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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-k

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
K7 {n} [internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of cassette
ka {m} :: kay, letter: k
Kabardino-Balkarie {prop} :: Kabardino-Balkariya
kabbale {f} :: Kabbalah
kabbaliste {mf} :: Kabbalist
kabbalistique {adj} :: Kabbalistic
kabbalistiquement {adv} :: cabalistically
Kaboul {prop} :: Kaboul (capital city)
kabyle {adj} :: Kabyle
kabyle {m} :: Kabyle (language)
Kabyle {mf} :: Kabyle (person)
Kabylie {f} :: Kabylia
kacha {f} :: kasha
kadhafiste {mf} :: Gaddafist
kadhafiste {adj} :: Gaddafist
kadogo {m} [Africa] :: A child soldier
kafir {mf} :: alternative form of kâfir
kâfir {mf} [Islam] :: kafir (non-believer; any non-Muslim)
kafkaïen {adj} :: Kafkaesque
kafta {m} :: kofta, a Middle Eastern spiced balled ground beef dish
kafta kebab {m} :: kafta kebab
kahanisme {m} :: Kahanism
kahaniste {adj} :: Kahanist
kahba {f} :: alternative spelling of cahba
kählérien {adj} :: Kählerian
Kahnawake {prop} :: Kahnawake (a large Mohawk community on the South Shore region of Montreal)
kahoua {m} [colloquial] :: coffee
kaïnite {f} :: kainite
kaiserlick {m} [military slang] :: an Austrian soldier during the French Revolution
kakémono {m} :: kakemono
kaki {m} :: persimmon, Sharon fruit
kaki {m} :: a persimmon tree
kaki {mf} :: the colour khaki
kaki {adj} :: of the colour khaki
kakuro {m} [games] :: kakuro
kalachnikov {f} :: A Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle
kalash {f} :: alternative case form of Kalash
Kalash {f} :: clipping of Kalashnikov
kalashnikov {f} :: A Kalashnikov assault rifle
kaléidoscope {m} :: kaleidoscope (tube of mirrors rotated to produce symmetrical designs)
kaléidoscopique {adj} :: kaleidoscopic
kaliémie {f} [pathology] :: kalemia
kalmouk {m} :: Kalmyk
Kama {prop} {f} :: Kama River
Kamâl {prop} :: Atatürk's given name
kamikaze {mf} :: kamikaze (person carrying out a suicide attack); suicide bomber
Kamoüicheff {prop} :: alternative form of Kamychlov
Kampuchéa {prop} {m} [history] :: Kampuchea
Kamychlov {prop} :: Kamyshlov (town in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia)
kan {m} :: "khan"
kanak {adj} :: Kanak (attributive)
Kanak {m} :: Kanak
kanat {m} :: khanate
kandjar {m} :: khanjar
kangourou {m} :: kangaroo
kanji {m} :: kanji
kannada {m} :: Kannada (language)
kannara {m} :: Kannada language
kânoun {f} :: alternative form of qanûn
Kansas {prop} {m} :: Kansas (state)
Kanté {prop} :: surname
kantien {adj} :: Kantian (relating to Immanuel Kant or his work)
kantisme {m} [philosophy] :: Kantism
Kaolack {prop} :: Kaolack (city)
kaolin {m} :: kaolin
kaoliniser {v} :: to kaolinize
kaolinite {f} [mineral] :: kaolinite
kaon {m} [particle] :: kaon
kaonique {adj} [physics] :: kaonic
kapo {m} [historical] :: kapo
kapokier {m} :: silk-cotton tree
kappa {m} :: kappa (Greek letter)
karaoké {m} :: Karaoke
karatchaï-balkar {adj} :: Karachay-Balkar
karatchaï-balkar {m} :: Karachay-Balkar (language of Karachays and Balkars)
karaté {m} :: karate
karcher {m} :: pressure washer
karen {adj} :: Karen (people, attributive)
Karine {prop} :: given name derived from Swedish Karin ( =Catherine)
karité {m} :: shea tree
karst {m} [geology] :: karst
karstique {adj} :: karstic
karstologie {f} [geology] :: karstology
karstologique {adj} :: karstological
karstologue {mf} :: karstologist
karting {m} :: karting
karyocinèse {f} :: alternative form of caryocinèse
karyokinèse {f} :: karyokinesis
kasbah {f} :: alternative spelling of casbah
kascher {adj} :: kosher
kashmiri {m} :: alternative spelling of cachemiri
kashrout {f} :: alternative spelling of cacherout
kasra {mf} :: kasra
Kasumi {prop} :: given name
katana {m} :: Japanese sword
Katanga {prop} {m} :: Katanga (region), originally conquered by the Congo Free State (owned by the Belgian king, not his European state) but administered as a corporate mining concession
Katanga {prop} {m} :: Since 1910, an autonomous part of the Belgian colony Congo
Katanga {prop} {m} :: Since 1933, a regular province, until 1947 however named after its capital: Elisabethstad in Dutch or Elisabethville in French
Katanga {prop} {m} :: In 1960 a unilaterally declared independent state; in 1961-63 reconquered by Congo and reorganized in three provinces until 1966; renamed Shaba 1972-1997 as part of president Mobutu's Zairization
katangais {adj} :: Katangese, from, in or relating to Katanga (all senses)
Katangais {m} :: A Katangese, person from or descended from the people if Katanga (all senses)
Katangaise {f} :: feminine noun of Katangais
Katar {prop} {m} :: Katar (country)
kathakali {m} :: kathakali
Katia {prop} {f} :: given name
Katmandou {prop} {f} :: Katmandou (capital city)
kawa {m} :: alternative form of caoua, meaning coffee
kawa {m} :: (Piper methysticum) kava
kawa {m} :: kava, beverage made from Piper methysticum
kawi {m} :: Kawi (language)
kayak {m} :: kayak
kayak de neige {m} [uncountable] :: snow kayaking
kayak de neige {m} [countable] :: snow kayak
kayaker {v} :: to kayak
kayakeur {m} :: kayaker (one who kayaks)
kayakeuse {f} :: feminine noun of kayakeur
kayak sur neige {m} [uncountable] :: snow kayaking
kayak sur neige {m} [countable] :: snow kayak
kazakh {m} :: Kazakh (language)
kazakh {adj} :: Kazakh
kazatchok {m} :: kozachok (Ukrainian and Russian couple-dance style)
Kazuko {prop} :: given name
kebab {m} :: kebab (dish of skewered meat and vegetables)
kébab {m} :: kebab
kebbé {n} :: kibbeh
Kébécois {m} [slang] :: Quebecer; Québécois person
Kébécoise {f} :: feminine noun of Kébécois
keepsake {m} [historical] :: keepsake, literary album
keffieh {m} :: keffiyeh (cloth worn on head)
kéfir {m} :: kefir (fermented milk)
Keiko {prop} :: given name
keirin {m} [cycling] :: keirin
kekulène {m} [organic compound] :: kekulene
kelvin {m} :: a kelvin
kémalisme {m} :: Kemalism
kémaliste {adj} :: Kemalist
kémite {adj} :: Kemetic
kémitisme {m} :: Kemetism
ken {v} [vulgar, slang] :: synonym of niquer
Kenpeitai {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Kempeitai
Kenya {prop} {m} :: Kenya
kenyan {adj} :: Kenyan
Kenzo {prop} :: given name
képi {m} :: kepi (cap with a flat circular top)
képi {v} [slang, verlan] :: to steal, to rob
kératectomie {f} [surgery] :: keratectomy
kératine {f} [protein] :: keratin
kératinisation {f} :: keratinization
kératiniser {v} :: to keratinize
kératite {f} [disease] :: keratitis
kératoconjonctivite {f} [disease] :: keratoconjunctivitis
kératogène {adj} :: keratogenic
kératose {f} [pathology] :: keratosis
kérite {f} :: kerite
kermès {m} :: kermes oak
kermésite {f} [mineralogy] :: kermesite
kermesse {f} :: fête
kermodisme {m} :: Kermodism
kérosène {m} :: kerosene (fuel oil)
késaco {interj} [colloquial] :: What is it?
késita {m} :: A Biblical silver coin (of unknown worth)
kétamine {f} [medicine] :: ketamine
ketchup {m} :: ketchup
keuf {m} [slang, verlan, backslang] :: cop, pig, rozzer
keum {m} [slang] :: bloke, guy
keusteu {adj} [slang, verlan, backslang] :: stuck
keut {m} [slang, backslang, verlan] :: apocopic form of keutru
keutru {m} [slang, backslang, verlan] :: thing
Kevin {prop} :: given name recently borrowed from English
Kévin {prop} :: given name, a less common spelling of Kevin
kevlar {m} :: Kevlar
keynésianisme {m} [economics] :: Keynesianism
keynésianiste {adj} [economics] :: Keynesianist
keynésien {adj} :: Keynesian
KGB {prop} {m} :: KGB (the former Soviet State Security Committee)
khâgne {f} [colloquial] :: The second year course, preceded by hypokhâgne, of a two-year academic cycle in France (called Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles, Humanities section) whose aim is to prepare students for the entrance competition to the École normale supérieure in Paris
khaki {adj} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of kaki
khalife {m} :: caliph
khammès {m} :: A sharecropper, in the Mahgreb, who retained a fifth of the produce
khammessat {m} :: A form of sharecropping, in the Mahgreb, in which the farmer retained a fifth of the produce
khan {m} :: "khan"
khanat {m} :: khanate
kharidjisme {m} [Islam] :: Khawarij (branch of Islam)
kharidjite {mf} [Islam] :: Kharijite
kharijisme {m} :: alternative form of kharidjisme
kharijite {mf} :: alternative form of kharidjite
khat {m} :: khat; qat
khawef {adj} :: frightful, timid
khépesh {m} [weapons] :: khopesh
Khe Sanh {prop} :: Khe Sanh (city)
khey {m} [slang] :: brother
khey {m} [slang] :: bro; dude
kheyette {f} :: feminine singular of khey
khi {m} :: chi (Greek letter)
khmer {m} :: Khmer (the national language of Cambodia)
khmer {adj} :: Khmer
khôl {m} :: kohl
khopesh {m} :: alternative form of khépesh
khrouchtchévien {adj} :: Khrushchevian
kibboutz {m} :: kibbutz (community)
kibick {m} :: (Russia) A kind of road vehicle
kibioctet {m} :: kibibyte
kickboxeur {m} :: kickboxer
kickboxeuse {f} :: feminine singular of kickboxeur
kicker {m} [Belgium] :: table football, table soccer
kicker {v} [internet] :: to kick; to eject [e.g. from a forum]
kidnapper {v} :: to kidnap
kidnappeur {m} :: kidnapper
kidnappeuse {f} :: female equivalent of kidnappeur
kidnapping {m} :: a kidnapping
kief {m} :: siesta
kief {m} :: (drug-induced) ecstasy, stupor
kief {m} :: alternative form of kif
kielbasa {mf} :: kielbasa (Polish sausage)
Kielburger {prop} :: surname
kieselguhr {m} :: kieselguhr, diatomaceous earth
kiesérite {f} :: kieserite
Kiev {prop} {m} :: Kiev (capital city)
Kiev {prop} {m} :: Kiev (oblast)
kif {m} :: kif
kifer {v} [slang] :: alternative spelling of kiffer
kiffer {vt} [slang] :: to love or like
kiffer {vi} [slang] :: to smoke hashish
kif-kif {adj} [colloquial] :: same, alike
kif-kif bourricot {adj} :: all the same
kiki {m} [dated] :: throat
kiki {m} [childish] :: penis
kikongo {m} :: Kikongo (language)
kikongo {adj} :: Kikongo (attributive)
Kikuko {prop} :: given name
kikuyu {adj} :: Kikuyu
kikuyu {m} :: Kikuyu
kikuyu {m} :: Kikuyu grass
kilo- {prefix} :: kilo-
kilo {m} :: kilo
kiloampère {m} :: kiloampere
kiloélectronvolt {m} :: kiloelectronvolt
kilogramme {m} :: kilogram
kilogrammètre {m} :: kilogram-metre
kilokatal {m} :: kilokatal
kilométrage {m} :: kilometrage (equivalant to mileage)
kilomètre {m} :: kilometre
kilométrique {adj} :: kilometric
kilométrique {adj} [colloquial] :: very long, long as one's arm
kilométriquement {adv} :: kilometrically
kilooctet {m} [computing] :: kilobyte
kilowatt {m} :: kilowatt
kilowattheure {m} :: kilowatt-hour
kimbanguisme {m} :: Kimbanguism
kimchi {m} :: kimchi
Kimpembe {prop} :: surname
kiné {mf} [colloquial] :: physio (physiotherapist)
kinèse {f} :: kinesis
kinésiologie {f} :: kinesiology
kinésique {f} :: kinesics
kinésithérapeute {mf} :: physiotherapist
kinésithérapie {f} :: kinesiotherapy
kinesthésique {adj} :: kinesthetic
kinesthésiquement {adv} :: kinesthetically
kinétique {adj} :: alternative form of kinésique
kinétique {adj} :: alternative form of cinétique
kinétochore {m} [biology] :: kinetochore
kinétoplastidé {m} [biology] :: kinetoplastid
Kingersheim {prop} :: Kingersheim (commune)
kinkajou {m} :: kinkajou
kinkajou {m} [obsolete] :: wolverine
kinois {adj} :: Kinshasan
Kinois {m} :: Kinshasan
Kinoise {f} :: feminine singular of Kinois
kinovate {m} [organic chemistry] :: kinovate
kinovique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: kinovic, quinovic
Kinshasa {prop} {m} :: Kinshasa (capital city)
kinyarwanda {m} :: Kinyarwanda (language)
kiosque {m} :: kiosk (enclosed structure)
kiosque {m} :: ellipsis of kiosque à musique; bandstand
kiplingien {adj} :: Kiplingian
kippa {f} :: kippah, skullcap
kir {m} :: kir (beverage)
kir breton {m} :: a cocktail made with a measure of crème de cassis topped up with cider
kirghiz {adj} :: Kyrgyz (of, or relating to, Kyrgyzstan)
kirghiz {m} :: Kyrgyz (language)
Kirghizistan {prop} {m} :: Kyrgyzstan
Kirghizstan {prop} {m} :: Kyrgyzstan
kirpan {m} [Sikhism] :: A kirpan
kirsch {m} :: kirsch
kirundi {m} :: Kirundi
kisdé {m} [slang] :: (plainclothes) cop
kissel {m} :: kisel
kitch {m} :: kitsch
kitch {adj} :: kitsch
kitesurf {m} :: kitesurfing
kitschissime {adj} :: Very kitch
kiwi {m} :: kiwi; kiwi fruit
Kiyoko {prop} :: given name
klaxon {m} :: horn (of car)
klaxonner {v} :: to honk (sound a horn)
Kleenex {m} :: Kleenex
Klein {prop} :: surname
kleinéen {adj} [maths] :: Kleinian
klephte {m} :: klepht
kleptocratie {f} :: kleptocracy
kleptomane {mf} :: kleptomaniac
kleptomanie {f} :: kleptomania
klezmer {m} [music] :: klezmer
klingon {m} :: the Klingon language
klingon {adj} :: Klingon
Klingonne {f} :: feminine noun of Klingon
klossowskien {adj} :: Klossowskian
klystron {m} [physics] :: klystron
KN95 {m} :: KN95; an air particulate filtration standard requiring 95% filtration of particules sized 0.3 microns across and larger
knicker {m} :: alternative spelling of knickers; knickerbockers
knickerbocker {m} :: alternative spelling of knickerbockers
knickerbockers {mp} :: knickerbockers
knickers {mp} :: knickerbockers
knock-outer {v} :: alternative form of knockouter
knockouter {vt} :: To knock out [boxing]
knout {m} :: knout, scourge
knout {m} :: a flogging administered with such a multiple whip; a condemnation to suffer it
ko {m} :: abbreviation of kilooctet (kilobyte)
koala {m} :: koala
koan {m} :: koan
koi {pron} [internet slang, texting] :: alternative spelling of quoi
koinè {f} :: koine
koinè {f} :: Koine (language)
koinéisation {f} :: koinëisation
Kojima {prop} :: surname
kolkhoze {m} :: kolkhoz (farming collective)
kombu {m} :: kombu
Komintern {prop} {m} :: Comintern (international association of Communist parties)
kommando {m} :: a group of French Second World War prisoners of war in Germany
Kondo {prop} :: surname
konkani {m} [uncountable] :: The Konkani language
konkani {m} :: A Konkani person
konzo {m} :: konzo
koppa {m} :: alternative spelling of coppa
Kosice {prop} :: Kosice
Kosice {prop} :: Kosice (city)
Kosice {prop} :: Kosice (region)
Košice {prop} :: Košice
Košice {prop} :: Košice (city)
Košice {prop} :: Košice (region)
kosovar {adj} :: Kosovan
Kosovar {m} :: Kosovar (man from Kosovo)
Kosovare {f} :: feminine singular of Kosovar
kot {m} [Belgium] :: student flat, student room
koter {v} [Belgium] :: to live or stay in a student flat
koto {m} :: koto (musical instruments)
Kouan-yin {prop} :: alternative form of Guanyin
Kouban {prop} {m} :: Kouban (area)
Kouban {prop} {m} :: Kouban (river)
kouffar {mf} :: kafir
kouglof {m} :: Gugelhupf; bundt cake
kouign-amann {m} :: A traditional Breton butter cake
koulak {m} :: kulak (a prosperous peasant)
koulibiac {m} :: coulibiac
koulibiak {m} :: coulibiac
koumis {m} :: koumiss
kourtchatovium {m} :: kurchatovium
Kovrig {prop} :: Kovrig (surname)
Kowalski {prop} :: surname
Koweït {prop} {m} :: Kuwait
koweitien {adj} :: Kuwaiti
koweïtien {adj} :: Kuwaiti
kpata {adj} [nouchi] :: spiffy, well-dressed
kpê {m} [nouchi] :: quim, twat
kpoklé {f} [nouchi] :: fizgig, skank, a woman who compromises on morals a lot for personal benefit
krach {m} [finance] :: crash
kraftwerkien {adj} :: Kraftwerkian
kraken {m} :: Kraken
Kremlin {prop} {m} :: Kremlin (the Moscow Kremlin)
kremlinologie {f} :: Kremlinology
krewe {m} [chiefly Louisiana] :: a krewe
kronprinz {m} :: crown prince (of a German-speaking country)
krypton {m} :: krypton
ksar {m} :: ksar
ksi {m} :: xi (Greek letter)
k-sos {m} [slang] :: Someone excessively stupid
k-sos {m} [slang] :: Someone annoying
ku {m} :: cue, letter: q
Kuala Lumpur {prop} {m} :: Kuala Lumpur (capital city)
Kuala Lumpur {prop} {m} :: Kuala Lumpur (federal territory)
kufique {adj} :: Kufic
Kugaaruk {prop} :: Kugaaruk (a hamlet)
kugelhof {m} :: alternative spelling of kougelhopf
kuhnien {adj} :: Kuhnian
Kumiko {prop} :: given name
kummel {m} :: kummel
kuna {mf} :: kuna (currency of Croatia)
kung-fu {m} :: kung fu
Kuniko {prop} :: given name
kurde {adj} :: Kurdish
kurde {m} :: Kurdish (language of Kurdistan)
Kurde {mf} :: Kurd
Kurimoto {prop} :: surname
kvas {m} :: kvass (traditional Slavic drink)
K-way {m} :: windbreaker, raincoat
kyllopodie {f} [pathology] :: kyllosis, clubfoot
kymographie {f} :: kymography
kyrie {m} [Christianity] :: kyrie (prayer)
kyrie eleison {m} [Christianity] :: A prayer, beginning with the words Kyrie eleison, that is part of the Christian liturgy: a kyrie
kyrielle {f} [dated] :: rigmarole
kyrielle {f} :: host, stream (de (of))
kyrielle {f} [prosody] :: kyrielle
kyste {m} :: cyst (sac which develops in the natural cavities of an organ)
kystique {adj} :: cystic (relating to a cyst)