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User:Catsidhe/Old Irish Nouns

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  • Dictionary of the Irish Language, Royal Irish Academy, 1913–76.
  • John Strachan, Osborn Bergin ed.; Old Irish Paradigms: and Selections from the Old-Irish Glosses (1949, 2003, RIA, Dublin)
  • Rudolph Thurneysen, D. A. Binchy and Osborn Bergin eds; A Grammar of Old Irish (1946, 1980, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin)
  • Old Irish Online


  • Thurneysen does not show the vocative particle, dá/dí/díb for the dual, or the initial mutation caused in a noun phrase.
  • Strachan shows the vocative particle, dual, and when the word induces eclipsis. (Referred to by Thurneysen as 'nasalisation', thus the N here, and 'n-' in Strachan.)
  • Neither shows induced lenition. I don't know why.

Proposed templates



Substitution table
stem Nom Acc Gen Dat Voc
dual pl. sg. pl. sg. dual pl. sg. dual pl. sg. pl.
-o- dá L-ns gs ns N –– np dá L-ns ns N –– dib N-dp –– á L-gs/np á L-ap
-io- dá L-ns gs ns N ds np dá L-ns ns N ap dib N-dp –– á L-gs/np á L-ap
-i- dá L-ns –– ns N np –– dá L-gs –– N ns dib N-dp –– á L-ns á L-np
-u- dá L-ns –– ns N –– –– dá L-gs –– N ns dib N-dp –– á L-ns á L-np
gutt dá L-np/as as/ds np/ds N –– –– dá L-gs gs N np/as dib N-dp –– á L-ns á L-ap
dent dá L-np/as as/ds ds N –– –– dá L-gs gs N np/as dib N-dp –– á L-ns á L-ap
nas dá L-np/as as/ds ds N –– –– dá L-gs gs N np/as dib N-dp –– á L-ns á L-ap
-r dá L-ns –– ns N –– –– dá L-gs –– N ns dib N-dp –– á L-ns á L-ap

User:Catsidhe/Old Irish Nouns/sga-noun-m

Masculine -x- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ns nd L np
Accusative ns N ds
Genitive np ns N
Dative ds L dib dd dp
Vocative a vs a vp

If the gs is not supplied, it defaults to the np (if supplied). This goes both ways: if the np is not supplied, it tries gs.

dd defaults to dp, but can be overridden.

gp defaults to ns.

User:Catsidhe/Old Irish Nouns/sga-noun-m2

Masculine -x- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative i+ns i+nd L i+np
Accusative i+ds
Dative i+ds L dib i+dd i+dp
Vocative a i+vs a i+vp



User:Catsidhe/Old Irish Nouns/sga-noun-n

Neuter -x- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ns N nd N np
Genitive gs gd gp N
Dative ds L dib dd dp


Substitution table
stem Nom Acc Gen Dat Voc
dual pl. sg. pl. sg. dual pl. sg. dual pl. sg. pl.
-ā- dí L-as/ds –– ds N np –– dá L-ns ns N as dib N-dp –– a L-ns a L-np
-iā- dí L-as/ds as/ds ds N np ns dá L-ns ns N as dib N-dp –– a L-ns a L-np
-i- dí L-ns –– ns N np –– dá L-gs –– N ns dib N-dp –– a L-ns a L-np
-ī- dí L-ns –– ds N np –– dá L-gs –– N as dib N-dp –– a L-ns a L-np
dip dí L-np –– ds N –– –– dá L-ns –– N as dib N-dp –– a L-ns a L-np
gutt dí L-np, ns as/ds np/ds N np –– dá L-gs gs N as, –– dib N-dp –– a L-ns a L-ap
dent dí L-np, ns as/ds ds, ns N –– –– dá L-gs gs N as, ns dib N-dp –– a L-ns a L-ap
nas dí L-np/as/ds as/ds ds N –– –– dá L-gs gs N as dib N-dp –– a L-ns a L-ap
-r dí L-ns –– ds N –– –– dá L-gs –– N as dib N-dp –– a L-ns a L-ap

User:Catsidhe/Old Irish Nouns/sga-noun-f

Feminine -x- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ns L nd L np
Accusative ns N
Genitive gs gd L gp N
Dative ds L dib dd dp

Noun paradigms


-o- stem




eg. fer m. man per Stachan

{{/sga-noun-m | o |ns=fer | np=fir | nd=ḟer | ap=firu | ds=fiur | dp=feraib | vs=ḟir | vp=ḟiru}}
Masculine -o- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative fer ḟer L fir
Accusative fer N firu
Genitive fir fer N
Dative fiur L dib feraib feraib
Vocative a ḟir a ḟiru
{{/sga-noun-m2 | o | f | ns=er | np=ir | ap=iru | ds=iur | dp=eraib}}
Masculine -o- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative fer ḟer L fir
Accusative fer N firu
Genitive fir fer N
Dative fiur L dib feraib feraib
Vocative a ḟir a ḟiru

ibid per Thurneysen

Masculine -o- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative fer fir
Accusative firu
Vocative fir --
Genitive fer
Dative fiur feraib

eg. ball m. limb

{{/sga-noun-m | o | ns=ball | np=boill, baill | ap=bullu | ds=bull | dd=mballaib
 | dp=ballaib | vs=bhaill | vp=bhullu}}
Masculine -o- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ball ball L baill
Accusative ball N bullu
Genitive baill ball N
Dative bull L dib mballaib ballaib
Vocative a bhaill a bhullu
{{/sga-noun-m2 | o | b | ns=all | gs=oill | gs2=aill | ap=aullu | ap2=ullu | ds=ull | dp=allaib}}
Masculine -o- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ball ball L boill, baill
Accusative ball N baullu
Genitive boill, baill ball N
Dative bull L dib mballaib ballaib
Vocative a boill a baullu



eg. dliged n. law

Neuter -o- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative dliged N ndliged N dliged, dligeda
Genitive dligid ndliged dliged N
Dative dligud L dib ndligedaib dligedaib

-ā- stem feminine


eg. túath f people, tribe

Feminine -ā- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative túath L thúaith L túatha
Accusative túath N
Genitive túaithe thúath L túath N
Dative túaith L dib túathaib túathaib
Feminine -ā- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative túath L dí thúaith L túatha
Accusative túaith N
Genitive túaithe dá thúath L túath N
Dative túaith L dib túathaib túathaib

eg. cíall f sense

Feminine -ā- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative cíall L chéill L cíalla
Accusative cíall N
Genitive céille chíall L cíall N
Dative céill L dib cíallaib cíallaib
Feminine -ā- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative cíall L dí chéill L cíalla
Accusative céill N
Genitive céille dá chíall L cíall N
Dative céill L dib cíallaib cíallaib

-io- stem




eg. céile m. fellow

Masculine -io- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative céile chéile L céili
Accusative céile N céiliu
Genitive céili céile N
Dative céiliu L dib céilib céilib
Vocative a chéili a chéiliu
Masculine -io- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative céile chéile L céili
Accusative céile N céiliu
Genitive céili céile N
Dative céiliu L dib céilib céilib
Vocative a chéili a chéiliu

eg. daltae m. fosterling

Masculine -io- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative daltae daltae L daltai
Accusative daltae N daltu
Genitive daltai daltae N
Dative daltu L dib ndaltaib daltaib
Vocative a daltai a daltu
Masculine -io- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative daltae daltae L daltai
Accusative daltae N daltu
Genitive daltai daltae N
Dative daltu L dib ndaltaib daltaib
Vocative a daltai a daltu



eg. cride n. heart

Neuter -io- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative cride N cride N cride
Genitive cridi cride cride N
Dative cridiu L dib cridib cridib

-iā- stem feminine


eg. guide f. prayer

Feminine -iā- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative guide L guidi L guidi
Accusative guidi N
Genitive guide guide L guide N
Dative guidi L dib nguidib guidib
Feminine -iā- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative guide L dí guidi L guidi
Accusative guidi N
Genitive guide dá guide L guide N
Dative guidi L dib nguidib guidib

eg. ungae f. ounce

Feminine -iā- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ungae L ungai L ungai
Accusative ungai N
Genitive ungae ungae L ungae N
Dative ungai L dib n-ungaib ungaib
Feminine -iā- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ungae L dí ungai L ungai
Accusative ungai N
Genitive ungae dá ungae L ungae N
Dative ungai L dib n-ungaib ungaib

-i- stem




eg. cnáim m. bone

Masculine -i- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative cnáim chnáim L cnámai
Accusative cnáim N cnámai
Genitive cnámo, cnáma cnámae N
Dative cnáim L dib cnámaib cnámaib
Vocative a chnáim a chnámai
Masculine -i- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative cnáim chnáim L cnámai
Accusative cnáim N cnámai
Genitive cnámo, cnáma chnámo L cnámae N
Dative cnáim L dib cnámaib cnámaib
Vocative a chnáim a chnámai



eg. muir n. sea

Neuter -i- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative muir N muir N muire
Genitive moro, mora moro, mora muire N
Dative muir L dib muirib muirib



eg. súil f eye

Feminine -i- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative súil L shúil L súili
Accusative súil N
Genitive súlo, súla shúlo, shúla L súile N
Dative súil L dib súilib súilib
Feminine -i- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative súil L dí ṡúil L súili
Accusative súil N
Genitive súlo dá ṡúlo L súile N
Dative súil L dib súilib súilib

-ī- stem feminine


eg. inis f. island

Feminine -ī- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative inis dí inis insi
Accusative insi N
Genitive inse dá inse inse N
Dative insi dib n-insib insib

eg. blíadain f. year

Feminine -ī- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative blíadain dí blíadain blíadnai
Accusative blíadnai N
Genitive bliadnae dá blíadnaib blíadnae N
Dative blíadnai dib mblíadnaib blíadnib

-u- stem




e.g. guth m. voice

This needed a hack to the template: if gd is supplied, then it is split off from the common dual.

{{/sga-noun-m|u|ns=guth|vs=guth|vp=gothae, gotha, gothai|nd=guth|np=gothae, gotha, gothai|as=guth|ap=guthu|gs=gotho, gotha|gd=gotho, gotha|gp=gothae|ds=guth|dd=ngothaib|dp=gothaib}}

Masculine -u- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative guth guth L gothae, gotha, gothai
Accusative guth N guthu
Genitive gotho, gotha gotho, gotha L gothae N
Dative guth L dib ngothaib gothaib
Vocative a guth a gothae, gotha, gothai


Masculine -u- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative guth guth L gothae, gotha, gothai
Accusative guth N guthu
Genitive gotho, gotha gotho L gothae N
Dative guth L dib ngothaib gothaib
Vocative a guth, a gotha a gothae



e.g. rind n. star

Neuter -u- stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative rind N rind N rind
Genitive rendo, renda rendo, renda rendae N
Dative rind L dib rendaib rendaib

diphthong stem feminine


e.g. f. cow

Template required change: if ap is supplied, it is seperated from n/vp.

Feminine Dipthong stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative L baí L baí
Accusative boin N
Genitive bou, bó L báo, bó N
Dative boin L dib mbuaib buaib

gutteral stem


eg. aire m noble.

Masculine Gutteral stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative aire airig L airig
Accusative airig N airecha
Genitive airech airech L airech N
Dative airig L dib n-airechaib airechaib
Vocative a aire a airecha

eg. m king.

Masculine Gutteral stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ríg L ríg
Accusative ríg N ríga
Genitive ríg ríg L ríg N
Dative ríg L dib rígaib rígaib
Vocative a a ríga

eg. lie m stone.

Masculine Gutteral stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative lie lieic L lieic
Accusative lieic N leca
Genitive liac liac L liac N
Dative lieic L dib lecaib lecaib
Vocative a lie a leca

dental stem


eg. cin m fault.

Masculine Dental stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative cin chinaid L cinaid
Accusative cinaid N cinta
Genitive cinad chinad L cinad N
Dative cinaid L dib cintaib cintaib
Vocative a chin a chinta

eg. tene m fire.

Masculine Dental stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative tene thenid L tenid
Accusative tenid N teintea
Genitive tened thened L tened N
Dative tenid L dib teintib teintib
Vocative a thene a theintea

eg. arae m charioteer.

Masculine Dental stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative arae araid L araid
Accusative araid N arada
Genitive arad arad L arad N
Dative araid L dib n-aradaib aradaib
Vocative a arae a arada

eg. carae m friend.

Masculine Dental stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative carae charait L carait
Accusative carait N cairtea
Genitive carat charat L carat N
Dative carait L dib cairtib cairtib
Vocative a charae a chairtea

nasal stem




e.g., brithem m. judge

Masculine Nasal stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative brithem brithemain L brithemain
Accusative brithemain N brithemna
Genitive brithemain brithemon L brithemon N
Dative brithemain, brithem L dib mbrithemnaib brithemnaib
Vocative a brithem a brithemna
Masculine Nasal stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative brithem brithemain L brithemain
Accusative brithemain N brithemna
Genitive brithemon brithemon L brithemon N
Dative brithemain L dib mbrithemnaib brithemnaib
Vocative a brithem a brithemna

e.g., menmae m. mind

Masculine Nasal stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative menmae menmain L menmain
Accusative menmain N menmana
Genitive menman, menmmann menman L menman N
Dative menmain L dib menmanaib menmanaib
Vocative a menmae a menmana
Masculine Nasal stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative menmae menmain L menmain
Accusative menmain N menmana
Genitive menman, menmmann menman L menman N
Dative menmain L dib menmanaib menmanaib
Vocative a menmae a menmana



e.g., béim n. blow

Neuter Nasal stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative béim N mbéim N béimmen
Genitive béimme mbéimmen béimmen N
Dative béimmim, béim L dib mbéimmenaib béimmenaib

e.g., ainm n. name

Neuter Nasal stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ainm N n-ainm N anman, anmann
Genitive anmae n-anman anman N
Dative anmaim L dib n-anmanaib anmanaib

-r stem


e.g., athair m. father

Masculine -r stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative athair athair L athair
Accusative athair N aithrea, athra
Genitive athar athar L athar N
Dative athair L dib n-aithrib, n-athraib aithrib, aithraib
Vocative a athair a athair
Masculine -r stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative athair athair L athir
Accusative athair N aithrea
Genitive athar athar L aithre N
Dative athair L dib n-aithrib aithrib
Vocative a athair a aithrea

-s stem


e.g. tech n. house

This breaks the template slightly: (nav)s should not induce nasalisation in this stem.

Neuter -s stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative tech, teg L tech N tige, taige
Genitive tige, taige tige tige N
Dative tig, taig L dib tigib tigib

e.g. m. month

More tweaks: if the dd is specified as blank, then that space is replaced with ––, to mark that there is no form for that inflection.

Masculine -s stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative L mís
Accusative mís N mísa
Genitive mís mís N
Dative mís L –– mísaib
Vocative a a mísa
Masculine -s stem
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative mís L
Accusative mís N mísa
Genitive mís mís L mís N
Dative mís L –– mísaib
Vocative a a mísa