | Usually shortened to テロップリス (teroppu risu, “television opague projector lis”) (ワーク, work, wāku). |
TVリレーションシップ | tī bui rirēshonshippu | TV relationship | |
TD | tī dī | TD | |
TK | tī kē | TK | |
TP | tī pī | TP | |
特別 | tokubetsu | special | |
特別協賛 | tokubetsu kyōsan | special sponsorship | |
特別出演 | tokubetsu shutsuen | special appearance | |
特殊 | tokushu | special | |
特殊効果 | tokushu kōka | special effects | |
トランスポーテーション | toranaupōtēshon | transportation | |
トリビア | toribia | trivia | |
トリビアクイズ協力 | toribia kuizu kyōryoku | trivia quiz cooperation trivia quiz assistance |
2D | tsū dī | 2D | |
2D美術 | tsū dī bijutsu | 2D art | |
2Dコンポジットアドバイザー | tsū dī konpojitto adobaizā | 2D composition advisor | |
2Dコンポジットディレクター | tsū dī konpojitto direkutā | 2D composition director | |
2D製作進行 | tsū dī seisaku shinkō | 2D production assistant | |
2D制作進行 | tsū dī seisaku shinkō | 2D work assistant | |
2DCGI | tsū dī shī jī ai | 2DCGI | |
海外 | umi soto | overseas | |
海外製作協力 | umi soto seisaku kyōryoku | overseas production cooperation | |
海外制作協力 | umi soto seisaku kyōryoku | overseas work cooperation | |
歌 唄 うた |
uta | song sung by performance vocal |
usually refers to who is singing the song |
ワードローブ | wādorōbu | wardrobe | |
ワーク | wāku | work | |
ユーティリティ | yūtiriti | utility | |
ゼネラル | zeneraru | general | |
ゼネラルマネージャー | zeneraru manējā | general manager | |
ゼネラルプロデューサー | zeneraru purodyūsā | general producer | |
ゼログラフィ | zerogurafi | xerography | Usually shortened to (ゼログラフ, xerograph, zerogurafu). |