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Wiktionary:Requested entries (Latin)

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Note: This page may also be used to request botanical and zoological names that may not actually be Latin.

See also:
















  • halodurans - taxonomy
  • halepense taxonomy (or mul)
  • hiatrica
  • hominēscō
  • hyacinthizōn
  • hendecasyllabicus — whence the English hendecasyllabic
  • hendiadys — Late and/or Mediaeval Latin. It's supposedly the etymon of the English hendiadys, but I can't find it in Lewis & Short, Gaffiot, Niermeyer, or the Oxford Latin Dictionary. The Oxford English Dictionary's entry for the English term includes the note "The Greek phrase [sc. ἓν διὰ δυοῖν ‘one by means of two’] is apparently not found in Greek grammarians, but is frequent in Servius on Virgil; in late MSS. of Servius, it appears latinized as endyadis, endyadys; Papias (12–13th cent.) has endiadis." (links and scilicet are my additions). — I.S.M.E.T.A. 06:07, 5 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]
  • hēpatica (liverwort (Hepatica nobilis)) - Medieval
  • hicce (emphatic form of hic?)
    • hic + -ce. L&S in the entry hic: "More emphatic, in the original full form, hīce, haece, hōce (not, as formerly written, hicce, haecce, hocce [...]". Some younger dictionaries do have it as hice (not hīce) and don't mention hicce at all, not even as a misspelling. For older Latin, the existence of hice, haece, hoce (or hīce, haece, hōce) might be doubtful and depend on the manuscript or edition (compare Citations:haec, Citations:huic and the comment in the version history). In Medieval and older New Latin, both hice and hicce could have exist.
  • hobbitus, neologism, used in best-selling Latin translation Hobbitus Ille of The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
  • hoquetus, "hiccup", as seen in ety at hocket
  • hydraulārius, from hydraulus


  • ignis fatuus – see English entry
  • ishigakijimensis - taxonomy
  • infecto, infectare: to infect (whence Corsican infettà, Italian infettare and Spanish infectare). Thadh (talk) 10:43, 14 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • infrafrenata
  • in ictu oculi
  • *intoxicō, 'citable' in https://apps.atilf.fr/lecteurFEW/lire/40/771. Anything unattested that appears in a reputable etymological dictionary should be ok for an appendix. IMO. Renard Migrant (talk) 17:21, 3 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • intraradices - as in Glomus intraradices
  • invidiāre
  • Iracanus, Iracana, Iracanum, meaning Iraqi (adj.)? Etymology could be: Irac- (stem of Irac (indecl., f.), Iraca (-ae, f.), or maybe also Iracus (?), Iracum (?) meaning Iraq) + -anus.
    • Iracanus: Example: "[Arab name], medicus Iracanus, i.e. sine dubio Bagdadensis et interpres meritissimus, qui [...]" in Memoriam anniversariam dedicatae ante hos CCLXXXXVIII annos scholae regiae afranae, p.36, at GB - which could mean something like: '[Arab name], Iraqi physician/doctor, that is without doubt from Baghdad (or: Baghdadi, Baghdadian) and much deserved interpreter (or: explainer, translator)'. Another one, though this might also mean Iraqi (subst.): "Ego vero, inquit Emir, unde te norim, cum ego Damascenus sim, tu sis Iracanus?" in Institutiones Arabicae linguae. Adjecta est chrestomathia Arabica, 1770, p.528.
    • Iracani: Could mean Iraqis (subst). Example: "Persae, Iracani, Indi, ut Thomthom [...], et Euclides eius auctores habentur" quoted inside a German text at GB
    • Iracanum: Example: "[Arab words] significare ventum Iracanum, non improbabile est" at GB - where "ventum Iracanum" could be the accusative of "ventus Iracanus" meaning "Iraqi wind".
    • Iracana: Example: "Diwani carmina, ait, in diversa genera divisit, qualia sunt Iracana" in Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum. Tomus tertius, 1842, p.259.
  • irrigator - needs noun
  • Iroquae (-arum, m.) or Iroqua (-ae, m.) (?), and Iroqui (-orum, m.) or Iroquus (-i, m.), and Iroquaei (-orum, m.) or Iroquaeus (-i, m.) or Iroquaeus (-a, -um; adj.) - Iroquois?
    • "Singulare autem et atrox fuit apud Canadenses populos illius Iroquae dictum" (Jer. Jac. Oberlinus, Caius Cornelius Tacitus [...] Tomus quartus',' Paris, 1824, p. 303)
    • "Americani Missionarii a sedibus Iroquorum daemones feliciter disturbant" (Annales ecclesiastici post cardinalem baronium [...] Tomus tertius, Paris, 1666, in the index at the end of the book)
    • "In ejusdem rei terimonium Anglo-Americani ab ingenioso satis auctore advocantur. Hi, ait, et colore corporis crinibusque, et faciei lineamentis mirum quantum Aboriginibus telluris jam accesserunt. Carolinae et Georgiae incolas paululum admodum a fulva Iroquorum cute distare refert." (Disputatio inauguralis de generis humani varietate, Edinburgh/Edinburg (in Latin Edinburgum), 1808, p. 73)
    • "Radices Verborum Iroquaeorum / Radical words of the Mohawk language, with their derivatives" (book title, published in New-York in 1862), contains Latin text, English text and French translations of words. (The English title could implay that Iroquaeorum means Mohawk, but the titles aren't literal translation of each other, and as a Latin word for Mohawk could have been missing or uncommon, the author could have decided to use the more general term Iroquaeorum.)
    • "... sund Hurrones, Huttentoti, Iroquaei, Laponii, aliique Africae, Americae, & Locorum polarium incolae." (Summa philosophica ad mentem angelici doctoris [...] Tom. VI., 1788, p. 204)
    • "In pago Ossernenon nationis Iroquaeae in boreali America" (Acta apostolicae sedis, 1943, www.vatican.va/archive/aas/documents/AAS-35-1943-ocr.pdf)
    • "quos barbari Iroquaei", "quod victores Iroquaei", and "idioma Iroquaeum" (in Latin texts, but in google snippets of books with English titles)
  • irvinensis
  • iu - an interjection of joy like io. If attestable. It's mentioned in older grammars, but isn't mentioned in younger dictionaries. As there are Latin io (i.e. iō) and Greek ἰώ, ἰού, there could be a Latin iu and may it be in older editions.
    In a Latin text, a translation of Aristophanes' work, though it could be New Latin and another term: "STREPSIADES. Io, io, gnate mi, iu, iu! ut laetor ..."
  • -ios - Old Latin etymon of -ius

J, K



  • leucospoides in taxonomy
  • Lagenia
  • leontopodium — Whence the genus epithet Leontopodium; also called (in Latin) brūmāria [sc. herba].
  • lepturus as in Buccochromis lepturus (note Lepturus is a genus of grass)
  • lithophyta — Modern Latin; see lithophyta#English. See also w:Vermes.
  • lithophyton — Modern Latin; see lithophyton#English
  • livius - from livor#la post-Classical, fairly widely used as a specific epithet in a three genders.
  • lo, claimed to be medieval Vulgar Latin, bluelinked because of other languages
    • now claimed to be Old French ("Deus lo vult (Old French)"), though in other wikipedias it's still claimed to be some form of Latin. Deus and lo have Old French entries while voloir has a note about the conjugation. [1] has it as "Deus lo volt" (without identification of the language). Conrad von Orelli's Old French grammar mentions volt as form of voloir and has examples in which the words volt and vult occur.
  • locabilia - post-Classical, used from at least 15th century onward in astronomical, philosophical, and theological texts: seems to mean "portable"?
    • locō + -ābilis, which literally would be place-able, put-able, set-able, dispose-able? From older dictionaries: "Locabilis, e, verpachtbar", "locabilis, e, das zu verpachten ist", "verpachten, locare [...] das zu verpachten ist, locabilis, e". That is loan-able, lend-able. Also in an older one "†Locabilis, e. Adj. das da kan gesetzt oder an einem Ort gebracht werden. item das zu verpachten oder auszustatten ist. Cic." having both meanings.
  • *lībellus m - from the etymology of niveau





















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