Category:fi-pronunciation missing automatic hyphenation
Instances of {{fi-pronunciation}}
with missing hyphenation, neither manually supplied nor automatically generated.
Pages in category "fi-pronunciation missing automatic hyphenation"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,080 total.
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- baathisti
- babysitter
- backstage
- bagel
- bahaʼi-usko
- bairdintapiiri
- baitata
- balzacilainen
- Bangladesh
- bangladeshilainen
- bangladeshiläinen
- baudelairelainen
- bavarois
- bavaroise
- bayesilainen
- bayesiläinen
- beagle
- beat
- beatnik
- beauceron
- bébé
- becquerel
- beguine
- beignet
- benchmarking
- bergamasco
- bestman
- Bhutan
- bhutanilainen
- biedermeier
- biedermeierkalusto
- bigband
- biryani
- bischofshofen
- bismarck
- bitcoin
- blackjack
- blazer
- bluetooth
- body-art
- bodybuilding
- bolognese
- boomslang
- boosteri
- Bordeaux
- bordeaux
- bordeaux'ndoggi
- bordercollie
- botox
- bougainvillea
- bouillabaisse
- bouquet
- bourbon
- bourbonnais'nseisoja
- bourette
- bourgogne
- boutique
- Bouvet'nsaari
- bouvier
- bowdlerisointi
- boyfriend
- boysenmarja
- brandyjen
- brandyjä
- brasserie
- brewsteriitti
- brie
- broachata
- Bronx
- brunch
- Brändö
- buffet
- bungalow
- burnout
- bushel
- busheli
- bushismi
- bushmanni
- c
- caddie
- cafeteria
- calypso
- camembert
- cameorooli
- camping
- canasta
- cancan
- cannelloni
- cantaloupe
- cantilena
- cappuccino
- casanova
- catering
- cavatina
- CD
- cebuano
- Cecilia
- Celsius
- cembalisti
- cembalo
- cerium
- ces
- ceses
- cesium
- Ceylon
- chakra
- chanson
- charleston
- charmantti
- charter
- chatata
- chateaubriand
- chattailla
- chattailu
- cheddar
- cheerleader
- chenille
- cherokee
- cheshire
- chester
- chic
- Chinatown
- chinga
- chippendale
- chips
- chipsi
- Chisinau
- Chișinău
- chopperi
- chuckwalla
- chuuk
- ciabatta
- cia-cia
- cicero
- cinemascope
- CinemaScope
- cirrocumulus
- cirrostratus
- cis
- city
- clearing
- clear-tila
- cloisonné
- cloisonnee
- clou
- college
- collie
- colón
- Colorado
- come-back
- compo
- concertina
- Connecticut
- contra
- cooler
- cooperiitti
- copyright
- copywriter
- corgi
- country
- coupé
- couscous
- cover
- cowboy
- CP
- crack
- crêpe
- crescendo
- croissant
- csárdás
- cumulonimbus
- cunnilingus
- cunningham
- curium
- CV
- cyberpunk