Wiktionary:Requested entries (Icelandic)
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[edit]- -erni - see salerni
- -verji - see Þjóðverji
- -skur, -iskur - see spænskur
- -an - see -un
- -ill - see trefill
- -du, -ðu, -tu, -u - enclitic forms of þú (“you”).
- -skapur - from Old Norse -skapr
- -lendingur - see útlendingur
- -gjafi - see gestgjafi
- -ka - see harka (Update, not sure if this suffix is productive in Icelandic)
- -leikur - see -leiki
- -ingi - see svertingi
- -son - see Ásgeirsson
- -s - see English Oskarsdottir
- -ska, tízka - see tíska
- -na - see hérna
a, A
[edit]- afdrifalaus m or f, afdrifalaust n embryomystic (talk) 23:30, 11 February 2013 (UTC)
- allslaus m or f, allslaust n embryomystic (talk) 23:30, 11 February 2013 (UTC)
- alsaklaus m or f, alsaklaust n embryomystic (talk) 23:30, 11 February 2013 (UTC)
- alvitlaus m or f, alvitlaust n embryomystic (talk) 23:30, 11 February 2013 (UTC)
- arfavitlaus m or f, arfavitlaust n embryomystic (talk) 23:30, 11 February 2013 (UTC)
- augasteinn - eyeball or pupil?
- aldregi, aldri - archaic forms of aldrei (“never”)
- aldrei framar (“never again”)
- augnahár - alternative form of augnhár
- augn (“ophthalmic, ocular, optic, ophthalm-, ophthalmo-, ophthalm-, ocul-, oculo-”) - see augnhár
- afabarn
- Arnarvatnsheiði or Arnavatnsheiði? - A place in Iceland
- Alviðra
á, Á
[edit]- ámælislaus m or f, ámælislaust n embryomystic (talk) 23:30, 11 February 2013 (UTC)
- ádeila
- álfa (“continent”)
- árbítur (“breakfast”)
- Ásrún - female given name
b, B
[edit]- búa yfir "Baldur er grunaður um að hafa búið yfir upplýsingum um stöðu Landbankans vegna stöðu sinnar sem Nefndarmaður í samráðshopi um fjármálastöðugleika sem markaðurinn hafði ekki." Wisapi 16:26, 15 October 2010 (UTC)
- bragða - to taste
- bessi - male bear? Found at bessadýr; the page exists, but no entry is Norse.
- brugðningur - see laski
- brá, bráhár - from Old Norse brá, brá is blue but missing entry for "eyelash"
- bökun - something to do with baking
- borðdúkur
- bangsi - related to Norwegian Bokmål bamse
- blómstur - see Old Norse blómstr
- bukkur, bokkur - from Old Norse bukkr/bokkr
- bæki - see Old Norse bók (“beech”)
- bitil, bitul (“a bite, bit”) - see Danish bille (“beetle”)
- blakkur - see blökkumaður
- Bríet - a given name
- blaðka
d, D
[edit]- draga úr "eitthvað draga úr með tíð og tíma" to dwindle with time -- Wisapi 21:50, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
- dagverður, dögurður - see Old Norse dagverðr
- darraður, darr, dör - see Proto-Germanic *darōþuz
- deigla - from Old Norse digull
- dikt - from Old Norse dikt
- dínamít - dynamite
- doðra - see Icelandic doði
- draf - from Old Norse draf
- dríta - from Old Norse dríta
- drótt - from Old Norse drótt
- dulúð - mentioned in Icelandic dul
- dytta - from Old Norse dytta
- Dáinn - from Old Norse Dáinn
ð, Ð
[edit]e, E
[edit]- eiða - mother? see Proto-Germanic *aiþį̄
- einmánuður - a month
- Elfar - a surname
é, É
[edit]f, F
[edit]- fjarstýrður
- fákeppni
- fasteignaveð
- fleinn (“thorn, arrow, dart, pike, fluke”)
- feyra - mentioned in veira
- ferðakort
- flatkaka
- flatbrauð
- Frónbúi - Icelander (poetic)
- Finnur - missing sense from Old Norse finnr? Blue due to sense from Old Norse Finnr but missing exonym
- franki - a Frank
- frauður - something with frog?
- Frísi, Fríslendingur - see English Frisian
- frauki
g, G
[edit]- geðsjúkrahús (“mental hospital”)
- geðspítali (“mental hospital”)
- granaldin (“pineapple”)
- guður - see Old Norse guðr
- græna - see Icelandic spanskgræna
- genta - see Old Norse genta
- gollurshús (“pericardium”) - related to Old Norse gollurr
- gor - see Icelandic gormur
h, H
[edit]- hundsvirði — See virði
- hjálmgras - the weed called hemp-nettle
- heggur - from Old Norse heggr
- hebrei - Hebrew
- hlóðir - fireplace?
- haustmánuður - a month
- húrra - hurray
- Hjörleifsson - a surname
- Hrafnsson - a surname
- Hafliði - a male given name
- Hallgrímsson - a surname, also daughter version needed
i, I
[edit]- inná "Þú getur greitt fyrir bækurnar með kreditkorti eða millifærslu inná bankareikning hjá okkur." Wisapi 16:41, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
- innstæða
- innrétta - to furnish
- töggur - “Ofstopamenn óðu um landið og reyndu að þröngva almenningi til að kalla karamellur töggur."
í, Í
[edit]- íkveikjuæði - pyromania
j, J
[edit]- jálkur - something with horse
- Jólnir - a volcanic island and another name for Odin
- Jóhannsdóttir - a surname
k, K
[edit]- kjalast (við) - take care
- kván, kvon, kvæn - all three mentioned in Proto-Germanic *kwēniz (“wife”), as descendants of Old Norse kvæn and/or kván
- kveinka - related to kveina
- kylur - mentioned in *kaliz (“cold, coldness”)
- knífur - mentioned in hnífur
- kappalið
- kati, ketla - both mentioned in English kettle
- kaupangur (“marketplace”) - from Old Norse kaupangr
- krókstafur - native Icelandic word for bagall (“crosier”)
- kútter - a sailboat?
- korgur - see Icelandic gormur
l, L
[edit]- landabrugg
- lúffa - missing sense of "mitten", also etymology for both.
- léna - see Proto-Germanic *laihnijaną
m, M
[edit]- málstöð
- morgungráminn "Morgungráminn er besti tíminn fyrir grágæsaveiðar að hausti." Wisapi 20:42, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
- móðuharðindin: "mist hardships"; see Laki#Consequences_in_Iceland
- mígildi - a pissoir?
- móna (“mother”) (obsolete, children's speech)
- mörk - from Old Norse mǫrk
- mið - see Icelandic miðvikudagur
- mjaltur - see Old Norse mjaltr
- mjólkur, milkur - see Proto-Germanic *melkaz and Proto-Indo-European *h₂melǵ-
- mor - from Finnish mura
- milska - see English mulch
n, N
[edit]- náðargjöf
- netverslun
- námsefni (“study material”)
- -neskur
- Nóra - female given name
- nefni - see örnefni
- Ná - see hringaná
o, O
[edit]ó, Ó
[edit]- Ómar - male given name
- Óskarsdóttir
p, P
[edit]r, R
[edit]- Ratatoskur
- reysta - see Proto-Germanic *raustijaną
- Ragnarsson - a surname
- Regína - a given name
- raufari - see English reaver
s, S
[edit]- skeggmeiti
- seppi - mentioned in hundur
- skriðill
- sakka
- snerkja
- sölur - see Proto-Germanic *salwaz
- skrýtilegur, skrýtilyrði & skrýtla - see skrýtinn
- snubba - to cut / make shorter
- sopi - soup? from Old Norse sopi
- sólmánuður - a month
- spírall - see Icelandic gormur
- sví-dái (“dead (of natural causes, for farm animals)”) - see Estonian tõbi
- skyndiminni - it means cache, as in a computer. But I'm curious if it also means geocache.
- skro - see Faroese skrá (Etymology 2)
- snjár - see Old Norse snor
t, T
[edit]- túndagslátta and the rest of Icelandic units of measurement!
- tvítóla, tvítólaður, tvítóli - hermaphrodite
- Týsdagur - see Icelandic þriðjudagur
- tvímánuður - a month
- táta - see Proto-Indo-European *tata- (“dad, father”)
- tyr- - see Icelandic tor-
u, U
[edit]ú, Ú
[edit]v, V
[edit]- varahlutir - plural of varahlutur
- vágestur BigDom 17:51, 1 May 2017 (UTC)
- Veraldarvefurinn - World Wide Web
- vippa
- vefskriðill
- vefkönguló
- verzlun - alternative form of verslun
- vefstjóri
- véstöng - flagpole? Not sure how vé fits in
- vellíðan
- Vindur - see Proto-Germanic *winidaz
x, X
[edit]y, Y
[edit]ý, Ý
[edit]þ, Þ
[edit]- þar með including, thus? "Einhver er þar með horfinn, farinn" somit Wisapi 21:59, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
- Þorramatur
- þökk fyrir - thank you
- þurs
- þurrskór
- þöngull - see þöngulhaus (“idiot”)
- þunga - see þungun (“pregnancy”)
- Þórsdagur - see Icelandic fimmtudagur
- Þorfinnur - a given name
æ, Æ
[edit]- æðri menntastofnun - It's said to mean academy in some sense.