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Summary table


The Syriac alphabet consists of the following letters, shown in their isolated (non-connected) forms. When isolated, the letters kāp̄, mīm, and mūn are usually shown with their initial form connected to their final form (see below). The letters ʾālep̄, dālaṯ, , waw, zayn, ṣāḏē, rēš and taw (and, in early ʾEsṭrangēlā manuscripts, the letter semkaṯ[1]) do not connect to a following letter within a word; these are marked with an asterisk (*).

Letter Sound Value
(Classical Syriac)
Imperial Aramaic


Name Translit. ʾEsṭrangēlā Maḏnḥāyā (eastern) Serṭā (western) Unicode


Transliteration IPA
*ܐܠܦ ʾĀlep̄ *Also pronounced ʾĀlap̄ or ʾOlaf (Sertoܐܳܠܰܦ) in Western Syriac. ܐ ʾ or null
mater lectionis: ā
ʔ or ∅
mater lectionis: ɑ
1 𐤀 (ʾ) 𐡀 א ا
ܒܝܬ Bēṯ ܒ hard: b
soft: (also bh, v or β)
hard: b
soft: v or w
2 𐤁 (b) 𐡁 ב ب
ܓܡܠ Gāmal ܓ hard: g
soft: (also , gh, ġ or γ)
hard: ɡ
soft: ɣ
3 𐤂 (g) 𐡂 ג ج
*ܕܠܬ Dālaṯ* ܕ hard: d
soft: (also dh, ð or δ)
hard: d
soft: ð
4 𐤃 (d) 𐡃 ד د / ذ
*ܗܐ He* ܗ h h 5 𐤄 (h) 𐡄 ה ه
*ܘܘ Waw* ܘ consonant: w
mater lectionis: ū or ō
(also u or o)
consonant: w
mater lectionis: u or o
6 𐤅 (w) 𐡅 ו و
*ܙܝܢ Zayin* ܙ z z 7 𐤆 (z) 𐡆 ז ز
ܚܝܬ Ḥēṯ ܚ (also H, kh, x or ħ) ħ, x or χ 8 𐤇 () 𐡇 ח ح
ܛܝܬ Ṭēṯ ܛ (also T or ţ) 9 phn|𐤈}} 𐡈 ט ط
ܝܘܕ Yodh ܝ consonant: y
mater lectionis: ī (also i)
consonant: j
mater lectionis: i or e
10 𐤉 (y) 𐡉 י ي
ܟܦ Kāp̄ ܟܟ hard: k
soft: (also kh or x)
hard: k
soft: x
20 𐤊 (k) 𐡊 כ ך ك
ܠܡܕ Lāmaḏ ܠ l l 30 𐤋 𐡋 ל ل
ܡܝܡ Mīm ܡܡ m m 40 𐤌 𐡌 מ ם م
ܢܘܢ Nūn ܢܢ n n 50 𐤍 𐡍 נ ן ن
ܣܡܟܬ Semkaṯ ܣ s s 60 𐤎 𐡎 ס س
ܥܐ ʿĒ ܥ ʿ ʕ Among most Assyrian Neo-Aramaic speakers, the pharyngeal sound of ʿĒ (ʕ) is not pronounced as such; rather, it typically merges into the plain sound of ʾĀlep̄ ([ʔ] or ∅) or geminates a previous consonant. 70 𐤏 𐡏 ע ع
ܦܐ Pe (Semitic letter) ܦ hard: p
soft: (also , , ph or f)
hard: p
soft: f
80 𐤐 𐡐 פ ף ف
*ܨܕܐ Ṣāḏē* ܨ (also S or ş) 90 𐤑 𐡑 צ ץ ص
ܩܘܦ Qōp̄ ܩ q (also ) q 100 𐤒 𐡒 ק ق
*ܪܝܫ Rēš* ܪ r r 200 𐤓 𐡓 ר ر
ܫܝܢ Šīn ܫ š (also sh) ʃ 300 𐤔 𐡔 ש س / ش
*ܬܘ Taw* ܬ hard: t
soft: (also th or θ)
hard: t
soft: θ
400 𐤕 𐡕 ת ت / ث

Aleph (Hebrew)א Bet ב Gime ג Daled ד He ה Vav ו Zayin ז Heth ח Teth ט Yod י Kaph כ]]/ ך
Lamed ל Mem מ / ם Nun נ]]/ ן Samekh ס Ayin ע Pe פ / ף Tsadi צ / ץ Qof ק Resh ר Shin ש Tav ת
/ / / /

Note: Final forms are to the left of the initial/medial forms.



Ancestral scripts and script variants

Letter[2] Name Scripts
Hebrew Ancestral European Related Indic
cursive Hebrew Rashi script Estrangela[3] Syriac (Western) Serto Phoenician alphabet|Phoenician Paleo-Hebrew alphabet Aramaic alphabet Greek alphabet Laconian Greek Ithaca Greek Rhodes Greek Euboean Greek Megaran Greek Corinthian Greek Cretan Greek Lydian Lycian Phrygian Etruscan Oscan Lepontic South Picene Camunic Elder futhark Younger futhark Latin alphabet Cyrillic script Arabic alphabet Ancient South Arabian script Ancient North Arabian Ge'ez script Ugaritic alphabet Libyco-berber alphabet tifinagh alphabet Punic language Palmyrene alphabet Hatran aramaic Mandaic alphabet Nabataean script Inscriptional Pahlavi Inscriptional Parthian Psalter Pahlavi Samaritan script Manichaean script Brahmi script Kharosthi script Sogdian script Avestan script
א Aleph Aleph Aleph Αα
𐤠 𐊀

𐌀 𐌀

Aa Аа ا 𐩱 𐪑‎ 𐎀 𐡠 𐣠 𐢀 𐭠 𐭀 𐮀 𐫀

ב Bet (letter)

Beth Bet Ββ
𐤡 𐊂 Β 𐌁
, Bb Бб
ﺑ ﺏ 𐩨 𐪈 𐎁 𐡡 𐣡 𐢂 𐭡 𐭁 𐮁 𐫁 𐨦
ג Gimel Gimel Gimel Γγ

𐤢 𐊄 Γ 𐌂

Гг ﺟ ﺝ 𐩴 𐪔‎‎ 𐎂

𐡢 𐣢 ࡂ‎ 𐢄 𐭢 𐭂 𐮂 𐫃 𐨒
ד Daleth Daleth Daled Δδ

Δ Δ Δ 𐤣 𐊅 Δ
𐌃 , Dd Дд دذ 𐩵 𐪕 𐎄
𐡣 𐣣 𐭣 𐭃 𐮃 𐨡
ה he (letter) He Heh Εε 𐤤 𐊆 Ε
𐌄 𐌄

Ee Ее
ه هـ
ـهـ ـه
𐩠 𐪀 𐎅 - 𐡤 𐣤 𐢆
𐭤 𐭄 𐮄
ו waw (letter) Template:bc Waw Vav Υυ


𐤥 𐊇 F 𐌅 𐌅 FfUuVv
𐩥 𐪅‎ 𐎆 𐡥 𐣥‎ ࡅ‎ 𐢈‎ 𐭥 𐭅 𐮅
ז Zayin

Zayin Zayin Ζζ - 𐤦 𐊈

𐌆 Zz Зз 𐩸 𐪘 𐎇

𐡦 𐣦‎ 𐢉‎ 𐭦 𐭆 𐮆
ח Heth (letter) Heth Khet Ηη - - - - -
𐤧 𐊛 𐌇 Hh Ии ﺣﺡ or خ 𐩢 𐪂 𐎈 𐡧 𐣧‎ 𐢊‎ 𐭧 𐭇 𐮇
ט Teth Teth Tet Θθ 𐊉 𐌈
Ѳѳ 𐩷 𐪗 𐎉 𐡨‎ 𐣨‎ 𐢋‎ 𐭨 𐭈 𐮈‎
י yodh Yodh Yud Ιι ι ι

ι ι ι
𐊊 Jj
ﻳ ﻱ 𐩺 𐪚 𐎊

𐡩‎ 𐣩 𐢌‎
𐭩 𐭉
כ ך Kaf Template:bc Kaph Khof Κκ 𐊋
𐌊 𐌊 Kk Кк ﻛ ﻙ 𐩫 𐪋 𐎋
𐡪 𐣪 𐭪 𐭊
ל Lamedh Lamedh Lamed Λλ

𐊍 𐌋 𐌋
Ll Лл ﻟ ﻝ 𐩡 𐪁 𐎍
𐡫 𐣫 ࡋ‎ 𐢐‎
𐭫 𐭋 𐮊
מ ם Mem (letter) Mem Mem Μμ 𐊎 𐌌 𐌌
, Mm Мм ﻣ ﻡ 𐩣 𐪃 𐎎
𐣬 𐢒
𐭬 𐭌
נ ן Nun (letter) Nun Nun Νν 𐊏 𐌍 𐌍

Nn Нн ﻧ ﻥ 𐩬 𐪌 𐎐 𐡮‎ 𐣭‎ 𐢑‎
ס Samekh Samekh Samekh Ξξ
- - - - - - - Ss or Xx Ѯѯ
ص or س 𐩯 𐪏 𐎒

𐡯 𐣮 𐢖
ע Ayin Ayin Ayin Οο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο 𐊒 Oo Оо ﻋ ع
غـ غ
𐩲 𐪒 𐎓 - 𐡰 𐣯‎ 𐢗
פ ף Pe (Semitic letter) Template:bc Pe Pey Ππ

𐊓 𐌐 𐌐
Pp Пп ﻓ ﻑ 𐩰 𐪐 𐎔 𐣰
צ ץ Tsadi Sade Tzadi , Ϻϻ - Ϻ - - - Ϻ Ϻ 𐊔 Цц
ﺻ ص
ضـ ض
𐩮 𐪎‎ 𐎕
𐡲‎ 𐣱 ࡑ‎ 𐢙‎
ק Qoph Qoph Quf Ϙϙ - ϙ ϙ ϙ - ϙ ϙ 𐌒 Qq Ҁҁ ﻗ ﻕ 𐩤 𐪄‎ 𐎖  ? 𐡳 𐣲 ࡒ‎ 𐢚‎
ר Resh Res Resh Ρρ

𐊕 Ρ

𐌓 𐌓

Rr Рр 𐩧 𐪇 𐎗 𐡴 𐣽‎ 𐢛 𐫡
ש Shin (letter) Template:bc Sin Shin Σσς - Σ
Σ - - 𐊖

Ss Сс
سـ س
شـ ش
𐩦 𐪆‎ 𐎘
ת Taw Template:bc Taw Tof Ττ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ 𐊗 Tt Тт ﺗ ﺕ
ﺛ ﺙ
𐩩 𐪉 𐎚

𐡶 𐣿 𐢞 𐫤
  1. ^ Coakley, J. F. (2002). Robinson's Paradigms and Exercises in Syriac Grammar (5th ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 141. →ISBN.
  2. ^ A second print letter is the form found at the end of a word.
  3. ^ A second braille letter corresponds to the letter plus dagesh (dot) in print.