User:Erutuon/lists/soft hyphen
< User:Erutuon | lists
Soft hyphen is a normally invisible character that is banned in titles and should not appear in links:
It can be seen in the edit box as a red dot when CodeMirror is turned on.
{{rfc|de|"“-tion” in Duden online, “-tion” in Duden online, “-tion” in Duden online" - it's not 3 times -tion, but -ation, -ion, -ation/-ierung and there's no -tion at Duden.}}
* German: {{t|de|Adaptation|f}}
* German: {{t+|de|Bearbeitung|f}}, {{t|de|Adaptierung|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Adaption|f}}, {{t|de|Adaptierung|f}}
* {{cite-web |title=afrosuomalainen |url= |work=New Dictionary of Modern Finnish |publisher=Institute for the Languages of Finland |accessdate=21 August 2020}}
* German: {{t|de|[[auf]] einmal}}, {{t+|de|mit einem Mal}}
* {{hyph|sv|all|i|hop}}
* {{hyph|sv|all|i|hopa}}
From {{compound|de|alt|Stadt|t1=old|t2=city}}. Cognate with {{cog|nds|Ooltstadt}}
#* {{quote-journal|kl|year=2012|author=Nielsen, J.|journal=Suluk (Air Greenland)|url=|page=14|text=Uumasut sølvøksiunngitsut allat aamma qaamaneq takulliinaveersaarutitut atortarpaat. Assersuutigalugu '''amikoq''' qulinik talilik »bobtailsquid«, immap naqqani toqqorsimasartoq bakteerissanik immikkut qaamaniliortartunik sanaatigaluni.|t=Animals other than marine hatchetfishes can also use light as camouflage. For example, the '''squid''' 'bobtail squid', which hides on the seabed while cultivating special light-producing bacteria.}}
* German: {{t+|de|historisch}}, {{t+|de|altbacken}} {{qualifier|pejorative}}, {{t|de|antiquiert}}, {{t+|de|vorsintflutlich}} {{qualifier|humorously}}
{{calque|sv|de|Geistesarmut}}, equivalent to {{com|sv|ande|fattigdom}}.
* {{l|de|Eröffnungsansprache}}, {{l|de|Fernsehansprache}}, {{l|de|Festansprache}}, {{l|de|Neujahrsansprache}}, {{l|de|Rundfunkansprache}}, {{l|de|Weihnachtsansprache}}, {{l|de|Zielansprache}}
* German: {{t|de|globalisierungskritisch}}
* German: {{t|de|Anwendungssoftware|f}}, {{t|de|Anwendersoftware|f}}
#*: The social worker speaks of '''asocial''' behavior. The term is familiar to the young criminal. The social worker is able to explain the causes of this '''asocial''' behavior. But the delinquent could do it too, and in the very same terms.
title=”Kyllä se sitten rupesi vastustelemaan, kun sen avennosta sain ja jään päälle viskasin” – Veli Parviaisen jätti ui kalakisan kärkeen|
* German: {{t|de|Würzpfanne|f}} {{qualifier|brewery}}, {{t+|de|Pfanne|f}}, {{t+|de|Wanne|f}}, {{t+|de|Bottich|m}} {{qualifier|tub}}, {{t|de|Küpe|f}} {{qualifier|dyeing}}
* {{desc|de|Baraber|bor=1}}, {{l|de|Baraberer}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|title=Avacado, barbadine in the cheesecake mix|work=Trinidad Guardian|date=25 July 2015|passage=One of the most popular treats, cheesecake is being infused with local flavours like soursop, pumpkin, '''barbadine''' and even avocado to match the changing tastes of the dessert-loving public.|url=|author=Reshma Ragoonath}}
* German: {{t+|de|Schlafzimmer|n}}, {{t|de|Schlafstube|f}}
{{calque|sv|de|Belegenheit}}, equivalent to {{af|sv|belägen|-het}}.
* German: {{t|de|Kinoleinwand|f}}, {{t|de|Filmleinwand|f}}
#* {{quote-web |nn |last=Tunheim |first=Helga |date=2017-06-30 | |publisher=NRK |title=Slik blir reklamepausen i Tour de France |trans-title=This is how ad breaks will be during Tour de France |url= |text='''Bilde-i-bilde'''-reklamen betyr ikkje slutten på vanlege reklamepausar, men noko ein kan velje å bruke eller ikkje. |t=The '''picture-in-picture''' ad does not mean the end of normal ad breaks, but something one can choose to opt in to. |archiveurl= |archivedate=2020-07-06 }}
* German: {{t+|de|Mixer|m}}, {{t|de|Pürierer|m}}, {{t|de|Vermuser|m}}
* German: {{t|de|Snowboarder|m}}, {{t|de|Snowboardfahrer|m}}
* Swedish: {{t+|sv|boardingcard}}, {{t|sv|boarding-pass}}, {{t+|sv|embarkeringskort}}, {{t+|sv|boardingkort|n}}, {{t|sv|ombordstigningskort|n}}
From {{affix|nl|bond|genoot}}, {{calque|nl|de|Bundesgenosse|nocap=1}}.
* German: {{t+|de|stemmen}}, {{t|de|entgegenstemmen}} {{qualifier|reflexive}}
* {{l|de|Eimerbügel}}, {{l|de|Hemdbügel}}, {{l|de|Kleiderbügel}}, {{l|de|Steigbügel}}, {{l|de|Überrollbügel}}
#* {{Q|la|Vitruvius|De architectura|4|5|1|quote=Regiones autem, quas debent spectare aedes sacrae deorum inmortalium, sic erunt constituendae, uti, si nulla ratio inpedierit liberaque fuerit potestas, aedis signumque quod erit in cella conlocatum, spectet ad vespertinam caeli regionem, uti, qui adierint ad aram immolantes aut sacrificia facientes, spectent ad partem caeli orientis et simulacrum, quod erit in aede, et ita vota suscipientes contueantur aedem et '''orientem caelum''' ipsaque simulacra videantur exorientia contueri supplicantes et sacrificantes, quod aras omnes deorum necesse esse videatur ad orientem spectare.|t=The quarter toward which temples of the immortal gods ought to face is to be determined on the principle that, if there is no reason to hinder and the choice is free, the temple and the statue placed in the cella should face the western quarter of the sky. This will enable those who approach the altar with offerings or sacrifices to face the direction of the sunrise in facing the statue in the temple, and thus those who are undertaking vows look toward '''the quarter from which the sun comes forth''', and likewise the statues themselves appear to be coming forth out of the east to look upon them as they pray and sacrifice.}}
#*: The vested owners of all those sun-drenched tract houses may stick around for a while and fight over the region, perhaps thinking that they are reenacting the great historical dramas of the nineteenth century—such is the long-term effect of '''canned''' entertainment on the collective imagination.
#: ''Dia bekerja sungguh-sungguh untuk '''mencapai''' cita-citanya.''
* German: {{t+|de|buhen}}, {{t+|de|ausbuhen}}, {{t+|de|pfeifen}}, {{t+|de|auspfeifen}}, {{t|de|nachpfeifen}}
* German: {{t|de|Tschekist|m}}, {{t|de|Tschekistin|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Cholerine|f}}, {{t+|de|Brechdurchfall|m}}
* German: {{t|de| Christenfeindlichkeit|f}}, {{t|de|Christenhass |m}}, {{t|de|Christenfeindschaft|f}}
#*: Cisgender directors and writers cannot be the judge of what an authentic trans portrayal looks like because of their socialization in '''cissupremacy'''.
* German: {{t|de|schamanisch}}, {{t|de|zauberkundig}}
* Swedish: {{t|sv|schlaraffenland|n}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author={{w|John Church Hamilton}}|year=1860|title=Life of Alexander Hamilton. A history of the Republic of the United States of America, as traced in his writings and in those of his contemporaries|volume=V|pages=113–114|pageurl=|passage=Even in Congress the States seem to bear a major vote. No act has gone beyond federal limits—many important ones have stopped far short. The States, on the other hand, keep up an almost incessant siege. There is scarcely an article which some of them have not '''colegislated''' upon.}}
* German: {{t+|de|Kombination|f}}, {{t|de|Kombinierte|n}}, {{t|de|Kombinat|n}} {{qualifier|unusual}}
* German: {{t|de|Arbeitsweg|m}}, {{t|de|Pendlerstrecke|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Pendlerstrecke|f}}
|passage=Whiche wonderfull sentence, as me seemeth, may wel accorde with our catholike faythe, and be receyued into the commentaryes of the moste perfecte dyuines. For as well that sentence, as al other before rehersed, doo '''comprobate''' with holy Scripture, that god is the fountain of Sapience, lyke as he is the souerayne begynnyng of all generation.
* Portuguese: {{t|pt|condição resolutiva|f}}
#* {{Q|la|Suetonius|De vita Caesarum|2|10|quote=Omnium bellōrum initium et causam hinc sūmpsit: nihil convenientius dūcēns quam necem avunculī vindicāre tuērīque ācta, '''cōnfestim''' ut Apollōniā rediit, Brūtum Cassiumque et vī necopīnantīs et, quia prōvīsum perīculum subterfūgerant, lēgibus adgredī reōsque caedis absentīs dēferre statuit.|trans=The source and cause of all the wars he took from this: holding nothing more fitting than to avenge his uncle and maintain the validity of his enactments, '''immediately''' on returning from Apollonia he resolved to take the unexpecting Brutus and Cassius by force as well as to resort to laws and prosecute them for murder in their absence, as they had fled the foreseen danger.}}
|passage="La comprensió de l’estructura i de les funcions dels '''consorcis''' microbians ens pot proporcionar eines per a la descontaminació de sòls i sediments, l’eliminació de contaminants en l’aire i la degradació de compostos recalcitrants procedents de diferents activitats humanes.|t=Comprehending the structure and functions of microbial '''consortia''' can furnish us with tools for the decontamination of soils and sediments, the elimination of contaminants in the air, and the degradation of recalcitrant compounds produced by various human activities.}}
* German: {{t+|de|Reue|f}}, {{t|de|Zerknirschung|f}}, {{t|de|Zerknirschtheit|f}}
#*: [...] the store has created an exclusive fabric that looks like 100% linen but has (invisible) polyester in it. It’s washable, less '''creasy''' and easier to iron.
* German: {{t|de|gefühlsbetontes Lied}}, {{t|de|sentimentaler Schlager}}, {{t+|de|Schnulze}}, {{t|de|Schmachtfetzen|m}}
Borrowed from {{bor|la|syc|ܩܽܘܠܬܳܐ|tr=qulləṯā}}, deriving from {{der|la|akk|𒄣𒇷𒌋|tr=qulliu|t=a bowl}}, older {{der|la|akk|𒄖𒌌𒇻|tr=gullu|t=a container}}, also {{der|la|akk|𒄖𒌌𒆷𒌅|tr=gullatu|t=ewer}}. {{doublet|la|gaulus|t1=a kind of vessel}} and of {{m|la|collathum|t=a unit of liquid measure used in Syria}} via {{cog|grc|κόλλαθον|t=a unit of liquid measure used in Syria}} from the same word (reborrowed as {{cog|syc|[[ܩܘܠܐܬܘܢ]] / [[ܩܘܠܬܘܢ]]|t=a unit of liquid measure}}). Also found as {{cog|jpa|-}}, {{cog|arc-jla|-}}, {{cog|tmr|קוּלְתָא|tr=qulləṯā}}, {{cog|hbo|גֻלָּה|tr=gullāh}}, {{cog|uga|𐎂𐎍}}, {{cog|xeb|𒄘𒇷𒈝|tr=GÚ-LI-LUM}}, {{cog|ar|قُلَّة}}. Note that because of each locus being transmitted in all variants the exact form of the Latin cannot be known with certainty, but the meter in the ''Art of Poetry'' requires the /l/ between the first and second syllable to be ungeminated, against the Aramaic etymon and manuscripts that give ⟨ll⟩ variants. The quotes that follow on this page comprise all occurences that are attested from antiquity, that is two Horace loci with a Syria frame and a commentary to one of it with scholia. However, the word has been picked up in its variants in the {{w|Renaissance Latin|Renaissance}}.
* German: {{t|de|Death-Metal|m}}, {{t|de|Deathmetal|m}}
* German: {{t|de|enthirnen}}
* {{alter|de|Defaitist||Switzerland}}
* German: {{t|de|denuklearisieren}}
* German: {{t|de|Designerlabel|n}}
* [ Verwendung von „deren“ und „derer“] in Duden online.
* Tajik: {{t|tg|пешрафт}}, {{t|tg|тараққиёт}}, {{t|tg|инкишоф}}
* German: {{t+|de|vornehm}}, {{t|de|distinguiert}} {{qualifier|scholarly}}
* German: {{t|de|jmdm. ganz meschugge machen}}, {{t|de|jmdm. [[gaga]] machen}}
* German: {{t|de|Comedydrama|n}}, {{t|de|Comedy-Drama|n}}, {{t|de|Dramedy|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Comedydrama|n}}, {{t|de|Comedy-Drama|n}}, {{t|de|Dramedy|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Rückgabetermin|m}}
* German: {{t|de|dyspeptisch}}, {{t|de|magenkrank}}
* German: {{t|de|dahinschleichen}}
* German: {{t+|de|Effekten|f-p}} {{qualifier|dated}}, {{t|de|Siebensachen|f-p}} {{qualifier|coll.}}, {{t|de|persönliche Gegenstände|m-p}}
|[[Straußenei]], [[Straussenei]]
#: {{syn|sv|formulär|rundfråga}}
* {{alter|de|entlöhnen||Switzerland}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|passage=Nevertheless we have also observed that rebellion ignored soon falls flat, and most of these "social rebels" see the folly of their '''faggotry''' in time.|month=December|year=1962|journal={{w|Mattachine Review}}|publisher=Mattachine Society|volume=VIII|number=11 [misprint for 12]|page=35|column=1|pageurl=|title=Can We Change Our Swishy Brothers?|author=Richard Mayer|location=Los Angeles|issn=0465-3874}}
|passage=A '''fekete''' nyomdafestékek előállítása kizárólag koromból történik.
* German: {{t|de|Feminisierung|f}}, {{t|de|Feminisation|f}}, {{t|de|Verweiblichung|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Feminisierung|f}}, {{t|de|Feminisation|f}}, {{t|de|Verweiblichung|f}}
Frisör in [ Duden] (German Dictionary)
* {{l|de|Frommheit}}
* {{l|de|frommherzig}}
* {{hyph|sv|för|älsk|else}}, {{hyph|sv|caption=definite|för|älsk|els|en}}
#*: Zum Zeitpunkt seines High-School-Abgangs hat der durchschnittliche amerikanische Teenager Werbespots in einer Gesamtlänge von 1500 Stunden konsumiert. Rechnet man dies auf eine '''fünfunddreißigstündige''' Arbeitswoche um, so ergibt sich, daß ein solcher Jugendlicher nahezu ein ganzes Arbeitsjahr damit verbracht hat, sich Werbung anzusehen oder anzuhören.
#* {{quote-journal|en|passage=I doubt very much that their "'''gayness'''" had any deep sexual roots. I think it was simply an exotic form of juvenile delinquency.|month=May|year=1959|journal={{w|Mattachine Review}}|publisher=Mattachine Society|volume=V|number=5|page=9|pageurl=|title=McReynolds Reply to {{w|Seymour Krim|[Seymour] Krim}}|author={{w|David McReynolds}}|location=Los Angeles|issn=0465-3874}}
* {{l|de|Gegenwartsbezug}}, {{l|de|Gegenwartsnähe}}, {{l|de|Gegenwärtigkeit}}, {{l|de|Aktualität}}
#* {{quote-book|la|date=22-10-1380|title=A copy of a manuscript in AAP, CP 1 (Liber privilegiorum A), k. 44, nr 39 (XVI w.), printed NKDM, part III, nr 251, pp. 269–270|publisher=on the web by Bogusław Kwiatkowski/Centrum Informacji Historycznej i Turystycznej Miasta Sochaczewa|url=|passage=Nos Semovitus Dei gratia dux totius terrae Masouiae notum facimus universis, tam praesentibus, quam futuris, praesentium litterarum notitiam habituris, quod quamvis certae et verae '''graniciae''' fuerant et erant habitae et servatae inter villam ecclesiae. Msczonouiensis Gsdowo et inter villam nostram dictam Zathor usque ad vadum, vulgariter Brod, antiquum ibidem in Zathor, prout clarius cl[eri]ci, viri bonae et honestae famae de vicinia ipsorum iuramento declaraverunt, tamen cum domino Martino plebano Msczonouiensi in hunc modum pro eisdem '''graniciis''' concordavimus ita, videlicet, quod idem dominus Martinus agros inter praedictum antiquum vadum et inter '''granicias''' novas, circa publicam stratam iacentes nobis dimisit ad villam praedictam Zathor pertinere et adiacere, quamvis iidem agri ad Gsdowo adiacebant et pertinebant. }}
* German: {{t+|de|Habitat|n}}, {{t|de|Lebensbedingungen|f-p}}
* German: {{t|de|Halogenwasserstoff|m}}, {{t|de|Halogenkohlenwasserstoff|m}}
* German: {{t+|de|Hindernis|n}}, {{t|de|Hemmnis|n}}, {{t+|de|Hemmschuh|m}} {{qualifier|fig.}}
From {{bor|ro|gmw-tsx|Hetschenpetsch}}, {{m|gmw-tsx|Hetschumpetsch}}, {{m|gmw-tsx|Hetschepetsch}}, {{m|gmw-tsx|Hätschenpätsch||rosehip}}.<ref>{{cite-journal|author=Radu Drăgulescu|authorlink=|title=Deutsches Wortgut in rumänischen Pflanzennamen. Ein Bericht aus der rumänischen Wörterbuchpraxis|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=|journal=Lexikos|volume=27|issue=|location=|publisher=|issn=2224-0039|oclc=|date=|year=2017|page=|pages=214-236|pageurl=|passage=heciumpeci, heciunpeci (die Früchte und die Konfitüre von Rosa canina) < sächs. hätschenpätsch, hetschumpetsch}}</ref> Compare {{cog|de|Hetschepetsch}}, {{cog|hu|hecsempecs}}, {{cog|hu|csipkék||rosehips}}.
* {{alter|de|Herz-Bube}}
* German: {{t+|de|Hilfsarbeiter|m}}, {{t|de|Saisonarbeiter|m}}
#*:{{quote|is|Justin Bieber vill vera þekktur fyrir annað og meira en að vera hjartaknúsari.|t=Justin Bieber wants to be known for being more than just a heartthrob.|ref= []}}
* German: {{t|de|Immobilienkredit|m}}, {{t+|de|Baukredit|m}}
* Turkmen: {{t|tk|at güýji}}
* German: {{t+|de|gegnerisch}}, {{t|de|unversöhnlich}}, {{t|de|antagonistisch}}, {{t+|de|giftig}} {{qualifier|coll.}}
* Icelandic: {{t|is|húmor|m}}
* German: {{t|de|Hürden [[laufen]]}}
* German: {{t|de|eine Hürde [[nehmen]]}}
* {{l|sv|förrådshus}}
* {{l|sv|visthusbod}}
* German: {{t|de|Warnlämpchen|n}}, {{t|de|Signallämpchen|n}}
* German: {{t|de|Immoralität|f}}, {{t|de|Sittenlosigkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Unsittlichkeit|f}}
* {{l|sv|uppblåst}}
#*: But not only have the priests tried to make the very term Atheism odious, as if it would destroy all of good and beautiful in nature, but some of the reformers, not having the moral courage to avow their own sentiments, wishing to be popular, fearing lest their reforms would be considered '''Infidel''', (as all reforms assuredly are), shield themselves from the stigma, by joining in the tirade against Atheism, and associate it with everything that is vile, with the crime of slavery, the corruptions of the Church, and all the vices imaginable.
* German: {{t|de|Schlafloser|m}}, {{t|de|Schlafgestörter|m}}, {{t|de|Schlafgestörte|f}}, {{t|de|Asomnier|m}} {{qualifier|med.}}
* German: {{t+|de|Islamophobie|f}}, {{t|de|Islamhass|m}}, {{t|de|Islamfeindlichkeit|f}}, {{t|de|Muslimfeindlichkeit|f}}, {{t|de|Islamfeindschaft|f}}
#: ''Oleh perempuan itu '''dijerangkannya''' periuk di atas dapur.''
* German: {{t|de|Gerichtswesen|n}}, {{t|de|Rechtswesen|n}}, {{t|de|Justizwesen|n}}, {{t+|de|Justizsystem|n}}, {{t+|de|Justiz|f}}
#*: {{quote|af|Mnr. Lion Kahimise, 'n gemeenskapsbeampte van Windhoek, noem verder geen '''kapana''' sal verkoop mag word nie.|Mr Lion Kahimise, a community official from Windhoek, furthermore mentions that no '''kapana''' will be allowed to be sold.}}
Borrowed from {{bor|de|fr|capricieux}}. {{doublet|de|capriccioso}}.
* {{alter|de|Karo-Bube}}
#*{{quote-journal|ms|text=Jadi, ikutlah sistem SOP yang ditetapkan tidak kiralah siapa kita, rakyat marhaen ke atau orang ‘'''kayangan'''’ ke, pokoknya patuhlah SOP yang ditetapkan.|t=So please, follow the stipulated SOP (= standard operating procedure) no matter if you are commonfolk or the '''upper crust''', by all means follow the stipulated SOP.|url=|title=Tak kira kayangan atau marhaen, patuhi SOP|author=Mohd Sharkawi Londing|journal=Kosmo!|month=29 April|year=2021}}
From {{af|hu|kenyér|betű|t1=bread|t2=type|pos=noun}}, {{calque|hu|de|Brotschrift|t=text typeface|nocap=y}}, from {{m|de|Brot|t=bread}} + {{m|de|Schrift|t=font}}.<ref>[ Herzog Salamon, ''Nyomdászati Mesterszók''] (offprint from ''Magyar Nyelvőr'' vol. 60). Hungária Hírlapnyomda Rt., Budapest, 1931</ref>
From {{af|hu|kenyér|szöveg|t1=bread|t2=text|pos=noun}}, {{calque|hu|de|Brottext|t=body text|nocap=y}}, from {{m|de|Brot|t=bread}} + {{m|de|Text|t=text}}. So called because typesetters were paid by the line, earning their daily bread with the main part of a printed book.
* {{l|de|Kilometergeldpauschale}}
* German: {{t|de|Verlegenheit|f}}, {{t|de|Bredouille|f}} {{qualifier|French}}
* {{alter|de|Knowhow}}
* German: {{t|de|Korfball }}, {{t|de|Korfballspiel|n}}
* German: {{t|de|Korfball|m}}
* {{alter|de|Kreuz-Bube}}
* {{l|de|Kriegshetze}}
* {{l|de|kriegshetzerisch}}
From {{inh|sv|gmq-osw|kvittancia}}, from {{der|sv|gml|quitancie}}, from {{der|sv|ML.|quitantia}}, from {{der|sv|la|quietantia}}. Cognate of {{cog|en|quittance}}, {{cog|de|Quittanz}}, {{cog|fr|quittance}}, {{cog|it|quietanza}}.
* German: {{t+|de|Handauflegen|n}}, {{t|de|Handauflegung|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Ausgestoßener|m}}; {{t+|de|Aussätziger|m}}, {{t|de|Geächteter|m}}, {{t+|de|Paria|m}}, {{t|de|Outcast|m}}, {{t+|de|Paria|m}}
*** {{desc|de|Liebstöckel}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|author=Deborah Tannen|authorlink=Deborah Tannen|title=New York Jewish Conversational Style|journal={{w|International Journal of the Sociology of Language}}|location=Berlin|publisher=[[w:De Gruyter|Walter de Gruyter]]|year=1981|volume=30|page=137|doi=10.1515/ijsl.1981.30.133|issn=0165-2516|oclc=1026600232|passage=Following are the main features found in the talk of three of the six Thanksgiving celebrants. [...] 3. ''Pacing.'' (a) faster rate of speech, (b) inter-turn pauses avoided (silence is evidence of lack of rapport), (c) faster turntaking, (d) cooperative overlap and participatory '''listenership'''.}}
* German: {{t|de|Kleinwüchsiger|m}}, {{t|de|Kleinwüchsige|f}}
* {{l|de|Livländer}}
#* {{quote-book|en|last=Lipiński|first=Edward|authorlink=Edward Lipiński (orientalist)|publisher=Oxford University Press|chapter=From Semitic to Afro-Asiatic|title=The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics|editor=Allan, Keith|year=2013|page=263|isbn=9780199585847|doi=10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199585847.001.0001|passage=Today Arabic must be regarded as one of the important world languages. Its earliest written forms are provided by pre-Islamic North and East Arabian inscriptions using a variant of the South Arabian monumental script. The attested dialects are '''Liḥyānite''' or Dedanite in Hedjāz, Thamūdic in north-eastern Hedjāz, Safaitic in southern Syria and Jordan, Hasaean in the oasis of al-Hāsa’, and Nabataean Arabic, represented by a few inscriptions in Aramaic script.}}
* German: {{t+|de|verfänglich}}, {{t|de|suggestiv}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|work=The Believer|title=The Conlangers’ Art|author=Annalee Newitz|date= 1 May 2005|url=|passage='''Logical language''' builder Garrett Jones estimates there are at least fourteen full-blown logical conlangs, including his own Minyeva and David Madore’s amusingly named Yall (Yet Another '''Logical Language''').}}
#*: Bring the ship to rights, that is, againe under saile as she was, some use a '''Log line''', and a minute glasse to know what way shee makes, but that is so uncertaine, it is not worth the labour to trie it.
Likely borrowed from {{bor|fi|gem-pro|*glōaną}}, {{m|gem-pro|*glōjaną}}, and derived further with {{suffix|fi||istaa}}. Related to {{cog|vep|loštta}} and dialectal {{cog|et|loistuda}}.
#* {{quote-web|sv|date=20 January 2015|author=Åsa Passanisi|title=Så mycket maskar vi på våra jobb|url=|work={{w|Aftonbladet}}|text=Två timmar om dagen. Så stor del av vår arbetstid ägnar vi åt att '''låtsasjobba''' och göra ingenting.|t=Two hours a day. That's how much of our time at work we spend '''pretending to be busy''' and doing nothing.}}
#* {{quote-web|fi|title=Kiuasvalmistaja Harvia aikeissa hakea lisää löylyä pörssilistautumisella|work=Kaleva|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=|date=5 March 2018|accessdate=12 July, 2018|passage=Kiuasvalmistaja Harvia aikeissa hakea lisää '''löylyä''' pörssilistautumisella|translation=Sauna stove manufacturer Harvia intending to turn up the '''heat''' by listing on stock exchange}}
* German: {{t|de|Maschinenführer|m}}, {{t|de|Maschinist|m}}
* German: {{t|de|maß-}}, {{t|de|Maßanfertigung|f}}
* German: {{t+|de|manisch}}, {{t|de|maniakalisch}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}
#* {{quote-book|en|author=Thomas More|authorlink=Thomas More|title=The Cōfutacyon of [[w:William Tyndale|Tyndales]] Answere{{nb...|Made by Syr Thomas More Knyght Lorde Chaūcellour of Englonde}}|location=prentyd at London|publisher=By [[w:William Rastell|Wyllyam Rastell]]|year=1532|page=cclxxiiii|pageurl=|oclc=11636675|passage=[A]nd yet he bode them do yt, and they were bounde to obaye and '''meryted''' and deserued by theyr obedyēce.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|year=1657|author={{w|Francis Bacon}}|title=A Confession of the Faith|location=London|publisher=F. Leach|pages=120–1|passage=That Iesus the Lord, became, in the Flesh, a Sacrificer, and Sacrifice<!-- interpolated; original word unintelligible --> for Sin; A Satisfaction, and Price, to the Iustice, of God; A '''Meriter,''' of Glory, and the Kingdom{{...}}}}
* German: {{t|de|männerfeindlich}}, {{t|de|männerverachtend}}, {{t|de|misanthropisch}}, {{t|de|misanthrop}}
* German: {{t|de|Sittsamkeit|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Monokotyledone|f}}
* {{l|de|Morschheit}}
* {{l|de|Mosellaner}}
# shorthand of {{l|de|Moselwein}}
* German: {{t+|de|Multimilliardär|m}}, {{t|de|Multimilliardärin|f}}
* {{l|de|Fernsehansprache}}, {{l|de|Weihnachtsansprache}}
#* {{quote-journal|de|termlang=mul|year=1999|journal=Volucella|volume=4|pages=103-104|url=|author=Ulrich Schmid|title=''Syrphus obscuripes'' Strobl, 1910: ein älteres Synonym von ''Epistrophe similis'' Doczkal & Schmid, 1994 (Diptera, Syrphidae)|passage=Da der Typus von ''obscuripes'' trotz zweimaliger Nachsuche nicht aufzufinden war, mussten wir ''obscuripes'' als '''nomen dubium''' betrachten.}}
* {{alter|de|Nordmann-Tanne}}
* German: {{t|de|Nosode|f}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|2020|Mikko Välimäki|Decadence and occulture: Oscar Parviainen’s art|Approaching religion||99|With the term '''occulture''' I refer to a diverse milieu of spirituality that formed around esoteric discourses, as characterized by Nina Kokkinen in her dissertation about '''occulture''' and modern spirituality in turn of the century Finnish art, and its three notable artists Hugo Simberg (1873–1917), Akseli Gallen-Kallela and Pekka Halonen (1865–1933) (Kokkinen 2019: 44).|volume=11|issue=1|doi=/10.30664/ar.98066}}
* German: {{t+|de|Bürozeit|f}}, {{t|de|[[Geschäft]]szeit|f}}, {{t|de|Kassenstunden|f-p}} {{qualifier|cash-box hours}}, {{t+|de|Sprechstunden|f-p}} {{qualifier|med.}}
* German: {{t|de|Ölpipeline|f}}
* German: {{t|de|Opprobration|f}}
* German: {{t|de|mit [[Füßen]] [[treten]]}} {{qualifier|idiom}}, {{t|de|brüskieren}}, {{t|de|vor den Kopf stoßen}} {{qualifier|idiom}}
* German: {{t|de|pätscheln}} {{qualifier|regional}}
* German: {{t|de|paraffinieren}}
* German: {{t+|de|Gleitschirmfliegen|n}}, {{t|de|Paragliding|n}}, {{t|de|Paragleiten|n}} {{q|Austria}}, {{t|de|Gleitsegeln}}
* German: {{t|de|Dekompositum|n}}, {{t|de|Parasynthetum|n}}
* {{desc|de|Pastrami|bor=1}}
* German: {{t|de|herausgucken}} {{qualifier|coll.}}, {{t|de|hervorgucken}} {{qualifier|coll.}}
From {{der|fi|fiu-fin-pro|*peikälo}} (with varying forms in descendants, such as dialectal {{m|fi||peikalo}}, {{cog|izh|peikalo}}, {{cog|krl|peikalo}}, {{cog|vep|peigol}}, {{cog|et|pöial}}, {{cog|liv|pēgal}}), probably a somewhat irregular derivation of Pre-Proto-Finnic {{m|urj-pro||*pelkä}}, from {{der|fi|fiu-pro|*pelkä}}, {{m|urj-pro|*päĺkɜ}} (compare {{cog|se|bealgi}}, {{cog|myv|пелька||thumb}}, {{cog|kpv|tr=pel}}).
* {{alter|de|Pik-Bube}}
#*: " But eventually tech-savvy users in the U.S., who were curious about the Japanese emoji phenomenon, figured out that you could force your phone to open this hidden keyboard by downloading a Japanese-language app, and voilà—suddenly you could bejangle your texts with a smiling '''Pile of Poo'''. ... Twitter's '''pile of poo''' also has eyes but looks kind of surprised, perhaps because it’s only just realized that it’s a sentient pile of poo with eyes. So if your '''pile of poo''' is smiling, it’s likely because you have an iPhone, and someone at Apple thought it’d be fun to make the poo happy.
#: {{syn|de|Fiale|Spitzturm}}
* Finnish: {{t|fi|pneumonoultramikroskopikosilikovulkanokonioosi}}
* Tajik: {{t|tg|протектсионизм}}
|passage=«Rússia estava en la ruïna absoluta.» «Però van ser '''prou''' intel·ligents com per mantenir la indústria aeroespacial.»
From {{inh|fi|fiu-fin-pro|*punta}} (compare {{cog|et|pund}}, {{cog|liv|pūnda}}), borrowed from {{der|fi|gem-pro|*pundą||pound, weight}}, itself from {{der|fi|la|pondō}}.
#* {{quote-journal|en|year=2010|month=Summer|author=Jill Margo|title=Getting Textual|journal={{w|Geist (magazine)|Geist}}|volume=19|issue=77|issn=1181-6554|page=[ 25]|passage=I explain to Brian—and Megan and her roommate Darren, who are also listening—that I ran into A. at the PuSh International Performing Arts Festival, where we’d just seen a puppet show. I’d confessed to A. that I had a mild, though not very committed, case of '''pupaphobia''' when he asked me how I liked the show.}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|passage=Any blow against the '''queer''' is really a blow struck against a part of ourselves which we cannot accept or understand. I think in every case it would be correct to say that someone with a strong hostility toward homosexuals has a latent homosexual drive equal to the hostility.|month=May|year=1959|journal={{w|Mattachine Review}}|publisher=Mattachine Society|volume=V|number=5|page=11|column=2|pageurl=|title=McReynolds Reply to {{w|Seymour Krim|[Seymour] Krim}}|author={{w|David McReynolds}}|location=Los Angeles|issn=0465-3874}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|last=Tuomi|first=Roger L.|last2=Gromala|first2=David S.|title=Racking Strength of Walls|work=USDA Forest Service Research Paper|year=1977|number=FPL 301|url=|passage=The racking strength of a wall system is defined in terms of its ability to resist horizontal inplane shear forces. The shear, or '''racking''', forces which act on wail systems arise primarily from wind.}}
{{suffix|fi||alt1=rauha|nen}}, diminutive of a dialectal word that is from {{der|fi|fiu-fin-pro|*rauha||gland, swelling}} (compare {{cog|et|rahu}}, {{cog|izh|rauha}}, {{cog|krl|rauhna}}, {{cog|liv|roיugəd}}, {{cog|vot|ravu}}), possibly borrowed from {{der|fi|gem-pro|<!-- *hrausō -->}} (compare {{cog|non|hrœrar||groin}}).
* German: {{t+|de|redundant}}, {{t|de|überzählig}}
* {{l|de|überzählig}}
Borrowed from dialectal {{bor|fi|sv||rifla}} (compare standard {{cog|sv|räffla}}, {{cog|da|riffel}}), from {{der|fi|nds|riffel}} (compare archaic {{cog|nl|rijfelen}}), originally a frequentative derivation tracing back to {{der|fi|gem-pro|*rīfaną}}.
* German: {{t|de|Beschiss|m}} {{qualifier|slang}}, {{t+|de|Schwindel|m}}, {{t+|de|Betrug|m}}
* German: {{t|de|Roboterisierung|f}}, {{t|de|Robotisierung|f}}
* German: {{t+|de|Gummi|m|n}}, {{t+|de|Kondom|n}}, {{t|de|Präservativ|n}}
#: {{syn|de|Sackrodel|q1=Austria}}
From {{inh|fi|fiu-fin-pro|*sambudak}} (compare {{cog|izh|sammua}}, {{cog|krl|sammuo}}, {{cog|vep|sampta}}), possibly borrowed from an {{der|fi|inc}} language (compare {{cog|sa|शम्यति}}, {{m|sa|शाम्यति||to be extinguished, die out, abate, cease, stop, go to rest, be calm or quiet}}).<ref></ref>
*[ Pythagoras, der (Lehrsatz)],
* {{l|de|Landschildkröte||tortoise}}
* {{l|de|Schroffheit}}
* {{l|de|schroffig}}
#* {{quote-journal|en|author=Ta-Nehisi Coates|authorlink=Ta-Nehisi Coates|title=Fear of a Black President|archiveurl=|archivedate=3 January 2020|editor=[[w:James Bennet (journalist)|James Bennet]]|magazine={{w|The Atlantic}}|location=Washington, D.C.|publisher=The Atlantic Monthly Group|month=September|year=2012|issn=1072-7825|oclc=936540106|passage=[[w:Barack Obama|[Barack] Obama]] doesn't merely evince blackness; he uses his blackness to signal and court African Americans, '''semaphoring''' in a cultural dialect of our creation—crooning {{w|Al Green}} at the Apollo, name-checking [[w:Jeezy|Young Jeezy]], regularly appearing on the cover of black magazines, weighing the merits of {{w|Jay-Z}} versus {{w|Kanye West}}, being photographed in the White House with a little black boy touching his hair.}}
* German: {{t+|de|vernünftig}}, {{t+|de|sinnvoll}}, {{t|de|gescheit}} {{qualifier|coll.}}
{{unk|fi}}, cognate with {{cog|krl|siepata}}
From {{inh|fi|fiu-fin-pro|}}, probably ultimately an imitative root + {{m|fiu-fin-pro|*-kka}}; cognates include {{cog|izh|tširkka}}, {{cog|krl|tširkka}}, {{cog|lud|tširkku}} and {{cog|vot|širk}} (the initial consonant is irregular, but might be caused by the imitative origin or the affectionate nature of the word).
* German: {{t+|de|ruckzuck}} {{qualifier|coll.}}, {{t|de|ratzfatz}} {{qualifier|coll.}}
* German: {{t|de|Pyjamaparty|f}}
* {{l|sk|slížik}}
#* '''1983''', VÃctor Alba, ''The Communist Party in Spain'' (page 70)
#:{{uxi|sv|spelaren fick inte mycket '''speltid'''|the player did not receive a lot of '''game time'''}}
* German: {{t|de|Zweiglein|n}}, {{t|de|Büschchen|n}}, {{t|de|Büschel|n}}
* German: {{t+|de|herunterstufen}}, {{t+|de|degradieren}}, {{t+|de|erniedrigen}}, {{t+|de|deklassieren}}, {{t|de|herabstufen}}
* German: {{t|de|Stolo|m}}, {{t|de|Stolon|m}}
* German: {{t|de|Hintergründigkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Subtilität|f}}, {{t|de|Nuanciertheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Zwischentöne|m-p}}
#* {{quote-book|en|year=1997 |title=The complete Lojban language|author=JW Cowan |page=245 |ISBN=|passage=When the negated tense is a '''sumti tcita''', “nai” negation indicates that the stated relationship does not hold:}}
From {{inh|fi|fiu-fin-pro|*sünkedä}} (compare {{cog|krl|synkie}}), possibly borrowed from {{der|fi|bat}} (compare {{cog|lt|sunkùs||heavy}}).
Borrowed from {{bor|pl|de|Schlafstube}}.
* German: {{t+check|de|wimmeln}}, {{t|de|überborden}}, {{t+|de|überquellen}}
* {{l|de|Terrorakt}}, {{l|de|Terroralarm}}, {{l|de|Terrorangriff}}, {{l|de|Terroranschlag}}, {{l|de|Terrorattacke}}, {{l|de|Terrorbande}}, {{l|de|Terrorbekämpfung}}, {{l|de|Terrorgefahr}}, {{l|de|Terrorgruppe}}, {{l|de|Terrorherrschaft}}, {{l|de|Terrororganisation}}, {{l|de|Terrorvereinigung}}, {{l|de|Terrorzelle}}
* {{l|de|Terroranschlag}}, {{l|de|Terrorattacke}}
#: {{syn|de|tibetanisch}}
* German: {{t|de|Ausrutscher|m}} {{qualifier|coll.}}, {{t|de|Missgriff|m}}
From {{inh|fi|fiu-fin-pro|*tülppä}} (compare {{cog|et|tülp}}, {{cog|izh|tülppä}}, {{cog|krl|tylppä}}, {{m|krl|tylpäkkä}}, {{cog|liv|tülp}}, {{cog|vep|tülpäk}}, {{cog|vot|tülppä}}).
#* {{quote-journal|de|author=Falk Schreiber|title=Hamburger Kunstspaziergang „The Gate“: Stadt mit offenen Armen|work=Die Tageszeitung: taz|date=2021-06-13|url=!5773088/|issn=0931-9085|passage={{...}} Insgesamt dreimal hätten Anwohner:innen die Polizei gerufen, weil hier geschichtliche Zeugnisse geschändet würden, erzählt Blumenstein, und ihr Lachen an dieser Stelle hat einen bitteren '''Unterton'''.}}
{{af|fi||alt1=uppi-|niska|-inen}}, perhaps from {{der|fi|sv|uppstudsig}}
* German: {{t|de|Antiquariat|n}}
From {{inh|fi|fiu-fin-pro|*vajeltadak}} (compare {{cog|krl|vajeltuo}} (passive), {{cog|vot|vajõltaa}}, {{cog|vro|vaeldama}}), probably derived from {{m|fiu-fin-pro|*vajeh}} (from which {{m|fi|vaihtaa||to change}} was also derived; thus this word may have originally meant "to change" as well, shifting > "to change one's location" > "to wander, roam"). In dialects, the form {{m|fi||vajeltaa}} may also be found.
From {{inh|fi|fiu-fin-pro|*vapist'ak}} (compare {{cog|et|vabisema}}, {{cog|izh|vavissa}}, {{cog|krl|vavissa}}).
* {{l|fi|vasemmanpuoleinen}}
{{affix|fi||alt1=vento|vieras}}, the former component from {{der|fi|fiu-fin-pro|*vento}} (compare {{cog|et|võnnuvõõras}}, {{cog|krl|ventovieras}}, {{cog|vot|ventõise võõras}}).
Borrowed from {{bor|fi|gem-pro|*winidaz||Slav}}. A further shorter root *''venä'' is found in derivations like {{m|fi|venäläinen}} and in other Finnic languages like {{cog|vep|veńa}}. Cognates include {{cog|et|vene}}, {{m|et|Venemaa}}.
* {{audio|de|De-Viatika.ogg|Audio}}
Derived from {{der|fi|fiu-fin-pro|<!-- *vila-? -->}} (whence also {{m|fi|vilahtaa}}) {{suffix|fi||ista|alt2=istä}}. Cognate with {{cog|izh|vilissä}}, {{cog|krl|vilissä}}, and the same root is also found in {{cog|et|vile||quick, swift}}, {{cog|liv|vi’llõ||to zip, go past in a blur}}.
#* {{quote-journal|en|date=September 13, 2013|work=Washington Post|title=A Syria strike in the name of peace |author=Sebastian Junger|volume=|number=|passage=Iraq hangs heavy over the American psyche and contributes to the '''warweariness''', but the 2003 invasion was not an intervention to stop an ongoing conflict.}}
* German: {{t|de|Fitzelchen|n}} {{qualifier|coll.}}, {{t+|de|Zipfel|m}}
#* {{quote-journal|de|author=Bert Hoffmann|title=Historisches Schachduell: König ohne Krone|work=Die Tageszeitung: taz|date=2021-04-25|url=!5766705/|issn=0931-9085|passage=Capablanca galt als '''Wunderkind''', schon als Fünfjähriger soll er gegen erfahrene Spieler gewonnen haben, als Zwölfjähriger schlug er dann den Landesmeister im Schach.}}
#* {{quote-web|en|date=1991-10-01|title=The New Anti-Semitism: A Geshrei|page=33|work=Village Voice|author=Richard Goldstein|url=|passage=And I always feel uncomfortable during the High Holy Days watching people in '''yarmulkes''' rushing through the streets, knowing they’ll be swaying and moaning something ancient and indecipherable, even to me.}}
* [[ʱ]] {{gloss|U+02B1 {{small caps|modifier letter small h with hook}}}}
* [[Ɦ]] {{gloss|U+A7AA {{small caps|latin capital letter h with hook}}}}
From {{bor|grc|peo||*kandu-|lit=cloak}} or {{m|peo||kantu-|lit=covering}}.<ref>{{w|Rüdiger Schmitt}}, [ "CANDYS"] in ''{{w|Encyclopædia Iranica}}'', December 15, 1990</ref>
From a {{bor|grc|peo|-}} and {{bor|grc|xme-old|-}} compound word {{m|und|*Uvaspa}}<ref>Rüdiger Schmitt, “Medisches und persisches Sprachgut bei Herodot,” ''ZDMG'' 117, 1967, p. 131</ref> or {{m|und|*Hṷaspa-|t=possessing good horses}},<ref>{{w|Rüdiger Schmitt}}, [ "CHOASPES"] in ''{{w|Encyclopædia Iranica}}'', December 15, 1991</ref> from {{bor|grc|peo||*hu-|t=good}} + {{bor|grc|xme-old||*aspa-|t=horse}}.
#* {{quote-book|ru|title=Преступленіе и наказаніе|trans-title={{w|Crime and Punishment}}|author={{w|Fyodor Dostoevsky}}|text=— Чай-то отъ хозя́йки что ль? спроси́лъ онъ, ме́дленно и съ болѣ́зненнымъ ви́домъ приподнима́ясь на '''софѣ́'''.|t=“And the tea, is it from the landlady or something?” he asked, while slowly and with a sickly look sitting up on the '''sofa'''.|chapter=III|year=1866|isbn=}}
The origin is {{unk|xcl|title=disputed}}. The same word is found in several language groups: Iranian – {{cog|fa|تیلا|t=rope; spinning wheel}}, {{cog|kho|tr=ttīla-}} (from older {{m|kho||*tēla-|sc=Latn}}), {{cog|os|тел}}, {{cog|kmr|têl}}, {{cog|ckb|تێل}}, {{m|ckb|تەل}}; Turkic – {{cog|ota|تل|tr=tel}}, {{cog|az|tel}}, {{cog|crh|tel}}, {{cog|gag|tel}}, {{cog|kum|тел}}, {{cog|nog|тел}}, {{cog|tk|til}}, perhaps also {{cog|xqa|تِلیٖ|tr=tili|t=thong}}, {{cog|cv|тал||strand}}; Northeast Caucasian — {{cog|av|тел}}, {{cog|dar|тел}}, {{cog|lez|тел}}.<ref name=HAB>{{R:xcl:HAB|vol=II|pages=169–170}}</ref><ref>{{R:trk:VEWT|page=471a}}</ref><ref name=SDM>{{R:SDM|*t῾ḗlù|url=}}</ref><ref>{{R:ku:Cabolov|vol=II|pages=401–402}}</ref><ref>{{R:kmr:Chyet|page=616}}</ref><ref name=Abaev>{{R:os:Abaev|vol=III|page=288}}</ref> The interrelationship of these is not clear; a Turkic origin that has been suggested<ref name=SDM/><ref>{{R:SIGTYA|vol=VI|pages=811–812}}</ref> is unconvincing.
A {{bor|axm|trk}} borrowing: compare {{cog|qwm-arm|դուղուպալըխ|դուղու-պալըխ|tr=tuγu-balïχ}}, {{m|qwm|դուխուպալըխ|դուխու-պալըխ|tr=tuχu-balïχ|t=sturgeon}}, {{cog|sty|тоғы|tr=toɣɨ|t=sturgeon}}, {{cog|tk|doky|t=beluga}}, {{cog|cjs|тог|tr=tog|t=perch}}, {{cog|atv|туглы||t={{taxlink|Brachymystax|genus}}}}. {{cog|hu|tok||sturgeon|id=sturgeon}} is borrowed from the same source. For the ultimate origin see ''EDAL'' and ''Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Ungarischen'', without the Armenian, the latter citing also a Siberian Tatar ''tuɣu''.<ref>{{R:tut-pro:SDM|*togV|url=}}</ref><ref>{{R:hu:EWung|tok|page=1525a}}</ref>
#* {{quote-book|ar|year=953|author={{w|lang=ar|بزرك بن شهريار|{{lang|ar|بُزُرْگ بن شَهرِيار الرامهُرْمُزي}}}} [''Buzurg ibn Šahriyār ar-Rām-Hurmuziyy'']|title={{lang|ar|كتاب عجائب الهند}} – {{lang|fr|[ Livre des merveilles de l’Inde]}}|trans-title=The Book of the Wonders of India|editor={{w|Pieter Antonie van der Lith|lang=de}}|location=Leiden|publisher=E. J. Brill|pages=33, 94, 141–2}}
From the root {{ar-root|ح|م|م}} meaning “to become hot”, “to be heated”, “to be boiling or steaming”, “to have a fever”, “a bathhouse or sauna”; related to its other title {{m|ar|أَبُو مِن العَرَق|lit=father of sweat}} for the common use of its leaves by Arab physicians in [[w:Diaphoretics|diaphoretic]] medicines.
# {{taxlink|Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum|species}}
From {{bor|ar|la|salicastrum}} through [[aphaeresis]] and [[metathesis]]. The {{cog|es|[[jaguarzo]], [[juaguarzo]]}} is borrowed from an intermediate form with /r/. From a Romance variant is {{cog|es|arcazón|t=[[osier]]-[[twig]]}}, {{cog|gl|[[chaguazo]], [[chagazo]]|t=a kind of rockrose}}, {{cog|pt|sargaço|t=[[gulfweed]]}}, from Portuguese {{cog|es|sargazo}} and the botanic {{m|mul|Sargassum}}.
#* {{quote-web|ar|date=1998-12-12|work=Al-Bayān|title={{lang|ar|قضية عربية: أمريكا و بن لادن.. العلاقة المعقدة}}|url=|passage=في ابريل 1998 ناقش المتهم محمد صادق عدوة (أبو معاذ) الفتاوى الصادرة عن بن لادن وتنظيم القاعدة ضد أمريكا مع أعضاء آخرين من التنظيم في كينيا.|t=In April 1998 the suspect Muḥammad Ṣādiq ʿadūwa (Abū Muʿāḏ) discussed in Kenia the Fatwas issued by Bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda organization against America, together with other members of the organization.}}
# the deity [[Candamaharosana]], {{mention|sa|चण्डमहारोषण}}
# {{lb|bo|Buddhism}} consort of [[Candamaharosana]], goddess of the [[Vajra realm]], [[Sanskrit]] {{m|sa|वज्रधात्वीश्वरी}}
[[File:Fruit8.jpg|thumb|right|upright=1.25|{{taxlink|Solanum campylacanthum|species}} syns. {{taxlink|Solanum panduriforme|species|Solanum panduriforme}}, {{taxlink|Solanum incanum|species|Solanum incanum}} is found in the African tropics:<br/> Its toxicity [ variously] reduced by human selection, it is widely used as an [[analgesic|analgesic]] and in Ethiopia in particular the fruits are used as soap and in tanning leather.]]
Compare with {{cog|grc|Ἰδάνθυρσος}}, from {{cog|xsc}} {{m|und|*Hiθāmθrᵃušᵃ|lit=prospering the ally}}
Possibly from {{inh|ja|ojp|-}}; first attested in the {{m|ja||{{w|lang=ja|新撰字鏡}}|tr={{w|Shinsen Jikyō}}|Newly Compiled Mirror of Characters}} of 898–901 {{CE}}.<ref name="KDJ">{{R:Kokugo Dai Jiten}}</ref>
# {{defdate|late 1500s–late 1800s}} {{lb|ja|colloquial|men's speech|archaic}} {{n-g|sentence-ending particle signifying [[emphasis]], used to [[lightly]] [[press]] one's point, with [[affectionate]] overtones}}
First cited to the {{m|ja|:w:ja:正法眼蔵|正法眼蔵|tr={{w|Shōbōgenzō}}}}, a collection of works dated 1231–53 and written by the 13th century Japanese [[Buddhist]] monk and founder of the {{w|Sōtō}} Zen school, {{w|Eihei Dōgen}}.<ref name="KDJ"/>
* Dôran. ''Bolſa, ou ſaco grande de couro pera meter peloura, & pilouros, &c.''</ref> Over time, other uses and [[material]]s came into [[fashion]], such as use as a [[handbag]] or [[tobacco]] [[pouch]], or manufacture from {{m|ja|羅紗|tr=rasha||[[woolen]] [[felt]]}}. By the early {{w|Meiji period}} (1868–1912), [[leather]] was again a popular material, and uses had evolved to include everything from [[handbag]]s to [[satchel]]s.<ref name="SDHJ"/><ref name="KDJ">{{R:Kokugo Dai Jiten}}</ref><ref name="Brit">{{R:Britannica Japan}}</ref><ref name="DJS">{{R:Daijisen}}</ref><ref name="N">{{R:Nipponica}}</ref>
The original meaning of the kanji {{m|ja|鞄#Kanji|鞄}} referred to [[tanned]] [[leather]] or a [[tanner]] who produces such material. The [[kun'yomi]] ''kaban'' only appears from the {{w|Meiji period}} (1868–1912).<ref name="KDJ"/>