See also: за and Appendix:Variations of "za"
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Slavic *za.
[edit]за- • (za-)
- (used with verbs) to begin doing (describing an action of commencing)
- (used with verbs) perfectivizes verbs
- (used with verbs) describing an intensified or extreme action or an action of doing something up to the point that an object becomes junk
Derived terms
[edit]Old Church Slavonic
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Slavic *za.
[edit]за- • (za-)
- (used with verbs) to begin doing (describing an action of commencing)
- (used with verbs) behind, beyond
- (used with verbs) perfectivizes verbs
Derived terms
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Slavic *za.
[edit]за- • (za-)
- (used with verbs) behind, beyond
- (used with verbs) to begin doing (describing an action of commencing)
- за- (za-) + говори́ть impf (govorítʹ, “to speak”) → заговори́ть pf (zagovorítʹ, “to begin to speak”)
- (used with verbs) in advance (describing an action of doing something ahead of time)
- за- (za-) + гото́вить impf (gotóvitʹ, “to prepare”) → загото́вить pf (zagotóvitʹ, “to prepare”)
- (used with verbs) perfectivizes verbs
- за- (za-) + бетони́ровать impf (betonírovatʹ, “to concrete”) → забетони́ровать pf (zabetonírovatʹ, “to concrete”)
- за- (za-) + по́лнить impf (pólnitʹ, “to fill”) (now archaic, not to be confused with полни́ть (polnítʹ)) → запо́лнить pf (zapólnitʹ, “to fill”)
- за- (za-) + асфальти́ровать impf (asfalʹtírovatʹ, “to asphalt, to resurface”) → заасфальти́ровать pf (zaasfalʹtírovatʹ, “to asphalt, to resurface”)
- за- (za-) + бели́ть impf (belítʹ, “to whitewash, to whiten”) → забели́ть pf (zabelítʹ, “to whitewash, to whiten”)
- (used with verbs) to the finish, to the end (describing a completed result)
- за- (za-) + верши́ть impf (veršítʹ, “to manage, control, direct”) (literary) → заверши́ть pf (zaveršítʹ, “to finish, complete, accomplish”)
- (used with verbs) describing an action of covering something, of being covered, or hiding behind something
- за- (za-) + ржа́веть, ржаве́ть impf (ržávetʹ, ržavétʹ, “to become rusty”) → заржа́веть, заржаве́ть pf (zaržávetʹ, zaržavétʹ, “to become rusty (as an emphasis, by being covered with rust)”)
- за- (za-) + целова́ть impf (celovátʹ, “to kiss”) → зацелова́ть pf (zacelovátʹ, “to cover with kisses (denoting kissing many times, that one's body is fully covered with kisses)”)
- (used with verbs) describing an intensified or extreme action or an action of doing something up to the point that an object becomes junk
- за- (za-) + чита́ть impf (čitátʹ, “to read”) → зачита́ть pf (začitátʹ, “to read (a book, as well as not returning it back; until it becomes all torn apart; simply reading out loud, denoting that the loud voice is a sign of intensified or extreme action)”)
- за- (za-) + сиде́ть impf (sidétʹ, “to sit”) → засиде́ться pf (zasidétʹsja, “to sit down, to stay for quite a long time (denoting that the long duration of sitting is a sign of intensified or extreme action)”)
- за- (za-) + ду́мать impf (dúmatʹ, “to think”) → заду́мать pf (zadúmatʹ, “to devise”)
- (used with verbs) describing an action that implies the existence of barriers, obstacles, or hindrance
- за- (za-) + баллоти́ровать impf (ballotírovatʹ, “to vote (for someone)”) → забаллоти́ровать pf (zaballotírovatʹ, “to fail to elect”)
- за- (za-) + держа́ть impf (deržátʹ, “to hold, keep, support”) → задержа́ть pf (zaderžátʹ, “to detain, delay”)
- (with a reflexive verb) to do with abandonment
- за- (za-) + говори́ть impf (govorítʹ, “to speak”) + -ся (-sja) → заговори́ться pf (zagovorítʹsja, “to spout nonsense; to rattle on; to have a long talk with, forgetting the time”)
- (used with nouns, in place names) trans-
- за- (za-) + Карпа́ты (Karpáty, “Carpathians”) + -ье (-ʹje) → Закарпа́тье (Zakarpátʹje, “Transcarpathia”)
- за- (za-) + Кавка́з (Kavkáz, “Caucasus”) + -ье (-ʹje) → Закавка́зье (Zakavkázʹje, “Transcaucasia”)
Usage notes
[edit]- The stressed variant is found in the following situations:
- the past participle of verbs with a one-syllable root ending in -ать and -нуть: e.g. за́стланный (zástlannyj) from застла́ть (zastlátʹ), за́званный (zázvannyj) from зазва́ть (zazvátʹ), за́гнутый (zágnutyj) from загну́ть (zagnútʹ), за́мкнутый (zámknutyj) from замкну́ть (zamknútʹ);
- the past tense of some verbs with a one-syllable root: e.g. за́лил, зали́л (zálil, zalíl, masculine singular past tense) from зали́ть (zalítʹ, “to flood, to stain, etc.”);
- some deverbal nouns: e.g. за́говор (zágovor, “conspiracy; charm, spell”) from заговори́ть (zagovorítʹ, “to charm, to enchant”), за́морозки (zámorozki, “light frost”) from заморо́зить (zamorózitʹ, “to freeze”) + -ки (-ki), за́пись (zápisʹ, “recording”) from записа́ть (zapisátʹ, “to record”);
- some adverbs: e.g. за́мужем (zámužem, “married (of a woman)”), за́просто (záprosto, “without ceremony (colloquial)”).
Derived terms
- Macedonian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Macedonian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Macedonian 1-syllable words
- Macedonian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Macedonian oxytone terms
- Macedonian lemmas
- Macedonian prefixes
- Macedonian verbal prefixes
- Old Church Slavonic terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Old Church Slavonic terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Old Church Slavonic lemmas
- Old Church Slavonic prefixes
- Old Church Slavonic verbal prefixes
- Russian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Russian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Russian 1-syllable words
- Russian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Russian lemmas
- Russian prefixes
- Russian verbal prefixes