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Derived from ubī̆ (where) +‎ -cumque (indefinite suffix).





ubicumque or ubīcumque (not comparable)

  1. wherever, wheresoever, in whatever place; in any place
    Synonyms: ubilibet, ubivīs, ubiubi

Usage notes

  • Vowel length: scansion with /i:/ extremely rare, e.g. Catul. 39.6 and Ov. Met. 7. 736.
  • The adverbs ubī (where), ubinam (where in the world?), ubicumque (wherever) and ubiubī are sometimes used with the genitive of terra (land) (singular: terrae, plural: terrārum), locus (place) (singular: locī, plural: locōrum), gens (singular: gentium), to denote the same meaning as "where on earth". "in what country" or "where in the world":
    Qui ubicumque terrarum sunt.
    Those which are wherever in the world.
    Ubicumque terrarum.
    Wherever in the world.
    Ubicumque terrārum et gentium.
    Wherever in the whole world.
    Ubicumque locorum vivitis.
    Wherever in the world you are alive.
    Ubicumque erit gentium.
    Wherever he will be in the world.


  • Old French: oconque, ouconque
  • Interlingua: ubicunque


  • ubicumque”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • ubicumque”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • ubicumque in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Pede Certo - Digital Latin Metre[1], 2011