Category:Czech nouns
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Czech terms that indicate people, beings, things, places, phenomena, qualities or ideas.
For more information, see Appendix:Czech nouns.
- Category:Czech noun forms: Czech nouns that are inflected to display grammatical relations other than the main form.
- Category:Czech agent nouns: Czech nouns that denote an agent that performs the action denoted by the verb from which the noun is derived.
- Category:Czech animate nouns: Czech nouns that refer to humans or animals.
- Category:Czech augmentative nouns: Czech nouns that are derived from a base word to convey big size or big intensity.
- Category:Czech collective nouns: Czech nouns that indicate groups of related things or beings, without the need of grammatical pluralization.
- Category:Czech countable nouns: Czech nouns that can be quantified directly by numerals.
- Category:Czech diminutive nouns: Czech nouns that are derived from a base word to convey endearment, small size or small intensity.
- Category:Czech nouns by gender: Czech nouns organized by the gender they belong to.
- Category:Czech inanimate nouns: Czech nouns that refer to inanimate objects (not humans or animals).
- Category:Czech nouns by inflection type: Czech nouns organized by the type of inflection they follow.
- Category:Czech nouns with multiple animacies: Czech nouns that belong to more than one animacy.
- Category:Czech nominalized adjectives: Czech adjectives that are used as nouns.
- Category:Czech nouns with other-gender equivalents: Czech nouns that refer to gendered concepts (e.g. actor vs. actress, king vs. queen) and have corresponding other-gender equivalent terms.
- Category:Czech pluralia tantum: Czech nouns that are mostly or exclusively used in the plural form.
- Category:Czech proper nouns: Czech nouns that indicate individual entities, such as names of persons, places or organizations.
- Category:Czech singularia tantum: Czech nouns that are mostly or exclusively used in the singular form.
- Category:Czech uncountable nouns: Czech nouns that indicate qualities, ideas, unbounded mass or other abstract concepts that cannot be quantified directly by numerals.
- Category:Czech verbal nouns: Czech nouns morphologically related to a verb and similar to it in meaning.
This category has the following 21 subcategories, out of 21 total.
- Czech noun forms (0 c, 8011 e)
- Czech agent nouns (0 c, 96 e)
- Czech animate nouns (0 c, 11423 e)
- Czech augmentative nouns (0 c, 2 e)
- Czech collective nouns (0 c, 69 e)
- Czech countable nouns (0 c, 1 e)
- Czech inanimate nouns (0 c, 7206 e)
- Czech nouns with multiple animacies (0 c, 63 e)
- Czech nominalized adjectives (0 c, 10 e)
- Czech pluralia tantum (0 c, 415 e)
- Czech nouns with quantitative vowel alternation (0 c, 162 e)
- Czech singularia tantum (0 c, 52 e)
- Czech uncountable nouns (0 c, 1231 e)
- Czech verbal nouns (0 c, 674 e)
- Czech nouns with í-ě alternation (0 c, 20 e)
Pages in category "Czech nouns"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 23,174 total.
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