Wiktionary:Requested entries (Spanish)
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Contents: Top - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit]- plain augmentative suffixes: -erón, -etón — but are there examples that aren't -ero + -ón, and -ete + -ón?
- depreciative and pejorative augmentative suffixes: -achón, -arrón, -ejón
- diminutive with affection, pity: -cico, -ecico
Groups of words
[edit]Some rhyming phrases to be included in Category:Spanish rhyming phrases
[edit]- a la llauna
- abalijar
- abanto
- abarrajado
- abestiado
- abestializado (see abestializar and TDHLE)
- abestializarse (see abestializar)
- abirritar
- ablecto
- ablátor
- abotonador
- abrepuño
- abretonar
- abrevador
- abriolar
- abrochamiento
- abrojín
- abromar
- abroma
- abroquelado
- abroquelar
- abrupción
- acagaenita
- acanalador
- accountability
- acto locutivo
- adaggio
- aeroguía
- aerotransportador
- affiche
- africaan
- afrikaner
- afro-beat
- afrosamba
- after-sun
- agamia (f; see TDHLE)
- agamicidad (f; see TDHLE)
- agámico (see TDHLE)
- agamo (see TDHLE)
- ágamo (see TDHLE)* aggiornamento
- agigantamiento
- agit-prop
- agricultura ecológica
- agrobusiness
- aguasiqui
- ah ah
- ahilamiento
- ahitamiento
- ahó (“hey!”)
- ahuautle
- ají pico de loro, ají piciloro - a type of hot chile - seen in Panama
- ajonesa - a condiment
- akaganeita
- al papillote
- alconafta
- alharca
- alien
- Aljafería - Mudejar palace in Zaragoza, setting of scenes in Verdi's Il Trovatore
- almofa
- almogrote
- alopoliploidía
- alícula
- ambient
- amour fou
- anafrito — stove (Mexico)
- anaorgasmia
- anapelo
- andar de cabeza
- anguitismo
- anguitista
- antes de que + subjunctive — before, rather than let
- anti cal
- anti corrosión
- anti-dolor
- anti-humos
- anti-inflamatorio
- anti-intrusión
- anti-mundialización
- anti-pobreza
- anti-ruido
- anti-spam
- anti-tabaco
- anti-vandálico
- antimigratorio
- antipendio
- antisarro
- antitabaquista
- antivertedero
- antivicio
- apascle, related to apastle?
- apeirofobia
- apparatchik
- archivo zip
- aristocratizante
- arma de cacería — hunting weapon
- armagnac
- arrabaliano
- arrockado
- arrodajar
- assamblage
- ataque sorpresa
- atascosa
- audioprótesis
- auto de procesamiento
- auto-reproducción
- autoadaptativo
- autoadjudicar
- autoafirmativo
- autoalimentador
- autobloqueante
- autobús-lanzadera
- autocitarse
- autoconstruido
- autocontratar
- autodeterminista
- autodisolutorio
- autoexigente
- autojustificativo
- autojustificatorio
- autoliquidarse
- autoprotector
- autoreproductor
- autosangre
- autotratamiento
- avant la lettre
- average
- avvocato
- awebo
- azzurro
- à la page
- árbol triste: the sad tree
[edit]- barrocanrolera — NOT in RAE. invented blend of other words
- bembé (Puerto Rico) - comes from Yoruba
- bienvenidxs - gender neutral
- biruje
- biscochito: is this a correct alt form of bizcochito?
- bloody mary - the drink, the spelling 'blodymary' is also seen in the Las Ketchup song "Un blodymary"
- bolecha
- bolibaleada or boli baleada — NOT in RAE. Western Honduras, a baleada with egg. see also boli* * bomb (adjective)? (1980s Chilean slang?) (a bomba in Spanish is a bomb in English) (bomb is not a standard Spanish word)
- brioch m — brioche
- brozal m — bush
- buso
- ballestón - some auto part - possibly a leaf spring??? It is often transversal. See also ballesta.
- bujurqui: name of a fish in Peru: maybe Heroina isonycterina, maybe other cichlids too.
- bebida alcohólica
- belio
- benefactivo
- billarda
- biogeografía humana
- biohermita
- boleadora
- bosnio-herzegovino (hyphened spelling of bosnioherzegovino)
- bototo
- bradípodo
- baby-boomer
- bajo-barítono
- ball de bastons
- banlieu
- barco-hotel
- bar-librería
- barrera psicológica
- bar-restaurante
- basket average
- batasunizar
- beur
- biblioteca virtual (alt form of biblioteca digital)
- biciclown
- binonimal
- bleu
- blind trust
- blogging
- blue chip
- bobby
- boccia
- boievikí
- boixos
- boixos nois
- bonoweb
- bossa
- brainstorm
- brazo armado
- brazo militar
- brazo político
- break point
- break-point
- brent
- brequear
- bricolage
- brit
- brit pop
- buenhacer
- buffet libre
- buba = bubo? (maybe obsolete; maybe only plural bubas)
- bund
- buque-insignia
- business
- by-pass
- bópiz
[edit]- cachafaz – See Diccionario de americanismos
- cachanga — a type of flatbread commonly sold as street food in Peru
- caldo de pollo — literally means chicken soup, but it's also used as a euphemism for child pornography in a way comparable to cheese pizza in English
- callejonero: colloquial Americanism for a rude person
- cartaja f--rectangular piece of cardboard that is rolled into a cylinder to be used as a filter in a cannabis cigarette. NOT in RAE
- casa de pes
- cascamiento m — in RAE, noun of cascar, cracking
- cempazúchitl - alternate spelling for Mexican marigold
- centro de entretenimiento (“entertainment centre”)
- chalchiuite emerald, jade in Mexican Spanish
- chapinita f, chapinito m — ???
- chepil, chepilin, (Crotalaria longirostrata)
- chicureo - Chilean slang for ?? (I only know this as the name of a city in Chile. The name is from Mapudungun chikümn rewe, meaning ‘place where lances are set up’.)
- chile mundial
- chile colorado: a Mexican dish
- chimeco
- chipiar
- chiqueadores plural — birthmark (archaic) (in RAE)
- It's not a birthmark, it's a kind of decoration
- chirriburri
- chirrinchi / chirrinche = kind of Colombian moonshine (drink)?
- chirrisco, chicha fuerte: forms of moonshine (illicit alcohol) made in Panama
- chispeta
- chochoyote - a type of Mexican dumpling made from masa harina
- chuchupo — a wild grass native to the Andes
- chuncho — a native people of Eastern Peru and many other senses, including DLE's rural person and several other species. See w:es:chuncho.
- Chunchullo
- chureca
- cifa — NOT in RAE. very dialectal form of ...?
- cimbrantes — probably a transcription error for cimbreantes
- cococho = kind of Caribbean moonshine (drink)?
- como Juan Palomo
- componerse de pronomial form of componer, meaning "to consist of."
- concubinarios – NOT in babelfish. from concubina, concubine
- confundir la mierda con la pomada ("confuse shit with ointment") = mix apples and oranges
- copinol — (Hymenaea courbaril) jatobá, Brazilian cherry
- I know this as guapinol. PierreAbbat (talk) 04:51, 17 December 2013 (UTC)
- corral de la Pacheca - a mess, a pigsty
- corretiza
- crapulismo
- cuetla — a kind of caterpillar
- cuishe (or cuixe) - a wild variety of Agave karwinskii (maguey cuishe) that grows in Oaxaca, and is used for mezcal production
- cusca - used in the phrase andar de cusca
- cabriolet
- cachemire
- café-concierto
- café-restaurante
- caipirinha (is this form used? adapted form caipiriña exists)
- calçot
- calçotada
- call option
- cámping-gas
- campus party
- canal satélite
- canarinho
- capoerista
- capuccino
- car sharing
- carabiniero
- cardenal-arzobispo
- carga viral
- carpetovetonia
- carril-bus
- cartónpiedra
- carvear
- casa-museo
- cash carry
- cash flow
- catastrazo
- catenaccio
- causa efecto
- cazabellezas
- cena-espectáculo
- centro concertado
- chabolero
- challenger
- chanclazo
- chanclear
- chandail
- chansonier
- charme
- château
- ché
- check point
- cheiro
- chequel
- cheque-libro
- chez
- chill out
- chorita (Bolivia) - can be used to mean garbage
- choucrûte
- ciberforo
- ciclobús
- cicloescooter
- cienciaficción
- científico-técnico
- cine-club
- cineclubista
- cinemascópico
- cirquense
- cirugía reconstructora
- ciudad-dormitorio
- cívico-militar
- clandestinizar
- cláusula de rescisión
- clembuterizado
- clipper
- clubber
- coffee-shop
- cognac
- colectivizante
- compact-disc
- comparativista
- compostela
- compra-venta
- conticinio
- contrainforme
- contranatura
- contraofertar
- contraopa
- contrapacto
- contrato-programa
- contrato-tipo
- copyleft
- corriente de opinión
- cosustancial
- cous-cous
- cracker
- crash test
- cremat
- criquet
- cuenta vivienda
- cuerpo danone
- culotte
- cutrerío
- cúyo - interrogative version of pronoun cuyo
[edit]- dance music
- dar la bendición
- dar portazo
- dar yu-yu
- data room
- de atrezzo
- de boulevard
- de pingüino
- de primera fila
- decollage
- découpage
- decreto-ley
- defensivismo
- defensivista
- déjà vu
- delito ecológico
- demenciar
- deo
- deprecatorio - seems to be used as a noun
- desapasionamiento
- descalificante
- descausalización
- descausalizar
- descertificación
- desculpabilización
- desculturización
- desculturizado
- desdibujamiento
- desestructurante
- deshermetización
- deshermetizado
- desideratum
- desintermediar
- desmasificación
- desminaje
- despapelado
- desreglamentación
- desresponsabilizar
- destroyer
- desvirtuador
- deuvedé
- devoramillas
- dialer
- diapo
- dietrología
- digi-cuento
- dirección web
- disc jockey
- disco compact
- disco homenaje
- disco láser
- disco music
- disco-libro
- disco-pub
- discotacógrafo
- dj
- dobermann
- docujuego
- donde no hay mata no hay patata
- dos en uno
- downtown
- dream team
- drum and bass
- dummy
[edit]- efés m — (Mexican regional) "una planta que hay en el monte que produce vainas y la pepita es comestible" (not in RAE)
- emborrado — NOT in babelfish
- enjuntos — (probably enjutos: gaunt)
- ensalmar — to set a broken bone; https://www.spanishdict.com/translate/ensalmar
- -erizar suffix
- escobetilla
- esquiran
- e-book
- e-business
- eco-comercio
- ecofuel
- e-comercio
- económico-administrativo
- económico-financiero
- económico-social
- einstein
- ejemplificativo
- ekintza
- e-learning
- electro-shock
- emoticon
- empresa pantalla
- empresa puntocom
- empresa tapadera
- en papillote
- enfervorecer
- entertainment
- entrecó
- entrejuego
- equiparidad
- escalibada
- escuela-taller
- esmedregal
- espectáculo-cena
- espot
- esqueixada
- estado binacional
- estoc
- ethno-trance
- ethos
- eurocalculadora
- eurocámara
- eurocomisario
- eurocomunitario
- eurocracia
- euroejército
- euroelecciones
- euroetiqueta
- eurófilo
- europesimismo
- eurorregión
- eurosúper
- eurotasa
- euzkadiano
- ex novo
- excepcionalizar
- expatriamiento
- exploit
- extraartístico
- extraestatutario
- extraliterario
- eye-liner
[edit]- filosofador — philosophical (are there differences to filosófico or filosofal?
- foco*: kind of revolutionary group: see foco and focalism
- fril — (Centropomus spp.) snook (fish)
- factory outlet
- fair-play
- fauve
- favelado
- felipero
- fellatio
- femme fatale
- fiesta mayor
- filoterrorista
- fiscal jefe
- flamenco-jazz
- flyer
- folk-rock
- fondo concesional
- forward
- foto-denuncia
- fourball
- foursome
- frame
- frankenstein
- fricandeau
- fuel-gas
- führer
- funk metal
- funki
- funk-pop
- funk-soul
- fútbol-base
- fútbol-sala
- fútbol-samba
- fruta china — (Panama) star fruit, carambola. (syn: carambola)
- furriel — corporal in charge of the supplies for a military unit
- futre — snob
- fustado - in heraldry
[edit]- gayarre
- Gore (or GORE), apparently an abbreviation for Gobierno Regionale, a regional government of Peru
- gualfara, gualfarina: Cuban moonshine (home-brewed alcohol), possibly derived from the word warfarina (= warfarin in English)
- guarape - a local term used in Oaxaca to refer to agave fiber; elsewhere in Latin America the same term can also refer to sugar cane alcohol
- game boy
- garage sound
- gasolina verde
- gauche divine
- gente guapa
- gigahertzio
- glam rock
- glasnost
- goffre
- goma-2
- gora
- gore
- goya
- grammy
- granada antipersonal
- grand slam
- grande boucle
- grandeur
- grequizar
- groggy
- guerra bacteriológica
- guerra electrónica
- guerrismo
- gufiar (Puerto Rico) - comes from English goof
- guinness
- gulash
[edit]- hualaycho - a type of charango
- hacer lobby
- half pipe
- handling
- hard discount
- hardhouse
- hard-rock
- hecho diferencial
- hedge-fund
- Hélcio - a male given name
- hidronutritivo
- high tech
- high-school
- hip hopero
- hiper
- hipoterapia
- hippismo
- histórico-artístico
- hogar-residencia
- holidaytown
- hombre bomba
- hombre-orquesta
- home banking
- homepage
- home-run
- hortifrutícola
- hosting
- house music
- house-jazz
- hoyatoleslam
[edit]- indianilla - a type of fabric
- inguishe - a liquid comprising the low-quality "tails" of mezcal distillation, which is generally discarded
- imput
- in camera
- in eternum
- in pectore
- incatalogable
- income
- incontinencia verbal
- indoor
- industria de la información
- infonauta
- info-show
- infovía
- infrastructura
- ingaturroña Mexican slang and meme term
- ingeniería lingüística
- intelectualoide
- inteligencia militar
- interautonómico
- internáutico
- interoperativo
- interraíl
- iusnaturalismo
[edit]- jaranista (adjective) — fun-loving, raver (Mexico)
- Jauja — a town and province in Junín, Peru
- jibe - has English, needs Spanish
- jinicuiles pl — Plural of jinicuil, (Inga jinicuil) a tropical tree related to the ice-cream bean, and its edible fruit
- Juan Palomo, yo me lo guiso, yo me lo como / Juan Palomo, yo me lo guiso y yo me lo como
- juego del oráculo - a poetry game
- jasp
- jazz-rock
- jet-lag
- jonuco
- juez sin rostro
- jungle
- junior
- jurídico-político
- justificatorio
[edit]- kama-sutra
- kamicaze
- kefia
- khonkhota - a traditional musical instrument of Bolivia
- kilowatio
- kinestésico
- kipa
- kitch
- klezmer
- know how
[edit]- la abeja y la oveja, en abril dejan la pelleja — proverb
- labor de zapa[1]
- liendrilla: possibly a plant?
- libreprogre: left-libertarian or progressive libertarian, see libre and progre
- limón criollo (noun) m — lemon (Citrus x limon)
- láser-disc
- lepenista
- liberal-conservador
- liberal-democrático
- libro-disco
- liceístico
- limousina
- lincar
- línea verde
- logoterapia
- lolailo
- lúdico-comercial
- lúdico-cultural
- lurex
[edit]- macabil — (Brycon guatemalensis) machaca (a species of characiform fish)
- malabarizar, used on the Internet for 'to juggle', Google Books suggests the citable meaning is more like 'to toy with', such as an idea.
- malride, mal-dide — Una situación determinada como dura de vivir, o de poco agrado.
- marmahón — maftoul
- matar la culebra - idiom
- maulincho - a type of charango
- Mayor Alemán or sopa Mayor Alemán — a type of soup seen in Santiago, Panama
- melocha (noun) — not in babelfish
- melochon (or melochón?) — a type of bread in Costa Rica
- merengón (adjective) — crazy? Template:pos n a type of cake from Colombia. Also, I think it is a rare word meaning a Real Madrid fan. "Merengue" is either a Real Madrid player or a RM fan but "merengón", beyond the Colombian dish, seems to be just an augmentative (merengue + -ón).
- mimiagua — bumblebee (parts of Mexico)
- macheta - has Galician, needs Spanish
- mitma - Inca
- macrodepuradora
- macroempresa
- macroespectáculo
- macrofusión
- macroprograma
- macrosondeo
- madriles
- magicismo
- maglia rosa
- mailer
- maillot arcoiris
- making off
- manda huevos
- maniaco-depresivo
- maquiavelista
- máquina quitanieve
- marketplace
- marshal
- matarratos
- match play
- match-point
- matusalénico
- maxi single
- maxiescúter
- mayday
- mayoría cualificada
- mazinger
- medicamentazo
- médico-forense
- mediterranismo
- megastore
- megawatio
- melée
- melo
- melting pot
- messenger
- metabús
- metajurídico
- metaliterario
- microcadena
- microencuesta
- microfusión
- microinfarto
- microinformático
- microsite
- mileísta — politics, from mileísmo
- mina inteligente
- minicasete
- minicoalición
- minidisc
- minielepé
- mínimal
- minipelícula
- minirrealista
- ministro portavoz
- minivacaciones
- minutado
- mister
- mítin
- mitterrandiano
- mitterrandismo
- mitterrandista
- mochila bomba
- modding
- monedero electrónico
- monobrazo
- monocilindro
- monofármaco
- monofiguración
- monopartidismo
- monsieur
- moog
- mosso d'esquadra
- mosquetear
- motivito
- motor-home
- motorino
- mountain-bike
- moviladicción
- mozzarela
- mueblebar
- mufti
- mujaidín
- multibillonario
- multicidad
- multiconferencia
- multicoque
- multicrypt
- multicultivo
- multicultura
- multidisc
- multilateralista
- multilink
- multirreincidencia
- multirreincidente
- multirreligioso
- multitoxicómano
- música hot
- música máquina
- maníz (“peanut”) - Canarian Spanish
[edit]- narvura — vein (of a leaf) (syn: nervadura)
- niñota — NOT in RAE. colloquial and derogatory form of niña, not very common
- nonino
- nabilona
- nacional-católico
- nacional-comunista
- nación-estado
- naïf
- nandrodoping
- narcoescándalo
- narcojunior
- narcosala
- negocio digital
- negocio electrónico
- neoconstituyente
- neoestalinista
- neofalangista
- neofranquismo
- neogaullismo
- neogaullista
- neogrunge
- neohippy
- neolaborismo
- neolaborista
- neoliberalista
- net
- net-art
- network
- new age
- news
- ney
- nic
- nick
- no estar para historias
- no intervención
- no-ficción
- noise
- nomenklatura
- non-stop
- nouvelle cuisine
- nouvelle vague
- nouvellevaguiste
- nova cançó
- nzala malekum, nsala malekum, nsala malekun
- nube tóxica
- nuevas tecnologías
[edit]- ñame baboso — (Dioscorea alata) ube
- ñame diamante — (Dioscorea sp.) cush-cush yam
- ñeta
[edit]- palpa (noun sense?)
- pan español — (Costa Rica) some kind of bread (see also: pan francés)
- panochita — diminutive of panocha (sexual sense)?
- paño de la Verónica — veil of Veronica
- papandujo — (colloquial, of fruit) past due date
- papas locas: seasoned potatoes of some kind, a fast food
- papel volando - metaphorical idiom
- parapoco - a good-for-nothing
- pavochon: see pavochon (which also has etymology): Puerto Rican stuffed turkey dish
- pero bueno - idiom
- piña de millo - corn on the cob in Canarian Spanish, according to Wikipedia
- pingüicas f — NOT in RAE. dialectal and familiar (pingüica is Arctostaphylos pungens or the drupe of the Arctostaphylos pungens)
- plátanos en tentación — a plantain dish in Panama. (also plátanos a la tentación?)
- potiguaya marijuana, in Mexican Spanish (according to pot entry)
- pa amb tomaca
- pagar por ver
- página electrónica
- paidofílico
- paiola
- pancatalanista
- panellet
- panettone
- panmediterráneo
- paparazzo
- papel couché
- papel protagónico
- paperina
- paradepresivo
- parquet electrónico
- part time
- partitocrático
- partner
- partnership
- party line
- pasar por el cedazo
- pasillo marítimo
- pasticcio
- pastorets
- paterno-filial
- patum
- pay per listen
- pay per view
- pay-out
- peep-show
- peer to peer
- pegapasista
- pejepalo m
- pelousse
- penudo = well endowed, having a large penis?
- percebeiro
- periódico digital
- periodificar
- pesificar
- pet
- pharming
- pic-nic
- pichín — (Peru, likely dated) child of Italian inmigrants (from Italian piccino)
- pigmalión
- pilar comunitario
- pinchauva
- pinchavídeo
- pinot
- pit lane
- pitch
- pitch and putt
- pitudo = stupid
- plano-secuencia
- planta de compostaje
- plataforma digital
- plataforma electoral
- plato de cuchara
- plato hondo
- plato sopero
- play station
- plurifacético
- pocket bike
- podium
- poleá: kind of porridge; see poleá
- pole-position
- policonsumo
- poliformismo
- poli-mili
- polipiel
- política-ficción
- político-administrativo
- político-financiero
- politicólogo
- político-mediático
- político-militar
- político-social
- politoxicomanía
- politoxicómano
- pop-rock
- pop-up
- pornoweb
- posfascista
- posibilitador
- posimpresionismo
- posimpresionista
- pospujolismo
- postautonomismo
- poster
- poupurrí
- power point
- practicismo
- predelincuente
- predepresivo
- preestatutario
- première
- presalida
- préstamo blando
- prêt à porter
- pre-venta
- price cap
- priísmo
- prima única
- proatlantista
- programa antiespía
- programa de mano
- prooccidentalismo
- prozapatista
- psico-fisiológico
- psychokiller
- psychothriller
- puding
- punk pop
- putter
[edit]- reencauchadora
- refugiadx - gender neutral (easier to find plural refugiadxs in Google Books)
- rehilamiento - related to the Argentinian pronunciation of "ll"
- requetejura — from requetejurar, intensive of jurar, "swear"
- residuación
- revenchismo — not in RAE (is it possible a confussion with "revanchismo"?)
- (ni) rey ni roque — not in RAE. 1906, WS
- ronroco - a South American plucked string instrument
- rosar
- radio despertador
- raï
- rais
- rambo
- ranger
- rauxa
- raver
- reafirmante
- realpolitik
- reeducador
- reglamentarista
- reglamentismo
- regresividad fiscal
- reindustrializador
- retatarabuelo
- remineralizante
- repo
- reponderación
- réveillon
- revista electrónica
- road-movie
- rockista
- rojipardo
- rosbeef
- rossonero
- roux
- ruidista
[edit]- santiaguillo
- sarabique (Mexican regional)
- sefárico
- sentipensante and sentipensar - neologism by Eduardo Galeano. Possibly entryworthy, possibly not.
- Serafínez, a surname derived from serafín + -ez.
- sierreño: a music genre
- suaj (“swag”, noun) — slang; has an entry on Urban Dictionary, has been discussed on Spanish Reddit, is used by at least one Spanish rapper on Youtube
- sobón
- Sabalsagaray - name, as in Nibia Sabalsagaray
- sabath
- sado-maso
- sala multicine
- sancta santorum
- saxo-tenor
- scaléxtric
- script
- scuderia
- scudetto
- sede web
- segundo entrenador
- semi-crash
- semidestruir
- semiesconder
- semiparalizar
- semipresidencialista
- séptimo arte - the movies
- servlet
- servocierre
- sesión golfa
- set-ball
- seudocultura
- seudopoesía
- seudopoético
- shandy
- shaolin
- shari
- shiat-su
- shiísmo
- siderometalúrgica
- siliconar
- simulcrypt
- sin plomo
- sípo (“yep”) (Chilean Spanish)
- site
- sixtie
- slide
- slot
- sobreescolarizar
- sobreestructura
- sobreponderar
- socialcristianismo
- sociedad de capital-riesgo
- sociedad holding
- sociedad participada
- sociovergencia
- soft
- soling
- sonatista
- spandeutsch
- speed
- spread
- spring
- squatter
- squatting
- stándar
- star-system
- stick
- strass
- streaker
- stricto sensu
- strip
- subsidiaridad
- subsidiarizar
- sucursalizar
- supercomisaría
- supercrack
- superholding
- suplantamiento
- supracomunitario
- suquet
- sursuncorda
- sustractor
[edit]- tablaroca — plaster board used for interior walls (in fact, a trademark: Tablaroca®, thus not in RAE) (syn.: durlock [Argentina], pladur [Spain])
- tachilhuil
- tacaco m — (Costa Rica) The plant Polakouskia tacaco and its fruit.
- tapetusa = kind of Colombian moonshine (drink)?
- tascalate
- tataratatarabuelo
- terruco — (Peru, colloquial) a terrorist, especially the militants of Sendero Luminoso and the MRTA
- tiquisque m — (Nicaragua, Costa Rica) A plant, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, eaten as a vegetable. Similar or related to the yucca? Different spelling used in Nicaragua? (see also: otoe - possible syn?)
- tiste
- tlachiquear
- tlachiquero
- tlacualero
- torta de huevo — (Costa Rica) the Spanish tortilla is a type of "torta de huevo" (but it is not an usuall name, torta is a general category, mexican tortilla,...)
- torta pobre, torta de pobre, torta de niño pobre - a simple type of cake
- trabajo de zapa[2]
- taboulé
- tailleur
- tajine
- taller-museo
- tara — The tree Tara spinosa, it comes from Quechua
- tarradellismo
- technicolor
- técnico-jurídico
- tecnoterrorismo
- tecnoterrorista
- telefonino
- teléfono bomba
- teléfono-fax
- tensionamiento
- terrorista suicida
- test screening
- testamento vital
- texas
- tex-mex
- thatcheriano
- tifoso
- tildío - type of chorlo, sounds like the same etymology as killdeer. https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/4793-Charadrius-vociferus
- tíli (Bolivia) - can be used to mean child
- tippex
- tiranizante
- tirar de
- titadyne
- titulizable
- top manta
- torquemada
- toxicodependiente
- traductibilidad
- tragafuego
- transuniversitario
- trapichero
- trascendentalidad
- trash
- treking
- trekkie
- trial
- trip-hop
- tutelador
[edit]- varista (Mexican regional) — "colaborador del juez auxiliar para avisar a la gente" (not in RAE)
- verdugada - in architecture - one of the most commonly used words in es.wikipedia we don't have
- vale-descuento
- valium
- valor refugio
- varone (Bolivia) - can be used to mean man
- van gogh
- vanguardístico
- vehículo trampa
- velázquez
- venerista - a kind of miner in Latin America
- venteril - adj - typical of an inn or innkeeper ("innlike" in English)
- verborreico
- videoart
- vídeo-forum
- videojockey
- village
- violencia callejera
- violencia escolar
- virginalidad
- virtuosista
- vj
- vladivídeo
- volei
- voley playa
- vox populi
[edit]- yesca (Bolivia) - another sense is that it can be used to mean broke (with little to no money)
- ye-yé
- yóquei
- yuppismo
- yu-yu
- ya escampa - out of the frying pan, into the fire is the closest I can think of.
- yarabí - a traditional song form from Ecuador
- Probably the same word as yaraví, spelled differently because Quechua phonemes don't match Spanish phonemes. Vox Sciurorum (talk) 12:28, 22 October 2020 (UTC)
- yaraví - a traditional song form from Peru
[edit]- zaping
- zaragoza - kidney bean? rice bean? runner bean?
- zapatillo — (Rhoeo spathacea) oyster plant, Moses-in-the-cradle
- zhukov
- ziricote - a type of hardwood