User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/8000
< User:Ivan Štambuk | MW
- हार्य (hārya) (hārya)
- mfn. to be borne or carried Hariv. Ka1lid. Katha1s.
- to be taken away or carried off or robbed or appropriated S3Br. &c. &c.
- to be shaken or altered (see %{a-h-})
- to be won over or bribed Mr2icch. Va1s.
- to be acted (as a play) Bhar.
- (in arithm.) to be divided, the dividend A1ryabh. Sch.
- captivating, charming MBh. xiii, 1429
- m. a serpent MW.
- Terminalia Bellerica
- (%{A}) f. a kind of sandal wood L.
- हास (hāsa) (hāsa)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) laughing, laughter, mirth (often in pl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- mocking, derision of (gen.) R.
- a jest, joke, fun (%{AkhyAna-h-}, `" a funny story "') Katha1s.
- dazzling whiteness (regarded as laughter in which the teeth are shown) R. Katha1s. Sa1h.
- pride, arrogance BhP.
- (%{A}) f. N. of Durga1%{hAsya} see p. 1294, cols. 2 and 3.
- हास्य (hāsya) (hāsya)
- mfn. to be laughed at, laughable, ridiculous, funny, comical MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- laughing, laughter, mirth (in rhet. one of the 10 Rasas or of the 8 Stha1yi-bha1vas, qq. vv.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
- jest, fun, amusement Mn. MBh. &c.
- हाहा (hāhā) (hāhā)
- m. (for %{hA@hA} see under 1. %{hA}, p. 1296, col, 1) a Gandharva or N. of a Gandharva S3rS. MBh. Hariv. &c.
- a partic. high number, ten thousand billions (%{mahA-hAhA}, `" a hundred thousand billions "') MW.
- हिंसा (hiṃsā) (hiṃsā)
- f. injury, harm (to life or property), hurt, mischief, wrong (said to be of three kinds, 1. mental as `" bearing malice "'
- 2. verbal, as "' abusive language
- 3. personal, as `" acts of violence "') Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
- Injury or Mischief personified (as the wife of Adharnia and daughter of Lobha and Nishkr2iti) Pur.
- Asteracantha Longifolia L.
- हिंसित (hiṃsita) (hiṃsita)
- mfn. hurt, injured, wounded, killed, destroyed AV. &c. &c.
- n. injury, harm Pan5cat.
- हिंस्य (hiṃsya) (hiṃsya)
- mfn. to be hurt or injured or killed S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. MBh. &c.
- हिंस्र (hiṃsra) (hiṃsra)
- mf(%{A4})n. injurious, mischievous, hurtful, destructive, murderous, cruel, fierce, savage (ifc. `" acting injuriously towards "') RV. &c. &c. [1298,1]
- m. a man who delights in injuring living creatures Mn. iii, 164
- a savage animal, beast of prey Ragh.
- N. of S3iva MBh.
- of Bhima-sena
- of a certain cruel Bra1hman Hariv.
- (%{A}) f. a mischievous woman Mn. ix, 80
- N. of various plants (accord. to L., Nardottachys Jatamansi, Coix Barbata = %{kAkA7danI} and %{elA7vali}) Sus3r.
- fat
- a vein
- (%{am}) n. cruelty Mn. i, 29.
- हिक्का (hikkā) (hikkā)
- f. hiccup (cf, %{hekkA}), sob, a spasmodic sound in the throat Sus3r. R. Hariv.
- an owl L.
- हिक्कित (hikkita) (hikkita)
- n. hiccup, spasmodic catch and sound in the breath Pat.
- हिङ्गु (hiṅgu) (hiṅgu)
- m. Ferula Asa Foetida Buddh. BhP.
- n. a fluid or resinous substance prepared from the roots of the Asa Foitida (used as a medicine or for seasoning) MBh. Hariv. Sus3r. &c.
- हिङ्गुल (hiṅgula) (hiṅgula)
- m. n. a preparation of mercury with sulphur, vermilion VarBr2S.
- (%{A}) f. see below
- (%{I}) f. Solanum Melongena or some other species
- हिङ्गुलक (hiṅgulaka) (hiṅgulaka)
- (prob.) n. vermilion, cinnabar MBh. VarBr2S.
- (%{ikA}) f. Solanum Jacquini
- हिडिम्ब (hiḍimba) (hiḍimba)
- m. N. of a gigantic Ra1kshasa slain by Bhi1ma MBh.
- (%{A}) f. see below.
- हित (hita) (hita)
- 1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 1298, col. 2) sent, impelled, urged on, set in motion &c.
- going, running, speeding[1297,3] 2 mf(%{A4})n. (p.p. of 1. %{dhA} cf. %{dhita}
- for 1. %{hita} see p. 1297, col. 2) put, placed, set, laid, laid upon, imposed, lying or situated or contained in (loc.)Up.
- set up, established, fixed (as a prize) RV.
- planned, arranged (as a race or contest) ib.
- prepared, made ready ib.
- held, taken MW.
- assigned to, destined for (dat. or gen.) ib.
- reckoned among(loc) TS.
- constituted or appointed as (nom.) RV.
- given (as a name) AV.
- beneficial, advantageous, salutary, wholesome, suitable, agreeing with (of ten, said of diet, regimen, medicines &c.), convenient, suitable, fit, agreeable to or for (dat. gen. loc., or comp.) RV. &c.&c.
- well-disposed, favourable, friendly, affectionate, kind Mn. MBh. &c.
- m. a friend, benefactor ib.
- (%{A4}) f. a causeway, dike (see %{hitA-bhaGga})
- pl. N. of partic. veins or arteries S3Br. KaushUp. Ya1jn5.
- (%{am}) n. (sg. or pl.) anything useful or salutary or suitable or proper, benefit, advantage, profit, service, good, welfare, good advice &c. Mn. MBh. &c.
- हित (hita) (hita)
- 1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 1298, col. 2) sent, impelled, urged on, set in motion &c.
- going, running, speeding[1297,3] 2 mf(%{A4})n. (p.p. of 1. %{dhA} cf. %{dhita}
- for 1. %{hita} see p. 1297, col. 2) put, placed, set, laid, laid upon, imposed, lying or situated or contained in (loc.)Up.
- set up, established, fixed (as a prize) RV.
- planned, arranged (as a race or contest) ib.
- prepared, made ready ib.
- held, taken MW.
- assigned to, destined for (dat. or gen.) ib.
- reckoned among(loc) TS.
- constituted or appointed as (nom.) RV.
- given (as a name) AV.
- beneficial, advantageous, salutary, wholesome, suitable, agreeing with (of ten, said of diet, regimen, medicines &c.), convenient, suitable, fit, agreeable to or for (dat. gen. loc., or comp.) RV. &c.&c.
- well-disposed, favourable, friendly, affectionate, kind Mn. MBh. &c.
- m. a friend, benefactor ib.
- (%{A4}) f. a causeway, dike (see %{hitA-bhaGga})
- pl. N. of partic. veins or arteries S3Br. KaushUp. Ya1jn5.
- (%{am}) n. (sg. or pl.) anything useful or salutary or suitable or proper, benefit, advantage, profit, service, good, welfare, good advice &c. Mn. MBh. &c.
- हिन्दु (hindu) (hindu)
- m. (fr. the Persian $) a Hindu (more properly Hindo).
- हिम (hima) (hima)
- m. cold, frost RV. &c. &c.
- the cold season, winter Ka1lid. Ma1rkP.
- the sandal tree
- the moon (cf. %{hima-kara} &c.)
- camphor
- (%{hi4mA}) f. (only with %{zata4}) the cold season, winter (also= `" a year "'
- cf. %{varSa4}) RV. VS. AV.
- (%{himA4}), night Naigh. i, 7
- (%{himA}, only L.), cardamoms
- Cyperus Rotundus and another species
- Trigonella Corniculata
- a partic. drug (= %{reNukA})
- N. of Durga1
- (%{am}) n. frost, hoar-frost, snow (rarely `" ice "'), Shad2v Br. &c. &c.
- sandal-wood (of cooling properties) Sus3r.
- the wood of Cerasus Puddum
- tin
- a pearl
- fresh butter
- a lotus W.
- N. of a Varsha VP.
- mf(%{A})n. cold, cool Ja1takam. [Cf. Zd. {zima}
- Gk. ($-) $
- $
- $
- Lat. {bi1mus} for &392190[1298,3] {bihimus}
- %{hiems}
- Slav. {zima} Lit. $ ]
- हिमवत् (himavat) (himavat)
- (%{hima4-}) mfn. having frost or snow, snowy, frosty, icy, snow-clad AV. R.
- exposing one's self to coldness or enduring it Baudh.
- m. a snowy mountain
- the Hima7aya, AV, &c &c. Kaila1sa
- (%{atI}) f. Hoya Viridiflora ib.
- (%{-vac})%{-chiras} n. (for %{-ziras}) the summit of the Him2laya Bcar. v, 45 (conj.)
- (%{-vat}) %{-kukSi} m. a valley of the HimHima7aya MW.
- %{-khaNDa} n. N. of a book of the Skanda-Pura14n2a
- %{-pura} n. the town on the HimHima7aya Kum.
- %{-prabhava} mfn. springing from or belonging to the HimHima7aya R.
- %{-suta} m. `" son of the HimHima7aya "', the mountain Maina1ka
- (%{-sutA}) f. the Ganges Dhanam2j.
- Pa1rvati A.
- (%{-vad}) %{-giri} m. a snowy mountain (%{-saMzraya} m. `" taking refuge in the HimHima7aya "'N. of S3iva) MW.
- (%{-van}). %{-mAhAzmya} n. N. of wk.
- (%{-van}) %{-mekhalA} f. the HimHima7aya chain of mountains Uttamac.
- हिरण्मय (hiraṇmaya) (hiraṇmaya)
- mf(%{I}) n. (for %{hiraNya-maya}) golden, gold-coloured TS.&c, &c.
- m. N. of Brahma1. (see %{hiraNya-garbha})
- of a R2ishi MBh.
- of a son of Agnidhra and ruler of a Varsha BhP.
- m.n. one of the 9 Varshas or divisions of the continent (said to be between the mountainous ranges S3veta and S3r2in3ga-vat
- see varsha and %{zveta}) Pur.
- हिरण्य (hiraṇya) (hiraṇya)
- n. (ifc. f. %{A}
- prob. connected with %{hari}, %{harit}, %{hiri}) gold (orig. `" uncoined gold or other precious metal
- `" in later language `" coined gold "' -or `" money "') RV. &c. &c.
- any vessel or ornament made of gold (as `" a golden spoon "' Mn. ii, 29)VS. Kaus3.
- a gold piece or coin (generally with %{suva4rNa} as opp. to base metal) Br.
- a cowry
- semen virile
- substance, imperishable matter
- a partic. measure W.
- the Datura or thorn apple MW.
- N. of a Varsha (= %{hiraN-maya}) Ma1rkP.
- m. a kind of bdellium
- N. of a, Daitya MBh. Pan5car.
- of a son of Agnidhra (= %{hiraN-maya} q.v.) Ma1rkP.
- of a king of Kas3mi1ra Ra1jat.
- (%{A}) f. one of the seven tongues of fire
- mfn. golden, made of gold Mn. MBh.
- हीन (hīna) (hīna)
- mfn. left, abandoned, for saken RV.
- left behind, excluded or shut out from, lower or weaker than, inferior to (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c. [1296,3]
- left out, wanting, omitted MBh.
- defeated or worsted (in a lawsuit) Ya1jn5.
- deficient, defective, faulty, insufficient, short, incomplete, poor, little, low, vile, bad, base, mean S3Br. &c. &c.
- bereft or deprived of, free from, devoid or destitute of, without (instr. abl. loc. acc., or comp.
- %{prA7Nair} %{hInaH}, `" bereft of breath or life "'
- %{mantrAd} or %{mantrato@h-}, `" devoid of sacred knowledge "') Mun2d2Up. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. MBh. &c.
- lost or strayed from (a caravan) Pa1n2. i, 4, 23 Ka1s3.
- brought low, broken down in circumstances S3rS.
- m. a faulty or defective witness (of five kinds, viz. %{anya-vAdin}, %{kriyA-dveSin}, %{no7pasthAyin}, %{nir-uttara}, %{AhUsa-prapalA7yin}) Ya1jn5. Sch.
- subtraction (= = %{vyavakalana}) MW.
- Mesua Ferrea
- (%{A}) f. a female mouse (w.r. for %{dIna})
- (%{am}) n. deficiency, want, absence (%{velA-hIne} `" before the right time "', unseasonably "') VarBr2S. Ya1jn5.
- हीनत्व (hīnatva) (hīnatva)
- n. defectivenese, deprivation, destitution, the state of being without, want or absence of (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
- हुत (huta) (huta)
- mfn. offered in fire, poured out (as clarified butter), burnt (as an oblation), sacrificed AV. &c. &c.
- sacrificed to, one to whom an oblation is offered RV. vi, 50, 15 (if not for %{hUta} [cf. v, 5], as sometimes in %{abhi-}, %{A-}, %{sam-A-huta}, qq. vv.) MBh. R. &c.
- m. N. of S3iva MBh.
- n. an oblation, offering, sacrifice AV. &c. &c.
- हुतभुज् (hutabhuj) (hutabhuj)
- m. `" oblation-eater "', fire Ka1v. Sus3r. &c. (%{-bhuk-priyA} f. `" Agni's wife "'
- %{-bhug-diz} f. `" Agni's quarter "' i.e. the south-east VarYogay.)
- Plumbago Ceylanica Sus3r.
- N. of a partic. star ($ Tauri) Su1ryas.
- हुहु (huhu) (huhu)
- or %{huhU} or %{hUhu} or %{hUhU} m. (nom. %{huhUs} gen. %{huhos})N. of a Gandharva S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c.
- हृच्छय (hṛcchaya) (hṛcchaya)
- mfn. (for %{-zaya}) lying or abiding in the heart (with %{muniH-purANaH}, `" the eternal Monitor in the heart "', i.e. `" the conscience "') MBh. BhP.
- m. `" hheart-dweller "', Ka1ma-deva or love ib.
- %{-pIDita} mfn. tormented by llove, love-sick MBh.
- %{-vardhana} mfn. augmenting love ib.
- %{-yA7viSTa-cetana} mfn. having a hheart penetrated by love ib.
- हृत (hṛta) (hṛta)
- mfn. taken, taken away, seized (often ibc. = `" deprived or bereft of "', `" having lost "', `" -less "')
- ravished, charmed, fascinated Ratna7v.
- n. a portion, share MW.
- हृद् (hṛd) (hṛd)
- n. (optionally substituted for %{hRdaya} in the weak cases i.e. in all except the first five inflexions
- thought to be connected with %{zrad} q.v.) the heart (as the seat of feelings and emotions), soul, mind (as seat of thought and intellectual operations
- %{hRdy@avedin}, `" having no capacity of knowledge in the heart or mind "', said of animals), breast, chest, stomach, interior (also in older language, `" interior of the body "') RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Gk. $, $
- Lat. {cor} &393247[1302,2] ({cordis})
- Germ. {Herz}
- Eng. {heart}.]
- हृदय (hṛdaya) (hṛdaya)
- n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the heart (or region of the heart as the seat of feelings and sensations
- %{hRdaye-kR}, `" to take to heart "'), soul, mind (as the seat of mental operations
- %{capala-hRdaya}, `" fickleminded "') RV. &c. &c.
- the heart or interior of the bodyTBr. MBh.
- the heart or centre or core or essence or best or dearest or most secret part of anything AV. &c. &c.
- true or divine knowledge MW.
- the Veda ib.
- science ib.
- (with %{prajApateH}) N. of a Sa1man IndSt.
- m. a partic. Sunday BhavP.
- (%{A}) f. N. of a mare Hariv.
- mfn. going to the heart Bha1gP. (fr. %{hRd} + %{aya} Sch.)
- हृदिक (hṛdika) (hṛdika)
- m. N. of the father of Kr2ita-varman (cf. %{hArdikya}) MBh.
- हृदिस्थ (hṛdistha) (hṛdistha)
- mfn. being in the heart S3vetUp. Sus3r. &c.
- beloved, dear R. BhP.
- हृद्य (hṛdya) (hṛdya)
- mf(%{A})n. being in the heart, internal, inward, inmost, innermost RV.
- pleasing or dear to the heart, beloved, cherished RV. TBr. BhP.
- grateful, pleasant, charming, lovely Mn. MBh. &c.
- pleasant to the stomach savoury, dainty (as food) ib.
- proceeding from or produced in the heart.
- m. the wood-apple tree
- a Vedic Mantra employed to effect the subjection of an enemy or rival
- (%{A}) f. a partic. medicinal root (= %{vRddhi})
- red arsenic
- a she-goat
- (%{am}) n. white cumin
- the aromatic bark of Laurus Cassia
- thick sour milk
- intoxicating drink made from honey or the blossoms of Bassia Latifolia L.
- हृषित (hṛṣita) (hṛṣita)
- mfn. cheerful, glad, happy RV. MBh.
- bristling, erect (as the hair of the body) MBh.
- not drooping, fresh (as flowers) MBh.
- dulled, blunted, set on edge (= %{pratihata}) Pat. on Pa1n2. 7-2, 29
- surprised, astonished (= %{vismita}) ib.
- bent, bowed (= %{praNata})
- armed, accoutred (= %{varmita}) L.
- हृषीक (hṛṣīka) (hṛṣīka)
- n. (Un2. iv, 27) an organ of sense Hariv. BhP.
- हृष्ट (hṛṣṭa) (hṛṣṭa)
- mfn. thrilling with rapture, rejoiced, pleased, glad, merry Mn. MBh. &c.
- bristling, erect, standing on end (said of the hairs of the body) MBh. R. &c.
- rigid, stiff Hariv.
- blunted (cf. %{hRSita}) Pat.
- surprised, astonished ib.
- हेति (heti) (heti)
- f. (fr. 1. %{hi}
- in later language also m. a missile weapon, any weapon (also personified) RV. &c. &c.
- stroke, wound Sa1y.
- Agni's weapon, flame, light MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- a ray of the sun
- rapid motion, shot, impact (of a bow-string) RV.
- an implement, instrument BhP.
- a young shoot or sprout
- m. N. of the first Ra1kshasa king (represented as occupying the Sun's chariot in the month Caitra or Madhu) R.
- of an Asura BhP.
- हेतु (hetu) (hetu)
- &c. see p. 1303, col. 3. m. `" impulse "', motive, cause, cause of, reason for (loc., rarely dat. or gen.
- %{hetunA}, %{hetoH}, %{hetave}, %{hetau}, `" for a cause or reason "', `" by reason of "', `" on account of "' [with gen. or comp. e.g. %{mama@hetoH} or %{mad-dhetoH}, `" on account of me "']
- %{kaM@hetum} or %{ko@heTuH}, `" wherefore? "' `" why? "' Pa1n2. 2-2, 23 Pat.
- %{yato@hetoH}, `" because "'
- %{anena@hetunA} or %{iti@hetoH}, `" for this reason "'
- %{mRtyu-hetave}, `" in order to kill "'
- %{hetur@alaukikaH}, `" a supernatural cause "'
- ifc. %{hetu} also = `" having as a cause or motive "', `" caused or effected or actuated or attracted or impelled by "' e.g. %{karma-hetu}, `" caused by the acts [of a former existence] "' Mn. i, 49
- %{mAMsa-hetu}, `" attracted by [the smell of] flesh "' MBh. x, 496
- %{karma-phala-hetu}, `" impelled by [the expectation of] the consequences of any act "' BhP. ii, 47
- 49) RV. &c. &c.
- a logical reason or dedaction or argument, the reason for an inference (esp. applied to the second member or Avayava of the five-membered syllogism see %{nyAya}) Nya1yad. IW. 61
- logic (in general see %{hetuvidyA})
- (in gram.) the agent of the causal verb Pa1n2. 1-4, 55 &c.
- (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to %{pratyaya} q.v.) Sarvad.
- (with Pas3upatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul i.e. the external world and the senses ib.
- a means (%{hetubhiH} ifc. `" by means of "') MBh.
- mode, manner (%{hetubhiH} ifc. `" according to "') ib. Sus3r. Ya1jn5.
- price, cost Ra1jat. v, 71
- condition MBh.
- (in rhet.) = %{kAvya-liGga} (q.v.) Bhar. Kpr. Sa1h.
- हेतुक (hetuka) (hetuka)
- mf(%{I})n. (only ifc.) causing, effecting R. Sus3r. Hit.
- caused or effected or conditioned by MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
- destined for MBh. Sa1m2khyak.
- m. a cause, instrument, agent W.
- a logician MW.
- N. of an attendant of S3iva
- of a Buddha
- of a poet Cat.
- हेमन् (heman) (heman)
- &c. see 2. %{he4man} P. 1304, col, 1. 2 (see %{hima4} and next), winter (only used in loc., `" in the winter "') TS. Ka1t2h. S3Br.
- हेमन्त (hemanta) (hemanta)
- m. winter, the cold season (comprising the two months Agra-ha1yan2a and Pausha i.e. from middle of November to middle of January) RV. &c. &c.
- (%{I}) f. id. L.
- हेय (heya) (heya)
- 1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 1297, col. 1) to be gone &c. MW. 2 mfn. (for 1. and 3. see p. 1296 and 1304) to be left or quitted or abandoned or rejected or avoided (%{-tva} n.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
- to be subtracted3 mfn. (for 1. and 2. see p. 1296 and 1297) id. MW. see pp. 1296, 1297, and 1304.
- हेरिक (herika) (herika)
- m. a spy, secret emissary
- हेला (helā) (helā)
- f. (ifc. f. %{A}) disrespect, contempt (cf. %{avahelA})
- wanton sport, frivolity, amorous dalliance (of women
- in dram. one of the 20 natural graces [%{sattva-ja@alaMkAra}] of the Na1yika1) Das3ar. Sa1h. &c.
- sport, pastime, carelessness, ease, facility (ibc. and instr. sg. or pl. `" in sport "', `" sportively "', `" easily "', `" at once "'
- %{tRNa-helayA}, `" as if it were a straw "') Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
- moonlight
- = %{prastAva} L.
- हेवज्र (hevajra) (hevajra)
- m. N. of a Buddhist god W.
- हइतुक (haïtuka) (haituka)
- mf(%{I})n. having a cause or reason, founded on some motive (in %{a-h-}) Bhag. BhP.
- (ifc.) caused by, dependent on MBh. BhP.
- m. a reasoner, rationalist, sceptic, heretic (%{I} f.) Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
- a follower of the Mi1ma1n6sa1 doctrines W. %{-kya} see p. 1304, col. 1.
- हइम (haïma) (haima)
- 1 mfn. wintry, brumal, caused or produced by snow or ice Ragh.
- covered with ssnow MBh.
- relating to or coming from the Hima7laya (as pearls) MBh. VarBr2S.
- m. N. of a mountain MBh.
- n. hoar-frost, dew W. 2 mf(%{I})n. (fr. 3. %{heman}, of which it is also the Vr2iddhi form in comp.) golden, consisting or made of gold Mn. MBh. &c.
- of a golden yellow colour MW.
- m. N. of S3iva MBh.
- Gentiana Cherayta
- (scil. %{koza}) the lexicon of Hema-candra Cat.
- (%{A}) f. yellow jasmine
- (%{I}) f. id.
- Pandanus Odoratissimus%{haimana} &c. see col. 1.
- हइमवत (haïmavata) (haimavata)
- mf(%{I4})n. (fr. %{hima-vat}) belonging to or situated or growing on or bred in or coming or flowing from the Hima7laya mountains AV. &c. &c.
- snowy, covered with snow MW.
- m. a kind of vegetable poison
- a kind of demon Ma1nGr2.
- pl. the inhabitants of the Hima7laya mountains MBh. Hariv.
- N. of a school Buddh.
- (%{atI}) f. N. of various plants (Vaca1 with white flowers, Terminalia Chebula, Linum Usitatissimum &c.) Car. Sus3r.
- a kind of drug or perfume (= %{reNukA})
- patr. of Gan3ga1 MBh. Ba1lar.
- of Pa1rvati1 or Uma1 JaimUp.
- of the wife of Kaus3ika MBh.
- of the wife of Sam2hata7s3va Hariv.
- (%{am}) n. a pearl
- N. of a Varsha MBh. S3atr.
- हइहय (haïhaya) (haihaya)
- m. N. of a race (said to have been descendants of Yadu
- they are described in the Pura1n2as as separated into 5 divisions, viz. the Ta1lajan3ghas, Vi1ti-hotras, A1vantyas, Tun2d2ikeras, and Ja1tas
- they are, said to have overrun parts of India along with the S3akas or Scythian tribes) MBh. R. Pur. &c.
- a king of the Haihayas (esp. applied to Arjuna Ka1rtavi1rya, who is said to have had a thousand arms
- see %{kArtavIrya}) ib.
- N. of a son of Sahasrada Hariv.
- of a son of S3ata-jit Pur.
- (?) of a medical author Cat.
- होतृ (hotṛ) (hotṛ)
- &c. see p. 1306, col. 1. m. (fr. 1. %{hu}) an offerer of an oblation or burnt-offering (with fire), sacrificer, priest, (esp.) a priest who at a sacrifice invokes the gods or recites the R2ig-veda, a R2ig-veda prpriest (one of the 4 kinds of officiating priest see %{Rtvij}, p. 224
- properly the Hotr2i priest has 3 assistants, sometimes called Purushas, viz. the Maitra1-varun2a, Aocha1-va1ka, and Gra1vastut
- to these are sometimes added three others, the Bra1hman2a1cchan6sin, Agni1dhra or Agni1dh, and Potr2i, though these last are properly assigned to the Brahman priest
- sometimes the Nesht2r2i is substituted for the Gra1va-stut) RV. &c. &c.
- N. of S3iva MBh.
- mf(%{trI})n. one who sacrifices (gen. or comp.), sacrificer Mn. MBh. &c.
- होत्र (hotra) (hotra)
- n. sacrificing, the function or office of the Hotr2iS3Br. Ka1t2h.
- a burnt-offering, oblation with fire, sacrifice RV. Pan5cavBr. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh.
- (%{A}) f. see below.
- होत्रवाहन (hotravāhana) (hotravāhana)
- m. (id.) N. of a Bra1hman and of a Ra1jarshi MBh.
- होम (homa) (homa)
- m. the act of making an oblation to the Devas or gods by casting clarified butter into the fire (see %{deva-yajJa} and IW. 245), oblation with fire, burnt-offering, any oblation or sacrifice (%{ayuta-h-}, `" a sacrifice of 10,000 burnt-offerings to the planets "') AV. &c. &c.
- होरा (horā) (horā)
- f. (fr. Gk. $) an hour (the 24th part of an &394495[1306,2] Aho-ra1tra) VarBr2S. Ma1rkP.
- the half of a zodiacal sign Var.
- horoscope or horoscopy ib. &c.
- होलाका (holākā) (holākā)
- f. (perhaps from a cry or shout or sound in singing), the spring festival at the approach of the vernal equinox (commonly called Hu1li1 or Holi1, and said to be dedicated to Kr2ishn2a and the Gopi1s
- it is celebrated during the ten days preceding the full moon of the month Pha1lguna, when people sprinkle red powder in sport and light fires
- in some parts of India the Holi1 festival corresponds to or immediately precedes the Dola1-yatra1 q.v.) RTL. 430.
- होलिका (holikā) (holikā)
- f. the Holi1 festival (also applied to a Ra1kshasi1 worshipped at it) W.
- हउत्र (haütra) (hautra)
- mfn. = %{hautRka} Ka1tyS3r.
- n. the function or office of the Hotr2i (also as N. of wk.), S3rS.
- हउत्रिक (haütrika) (hautrika)
- mfn. relating to the office or function of the Hotr2i, sacerdotal Ka1ty.
- ह्रद (hrada) (hrada)
- 1 m. (once n.
- ifc. f. %{A} rather to be connected with %{hlAd}, but cf. %{hrAd}
- for 2. %{hrada} see p. 1307) a large or deep piece of water, lake, pool (rarely applied to the sea
- with %{gAGga}, `" the water of the Ganges "') RV. &c. &c.
- (%{A}) f. the incense tree
- (%{I}) f. g. %{gaurA7di}.
- ह्रस्व (hrasva) (hrasva)
- mf(%{A})n. short, small, dwarfish, little, low (as an entrance), weak (as a voice) VS. &c. &c.
- unimportant, insignificant BhP.
- less by (abl.) Car.
- prosodically or metrically short (as opp. to %{dIrgha}
- cf. %{laghu}) S3rS. RPra1t. Pa1n2. &c.
- m. a dwarf. W.
- a short vowel Pra1t.
- N. of Yama
- (%{A}) f. a female dwarf MW.
- N. of various plants (Phaseolus Trilobus
- = %{nAga-balA} and %{bhUmi-jambU})
- of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
- (%{am}) n. a kind of vegetable
- green or black sulphate of iron
- a partic. short measure MW.