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Northern Ndebele




From Proto-Bantu *jí-. Originally the prefix of class 10, it replaced the class 8 prefix as well.




  1. they; class 8 subject concord.
  2. them; class 8 object concord.
  3. they; class 10 subject concord.
  4. them; class 10 object concord.

Southern Ndebele




From Proto-Bantu *jí-. Originally the prefix of class 10, it replaced the class 8 prefix as well.




  1. they; class 8 subject concord.
  2. them; class 8 object concord.
  3. they; class 10 subject concord.
  4. them; class 10 object concord.





From Proto-Bantu *jí-.




  1. they; n class(X) subject concord
    • 1973, Mohammed S. Abdulla, Duniani kuna watu, page 3:
      Taa zenye nuru kali, moja kwa juu mwisho wa ngazi, na moja kwa chini mwanzo wa ngazi zilimmulika Kasim Hakimu Marjani []
      Lamps shining with an intense light, one on top at the end of the stairs and one below at the beginning of the stairs, illuminated Kasim Hakimu Marjani []
  2. verb-initial form of -zi- (them, n class(X) object concord)

See also

Swahili verbal concords (third person)
class subject concord object concord relative
affirmative negative
m(I) a-, yu- ha-, hayu- -m-, -mw-, -mu- -ye
wa(II) wa- hawa- -wa- -o
m(III) u- hau- -u- -o
mi(IV) i- hai- -i- -yo
ji(V) li- hali- -li- -lo
ma(VI) ya- haya- -ya- -yo
ki(VII) ki- haki- -ki- -cho
vi(VIII) vi- havi- -vi- -vyo
n(IX) i- hai- -i- -yo
n(X) zi- hazi- -zi- -zo
u(XI) u- hau- -u- -o
ku(XV/XVII) ku- haku- -ku- -ko
pa(XVI) pa- hapa- -pa- -po
mu(XVIII) m-, mw-, mu- ham-, hamw-, hamu- -mu- -mo

For a full table including first and second person,
see Appendix:Swahili personal pronouns



Alternative forms

  • (before vowels) z-



From Proto-Bantu *jí-.






  1. class 10 pronominal concord
    zi- + ‎-nu (this, these) → ‎zinu (these (class 10))
  2. they; class 10 subject concord
    zi- + ‎-kora (to do) → ‎zikora (they (class 10) do)
  3. positive imperative form of -zi- (them; class 10 object concord)
    zi- + ‎-ha (to give) → ‎ziha (give them (class 10))

See also

Tooro personal pronouns
class person independent possessive subject
combined forms
na ni
class 1 first nyowe, nye -ange n- -n- nanyowe, nanye ninyowe, ninye
second iwe -awe o- -ku- naiwe niiwe
third uwe -e a- -mu- nawe nuwe
class 2 first itwe -aitu tu- -tu- naitwe niitwe
second inywe -anyu mu- -ba- nainywe niinywe
third abo -abo ba- -ba- nabo nubo
class 3 gwo -agwo gu- -gu- nagwo nugwo
class 4 yo -ayo e- -gi- nayo niyo
class 5 lyo -alyo li- -li- nalyo niryo
class 6 go -ago ga- -ga- nago nugo
class 7 kyo -akyo ki- -ki- nakyo nikyo
class 8 byo -abyo bi- -bi- nabyo nibyo
class 9 yo -ayo e- -gi- nayo niyo
class 10 zo -azo zi- -zi- nazo nizo
class 11 rwo -arwo ru- -ru- narwo nurwo
class 12 ko -ako ka- -ka- nako nuko
class 13 two -atwo tu- -tu- natwo nutwo
class 14 bwo -abwo bu- -bu- nabwo nubwo
class 15 kwo -akwo ku- -ku- nakwo nukwo
class 16 ho -aho ha- -ha- naho nuho
class 17 (kwo) N/A ha-
-ha- N/A nukwo
class 18 (mwo) -amwo ha-
-ha- N/A numwo
reflexive -enyini, -onyini -e-


  • Kaji, Shigeki (2007) A Rutooro Vocabulary[1], Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), →ISBN, page 414





From Proto-Bantu *jí-. Originally the prefix of class 10, it replaced the class 8 prefix as well.




  1. they; class 8 subject concord.
  2. them; class 8 object concord.
  3. they; class 10 subject concord.
  4. them; class 10 object concord.



Etymology 1


From Proto-Bantu *jí-. Originally the pronominal and verbal concord, it displaced the older Bantu noun prefix *bì-. The tone was lowered by analogy with other noun prefixes.




  1. Class 8 simple noun prefix.
  2. Class 10 simple noun prefix, used when preceding a consonant n, m, or l.

Etymology 2


From Proto-Bantu *jí-. Originally the prefix of class 10, it replaced the class 8 prefix as well.




  1. they; class 8 subject concord.
  2. them; class 8 object concord.
  3. they; class 10 subject concord.
  4. them; class 10 object concord.

