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sumti tcita

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From Lojban sumti tcita, tanru (meaning/phrase compound) spelling for sumtcita.


  • (Can we verify(+) this pronunciation?) IPA(key): /suːm.ti.tʃiː.tɑː/



sumti tcita (plural sumti tcita)

  1. (Lojban grammar) a (Lojban analogue of a) preposition; a "sumti label" for extra sumti (arguments) of the selbri which the sumti tcita modifies. (By "extra sumti" are meant sumti which have not been assigned places in the selbri (predicate)'s place structure).
    • 1991 May 13, Bob LeChevalier, “Jim Carter on lujvo place structures”, in lojban-list[1] (Usenet):
      Thus, a safer statement than yours is the claim that a fi'o construction can be devised that is semantically equivalent to any sumti tcita needed which is NOT in the lexeme BAI set.
    • 1997, JW Cowan, The complete Lojban language, page 245:
      When the negated tense is a sumti tcita, “nai” ne­gation indicates that the stated relationship does not hold:
    • 2001, Robin Turner, Nick Nicholas, Lojban For Beginners:
      We have seen in Lesson 5 that sumti tcita and tense cmavo can be used to add new sumti to a selbri.

See also
