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See also: faoinár







faoinar (form used before non-past tenses faoina) (used before a past tense; triggers lenition of a following consonant except in the autonomous form)

  1. under which/whom
    an bord faoinar shuigh a catthe table under which her cat sat
  2. about which/whom
    an tír faoinar ghabh sé amhránthe country about which he sang a song

Usage notes


Especially in the spoken language, it is more common to use the indirect relative particle ar with a resumptive prepositional pronoun:

an bord ar shuigh a cat faoithe table her cat sat under
an tír ar ghabh sé amhrán fúithithe country he sang a song about



faoinar (form used before a vowel in the present/future faoinarb, form used before a vowel in the past/conditional faoinarbh) (used before a consonant sound; triggers lenition in the past/conditional)

  1. under/about which/whom is
    an bord faoinar mian lena cat a bheith ina shuíthe table under which her cat wants to sit
  2. under/about which/whom was/would be
    an tír faoinar mhaith leis amhrán a ghabháilthe country about which he would like to sing a song

Usage notes


Here again, it is more common, especially in the spoken language, to use the indirect relative particle ar with a resumptive prepositional pronoun:

an bord ar mian lena cat a bheith ina shuí faoithe table her cat wants to sit under
an tír ar mhaith leis amhrán a ghabháil fúithithe country he would like to sing a song about
Irish copular forms
simple copular forms
affirmative negative interrogative negative
main clause is an nach
relative clause direct nach
indirect ar, arbv
other subordinate clause gur, gurbv an nach
main clause ba, b’v níor, níorbhv ar, arbhv nár, nárbhv
relative clause direct ba, abv nár, nárbhv
indirect ar, arbhv
other subordinate clause gur, gurbhv ar, arbhv nár, nárbhv
present subjunctive
gura, gurabv nára, nárabv
compound copular forms
base word present/future past/conditional
cár, cárbv cár, cárbhv
cér, cérbv cér, cérbhv
mba, mb’v
de/do dar, darbv dar, darbhv
faoi faoinar, faoinarbv faoinar, faoinarbhv
i inar, inarbv inar, inarbhv
le lenar, lenarbv lenar, lenarbhv
más ba, b’v
mura mura, murabv murar, murarbhv
ó (prep.) ónar, ónarbv ónar, ónarbhv
ó (conj.) ós ó ba, ó b’v
trí trínar, trínarbv trínar, trínarbhv

v Used before vowel sounds