English citations of Tatrang

- 1920, Rustichello da Pisa, translated by Henry Yule, edited by Henri Cordier, The Travels of Marco Polo[1], →OCLC:
- Grenard says (pp. 183-184) that he examined the remains of what is called the old town of Charchan, traces of the ancient canal, ruins of dwellings deep into the sand, of which the walls built of large and solid-baked bricks, are pretty well preserved. Save these bricks, "I found hardly anything, the inhabitants have pillaged everything long ago. I attempted some excavating, which turned out to be without result, as far as I was concerned; but the superstitious natives declared that they were the cause of a violent storm which took place soon after. There are similar ruins in the environs, at Yantak Koudouk, at Tatrang, one day's march to the north, and at Ouadjchahari at five days to the north-east, which corresponds to the position assigned to Lop by Marco Polo." (See Grenard's Haute Asie on Nia.)
- 1990, Defense Mapping Agency, “TPC G-7D China; India; Pakistan”, in Tactical Pilotage Chart[2]:
- Tatrang
- 2004年10月3日至12日,在新疆南部且末縣塔特讓乡塔里木馬鹿人工飼養場對15隻圈養塔里木馬鹿的活動時間分配及種群的站立和運動、休息(静卧)、攝食和飲水、反芻等4種行為,採用目標及掃描取樣方法進行了觀察,並對各行為的發生率進行了統計分析。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 2005, A Preliminary Study on the Time Budget and Social Activity Pattern of Captive Tarim Red Deer (Cervus elaphus yarkandensis Blanford) in Xinjiang (圈养塔里木马鹿白昼活动时间分配及行为格局的初步研究), Anwar Tumur (艾尼瓦尔·吐米尔), Arzigul Keyum (阿孜古丽·克依木), Mahmut Halik (马合木提·哈力克), →OCLC
- 2004 nián 10 yuè 3 rì zhì 12 rì, zài Xīnjiāng nánbù Qiěmò Xiàn Tǎtèràng Xiāng Tǎlǐmù mǎlù réngōng sìyǎng chǎng duì 15 zhī quānyǎng Tǎlǐmù mǎlù de huódòng shíjiān fēnpèi jí zhǒngqún de zhànlì hé yùndòng, xiūxī (jìngwò), shèshí hé yǐnshuǐ, fǎnchú děng 4 zhǒng xíngwéi, cǎiyòng mùbiāo jí sǎomiáo qǔyàng fāngfǎ jìnxíng le guānchá, bìng duì gè xíngwéi de fāshēng lǜ jìnxíng le tǒngjì fēnxī. [Pinyin]
- This preliminary study on time budget and social activity pattern of captive Tarim red deer was conducted between 3 to 12, October 2004 at Tatrang village of the Southern Xinjiang. The sampling population was 15, some of which were captured from wild at different stages, and some were born by captured deer. Four behaviors such as standing and locomotion (SL), feeding and drinking (FD), rumjnating[sic – meaning ruminating](RU) and bedding and resting (BR) were observed with the method focal sampling and scanning sampling.
2004年10月3日至12日,在新疆南部且末县塔特让乡塔里木马鹿人工饲养场对15只圈养塔里木马鹿的活动时间分配及种群的站立和运动、休息(静卧)、摄食和饮水、反刍等4种行为,采用目标及扫描取样方法进行了观察,并对各行为的发生率进行了统计分析。 [MSC, simp.]- 2023 August 3, Liao Ruiling, “Hospital train brings brightness to cataract patients in Xinjiang”, in Chang Sha, Du Mingming, editors, People's Daily[3], archived from the original on August 03, 2023[4]:
- In Qiemo county's Aketikandun township, Kuoshisatema township and Tatrang, the medical team launched screening tests for over 200 people and diagnosed nearly 100 cataract patients. These patients received free cataract surgeries in mid-July.