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би (bi)

  1. blood





Akin to Udi пӏи (ṗi).





би (bi) II/III (ergative биялъ/бидуца); second/third declension.

  1. blood



Second- or third-declension noun.

The template Template:av-noun-case does not use the parameter(s):
Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.





Etymology 1




би (bi)

  1. second-person singular aorist indicative of бъ́да (bǎ́da)
  2. third-person singular aorist indicative of бъ́да (bǎ́da)

Etymology 2




би (bi)

  1. second-person singular aorist indicative of би́я (bíja)
  2. third-person singular aorist indicative of би́я (bíja)





From Proto-Mongolic *bi. Cognate with Khamnigan Mongol би (bi), Kalmyk би (bi), Mongolian би (bi), etc.





би (bi)

  1. (first-person singular) I

Derived terms


See also





  1. From Proto-Tungusic *bi, compare Udihe би (bi) and Manchu ᠪᡳ (bi).
  2. Compare also Mongolian би (bi), from Proto-Mongolic *bi.



би (ʙi)

  1. I





бӣ ()

  1. I (personal pronoun)

Forest Enets




From Proto-Samoyedic *wet, from Proto-Uralic *wete.



би (bi)

  1. water


  • И. П Сорокина, Д. С Болина, Энецкие тексты (2005), page 225





From Written Oirat ᡋᡅ (bi), from Proto-Mongolic *b-i (*b- for first person and *-i for singularity). Cognate with Mongolian би (bi), Buryat би (bi), etc.



би (bi)

  1. (first-person singular) I

See also



Kazakh Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia kk
Alternative scripts
Arabic بي
Cyrillic би
Latin bi
Yañalif ʙi

Etymology 1


From Proto-Turkic *bēg (lord). Doublet of бек (bek).


  • IPA(key): [bʲij]
  • Hyphenation: би



би (bi)

  1. bey

Etymology 2


From Proto-Turkic *büdi- (to dance).



би (bi)

  1. dance
Declension of би
singular plural
nominative би (bi) билер (biler)
genitive бидің (bidıñ) билердің (bilerdıñ)
dative биге (bige) билерге (bilerge)
accusative биді (bidı) билерді (bilerdı)
locative биде (bide) билерде (bilerde)
ablative биден (biden) билерден (bilerden)
instrumental бимен (bimen) билермен (bilermen)

Khamnigan Mongol




From Middle Mongol ᠪᠢ (bi), from Proto-Mongolic *bi. Cognates include Mongolian би (bi) and Buryat би (bi).


  • IPA(key): /bʲi/
  • Hyphenation: би



би (bi)

  1. I (first-person singular pronoun)


  • Ilya A. Gruntov (2005) “Хамниганский язык [The Khamnigan language]”, in V. A. Vinogradov, editor, Языки Российской Федерации и соседних государств [The languages of the Russian Federation and the neighbouring languages]‎[4], volume 3, Nauka
  • D. G. Damdinov, E. V. Sundueva (2015) “би”, in Хамниганско-русский словарь [Khamnigan-Russian dictionary]‎[5], Irkutsk





From Proto-Permic *bi.


  • IPA(key): /ˈbi/, [ˈbi]
  • Hyphenation: би



би (bi)

  1. fire


Declension of би (stem: би-)
singular plural
nominative би (bi) биэз (biez)
accusative I* би (bi) биэз (biez)
II* биӧс (biös) биэзӧс (biezös)
instrumental биӧн (biön) биэзӧн (biezön)
comitative бикӧт (biköt) биэзкӧт (biezköt)
caritive битӧг (bitög) биэзтӧг (bieztög)
consecutive била (bila) биэзла (biezla)
genitive билӧн (bilön) биэзлӧн (biezlön)
ablative билісь (biliś) биэзлісь (biezliś)
dative билӧ (bilö) биэзлӧ (biezlö)
inessive биын (biyn) биэзын (biezyn)
elative биись (biiś) биэзісь (bieziś)
illative биӧ (biö) биэзӧ (biezö)
egressive бисянь (biśań) биэзсянь (biezśań)
approximative билань (bilań) биэзлань (biezlań)
terminative I биӧдз (biödź) биэзӧдз (biezödź)
II биви (bivi) биэзви (biezvi)
prolative биӧт (biöt) биэзӧт (biezöt)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Possessive declension of би
First person singular
singular plural
nominative биӧ (biö) биэзӧ (biezö)
accusative I* биӧ (biö) биэзӧ (biezö)
II* биӧс (biös) биэзӧс (biezös)
instrumental бинам (binam) биэзнам (bieznam)
comitative биӧкӧт (biököt) биэзӧкӧт (biezököt)
caritive биӧтӧг (biötög) биэзӧтӧг (biezötög)
consecutive биӧла (biöla) биэзӧла (biezöla)
genitive биӧлӧн (biölön) биэзӧлӧн (biezölön)
ablative биӧлісь (biöliś) биэзӧлісь (biezöliś)
dative биӧлӧ (biölö) биэзӧлӧ (biezölö)
inessive биам (biam) биэзам (biezam)
elative бисим (biśim) биэзсим (biezśim)
illative биам (biam) биэзам (biezam)
egressive биӧсянь (biöśań) биэзӧсянь (biezöśań)
approximative биӧлань (biölań) биэзӧлань (biezölań)
terminative I биӧддзам (biöddźam) биэзӧддзам (biezöddźam)
II биӧви (biövi) биэзӧви (biezövi)
prolative биӧттям (biötťam) биэзӧттям (biezötťam)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person singular
singular plural
nominative биыт (biyt) биэт (biet)
accusative I* биыт (biyt) биэт (biet)
II* битӧ (bitö) биэзтӧ (bieztö)
instrumental бинат (binat) биэзнат (bieznat)
comitative биыткӧт (biytköt) биэткӧт (bietköt)
caritive биыттӧг (biyttög) биэттӧг (biettög)
consecutive биытла (biytla) биэтла (bietla)
genitive биытлӧн (biytlön) биэтлӧн (bietlön)
ablative биытлісь (biytliś) биэтлісь (bietliś)
dative биытлӧ (biytlö) биэтлӧ (bietlö)
inessive биат (biat) биэзат (biezat)
elative бисит (biśit) биэзсит (biezśit)
illative биат (biat) биэзат (biezat)
egressive биытсянь (biytśań) биэтсянь (bietśań)
approximative биытлань (biytlań) биэтлань (bietlań)
terminative I биӧддзат (biöddźat) биэзӧддзат (biezöddźat)
II биытви (biytvi) биэтви (bietvi)
prolative биӧттят (biötťat) биэзӧттят (biezötťat)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person singular
singular plural
nominative биыс (biys) биэс (bies)
accusative I* биыс (biys) биэс (bies)
II* бисӧ (bisö) биэсӧ (biesö)
instrumental бинас (binas) биэзнас (bieznas)
comitative биыскӧт (biysköt) биэскӧт (biesköt)
caritive биыстӧг (biystög) биэстӧг (biestög)
consecutive биысла (biysla) биэсла (biesla)
genitive биыслӧн (biyslön) биэслӧн (bieslön)
ablative биыслісь (biysliś) биэслісь (biesliś)
dative биыслӧ (biyslö) биэслӧ (bieslö)
inessive биас (bias) биэзас (biezas)
elative бисис (biśis) биэзсис (biezśis)
illative биас (bias) биэзас (biezas)
egressive биыссянь (biysśań) биэссянь (biesśań)
approximative биыслань (biyslań) биэслань (bieslań)
terminative I биӧддзас (biöddźas) биэзӧддзас (biezöddźas)
II биысви (biysvi) биэсви (biesvi)
prolative биӧттяс (biötťas) биэзӧттяс (biezötťas)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
First person plural
singular plural
nominative биным (binym) биэзным (bieznym)
accusative I* биным (binym) биэзным (bieznym)
II* бинымӧ (binymö) биэзнымӧ (bieznymö)
instrumental бинаным (binanym) биэзнаным (bieznanym)
comitative бинымкӧт (binymköt) биэзнымкӧт (bieznymköt)
caritive бинымтӧг (binymtög) биэзнымтӧг (bieznymtög)
consecutive бинымла (binymla) биэзнымла (bieznymla)
genitive бинымлӧн (binymlön) биэзнымлӧн (bieznymlön)
ablative бинымлісь (binymliś) биэзнымлісь (bieznymliś)
dative бинымлӧ (binymlö) биэзнымлӧ (bieznymlö)
inessive бианым (bianym) биэзаным (biezanym)
elative бисиным (biśinym) биэзсиным (biezśinym)
illative бианым (bianym) биэзаным (biezanym)
egressive бинымсянь (binymśań) биэзнымсянь (bieznymśań)
approximative бинымлань (binymlań) биэзнымлань (bieznymlań)
terminative I биӧддзаным (biöddźanym) биэзӧддзаным (biezöddźanym)
II бинымви (binymvi) биэзнымви (bieznymvi)
prolative биӧттяным (biötťanym) биэзӧттяным (biezötťanym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person plural
singular plural
nominative биныт (binyt) биэзныт (bieznyt)
accusative I* биныт (binyt) биэзныт (bieznyt)
II* бинытӧ (binytö) биэзнытӧ (bieznytö)
instrumental бинаныт (binanyt) биэзнаныт (bieznanyt)
comitative биныткӧт (binytköt) биэзныткӧт (bieznytköt)
caritive биныттӧг (binyttög) биэзныттӧг (bieznyttög)
consecutive бинытла (binytla) биэзнытла (bieznytla)
genitive бинытлӧн (binytlön) биэзнытлӧн (bieznytlön)
ablative бинытлісь (binytliś) биэзнытлісь (bieznytliś)
dative бинытлӧ (binytlö) биэзнытлӧ (bieznytlö)
inessive бианыт (bianyt) биэзаныт (biezanyt)
elative бисиныт (biśinyt) биэзсиныт (biezśinyt)
illative бианыт (bianyt) биэзаныт (biezanyt)
egressive бинытсянь (binytśań) биэзнытсянь (bieznytśań)
approximative бинытлань (binytlań) биэзнытлань (bieznytlań)
terminative I биӧддзаныт (biöddźanyt) биэзӧддзаныт (biezöddźanyt)
II бинытви (binytvi) биэзнытви (bieznytvi)
prolative биӧттяныт (biötťanyt) биэзӧттяныт (biezötťanyt)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person plural
singular plural
nominative биныс (binys) биэзныс (bieznys)
accusative I* биныс (binys) биэзныс (bieznys)
II* бинысӧ (binysö) биэзнысӧ (bieznysö)
instrumental бинаныс (binanys) биэзнаныс (bieznanys)
comitative биныскӧт (binysköt) биэзныскӧт (bieznysköt)
caritive биныстӧг (binystög) биэзныстӧг (bieznystög)
consecutive бинысла (binysla) биэзнысла (bieznysla)
genitive биныслӧн (binyslön) биэзныслӧн (bieznyslön)
ablative биныслісь (binysliś) биэзныслісь (bieznysliś)
dative биныслӧ (binyslö) биэзныслӧ (bieznyslö)
inessive бианыс (bianys) биэзаныс (biezanys)
elative бисиныс (biśinys) биэзсиныс (biezśinys)
illative бианыс (bianys) биэзаныс (biezanys)
egressive биныссянь (binysśań) биэзныссянь (bieznysśań)
approximative биныслань (binyslań) биэзныслань (bieznyslań)
terminative I биӧддзаныс (biöddźanys) биэзӧддзаныс (biezöddźanys)
II бинысви (binysvi) биэзнысви (bieznysvi)
prolative биӧттяныс (biötťanys) биэзӧттяныс (biezötťanys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.


  • P. S. Kuznecov, A. M. Sporova (1946) “огонь”, in Русско-Коми-Пермяцкӧй словарь [Russian-Komi-Permyak dictionary], Kudymkar: Комипермгиз





(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


  • IPA(key): [bi]
  • Audio:(file)



би (bi)

  1. A verbal particle used to render the conditional mood.
    Тие би јаделе.
    Tie bi jadele.
    They would eat.





Inherited from Classical Mongolian ᠪᠢ (bi), from Middle Mongol ᠪᠢ (pj /⁠bi⁠/), from Proto-Mongolic *bi (*b- for the first person and *-i for singularity). Cognate with Buryat би (bi), Kalmyk би (bi), Dongxiang bi, etc.

Possibly related somehow with Proto-Turkic *ben and Proto-Tungusic *bi; compare Turkish ben, Evenki би (bi). (Can this(+) etymology be sourced?)


  • IPA(key): [pi]
  • Hyphenation: би



би (bi)

  1. The first-person singular pronoun, I



See also


Old Church Slavonic


Alternative forms




From Proto-Slavic *bi.



би (bi)

  1. second-person singular conditional of бꙑти (byti)
    Synonym: бꙑ (by)
    • ⰱⰹ (line 18, leaf 65.5)”, in Psalterium Sinaiticum [Cod. Sin. slav. 38/O]‎[6] (in Old Church Slavonic), Saint Catherine Monastery, 1050±50, page ps. 50:18
      Ⱑⰽⱁ ⰰⱋⰵ ⰱⰹ ⰲⱐⱄⱈⱁⱅⱑⰾⱏ ⰶⱃⱏⱅⰲⱑ ⰴⰰⰾⱏ ⰱⰹⰿⱏ ⱆⰱⱁ
      Ěko ašte bi vĭsxotělŭ žrŭtvě dalŭ bimŭ ubo
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. third-person singular conditional of бꙑти (byti)
    Synonym: бꙑ (by)
    • ⰱⰻ (line 12, leaf 124)”, in Psalterium Sinaiticum [Cod. Sin. slav. 38/O]‎[7] (in Old Church Slavonic), Saint Catherine Monastery, 1050±50, page ps. 93:17
      Ⱑⰽⱁ ⰰⱎⱅⰵ ⱀⰵ ⰱⰹ ⰳ꙯ⱐ ⱂⱁⰿⱁⰳⰾⱏ ⰿⱀⱑ㇃⠉ ⰲⱏⰿⰰⰾⱑ ⰲⱏⱄⰵⰾⰹⰾⰰ ⱄⱗ ⰱⰻ ⰲⱏ ⰰⰴⱏ ⰴ꙯ⱎⰰ ⰿⱁⱑ㇃⠉
      Ěko ašte ne bi g:ĭ pomoglŭ mně㇃⠉ vŭmalě vŭselila sję bi vŭ adŭ d:ša moě㇃⠉
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • Сава, editor (1050±50), “би (line -1, leaf 61)”, in Sava's book[8] (in Old Church Slavonic), page Lk:12:39
      ꙗко аще би вѣдѣлъ гн꙯ъ храминѣ
      jako ašte bi vědělŭ gn:ŭ xramině
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Usage notes

  • би оубо боꙗ҅ти сꙙ паче бога
    bi ubo bojhati sę pače boga
    χρὴ οὖν φοβεῖσθαι μᾶλλον τὸν θεόν
    Ретъко, editor (1025±50?), “би”, in Codex Suprasliensis[9] (in Old Church Slavonic), page (leaf) 76, line 5
    • Per Meillet (1902), possibly former optative[1]
    • Per Meyer (1935), би (bi, χρή) is 3sg conditional[2]
    • Per Koch (1990), shortened 3-word combination: би [бꙑло] боꙗ҅ти сꙙ (bi [bylo] bojhati sę)[3]


  1. ^ Antoine Meillet (1902) “VII. Participe en -lo-”, in Études sur l'étymologie & le vocabulaire du vieux slave[1] (in Old Church Slavonic), Paris: Librairie Émile Bouillon, page 95
  2. ^ Karl Meyer (1935) “би”, in Altkirchenslavisch-griechisches Wörterbuch des Codex Suprasliensis[2] (in German), Glückstadt, Hamburg: Verlag J. J. Augustin, page 22
  3. ^ Koch, Christoph (1990) “§ 66 Konj. I.1b, 24)”, in Das morphologische System des altkirchenslavischen Verbums[3] (in German), Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, page 719

Pannonian Rusyn




Inherited from Old Slovak by, from Proto-Slavic *by.


  • IPA(key): [ˈbi]
  • Rhymes: -i
  • Hyphenation: би



би (bi)

  1. expresses desire: would like, feel like
    мамо, я би ше ишол бавицmamo, ja bi še išol bavicmommy, I would like to go play
    я би нє ишол на вилєтja bi nje išol na viljetI don't feel like going on a trip
    и дзеци би ишли з родичами до Нємецкейi dzeci bi išli z rodičami do Njemeckejthe children would also like to go with their parents to Germany
  2. expresses a physiological need: have to, need to, should
    я би пил водиja bi pil vodiI'm thirsty (literally, “I have to drink water”)
    я би спалja bi spalI'm sleepy (literally, “I have to sleep”)
  3. expresses a request in interrogative sentences
    нє пришол биш ми дакус помогнуц?nje prišol biš mi dakus pomohnuc?would you like to come and help me a little?
  4. forms the conditional mood: would, would've
    било би добре кед би...bilo bi dobre ked bi...it would be good if...


  • When the pronoun is dropped, the particle declines as бим (bim), биш (biš), би (bi), бизме (bizme), бисце (bisce), and би (bi) respectively, similar to Polish by. However, especially in the past tense, би сом (bi som), би ши (bi ši), etc. may be used in place of the declined form.

Derived terms








Etymology 1


Borrowed from English B.



би (bin inan (indeclinable)

  1. (English letter) B, b

Etymology 2


Clipping of бисексуа́л (bisɛksuál) or бисексуа́лка (bisɛksuálka).



би (bim anim or f anim (indeclinable)

  1. (colloquial) a bi person (someone who is bisexual)
    Вы гетеро? — Я би!Vy getero? — Ja bi!Are you hetero? — I'm bi!







би (bi)

  1. I (personal pronoun)





Inherited from Old Ruthenian бы (by), from Old East Slavic бꙑ (by), from Proto-Slavic *by.





би (by)

  1. would, expresses a conditional statement (following a consonant)

See also





This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with the IPA then please add some!



би (bi)

  1. I (personal pronoun)