Wiktionary:Todo/phrases not linked to from components/2025-02
====Derived terms====
- South or south: Almaguer South|Guanan South|Sabang South|San Antonio South|South Cadbury|South Cadbury and Sutton Montis|South Centro|South Coventry|South Lebanon|South Villazar|South Wairarapa
- Spanish or spanish: Spanish Yiddish
- Spezia or spezia: La Spezia
- Spirit or spirit: Great Spirit|Spirit of Light|Spirit of the Lord|Spirit of Truth|Spirit of Verity
- Spock or spock: Spock Generation
- Square or square: Logan Square
- States or states: Union of Soviet Socialist States of America|United Soviet Socialist States of America|United States note
- Stiefel or stiefel: Stiefel process
- Stimson or stimson: Stimson Abordo
- Street or street: Collier Street|Cross Street
- Super or super: Super League
- Surface or surface: Earth Surface Person
- Sutton or sutton: South Cadbury and Sutton Montis
- Suzette or suzette: crepe Suzette
- Swainson or swainson: Swainson pea|Swainson-pea
- Swedish or swedish: Swedish Blue
- T or t: T-account|T-cushion
- Tagalog or tagalog: Sapang Tagalog
- Tahoka or tahoka: Tahoka daisy
- Texas or texas: Texas sparrow
- Thai or thai: Thai Song
- Thomas or thomas: Gilchrist-Thomas process|Thomas meal|Thomas-Gilchrist process
- Tibetan or tibetan: Tibetan wolf
- Tippett or tippett: Fisher-Tippett theorem
- Tory or tory: Tory Democracy
- Tosa or tosa: Tosa Bay
- Townsend or townsend: Hooker's Townsend daisy
- Trafalgar or trafalgar: Trafalgar Day|Trafalgar Night dinner
- Tree or tree: Tyburn Tree
- Tri or tri: Tri-Unity|Tri-unity
- Tula or tula: Tula-tula
- Turkey or turkey: Turkey toilet sponge
- Tyburn or tyburn: Tyburn gallows|Tyburn Tree|Tyburn-tree|York Tyburn
- U or u: U-valley
- U.S. or u.s.: U.S. Civil War
- United or united: United Canada|United Canadas|United Soviet Socialist States of America|United States note
- Unity or unity: Tri-Unity
- Uno or uno: Campo Uno
- V or v: |V-girl
- Valencia or valencia: Nueva Valencia
- Valley or valley: Findon Valley|Lizon Valley|Sacramento Valley
- Vater or vater: Vater-Pacini corpuscle
- Vegas or vegas: Roto Vegas
- Venice or venice: Little Venice
- Venus or venus: priestess of Venus
- Verity or verity: Spirit of Verity
- Veronica or veronica: Veronica bucket
- Victoria or victoria: Nueva Victoria
- WSL or wsl: RFL WSL
- Wao or wao: Eastern Wao|Western Wao
- War or war: U.S. Civil War
- Warden or warden: Warden of the Mint
- Waterhouse or waterhouse: Waterhouse diaphragm|Waterhouse stop
- Way or way: Blessing Way
- Weeks or weeks: Festival of Weeks
- Weiss or weiss: Curie-Weiss law
- West or west: Aurora West|Canada West|Cansamada West|Central West|Hugpa West|Kahayagan West|Kayan West|Kilikili West|Muñoz West|Pagolingin West|Riding Mountain West|Rise of the West|Sampao West|San Jose West|Santo Domingo West|West African hemorrhagic fever|West Aramaic|West Brunswick|West Carisac|West Coast Sound|West Highland|West Quoddy Head
- Western or western: Western Wao
- White or white: Chester County White|Chester White|White Karen|White Sister|White émigré
- Willows or willows: Walsham le Willows
- Witsuwitʼen or witsuwitʼen: Babine-Witsuwitʼen
- World or world: Wizarding World
- Würm or würm: Riss-Würm
- Yiddish or yiddish: Spanish Yiddish
- York or york: York Tyburn
- Yoshino or yoshino: Yoshino paper
- Your or your: Your Lordship|Your Serene Highness
- abs: washboard abs
- accentual: accentual-syllabic
- accommodating: accommodating dependent
- account: T-account|user account
- acrobatic: acrobatic cavy
- action: no-action letter
- actor: self-actor
- adder: adder-subtractor
- adrenal: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal|hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
- adrenocortical: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical
- adult: adult-oriented rock
- aeronautical: aeronautical engineer
- after: after-banquet
- age: de-age|machine age
- ageing: middle-ageing
- aging: middle-aging
- air: air castle|build air castles
- aitch: aitch ee double hockey sticks
- alarm: bedwetting alarm
- algorithm: Baeza-Yates–Gonnet algorithm
- alison: golden alison
- all: all in one piece|all-mighty|for all money|someone's driveway doesn't go all the way to the road
- alpha: alpha-fetoprotein|alpha-foetoprotein|triple-alpha process
- alternative: alternative timeline
- alyssum: golden alyssum|golden-tuft alyssum|goldentuft alyssum
- analysis: path analysis
- anchor: anchor seine
- angry: a hungry man is an angry man
- any: any good
- apple: earth apple
- applied: applied math|applied maths
- arctic: arctic willow
- area: area boy|debris response area|sacrifice area
- arm: arm-piece
- armed: armed rebellion|armed revolt|armed secession
- around: a lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on|send around
- art: programmer art
- artery: dorsal nasal artery
- assault: meat assault
- assistant: assistant chief constable
- attack: attack surface
- attendant: gaming attendant
- authority: enforcement authority
- away: shoo away|worlds away
- awhile: wait-awhile
- axis: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
- ba: ba zhang
- babbler: grey-chested babbler
- baby: baby gate|baby killer|Ozempic baby
- bachelor's: wild bachelor's button|wild bachelor's-button
- back: back in the groove|back o' beyond|hog's-back
- bad: bad feeling
- bag: honey bag|hot-water bag|hotwater bag|tucker-bag
- bah: bah zhang
- bak: bak chang|bak zhang|tau yu bak|tauyu bak
- ball: ball joint
- band: Lüders band
- bank: bank bill|nappy bank
- bar: bar point
- barcode: barcode reader|barcode scanner
- bark: cinchona bark
- bashing: gay-bashing
- basket: basket dinner|basket of gold
- bass: Alberti bass
- bat: chocolate wattled bat
- beaked: Bahamonde's beaked whale
- beam: yarn-beam
- bean: bean mouth
- beanie: propeller beanie
- beard: grandfather's beard|hawk's beard
- bearer: year bearer
- bedwetting: bedwetting alarm
- bee: bee-sting|black bee|European dark bee
- beef: Albany beef
- been: has-been-dom
- beetle: Asiatic beetle
- before: a lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on|don't count your chicks before they hatch|don't count your chicks before they're hatched
- bellbird: piping bellbird|rufous-naped bellbird
- belle: pear belle Hélène
- belly: belly sweetbread
- bent: colonial bent|rough bent
- benzathine: benzathine penicillin G|penicillin G benzathine
- berry: scarlet berry
- berrypecker: painted berrypecker
- besan: besan cheela|besan chilla
- beta: beta-hydroxyisovalerylshikonin
- better: better known as
- beyond: back o' beyond
- bias: bias-robust
- bidentate: bidentate ligand
- big: big Dick|big pocket|big-brained|in the big 25
- billed: prong-billed barbet
- biomolecular: biomolecular condensate
- bird: Baltimore bird
- birth: birth tourist
- bit: great bit bucket in the sky
- bitch: bitch suit
- black: black bee|black forest cake|black hydrogen|black opal|black supremacist|black-lipped pika|black-naped oriole
- blacked: blacked out
- blind: blind pocket
- blindness: voice blindness
- blood: Dane's blood|ill blood|quantum of Indian blood
- blue: blue chip swap|blue daisy|blue rat's tail|blue snakeweed|blue weed|dark blue snakeweed|dark-blue snakeweed|desert blue
- blueberry: European blueberry
- board: bare board
- boat: passage boat
- body: dog's body
- bog: bog-house|bog-myrtle|bog-wood
- boiled: boiled rag
- bomber: water-bomber
- bombing: mail bombing
- bond: bond vigilante
- boots: a lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on
- borer: two-lined chestnut borer
- born: virgin-born
- both: both-sided|both-sidedness|God doesn't give with both hands
- bottom: hit bottom
- bounce: eye bounce
- bow: bow up
- box: Aussie box|meat box|snack box|spice box|tackle box|thrift box|thrift-box
- boy: area boy|laughing boy
- bracket: angle bracket|curly bracket
- brained: big-brained
- bran: bran new
- brand: private brand
- brank: brank new
- breaker: window-breaker
- brent: brent new
- broad: old broad
- broken: broken power law|broken sleep
- brook: brook mint
- brown: brown hydrogen|brown mint|brown rosin paper
- bucket: great bit bucket in the sky|Veronica bucket
- buffet: pluck-buffet
- build: build air castles
- building: building paper|red building paper
- bulk: bulk data
- bulkhead: forepeak bulkhead
- bullock: bullock-cart
- bum: bum cleavage
- bunting: McKay's bunting
- bureaucratic: bureaucratic centralism
- burger: burger steak
- bush: bush honeysuckle|bush jasmine|bush lily
- but: I know you are but what am I?|nothing is certain but death and taxes
- butt: butt cleavage|elevator butt
- butter: butter-and-egg money
- buttock: buttock cleavage
- button: button spider|button stick|wild bachelor's button|wild bachelor's-button
- cabbage: imported cabbage worm
- cactus: cactus mistletoe|grape cactus|silver cluster cactus
- cake: black forest cake|cake hole|cake-hole|mint cake|twelfth cake|twelfth-day cake
- call: robo call|robo-call
- can: a lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on|faith can move mountains|for as long as one can remember
- cap: gas cap
- card: card index|indirect red card
- cardboard: corrugated cardboard
- care: health care professional
- cart: bullock-cart
- case: locative-qualitative case
- castle: air castle|castle in the skies
- catch: catch the ten
- catfish: Chao Phraya giant catfish
- cell: death cell|K-cell|koniocellular cell|M-cell|magnocellular cell|P-cell|parvocellular cell
- cement: ferro-cement|Martin's cement|Parian cement
- center: detention center
- centralism: bureaucratic centralism
- ceremony: master of ceremony
- certain: nothing is certain but death and taxes
- certification: certification engineer
- chain: ascending chain condition|descending chain condition|pole chain|pole-chain|seamount chain
- chance: chance passenger
- chang: bak chang|Nyonya chang
- change: tide of change
- chant: Ambrosian chant|Milanese chant
- character: paragraph character
- charging: congestion charging
- chase: chase shadows
- check: diaper check|nappy check
- cheek: tongue firmly in cheek
- cheela: besan cheela
- cheese: cheese tax
- chested: bare-chested|grey-chested babbler
- chestnut: two-lined chestnut borer
- chewing: fat-chewing
- chi: chi-ching
- chiao: chiao-tze
- chick: chick culling
- chicken: chicken-neck
- chief: assistant chief constable|deputy chief constable
- chilla: besan chilla
- ching: ca-ching|chi-ching
- chip: blue chip swap|chocolate chocolate chip|mint 'n chip|mint chip
- chocolate: chocolate chocolate chip|chocolate mint|chocolate wattled bat|dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians
- chocolatey: milk chocolatey|milk-chocolatey
- chocolaty: milk chocolaty
- chosen: chosen people
- christen: christen name
- christian: christian name
- chrysanthemum: chrysanthemum-dicarboxylic acid
- chute: chute-the-chute|shoot-the-chute
- cinchonic: cinchonic red
- cinder: cinder tea
- cinema: direct cinema
- city: global city
- civet: large-spotted civet
- claim: claim form
- clap: clap someone's cheeks|clap-in-clap-out
- class: night class
- clause: Mother Hubbard clause
- cleaner: deep cleaner|dry cleaner's|take to the cleaner's
- clear: clear-felling
- cleavage: bum cleavage|butt cleavage|buttock cleavage|plumber's cleavage
- cleave: plumber's cleave
- client: direct client contact
- clip: clip farmer
- clonic: tonic-clonic
- close: close to someone's heart
- cloth: communion cloth|lee cloth
- clover: Bokhara clover
- clubmoss: staghorn clubmoss
- cluster: cluster A personality disorder|cluster C personality disorder|silver cluster cactus
- cock: cock-a-whoop
- cocked: cocked-up
- coco: coco plum
- code: double-code
- cognitive: cognitive reserve
- cold: cold-pressed
- collection: data collection tree
- collie: Border collie
- cologne: eau de cologne mint
- colonial: colonial bent
- color: play-of-color
- combat: trial by combat
- common: common ragwort|common succory|common wild oat
- communion: communion cloth
- community: community work
- composite: composite pose
- con: con suite
- condensate: biomolecular condensate
- condition: ascending chain condition|descending chain condition
- congestion: congestion charging
- conical: conical hat
- contaminant: cross-contaminant
- control: message control
- converging: converging lens
- corbel: corbel-step
- core: tortoise core
- corner: every nook and corner
- corpse: corpse pose
- corpus: writ of habeas corpus
- corpuscle: Pacinian corpuscle|Vater-Pacini corpuscle
- correction: auto-correction|hyper-correction
- cosmetic: cosmetic-surgical
- council: local council
- count: don't count your chickens|don't count your chicks|don't count your chicks before they hatch|don't count your chicks before they're hatched
- course: course correction|mill course
- cow: fluffy cow
- crab: Diogenes crab|giant hermit crab|pole-crab
- crackers: Jatz crackers|jatz crackers
- crane: crested crane
- cream: chantilly cream|Philadelphia ice cream
- creaming: creaming soda
- credit: irrevocable letter of credit
- creeping: creeping sedge
- crepe: crepe Suzette|crepe suzette
- crested: crested crane|crested jayshrike
- crevalle: jack crevalle
- crime: impediment of crime
- cross: cross of Malta|cross-contaminant|cross-feed|cross-inhibition|cross-inhibitory|cross-reaction|widow's cross
- crown: crown-of-the-field
- crumpet: crumpet-faced
- crêpe: crêpe suzette
- cuckoo: lesser cuckoo
- cuddy: cuddy-hole
- cuff: leg cuff
- culling: chick culling
- cup: drink from the furry cup
- curled: curled mint
- curlew: northern curlew
- curly: curly wig
- currant: flowering currant
- cushion: T-cushion
- cut: Cut-cut I|Cut-cut II|Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cut off|Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cut-off|GZK cut off|GZK cut-off
- cutoff: GZK cutoff
- cycle: two-cycle
- cyclooctene: trans-cyclooctene
- cypress: Guaiatecas cypress
- daisy: blue daisy|Easter daisy|Hooker's Townsend daisy
- dance: dinner dance
- dancing: border dancing
- dandelion: Italian dandelion
- danger: danger music
- dark: dark blue snakeweed|dark-blue snakeweed|dark-colored|European dark bee
- dart: poison dart plant
- darts: puff and darts
- date: red letter date
- davy: davy lamp
- day: day nursery|day sailer|election day|The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints|twelfth-day cake|two-a-day
- deaf: deaf as a doornail
- dealing: wheeler-dealing
- death: death cell|nothing is certain but death and taxes
- debris: debris response area
- deck: slide deck
- deep: deep cleaner|deep focus|deep-rootedness
- deer: Java mouse deer
- delight: duper's delight
- demisemiquaver: demisemiquaver rest
- dependent: accommodating dependent|disquieted dependent|domestic dependent nation|immature dependent|ineffectual dependent|selfless dependent
- deputy: deputy chief constable
- deruxtecan: datopotamab deruxtecan
- descent: double descent
- desert: desert blue
- desk: Carlton House desk
- detention: detention center
- dew: dew worm|dew-worm
- diagram: Culmann's diagram
- diamond: Alençon diamond
- diaper: diaper check|diaper library|diaper pod|terry diaper
- diaphragm: Waterhouse diaphragm
- dicarboxylic: chrysanthemum-dicarboxylic acid
- dicker: dicker-rod
- die: die liao
- dimensional: three-dimensional printer|three-dimensional printing
- dip: dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians
- direct: direct cinema|direct client contact
- dirty: dirty trick vase|dirty-minded
- disc: Airy disc
- disease: 4-H disease
- disk: Airy disk|disk pack|Jefferson disk
- disorder: cluster A personality disorder|cluster C personality disorder|communication disorder|neurodevelopmental disorder|psychotic disorder
- disordered: mentally disordered
- disquieted: disquieted dependent
- distilled: distilled verdigris
- distribution: Box-Cox distribution
- dive: free dive|free-dive
- do: do a perish|do not sit in Rome and strive with the Pope|how-do-you-do
- doctor's: doctor's we
- doctrine: Alford doctrine
- dog: sun-dog
- doll: harvest doll
- dolphin: Amazon river dolphin
- domain: vanity domain
- domestic: domestic dependent nation
- donation: post-donation
- donkey: donkey stone
- doodley: doodley-squat
- doornail: deaf as a doornail
- dormouse: Oriental dormouse
- dorsal: dorsal nasal artery
- double: aitch ee double hockey sticks|double code|double-code|double-crostic
- douce: flute-douce
- down: get down to|lay down on
- downlow: on the downlow
- draw: fine-draw
- dress: carriage dress
- drink: drink from the furry cup
- driveway: someone's driveway doesn't go all the way to the road
- drop: drop tongue|drop-tongue|mint drop|painted drop tongue|peppermint drop|Prince Rupert drop|water drop
- drownder: goose-drownder
- drunk: stupid drunk
- dry: stay-dry
- drying: drying rack
- duck: hook-a-duck|crutches for lame ducks
- dunny: dunny-ken
- dusky: dusky leaf monkey
- dust: yarn dust
- dyschiric: dyschiric syndrome
- dystrophy: Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- ear: ear range|ear-range|elephant's ear
- earth: earth apple|earth surface person
- ease: office of ease
- easy: easy as one two three
- eau: eau de cologne mint
- ebony: green ebony
- economically: economically motivated adulteration
- effect: Gluskina effect|Littler effect|Pauli effect
- efficiency: efficiency engineer
- efficient: efficient frontier
- egg: butter-and-egg money
- election: election day
- elephant's: elephant's ear
- elevator: elevator butt
- emergency: national emergency
- emission: zero-emission
- empty: empty as the tomb on Easter
- end: end-in-itself
- endive: French endive|garden endive|wild endive
- energy: energy imbalance
- engine: Carnot engine|Carnot heat engine|Novi engine
- equation: Boltzmann equation
- every: every nook and corner
- everyday: everyday skill
- everything: my everything
- evolutionary: evolutionary genetics
- ex: ex-ex-gay
- excise: customs and excise
- exec: exec-produce
- expletive: syntactic expletive
- extreme: extreme value theorem
- eye: eye bounce|mono-eye
- face: fiddle face|smack in the face
- faced: crumpet-faced|hollow-faced bat|slit-faced bat
- fade: Brooklyn fade|taper fade|temple fade
- fair: money and fair words
- fairy: fairy lace
- faith: faith can move mountains
- false: false verbena|rough-leaf false vervain
- fancy: fancy meat
- farm: glebe farm
- farmer: clip farmer
- farnesoic: farnesoic acid
- farther: farther and farther
- fat: fat-chewing|it's not over 'til the fat lady sings|it's not over till the fat lady sings|it's not over until the fat lady sings|mule fat
- fawn: fawn response
- feather: feather edger|feather-tailed possum
- feathertail: feathertail glider
- feed: cross-feed
- feeling: bad feeling
- felling: clear-felling
- fertility: fertility tourism
- fetoprotein: alpha-fetoprotein
- fever: West African hemorrhagic fever
- fiddle: fiddle face
- field: crown-of-the-field
- fight: bare-knuckle fight|freedom fight
- fighting: fighting little judge
- finch: Cassin finch|Przewalski's finch
- finder: fish-finder
- fine: fine-draw
- fingertip: fingertip search
- finish: Garrison finish
- fire: Bengal fire|Byzantine fire|pillar of fire|twitch fire
- firmly: tongue firmly in cheek
- firmware: firmware engineer
- first: first philosophy
- fish: fish mint|fish-finder
- fit: rum fit
- five: five-o'clock shadow
- flake: rice flake
- flame: pillar of flame
- flanked: chestnut-flanked sparrowhawk|red-flanked bluetail
- flat: flat text
- flecked: foam-flecked
- flight: male flight
- flow: go with the flow of traffic
- flower: slipper flower
- flowering: flowering currant|flowering maple|flowering quince|orange flowering jessamine
- fluffy: fluffy cow
- flute: flute-douce
- fly: fly window
- flying: Humboldt's flying squirrel
- focus: deep focus|long-focus lens
- foetoprotein: alpha-foetoprotein
- fogged: fogged out
- folded: folded mountain|folded optics|folded up|folded-up
- folklore: pseudo-folklore
- food: food fraud|food intolerance
- fool: natural fool
- foot: foot stool
- footed: rough-footed mud turtle|swift-footed
- for: crutches for lame ducks|for all money|for as long as one can remember|for weal or woe|leave for dust|not long for the world
- fore: fore-milk
- forest: black forest cake
- forestfly: longhorn forestfly
- fork: dinner fork
- form: claim form|hesitation form
- formation: A formation
- formed: explosively formed penetrator|ill-formed|self-formed|well-formed formula
- formula: Larmor formula
- forward: carriage forward
- founder: founder mode
- four: be lost to the four winds|vanish to the four winds
- fourth: sixty-fourth rest
- fraud: food fraud
- free: free dive|free-dive
- freedom: freedom fight
- frog: smoky jungle frog
- from: drink from the furry cup|from the gecko|from the get|from the git
- frontier: high frontier|last frontier
- fruit: strange fruit
- fuck: fuck yourself
- fucker: pony fucker
- function: Gompertz function
- furry: drink from the furry cup
- further: further and further
- fuzzy: fuzzy over
- gallows: Middlesex gallows|Tyburn gallows
- gap: pleasure gap
- garden: garden endive|garden pest
- garry: palkee-garry
- gas: gas cap
- gasoline: natural gasoline
- gate: baby gate
- gay: ex-ex-gay|gay-bashing
- gecko: from the gecko
- get: a lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on|from the get|get down to|get glad in the same britches one got mad in|get glad in the same pants one got mad in|get it twisted|get one's mind out of the gutter
- giant: Chao Phraya giant catfish|giant hermit crab|giant pangasius|giant taro
- giggle: giggle test
- giraffe: giraffe thorn
- girl: V-girl|victory girl
- git: from the git
- give: God doesn't give with both hands
- glad: get glad in the same britches one got mad in|get glad in the same pants one got mad in
- glasses: modesty glasses|nose-glasses|Oxford glasses|pinch-nose glasses
- glebe: glebe farm
- glider: feathertail glider|wrist-winged glider
- global: global city
- go: go with the flow of traffic|someone's driveway doesn't go all the way to the road
- god: oh my god particle|oh-my-god particle
- gold: basket of gold|gold-and-silver honeysuckle
- golden: golden alison|golden alyssum|golden-and-silver honeysuckle|golden-tuft alyssum|golden-tuft madwort
- good: any good
- goose: goose-drownder
- gown: carriage gown
- grade: grade 0|grade zero|grade-grub
- grape: grape cactus
- grapefruit: grapefruit mint
- grass: quitch grass|steek grass
- grease: grease-pot
- great: great bit bucket in the sky
- greater: greater capybara
- green: cadmium green|green louse
- grey: grey-chested babbler
- groove: back in the groove
- ground: ground pear
- group: group photo|Nottingham group
- grub: grade-grub
- guest: dinner guest
- gullet: gullet sweetbread
- gum: water gum
- habeas: writ of habeas corpus
- hack: hack cab
- haddock: Norway haddock
- half: half-round|how the other half live
- hall: permanent private hall
- hammock: hammock-litter
- hand: put one's hand in one's pocket|second-hand vape
- handball: underground handball
- handpass: underground handpass
- happy: happy New Year's
- hardware: hardware engineer
- hardy: party hardy
- harp: Irish harp
- harvest: harvest doll
- hat: conical hat|paddy hat|rice hat|sedge hat
- hatch: don't count your chicks before they hatch
- hater: man hater
- haute: haute bourgeoisie
- have: have a lend of
- head: don't worry your pretty little head|lay one's head
- headed: heavy-headed|red-headed vulture
- health: health care professional|health system
- heart: close to someone's heart|heart muscle|heart sweetbread
- heat: Carnot heat engine|Nernst heat theorem
- heater: hot-water heater|hotwater heater
- heavens: my heavens
- hebephrenic: hebephrenic schizophrenia
- heels: snap at someone's heels
- helical: helical scan
- hemidemisemiquaver: hemidemisemiquaver rest
- hemlock: ground hemlock
- hemorrhagic: West African hemorrhagic fever
- herb: willow herb
- here: here-text
- hermit: giant hermit crab
- herring: herring cale
- hesitation: hesitation form
- hi: hi-way
- hidden: hidden code
- high: high frontier|high-tech savvy
- highlife: burger highlife
- highway: highway engineer
- hip: hip hop soul
- historic: pre-historic
- history: history painting
- hit: hit bottom
- hoary: hoary redpoll
- hockey: aitch ee double hockey sticks
- hold: hold up to
- hole: cake hole|cake-hole|cuddy-hole
- hollow: hollow-faced bat
- holy: holy matrimony
- honey: honey bag|honey sac|honey sack|honey stomach|honey tube
- hooded: Sennett's hooded oriole
- hoofed: hoofed locust
- hook: hook-a-duck
- hooking: rug hooking
- hoop: hoop-la
- hop: hip hop soul
- horizon: Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin horizon|GZK horizon
- horn: ram's horn|shoe horn|stag's horn
- horse: horse mint
- hot: hot-water bag|hot-water heater
- hotel: workingman's hotel
- house: house-raising|ranch house|to the house|weigh house
- how: how are you keeping|how the other half live|how-do-you-do|see how
- hug: hug-a-hoodie
- hump: hump-nosed
- humper: Bible humper
- hundred: one hundred and one
- hungry: a hungry man is an angry man
- hurt: hurt people hurt people
- hypothalamic: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal|hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis|hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical
- hypothesis: Habakkuk hypothesis
- ice: ice quake|ice-quake|Philadelphia ice cream
- ill: ill blood
- imbalance: energy imbalance
- immature: immature dependent
- immeasurable: immeasurable light
- impediment: impediment of crime
- inattention: hemi-inattention
- indemnity: letter of indemnity
- independence: independence war
- index: card index
- indicator: wetness indicator
- indirect: indirect red card
- industrial: industrial-organizational psychology
- ineffectual: ineffectual dependent
- inhibition: cross-inhibition
- inhibitory: cross-inhibitory
- insect: Children's stick insect
- instant: instant mashed potato
- integration: integration engineer
- international: international style
- introduction: letter of introduction
- investment: investment letter
- involuntary: involuntary movement
- iron: iron sick
- irrevocable: irrevocable letter of credit
- isochromatic: pseudo-isochromatic
- itself: end-in-itself
- jack: jack crevalle
- jackal: maanhaar-jackal
- jawed: whomper-jawed|whopper-jawed
- jellied: jellied salad
- jessamine: orange flowering jessamine
- jiao: jiao zi
- jjigae: kimchi-jjigae
- jockey: robot jockey
- joint: ball joint
- joke: sick joke
- judge: fighting little judge
- jungle: smoky jungle frog
- junior: junior staffer
- justice: scales of justice
- kaffir: kaffir honeysuckle
- kangaroo: musky rat kangaroo
- keeper: mint keeper
- keeping: how are you keeping
- ken: dunny-ken
- key: barrel key|pipe key
- kid: street kid
- kig: kig ha farz
- killer: baby killer|Christ killer|pygmy killer whale
- kilo: Kilo-kilo
- kimchi: kimchi-jjigae
- king: wing king
- kiss: rope kiss
- knee: knee-paddle
- knife: dinner knife
- know: I know you are but what am I?
- known: better known as
- knuckle: bare-knuckle fight
- koniocellular: koniocellular cell
- kueh: kueh kosui
- label: private label|private-label
- labor: Sisyphean labor
- lace: Binche lace|Cluny lace|fairy lace|lace machine|machine lace
- lactone: dehydrocostus lactone
- ladies: lords-and-ladies
- lady: it's not over 'til the fat lady sings|it's not over till the fat lady sings|it's not over until the fat lady sings|lord-and-lady
- lame: crutches for lame ducks
- lamp: davy lamp
- land: Dayak land|land surface|land-surface
- landing: landing zone
- lap: lap up
- large: large-spotted civet
- last: last frontier|who was your servant last year
- later: no later than
- lateral: lateral hood
- laugh: Homeric laugh|laugh test
- laughing: laughing boy
- laurel: Chilean laurel
- lax: lax up
- lay: lay down on|lay it on|lay one's head
- layout: waterfall layout
- leaf: dusky leaf monkey|nettle-leaf porterweed|rough-leaf false vervain
- league: super league
- learning: potty learning
- leather: napa leather|nappa leather
- lee: lee cloth
- left: left-handwise
- leg: leg cuff
- legged: ride the three-legged mare|Three-legged mare|two-legged mare
- legislation: Magnitsky legislation
- lemon: lemon mint|sharptooth lemon shark|sicklefin lemon shark
- lend: have a lend of
- lender: money lender|money-lender
- lens: converging lens
- lesser: lesser capybara|lesser cuckoo
- letter: letter of testamentary|red letter date
- letters: letters testamentary
- liao: die liao|si liao
- liberation: war of liberation
- library: diaper library|nappy library
- lichen: placodioid lichen
- lie: a lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on|lie in honor|lie in repose
- life: life skill|mirror life|save someone's life
- lift: ship lift
- ligament: periodontal ligament
- light: cherry light|immeasurable light|light up the room|light-colored
- lighter: pipe lighter
- like: it was like this|like a headless chook|like real|mouse-like|mouse-like hamster|sail-like|such-like
- lily: bush lily|Darling lily|Macquarie lily|Murray lily|red spider lily
- limu: limu kohu
- line: craze line|raise the line|status line
- lined: two-lined chestnut borer
- lineup: starting lineup
- lipped: black-lipped pika
- lipstick: lipstick plant
- literally: literally 1984
- litter: hammock-litter
- little: don't worry your pretty little head|fighting little judge
- live: how the other half live|live round
- lobe: Lobe-lobe|Lobe-lobe East
- local: local council
- locative: locative-qualitative case
- locomotive: locomotive engineer
- locust: hoofed locust
- logic: Floyd-Hoare logic
- login: login name
- logistics: logistics network
- lolly: cough lolly
- long: for as long as one can remember|long-focus lens|long-sufferance|not long for the world
- look: look ahere
- lord: lord-and-lady
- lost: be lost to the four winds|lost shark
- loud: radio-loud
- louse: green louse
- low: low-performance
- lungfish: Australian lungfish
- lyase: pectate lyase
- m: m-ary|m-xylene
- machine: Charpy machine|machine age|penny-in-the-slot machine
- mackerel: mackerel mint
- mad: get glad in the same britches one got mad in|get glad in the same pants one got mad in
- madwort: golden-tuft madwort
- magic: homeopathic magic
- magnocellular: magnocellular cell
- mail: mail bombing
- make: make mockery of|make wudu
- male: male flight
- man: 2 man|a hungry man is an angry man|man hater
- marang: Marang-marang
- mare: ride the three-legged mare|Three-legged mare|two-legged mare
- marine: marine engineer
- marker: paragraph marker|zero mile marker
- mashed: instant mashed potato
- master: master of ceremony|mint master
- math: applied math
- maths: applied maths
- matrimony: holy matrimony
- may: may-woon
- me: dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians|try me
- meal: Thomas meal
- meat: chicken's-meat|fancy meat|meat assault|meat box|synthetic meat
- mechanism: Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin mechanism|GZK mechanism
- mechatronics: mechatronics engineer
- melon: snow melon
- mentality: victim mentality
- mentally: mentally disordered
- message: message control
- metallurgic: metallurgic engineer
- micro: micro-viral|micro-virality
- middle: middle phalanx|middle-ageing|middle-aging|middle-aisle it
- midnight: midnight runner
- mighty: all-mighty
- mile: zero mile marker
- military: military engineer|military personnel
- milk: fore-milk|green milk|milk chocolatey|milk chocolaty|milk-chocolatey|milk-chocolaty
- mill: mill course
- mind: get one's mind out of the gutter
- minded: dirty-minded
- mint: eau de cologne mint|horse mint|lemon mint|mint 'n chip|mint chip|mint keeper|mint master|mint warden|mint-master|mountain-mint|stone-mint|warden of the mint
- minute: two-minute noodle
- mirror: mirror life
- mixed: mixed perspective
- mockery: make mockery of
- mockup: operating system mockup|OS mockup
- mode: founder mode|photo mode
- modesty: modesty glasses
- moline: fer-de-moline
- moment: Condor moment
- money: butter-and-egg money|for all money|money and fair words|money lender|money-lender
- monkey: dusky leaf monkey
- mono: mono-eye
- monodentate: monodentate ligand
- more: there is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution
- mother: mother of Satan
- motivated: economically motivated adulteration
- mottled: mottled berryhunter
- mound: pitcher's mound
- mount: Riker mount
- mountain: mountain cavy|mountain-mint
- mouse: flear-mouse|Java mouse deer|mouse-like
- mouth: bean mouth
- move: faith can move mountains
- movement: involuntary movement|voluntary movement
- mud: rough-footed mud turtle
- mule: mule fat
- mullein: wand mullein
- muscle: heart muscle
- muscular: Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- music: banku music|danger music|snap music
- musical: musical theory
- musky: musky rat kangaroo
- my: my everything|my heavens|oh my god particle|oh-my-god particle
- myrtle: sand-myrtle
- name: christen name|christian name|login name
- naped: black-naped oriole|rufous-naped bellbird|white-naped xenopsaris
- nappa: nappa leather
- nappy: nappy bank|nappy check|nappy library|nappy pod|swim nappy|terry nappy
- nasal: dorsal nasal artery
- nation: domestic dependent nation
- national: national emergency
- natural: natural fool|natural gasoline
- naval: naval engineer
- navel: navel ring
- near: near surface|near-surface
- nearer: nearer and nearer
- neck: chicken-neck|neck sweetbread
- needlescopic: needlescopic surgery
- neighbor: neighbor to the north
- nest: hoorah's nest|stir up a hornets' nest
- net: net and rouf
- nettle: nettle-leaf porterweed
- network: logistics network|network engineer|supply network
- neurodevelopmental: neurodevelopmental disorder
- neutron: neutron halo
- new: bran new|brank new|brent new
- night: night class
- nine: nine-pounder
- no: no later than|no-action letter
- noodle: two-minute noodle
- nook: every nook and corner
- normative: normative state
- north: neighbor to the north
- northern: northern curlew|northern storm petrel
- nose: nose-glasses|pinch-nose glasses
- nosed: hump-nosed
- note: Federal Reserve note|government note|United States note
- nothing: nothing is certain but death and taxes|there is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution
- nouveau: nouveau romancier
- number: A number 1
- nursery: day nursery
- nutmeg: Peruvian nutmeg
- nyah: nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah
- o': back o' beyond
- o'clock: five-o'clock shadow
- oak: Garry oak|Grave's oak|Oregon white oak|Schneck oak
- oat: common wild oat
- occipital: parieto-occipital-temporal
- occipitotemporal: parieto-occipitotemporal
- oceanic: oceanic dolphin
- ocellated: ocellated turkey
- ocular: vestibulo-ocular
- offering: offering plate
- offside: offside rule
- oh: oh my god particle|oh-my-god particle
- ol': ol' reliable
- old: old broad
- one: all in one piece|easy as one two three|for as long as one can remember|get glad in the same britches one got mad in|get glad in the same pants one got mad in
- opal: black opal
- open: open-pittable
- operating: operating system mockup
- optical: optical isomerism
- orbit: Bohr orbit
- organizational: industrial-organizational psychology
- oriented: adult-oriented rock
- oriole: Sennett's hooded oriole|Sennett's oriole
- other: how the other half live
- oven: in the oven
- oyster: Glasgow oyster
- paddle: knee-paddle
- paddy: paddy hat
- paint: Indian paint rock|paint rock
- painted: painted berrypecker|painted drop tongue
- painting: history painting
- paintpot: Indian paintpot
- palkee: palkee garee|palkee-garee|palkee-garry
- palki: palki gari
- pangasius: giant pangasius
- panhandle: Alaska panhandle|Alaskan panhandle
- pants: get glad in the same pants one got mad in
- paragraph: paragraph character|paragraph marker|paragraph sign
- parietal: occipito-parietal-temporal
- parietotemporal: occipito-parietotemporal
- part: private part
- participation: participation trophy
- particle: Oh My God particle|oh my god particle|oh-my-god particle
- party: party hardy
- parvocellular: parvocellular cell
- passage: passage boat
- passenger: chance passenger
- passing: passing pocket
- passive: passive vape|passive vaper|passive vaporing|passive vapouring
- patch: bare patch
- path: path analysis
- pattern: Airy pattern
- pea: Swainson pea|Swainson-pea
- pear: ground pear|pear belle Hélène
- pectate: pectate lyase
- penicillin: benzathine penicillin G|penicillin G benzathine
- penicillinic: penicillinic acid
- people: chosen people|hurt people hurt people
- peppermint: peppermint drop
- percenter: 1-percenter
- permanent: permanent private hall|there is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution
- perp: perp-walk
- person: earth surface person|Earth surface person
- personality: cluster A personality disorder|cluster C personality disorder
- personnel: military personnel
- perspective: mixed perspective
- petrel: fulmar-petrel|northern storm petrel|southern storm petrel
- philosophy: first philosophy
- photo: group photo|photo mode
- piece: all in one piece|arm-piece
- pile: snow pile|snow-pile
- pillow: waifu pillow
- pin: pole-pin|pole-pin-strap
- pinch: pinch-nose glasses
- pine: Chihuahua pine
- pipe: pipe-dream|volcanic pipe
- piping: piping bellbird
- pit: plutonium pit
- pitbull: pitbull terrier
- pituitary: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal|hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis|hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical
- placodioid: placodioid lichen
- plan: passage plan
- planning: passage planning|voyage planning
- plant: container plant|lipstick plant|poison dart plant
- plate: offering plate|pole-plate
- plateau: plateau pika
- play: play of color|play-of-color|race play
- pleasure: pleasure gap
- pluck: pluck-buffet
- plumbing: plumbing code
- plutonium: plutonium pit
- pneuma: dasy pneuma|psilon pneuma
- pocket: big pocket|blind pocket|put one's hand in one's pocket
- pod: diaper pod|nappy pod
- point: bar point|spear-point
- pole: pole chain|pole ring|pole-chain|pole-crab
- policy: Mexico City policy
- pollack: Alaska pollack
- pond: stock pond
- pony: pony fucker
- porcelain: Plymouth porcelain
- pornstar: pornstar experience
- porterweed: Cayenne porterweed|nettle-leaf porterweed
- portfolio: portfolio frontier
- pose: composite pose|corpse pose
- possum: feather-tailed possum|ringtailed possum
- pot: grease-pot|steel pot
- potato: Eskimo potato|instant mashed potato
- potluck: potluck dinner
- potty: potty learning
- pounder: nine-pounder|three-pounder|torta pounder|twelve-pounder
- power: broken power law|kilikili power
- pressed: cold-pressed
- pretty: don't worry your pretty little head
- pricing: congestion pricing
- pride: pride of Burma|pride of India
- priestess: priestess of Venus
- principle: Franck-Condon principle
- printer: three-dimensional printer
- printing: letter-quality printing|three-dimensional printing
- prism: slab-off prism
- private: permanent private hall|private brand|private label|private part|private-label
- problem: problem-solver
- proceeding: title of proceeding
- process: Gilchrist-Thomas process|Stiefel process|Thomas-Gilchrist process|triple-alpha process
- processing: in-processing|retort processing
- produce: exec-produce
- product: product engineer
- professional: health care professional
- programmer: programmer art
- programming: embeddable programming|programming style
- progress: progress report
- projection: Albers projection|Eckert projection
- prong: prong-billed barbet
- proto: proto-Doric
- proton: proton halo
- protoporphyrin: zinc protoporphyrin
- pseudo: pseudo-folklore|pseudo-isochromatic
- psychology: industrial-organizational psychology|pop psychology
- psychopathy: schizoid psychopathy
- psychotic: psychotic disorder
- pudding: Manchester pudding
- puff: puff and darts
- pump: pump valve
- purry: purry forn
- put: put one's hand in one's pocket
- pygmy: pygmy killer whale
- quake: ice quake|ice-quake
- qualitative: locative-qualitative case
- quality: letter-quality printing
- quantitative: quantitative genetics
- quantum: quantum of Indian blood
- queen: wing queen
- question: wh question|WH question
- quiet: radio-quiet
- quince: flowering quince
- quitch: quitch grass
- quitting: revenge quitting
- rabbit: rabbit rat
- race: race play
- rack: drying rack
- radio: radio-loud|radio-quiet
- radius: Earth radius
- rag: boiled rag
- ragwort: willow ragwort
- railroad: railroad engineer
- raising: house-raising
- ranch: ranch house
- range: ear range|ear-range
- rat: Maori rat|musky rat kangaroo|rabbit rat
- rattle: rattle stone
- reaction: cross-reaction
- real: like real
- rebellion: armed rebellion
- record: over-record
- red: cinchona red|cinchonic red|indirect red card|red building paper|red letter|red letter date|red rosin paper|red sage|red shale|red spider lily|red-headed vulture
- redroot: redroot sage
- redstart: American redstart
- reducer: Farmer's reducer
- refractor: Galilean refractor
- reliable: ol' reliable
- remember: for as long as one can remember
- report: progress report
- repper: self-repper
- reserve: cognitive reserve
- resolution: hyper-resolution|super-resolution
- response: debris response area|fawn response
- rest: sixty-fourth rest|thirty-second rest
- retort: retort processing
- revenge: revenge quitting
- rice: rice flake|rice hat
- ride: ride the three-legged mare
- riding: riding in tandem
- right: Greenland right whale|North Pacific right whale|pygmy right whale|right-handwise
- ring: navel ring|pole ring|pole-ring
- ringtailed: ringtailed possum
- river: Amazon river dolphin
- road: road-roller|someone's driveway doesn't go all the way to the road|spine road
- robo: robo call|robo-call
- robot: robot jockey
- robust: bias-robust
- rock: Indian paint rock|paint rock|rock madwort
- rod: dicker-rod
- roll: French roll
- roller: Cambridge roller|road-roller
- room: light up the room
- rootedness: deep-rootedness
- rope: rope kiss
- rosin: brown rosin paper|red rosin paper
- rosy: rosy thrush-tanager
- rough: rough bent|rough bentgrass|rough-footed mud turtle|rough-leaf false vervain|rough-toothed dolphin
- round: half-round|live round
- royal: royal letter
- rubber: rubber-stamped
- rufous: rufous-naped bellbird
- rug: rug hooking
- rule: Carnot's rule|offside rule
- ruling: letter ruling|self-ruling
- rum: rum fit
- run: a lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on
- runner: midnight runner
- sac: honey sac
- sack: honey sack
- sage: Chinese sage|redroot sage
- sailer: day sailer
- sailing: sailing yacht
- salad: jellied salad|molded salad
- same: get glad in the same britches one got mad in|get glad in the same pants one got mad in
- sand: sand myrtle|sand slug|sand-myrtle
- sap: sap stain
- satellite: communications satellite
- save: save someone's life
- savviness: tech-savviness
- savvy: high-tech savvy|techno-savvy
- say: whatever you say
- scales: scales of justice
- scaly: Cameroon scaly-tail
- scan: helical scan
- scarlet: scarlet berry
- schizoid: schizoid psychopathy
- scotch: scotch mint
- scrub: streaked scrub warbler
- sea: sea surface|sea valley|sea-surface
- second: second-hand vape|thirty-second rest
- secondary: secondary vaping
- security: letter security|security chain
- sedge: creeping sedge|sedge hat
- see: see how
- seine: anchor seine|Danish seine
- selfless: selfless dependent
- semi: semi-streamlined
- sense: sense of time
- septic: septic fever
- series: uranium series
- servant: who was your servant last year
- sexy: sexy up
- shadow: five-o'clock shadow|shadow ship
- shale: red shale
- shark: blacktip reef shark|broadfin shark|collared carpet shark|grey nurse shark|grey reef shark|lost shark|sand tiger shark|sharptooth lemon shark|sicklefin lemon shark|whitecheek shark
- sheet: slip sheet paper
- shell: star-shell
- shift: time-shift|wind shift
- ship: shadow ship|ship lift
- shitter: street-shitter
- shoe: shoe horn|shoe stick
- shoot: shoot-the-chute
- shooting: six-shooting
- shop: shoppy shop
- shoppy: shoppy shop
- shower: table shower
- si: si liao
- sick: soul sick|soul-sick
- sidedness: both-sidedness|two-sidedness
- sig: sig tune
- sign: paragraph sign
- signally: virtue-signally
- silkworm: Pernyi silkworm
- silver: gold-and-silver honeysuckle|golden-and-silver honeysuckle|silver cluster cactus
- simile: Homeric simile
- simulator: Hoffman simulator
- sit: do not sit in Rome and strive with the Pope
- six: six-shooting
- sixty: sixty-fourth rest
- skill: everyday skill|life skill|skill-stop
- skin: in one's bare skin
- sky: great bit bucket in the sky
- slab: slab-off prism
- sleep: broken sleep
- slide: slide deck|slip and slide
- slip: slip and slide|slip sheet paper
- slit: slit-faced bat
- slot: penny slot|penny-in-the-slot machine
- slug: sand slug
- smack: smack in the face
- small: small letter
- smile: plumber's smile
- smirk: AGP smirk
- smoky: smoky jungle frog
- snakeweed: blue snakeweed|Cayenne snakeweed|dark blue snakeweed|dark-blue snakeweed
- snap: snap music|snap R&B
- sniping: stream sniping
- snooze: tiger snooze
- snorkelling: bog snorkelling
- snow: snow melon|snow over|snow storm|snow-pile
- socket: pole-socket|tube socket
- soda: creaming soda
- solar: solar halo
- solid: on solid ground
- solution: there is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution
- soul: hip hop soul|soul sick|soul-sick
- southern: southern storm petrel
- spade: spade-toothed whale
- sparrow: Texas sparrow
- speaker: tongue speaker|tongue-speaker
- speaking: tongues-speaking
- spear: spear tip|spear-point|spear-tip
- specialty: specialty coffee
- spice: spice box|spice-box
- spicy: neuro-spicy
- spider: button spider|red spider lily
- spin: spin the trencher
- spine: spine road
- spinner: yarn-spinner
- spoken: sweet-spoken
- sponge: Turkey toilet sponge
- spotted: large-spotted civet
- squirrel: Humboldt's flying squirrel
- staffer: junior staffer
- stain: sap stain
- starting: starting lineup
- state: normative state
- statistics: Fermi-Dirac statistics
- stay: stay-dry
- steak: burger steak
- steam: steam yacht
- steek: steek grass
- steel: steel pot
- step: corbel-step
- stick: button stick|Children's stick insect|mint stick|shoe stick
- sticks: aitch ee double hockey sticks
- sting: bee-sting
- stir: stir up a hornets' nest
- stock: stock pond
- stocked: well-stocked
- stomach: honey stomach|stomach sweetbread
- stomached: high-stomached|proud-stomached|well-stomached
- stone: donkey stone|rattle stone|stone-mint
- stool: foot stool
- stop: pole-stop|skill-stop|Waterhouse stop
- store: funeral store
- storm: northern storm petrel|snow storm|southern storm petrel
- story: tell story|tell-a-story
- straight: straight out of Black Mirror
- strange: strange fruit
- strap: pole-pin-strap
- streaked: streaked scrub warbler
- stream: stream sniping
- street: street kid|street-shitter
- strive: do not sit in Rome and strive with the Pope
- structural: structural engineer
- stupid: stupid drunk
- style: code style|international style|programming style
- subtractor: adder-subtractor
- succory: common succory
- such: such-like
- sufferance: long-sufferance
- sugar: pulverized sugar
- suit: bitch suit
- suite: con suite
- sun: sun-dog
- super: super league|super superlativeness|super-resolution|super-supernatural
- superlativeness: super superlativeness
- supernatural: super-supernatural
- supply: supply network
- surface: attack surface|earth surface person|Earth surface person|near surface|sea surface
- surgery: needlescopic surgery
- surgical: cosmetic-surgical
- sushi: sushi terrorism
- suzette: crepe suzette|crêpe suzette
- swap: blue chip swap
- sweet: sweet-spoken
- swim: swim nappy
- syllabic: accentual-syllabic
- sync: on sync
- syndrome: Alazami syndrome|dyschiric syndrome|Hoigné's syndrome
- syntactic: syntactic expletive
- synthetic: synthetic meat
- system: Bradford system|health system|operating system mockup
- table: table shower|wall table|wall-table
- tackle: tackle box
- tail: blue rat's tail|burro's tail|Cameroon scaly-tail|kick some tail
- tailed: feather-tailed possum
- talin: Talin-talin
- tanager: rosy thrush-tanager
- tandem: riding in tandem
- taper: taper fade
- tau: tau yu bak
- tax: cheese tax
- tea: China tea|cinder tea
- teak: Australian teak
- tech: high-tech savvy|tech-savviness
- technique: Arlberg technique
- techno: techno-savvy
- telegram: letter telegram
- telescope: Gregorian telescope
- tell: tell story|tell-a-story
- temple: temple fade
- temporal: occipito-parietal-temporal|occipito-parieto-temporal|parieto-occipital-temporal|parieto-occipito-temporal
- temporary: there is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution
- ten: catch the ten
- terrier: pitbull terrier
- terrorism: sushi terrorism
- terry: terry diaper
- test: Ames test|Charpy test|giggle test|laugh test
- testamentary: letter of testamentary|letters testamentary
- testicular: testicular vein
- than: no later than|there is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution
- theology: New England theology
- theorem: Carnot's theorem|Cook's theorem|Cook-Levin theorem|extreme value theorem|Fisher-Tippett theorem|Fisher-Tippett-Gnedenko theorem|Gödel's theorem|Nernst heat theorem
- theory: musical theory
- there: there is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution
- thesis: Rothbarth-Habakkuk thesis
- they: don't count your chicks before they hatch
- they're: don't count your chicks before they're hatched
- thirty: thirty-second rest
- this: it was like this
- thorn: giraffe thorn
- thorough: thorough-paced
- three: easy as one two three|ride the three-legged mare|three-dimensional printer|three-dimensional printing|three-pounder
- thrift: thrift box
- throat: throat sweetbread
- throw: dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians
- thrush: rosy thrush-tanager
- thunk: who would've thunk it|who woulda thunk it|who'd a thunk it|who'd have thunk it|who'd've thunk it|who'da thunk it
- tibia: tibia valga
- tide: tide of change
- tiger: tiger snooze
- till: it's not over till the fat lady sings
- time: sense of time|time gentlemen please|time-shift
- tip: spear tip|spear-tip
- title: title of proceeding
- toilet: toilet wine|Turkey toilet sponge
- tolerated: tolerated use
- tomb: empty as the tomb on Easter
- tongue: drop tongue|drop-tongue|painted drop tongue|tongue firmly in cheek|tongue speaker|tongue-speaker
- tonic: tonic-clonic
- toothed: rough-toothed dolphin|spade-toothed whale|yellow-toothed cavy
- tortoise: tortoise core
- toucan: toucan barbet
- touch: two touch
- tourism: fertility tourism
- tourist: birth tourist
- tower: Glover tower
- track: panhandle track
- traditional: traditional agriculture
- traffic: go with the flow of traffic
- trans: trans-cyclooctene
- transmittal: transmittal letter
- treatment: preferential treatment
- tree: data collection tree|Tyburn-tree
- trellis: trellis work|trellis-work
- trencher: spin the trencher
- trick: dirty trick vase
- triple: triple E|triple-alpha process
- trippant: counter-trippant
- trophy: participation trophy
- try: try me
- tube: honey tube|tube socket
- tuber: ligno-tuber
- tucker: tucker-bag
- tuft: golden-tuft alyssum|golden-tuft madwort
- tune: sig tune
- turbot: diamond turbot
- turtle: rough-footed mud turtle
- twelfth: twelfth cake|twelfth-day cake
- twelve: twelve-pounder
- twice: twice-borrowed
- twisted: get it twisted
- twitch: twitch fire
- two: easy as one two three|two touch|two-a-day|two-cycle|two-legged mare|two-lined chestnut borer|two-minute noodle|two-sidedness|two-week wait
- underground: underground handball|underground handpass
- unity: Tri-unity
- until: it's not over until the fat lady sings
- use: tolerated use
- user: user account|user ID
- valence: valence window
- valley: sea valley|U-valley
- value: extreme value theorem
- valve: French valve
- vaping: secondary vaping
- vaporing: passive vaporing
- vapouring: passive vapouring
- variable: Algol variable
- varnish: Japan varnish
- vase: dirty trick vase
- vay: oi vay|oy vay|vay-cay
- vein: testicular vein
- verb: weather verb
- verbena: false verbena
- vervain: rough-leaf false vervain
- vestibular: oculo-vestibular
- viburnum: Burkwood viburnum
- victim: victim mentality
- victory: victory girl
- viral: micro-viral
- virality: micro-virality
- virgin: virgin-born
- virtue: virtue-signally
- vo: vo-ag
- voice: voice blindness
- volcanic: volcanic pipe
- voluntary: voluntary movement
- voyage: voyage planning
- vulture: Pondicherry vulture|red-headed vulture
- waifu: waifu pillow
- wait: two-week wait|wait-awhile
- walk: perp-walk
- wall: wall table|wall-table
- walnut: African walnut
- wand: wand mullein
- war: independence war|secession war|war of liberation|war of secession
- warbler: olive warbler|streaked scrub warbler
- warden: mint warden|warden of the mint
- ware: Chien ware|Jian ware
- wash: wash-over
- water: hot-water bag|hot-water heater|mint water|water drop|water gum|water-bomber
- wattled: chocolate wattled bat|wattled ploughbill
- waught: willie-waught
- way: hi-way|someone's driveway doesn't go all the way to the road
- ways: the Lord works in mysterious ways
- we: we are where we are
- weal: for weal or woe
- weather: weather verb
- weed: blue weed
- week: two-week wait
- weigh: weigh house
- well: well-stocked|well-will
- west: out west
- wetness: wetness indicator
- whale: Bahamonde's beaked whale|Greenland right whale|North Pacific right whale|pygmy killer whale|spade-toothed whale
- what: I know you are but what am I?
- wheeler: wheeler-dealing
- where: we are where we are
- whipped: whipped potatoes
- whist: Scotch whist|Scots whist
- white: Oregon white oak|white-naped xenopsaris
- whitewood: African whitewood
- who: who was your servant last year|who would've thunk it|who woulda thunk it
- whomper: whomper-jawed
- whoop: cock-a-whoop|whoop-up
- whopper: whopper-jawed