Appendix:Kazakh suffixes
General suffixes
[edit]- Plural
- Negative
- Predicative:
- 1st person singular:
- 2nd person singular informal:
- 2nd person singular formal:
- 1st person plural:
- 2nd person plural informal:
- 2nd person plural formal:
- 3rd person:
- -∅
Nominal suffixes
[edit]Case suffixes
[edit]1. These forms are used after the 3rd person possessive suffix.
Possessive suffixes
[edit]The 2nd and 3rd person plurals may be formed using the regular plural suffix and the possessive suffix.
- 1st person singular:
- 1st person plural:
- 2nd person:
- 2nd person formal:
- 3rd person:
Verbal suffixes
[edit]- Verbal noun:
- -у (-u)
[edit]- Perfective:
- Imperfective:
- “After verb”:
- “Until verb”:
- “When verb”:
- “As soon as verb”:
- “Even though verb”:
- “Because of verb”:
- -ғандықтан (-ğandyqtan), -гендіктен (-gendıkten), -қандықтан (-qandyqtan), -кендіктен (-kendıkten)
[edit]- Past:
- Present:
- Future:
Personal markers
[edit]Most tense forms take normal predicative endings (see #General suffixes). However, present and indirective tenses also require a third person suffix.
[edit]Used by past tense and conditional moods.
- 1st person singular:
- -м (-m)
- 2nd person singular informal:
- -ң (-ñ)
- 2nd person singular formal:
- 1st person plural:
- 2nd person plural informal:
- 2nd person plural formal:
[edit]- 1st person singular:
- 2nd person singular informal:
- 2nd person singular formal:
- 1st person plural:
- 2nd person plural informal:
- 2nd person plural formal:
- 3nd person:
- Polite register2:
1. Rude, vulgar
2. These suffixes can be optionally attached to the imperative verb after the personal ending in order to give the connotation of a request rather than an order.
[edit]The desiderative mood requires a possessive ending (see #Possessive suffixes) and an auxiliary verb келу (kelu) to be placed after it.
- Conditional:
- Desiderative:
- Volitive:
[edit]The passive voice has "н" instead of "л", if "л" occurs in the last syllable of the root.
- Passive:
- Reflexive:
- Reciprocial:
- Causative:
[edit]- Present:
- Past:
- Indirective:
- Perfect:
- Habitual past:
- Indefinite future:
- Intentional future:
1. This form is used after the negation suffix.
Adjectival suffixes
[edit]1. These forms are used after the 3rd person possessive suffix.
Numeral adjectives
[edit]- Ordinal
- Collective
- Presumptive
Derivational suffixes
[edit]- Forms nouns from verbs
- -ғыш (-ğyş), -гіш (-gış), -қыш (-qyş), -кіш (-kış)
- -ғын (-ğyn), -гін (-gın), -қын (-qyn), -кін (-kın)
- -ым (-ym), -ім (-ım), -м (-m)
- -ық (-yq), -ік (-ık), -қ (-q), -к (-k)
- -ыс (-ys), -іс (-ıs), -с (-s)
- -ыш (-yş), -іш (-ış), -ш (-ş)
- -ма (-ma), -ме (-me), -ба (-ba), -бе (-be), -па (-pa), -пе (-pe)
- -мыс (-mys), -міс (-mıs)
- -ынды (-yndy), -інді (-ındı)
- Profession, occupation or inclination (-er)
- Abstract noun (-ness, -hood, -ship, -dom)
- Reciprocal actor (co-)
- Place
- -хана (-xana)
- Dimunitive
- Study of a particular subject (-logy)
- -тану (-tanu)
Verb forming
[edit]Adjective forming
[edit]- Forms adjectives from nouns (-ly)
- Forms adjectives from verbs
- -қақ (-qaq), -кек (-kek), -ғақ (-ğaq), -гек (-gek)
- -қыш (-qyş), -кіш (-kış), -ғыш (-ğyş), -гіш (-gış)
- -шақ (-şaq), -шек (-şek)
- -ынды (-yndy), -інді (-ındı)
- -малы (-maly), -мелі (-melı)
- -ымды (-ymdy), -імді (-ımdı), -мды (-mdy), -мді (-mdı)
- -уық (-uyq), -уік (-uık)
- -улы (-uly), -улі (-ulı)
- -қыр (-qyr), -кір (-kır), -ғыр (-ğyr), -гір (-gır)
- Adjectives not containing the noun (-less)
- Temporal adjectives
- Adjectives, expressing similarity
Adverb forming
[edit]- Forms adverbs
1. These forms are used after the 3rd person possessive suffix.