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Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/B

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baaken Babcock and Wilcox mill Babel quartz Babylonian quartz bacalite back back acter back and underhand stoping milling system back arch back balance backblast back break back brusher back-bye work back casing backcast stripping back coal back coming back-end man back entry backfill back filling back-filling system backfire backfolding background backhand backhaul backhaul cable back heading backhoe back holes backing backing deals backing off backing sand backjoint backlash back leads back mine back-off shooting back of lode back of ore back-out switch back pressure back prop back ripper back rippings backrush backs backs and cutters backscatter backshift back shot backsight backsight hub back skin back slip back slope back splinting backstamp backstay backstone back stope back stopes backstroke jigging backup gear back vent backwardation backward folding backwash back work bacon bacon stone baculite bad air baddeleyite badlands bad top baeumlerite baff ends baffle board baffle plate baffler baffle tube baffle wall bag bag filter baghouse bag of foulness bag of gas bag powder bag process bahada baikalite baikerinite baikerite bail bailer bailiff bailing bajada baja de metales bajo bakerite baking bal balance balance bob balance brow balance car balanced cutter chain balanced direct-rope haulage balanced draft balanced hoisting balanced ventilation balanced vibrating conveyor balanced winding balance pit balance plane balance rope balance sheet balance shot balas balas ruby balata belt Balbach process bald bald-headed anticline balistite balkstone ball ball-and-socket reamer ball and test ballas ballast ballast car ballast engine ballast shovel ball bearing ball burnishing ball clay ballers ball grinder ball head balling balling formation balling furnace balling tool ball ironstone ballistic mortar test ballistite ball jasper ball mill ball mill grindability test ball milling ball mill method Ball-Norton magnetic separator balls ball sizing ball stamp ballstone ball vein bally seating balmaiden balnstone baltimorite banakite banalsite band band chain band conveyor banded banded agate banded coal banded differentiate banded ingredient banded iron formation banded ironstone banded obsidian banded ore banded peat banded-quartz hematite banded quartz-hematite ore banded structure banded texture banded vein band scale band wander bandylite bandy metal bank Banka drill bank claim bank coal bank engine banker off banket bank gravel bank head bank height banking bank measure bank mining bank of cells bank of ovens bank protection bank pump bank right bank slope bank slope stability banksman bank water bankwork bank yards banos banqueria bantams baotite bar baralyme bararite bar-belt conveyor barbertonite barbosalite bar channeler bar coal cutter bar diggings bar drill bare barefoot bare motor barequear barequeo barequero barer barfe Saturday bar flight conveyor barge loader barges bar grizzly barilla baring barite barite rosette barium barium feldspar Barkhausen effect barley bar mining barnesite barograph barometer barometric leg barometric leveling barometric pressure baroque barotrauma barranca barrandite barrel barrel copper barrel of oil barrel washer barrel work barren barren ground barren hole barren measures barren solution barricade barrier barrier gate barrier materials barrier pillar barrier system bar rig barring barring down barrings barring scrap barro barroisite barrow barrowman barrowway Barry mining barsanovite bar screen bar timbering bar tin Bartlett table Barvoys process barylite barysilite barysphere baryta barytes barytocalcite basal arkose basal cleavage basal conglomerate basal pinacoid basal plane basal reef basalt basal thrust plane basaltic basaltic dome basaltic hornblende basaltic layer basaltine basaluminite basanite base base box base bullion base charge base course base exchange base failure base flow base fracture baselevel baseleveled plain baselevel plain base line base map basement basement complex basement rock (complex) base metal base ore base plug base price base rock base station basic basic bottom and lining basic flowsheet basic front basic grade basic lava basic lining basic lining process basic oxygen process basic price basic process basic refractories basic refractory lining basic slag basic solvent basic steel basin basin-and-range basining basin range basis price basket basket centrifuge basket core basket core lifter basonomelane bass basset bassetite bastard bastard asbestos bastard cauk bastard emerald bastard freestone bastard ganister bastard quartz bastard shale bastite bastnaesite bastnasite bastonite batch batch charger batch feeder batch grinding batch house batch mill batch sintering batch smelter batch test batch treatment bate batea bate barrel bath batholith batholithic bathotonic reagent bathvillite bathyal bathyal zone bathyclinograph bathyconductograph bathygram bathylith bathymeter bathymetric bathymetrical bathymetric chart bathymetric contour bathymetry bathyorographical bathypelagic bathyscaphe bathysmal bathysophical bathysphere bathysystem bathythermogram bathythermograph bathythermosphere bathyvessel bating batten batter batter boards battered set batter level battery battery charging station battery of holes battery of ovens battery ore battery starter battery starting baulk Baume gravity baumhauerite Baum jig baum pot Baum washer bauxite bauxite brick bauxite cement bauxite pneumoconiosis bauxitic bauxitic clay bauxitization bavenite b axis bay bayerite Bayer process bayldonite bayleyite bay salt bazzite bc-joint b direction beach concentrate beach deposit beach drift beach mining beach ore beach placer beach ridge bead beads bead tests beaker decantation beam beam action Beaman stadia arc beam building beam compass beam engine bean ore bean rock beans bear bearer bearer bar bearers bearing bearing bed bearing capacity bearing door bearing-in bearing-in shots bearing plate bearing pressure bearing set bearing stake bearing stratum bearing strength bearsite bears' muck beater beater mill beaverite Becke line beckerite Becke test Becorit system becquerelite bed bed claim bedded bedded deposit bedded formation bedded rock bedding bedding cleavage bedding down bedding fault bedding fissility bedding glide bedding joint bedding plane bedding thrust bede Bedford limestone bed joint bedrock bedrock test bed separation bed vein beech coal beeches beef beehive coke beehive coke oven beehive kiln Beethoven exploder beetle stone beetling stones before breast beidellite Beien kep gear Beien machine Beilby layer Belfast truss Belgian coke oven Belgian effective temperature Belgian oven Belgian press Belgian process Belgian silex Belgian zinc furnace belgite belite belith Belknap chloride washer process bell bellan belland bell and hopper bellcrank drive belled bell holes bellies bellingerite bellite bell jar bell-metal ore bell mold bellows bell pit mining Bell process bell screw Bell's dephosphorizing process bell sheave bell socket bell tap bell top bellund bell work belly belly pipe Belomorite belonesite belonite belovite belt belt capacity belt cleaner belt conveyor belt conveyor structure belt creep belt dressing belt feeder belt flotation belt friction belt horsepower belting belt loader beltman belt of variables belt press belt protection device belt slip belt table belt tensioning device belt tripper belt-type conveyor Belugou imperfection coefficient belyankinite Belynski's reagent bementite ben bench bench-and-bench bench blasting bench claim bench coal bench cut bench diggings benched foundation benches bench face bench flume bench gravel bench height benching benching iron bench mark bench of timbers bench placer bench scrap bench slope bench working benchy Bendelari jig bending stress bend pulley bend radius bends bend shaft bend tangent bend test bend wheel beneficiate beneficiation Bengal amethyst benitoite benjaminite benstonite bent Benthic Division benthonic benthos bentonite bentonitic clay bent sieve benzenol benzol indicator beraunite berdan Berek compensator bergalite bergalith bergbutter bergenite Berglof process berkeleyite berkelium Berlin blue Berlin iron berm bermanite berm interval bernardinite bernstein berthierine berthonite bertrandite Bertrand lens Bertrand process beryl beryllides berylliosis beryllite beryllium beryllium aluminate beryllium carbide beryllium disilicate beryllium nitride beryllium oxide beryllonite beryloid beryloscope beryl preferential stain process berzelianite berzeliite Bessemer Bessemer afterblow Bessemer blow Bessemer converter Bessemer iron ore Bessemer matte Bessemer ore Bessemer pig iron Bessemer process beta beta chalcocite betafite beta particle beta quartz beta ray beta tin betatron beta zinc sulfide betechtinit betekhtinite Bethell's process between-laboratory tolerance beudantite bevel cut bevel gear beyerite B.H. bit B-horizon biard biat biaxial biaxial stone bicable bicylindroconical drum bieberite bifurcating feeder Big Coal D bigging big-stone bit bikitaite bilateral transducer Bilharz table bilinite billy billy coal bimagmatic bin binary alloy binary cycle binary explosive binary granite binary system bind binder binderless briquetting bindheimite binding bolt bin feeder bing bin gate Bingham model bing hole bing ore bing place binnite bioassay biochemical deposit biochemical prospecting bioclastic biogenic biogeochemical anomaly biogeochemical prospecting biogeochemistry bioherm bioleaching biolite biolith bioluminescence biomechanical deposit bionomics biopelite biophile bioreactor biosphere biostrome biotite biotite gneiss biotitite Biot number bipolar electrode bipyramid bird bird's-eye bird's-eye coal bird's-eye limestone bird's-eye porphyry bird's-eye slate Bird solid-bowl centrifuge birefracting birefractive birefringence birefringent birne birnessite Birtley coal picker Birtley contraflow separator bischofite biscuit bishop's stone bisilicate bismite bismoclite bismuth bismuth blende bismuth glance bismuth gold bismuthine bismuthinite bismuth ocher bismuth selenide bismuth spar bismuth telluride bismutite bismutotantalite bisphenoid bit bit blank bit clearance bit contour bit core bit count bit crown bit-crown metal bit die bit disc bit drag bit face bit feed bit life bit load bit matrix bit mold bit performance bit pressure bit reaming shell bit ring bit shank bitter lake bittern bitter salt bitter spar bit thrust bitumen bitumen cable bitumenite bitumen lapideum bituminiferous Bituminite bituminous bituminous coal bituminous grout bituminous limestone bituminous ores bituminous rock bituminous shale bit wall bit weight bityite bivalent bixbite bixbyite black alkali black amber black andradite garnet black ash blackband blackband ironstone blackband ore black bat black body black box black chalk black cobalt black concentrate black copper black copper ore black coral black cotton blackdamp black diamond black flux black garnet black gold black granite black gunpowder black hematite black iron black iron ore blackjack black lead blacklead ore black light black liquor black liquor recovery furnaces blacklung black magnetic rouge black manganese black metal black mica black muck black mud black ocher black opal black ore black oxide of manganese black pigment black powder black roast black rouge black sand black shale black silver black smoker black telluride black tellurium black tin black wad bladder pump blade bladed bladed structure blade mill blaes Blair process Blaisdell excavator Blaisdell loading machinery Blaisdell vat excavator blaize Blake breaker Blake furnace blakeite Blake jaw crusher Blake Morscher separator blank blank bit blanket blanket deposit blanket feed blanketing blanket sand blanket sandstone blanket shooting blanket sluice blanket strake blanket vein blanket washer blank hole blankoff blank pipe blank reaming shell Blanton cam Blasjo cut blast blast coupling blast draft blaster blast furnace blast furnace dust blast furnace gas blast-furnace slag blast hearth blasthole blasthole charger blasthole drill blasthole driller blasting agent blasting barrel blasting cap blasting cartridge blasting circuit blasting compounds blasting cord blasting curtain blasting fuse blasting galvanometer blasting gelatin blasting hole well driller blasting log blasting machine blasting mat blasting needle blasting off the solid blasting oil blasting reflection mechanism blasting supplies blasting switch blasting timer blasting tube blasting unit blasting vibrations blast nozzle blastogranitic blastophitic blastoporphyritic blast pattern blast roasting blast site bleaching clay bleaching earth bleb bled ingot bleeder bleeder entries bleeder pipe bleeding bleeding surface bleed off blende blended unconformity blending blending conveyor blind blind apex blind bit blind borehole process blind drift blinde blind header blind hole blinding blind joint blind lead blind level blind lode blind road blind roaster blind seams blind shaft blind shearing blind vein blind way blind zone blip Bliss sandstone blister blister bar blister copper blistered copper ore blister steel blister wax bloating phenomena block block caving block caving into chutes block claim block diagram blocked-out ore block faulting block field block hole blockholer block hole shot blockholing blocking blocking and wedging blocking out block kriging blockmaking block mica block mountain block movement block off block out block riffles block structure block system block system of stoping and filling block-tin lining blocky rock bloedite Bloman tube breathing apparatus blomstrandine bloodstone blooey line bloom bloomer bloomery blooming mill blow blow count blower blower fan blower system blower wax blowhole blow in blowing blowing engine blowing in blowing on taphole blowing road blowing tools blowing-up furnace blowing ventilation blown metal blown-out shot blowout blowout shot blowover blowpipe reaction blowpiping blowup blue annealing blue asbestos blue band blue-black ore blue brittleness blue cap blue chalcedony blue chalcocite blue copper blue copper ore blue earth blue gold blue granite blue ground blue iron earth blue ironstone blue lead blue lead ore blue malachite blue metal blue mud blue needles blue ocher blue powder blue quartz blue-rock phosphate blue room blue schorl blue spar bluestone blue tops blue vitriol blue-white diamond bluntin Blyth elutriator BM B.M.A.G.A. apparatus board board-and-pillar board-and-wall board coal board gates board of trade unit board run boart boartz boat bobbin bocca body boggildite boghead cannel boghead cannel shale boghead coal boghedite bogie bog iron bog iron ore bog lime bog manganese bog-mine ore bog mine ore bog muck bog oak bog ore bog peat Bohemian garnet Bohemian ruby boehmite bohr magneton boiler burner unit boiler circulating pump boiling furnace boiling point boilum bolar bole boleite Boliden gravimeter Bolognan stone Bologna spar Bologna stone bolognian stone bolson Bolsover experiment bolt bolthole bolt-hole brush bolting bolting silk boltwoodite bolus alba bomb bomb calorimeter bonanza bonattite bond and lease Bond and Wang theory Bondaroy's yellow bond clay bonded refractories bonder bondman Bond's third theory bone bone ash bone bed bone coal bone phosphate bone phosphate of lime bone turquoise bonnet bony bony coal bonze boobey book clay booked mica book mica book structure boom boom cat boom conveyor boom ditch boomer boomerang sediment corer booming boom man boort boose booster booster conveyor booster drive booster fan booster pump booster station boot boothite booting bootleg bootlegger bootlegging booze boracite Borascu borate borax borax bead borax bead test bord bord-and-pillar bord-and-pillar method bord-and-pillar working bord-and-wall bord cleat bord course bord drivage border facies bord gate bordroom bordroom man bords and longwork bordways bordways course bore borehole borehole bottom charge borehole cable borehole casing borehole deformation gage borehole log borehole logging borehole mining borehole pressure borehole pump borehole samples borehole sealing borehole spacing borehole survey borehole surveying bore meal borer bore rod borides boring boring bar boring log borings bornite boron boronatrocalcite boron carbide boronitrocalcite boron nitride boron phosphate boron phosphide boron silicides borrow material borrow pit bort bort bit borts bort-set bit bortz bosh bosh jacket bosh tank boss bossing Boss process bostonite bostonitic bostrichites botallackite botanical anomaly botanical prospecting botryogen botryoid botryoidal botryolite bottom bottom bed bottom belt conveyor bottom benching bottom bounce bottom break bottom canch bottom coal bottom cut bottom cutter bottom diameter bottom-discharge bucket conveyor bottom-discharge conveyor bucket bottom-dump car bottom-dump scraper bottom-dump semitrailers bottom dump truck bottomed bottom-emptying skip bottom equipment bottom filler bottom gate bottom heading bottom hole bottom-hole pressure bottom-hole temperature bottoming bottom lift bottom loading belt bottom maker bottom pillar bottom-pour ingot assembly bottom-pour ladle bottom rock bottoms bottom sample bottom sampler bottom sheets bottom subsidence bott plug bott stick boudin boudinage Bouguer anomaly Bouguer correction Bouguer gravity Bouguer reduction boulangerite boulder boulder blasting boulder buster boulder clay boulder flat boulder gravel boulder motion boulder quarry boulder stone boule boulet bounce bounce cast bound boundary boundary fault boundary films boundary map boundary pillar bound gravel Bourdon tube bournonite bouse bouse team bout bouteillenstein boutgate bouton bowenite bowenite jade Bowen's reaction series bowk bowl bowl classifier bowlder bowlingite bowl scraper bowr bowse box box barrow box bell box canyon boxcar loader box check box condenser box cut box-cut method box-cut spoil boxes box filling box groove box heading boxing box loader box scraper box sluice box tap box timbering boxwork boydite boylom Boylston's reagent BPL BQ brace brace head brachy axis brachypinacoid brachytypous bracing brackebuschite Brackelsberg process bracket brackish water Bradford breaker bradleyite bradyseism brae Bragg angle Bragg indices braggite braided stream brake brakedrum brake incline brakeman brake sieve brake wheel braking distance brammallite brances branch branch fault branch headings branch hole branchite brandisite brannerite brashings brasque brasqued crucible brass balls brasses brassfounder's disease brass furnace brass ore brassyn brassy top brattice brattice cloth brattice man brattice road brattice sheeting brattice up brattice worker brattish braunite braunkohle bravaisite Bravais lattice Bravais law Bravais-Miller indices Bravais rule bravoite braze brazilianite Brazilian pebble Brazilian test brazilite Brazil twin brazing breach breached anticline breaching breadth break breakage breakage clause breakage of coal breakaway chain breakback break detector breakdown breakdown voltage breaker capacity breaker props breakers breaker zone breakes break-even point break-in breaking breaking capacity breaking-down rolls breaking ground breaking in breaking-in shot breaking lag breaking point breaking prop breakings breaking stress break in lode break line break-making breakout breakrow breakthrough break thrust breakup breakup value breakwater breast breast-and-pillar breast auger breast board breast bore breast coal breast drill breaster breast eye breast hole breasting breast machine breastplate breast stoping breast timber breast wall breathing breathing apparatus breathing cave breccia brecciated bredigite breeching breese breeze breeze concrete breeze oven breithauptite brenston Breton pan brettice cloth brettis way breunnerite brewsterite brewsterlinite Brewster's law brick clay brick coal brick earth brick fuel bricking bricking curb bricking scaffold brick walling bridal bride cake bridge bridge break bridge conveyor bridged bridge over bridge the hole bridge tramway bridge wall bridgewire bridging Bridgman sampler bridle bar bridle cable bridle chain bridle hitch bridle rod brier Briggs clinophone Briggs equalizer bright attritus bright cake bright coal bright head brightness brightness meter brights bright sulfur brimstone brine brine field Brinell hardness test Brinell hardness tester brine pit brine well bring in briquette briquetting Britannia cell britching British equivalent temperature British thermal unit brittle material brittle mica brittleness brittle silver ore broach broaching broaching bit broad coke oven broadgate broad lode broadside shooting broadstone broad vein brochantite brockite broeggerite broggite broil broken charge broken coal broken ground broken rock brokens broken stone broken working bromargyrite bromellite bromine bromite bromlite bromocyanide process bromoform bromyrite brongniardite bronze bronze mica bronzite bronzitite brood Brookfield viscometer brookite brooming brouse brow brow bar brow bin Brown agitator brown clay brown coal brown-coal gel brown gummite brown hematite Brown horseshoe furnace brown iron ore brown ironstone clay brown matter brown mica brown millerite brownmillerite Brown muffle furnace brown ocher Brown-O'Hara furnace Brown panel system brown rock brown spar brownstone Brown tank brown tongs brown umber browpiece browse brow-up brucite Bruckner cylinder Bruckner furnace brulee Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller method Brunton compass Brunton sampler brush brush cleaner brush discharge brush hook brushing brushing bed brushing shot brushite brush rake brush treatment bruskin bryle bubble chamber bubble pickup bubble pipe bubble pulse bubbles bucaramangite Buchner funnel buck bucker helper bucket bucket auger bucket conveyor bucket dredge bucket drill bucket elevator bucket elevator belt bucket factor bucket gate bucket-ladder dredge bucket-ladder excavator bucket lift bucket line bucket-line dredge bucket loader bucket pump bucket rig bucket sheave bucket temperature bucket thermometer bucket tripper bucket-wheel dredge bucket-wheel excavator bucking hammer bucking iron bucklandite buckle buckling length buckling load buck quartz buck reef buckshot cinder buck up buckwheat buddle Buddy buddy system buffer buffer shooting bug bug dust bug dusting buggied buggy bug hole bug light buhrmill buhrstone buhrstone mill building stone bulk bulk density bulk explosives bulkhead bulking bulking agent bulk mining bulk mix bulk modulus bulk modulus of elasticity bulk oil flotation bulk oil separation bulk pit excavation bulk sample bulk sampling bulk specific gravity bulk strength bulk volume bulk wide-area excavation bull Bullard Dunn Process bull clam bulldog bulldoze bulldozer bulled hole bullet bull gear Bullgrader bullies bulling bulling shovel bullion bullion bar bullion content bull ladle bull mica bullnose bit bull pup bull quartz bull's-eye bull's-eye tuyere bull shaker bull wheel bully bullying bumboat bump bumper bumper block bumper post bumping table bumping trough bumps bunched seismometers bunchy bund bunker bunker coal bunker conveyor bunker gate bunkering capacity bunney bunny bunsenite Bunsen photometer bunton bunton racking buoyant weight buratite burbankite burden burdening the furnace burgee Burgers vector buried hill buried outcrop buried placer burkeite burl Burleigh burley clay burn burn cut burned burned bit burned cut burned lime burn in burning house burning oil burning out burno man burnout burn out Burnside boring machine burnt alum burnt iron burnt lime burnt metal burnt stone burr burr rock burrstone burst burster bursting bursting charge bursting time Burt filter burton Bushveld Complex Buss table bustamite buster shot bus wire but butane butane flame methanometer Butchart table butlerite buetschliite butt butt cleat butte butt entry butterball Butters and Mein distributor buttgenbackite butt heading butt joint buttock button button balance button fusion test button rope conveyor button test butt shot butt side butt weld butt-welded tube butyl rubber Buxton test BW BX bye water bypass bypit byproduct byproduct oven byproducts of coal byssolite bystroemite bytownite by-wash