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Appendix:Greek pronouns

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Personal pronouns


Emphatic or strong forms


Emphatic pronouns are used to emphasise and should be pronounced with greater stress; they do not have to be dependent on a verb.

singular plural
1st 2nd 3rd m 3rd f 3rd n 1st 2nd 3rd m 3rd f 3rd n
nominative English I thou he she it we ye they they they
Greek εγώ 1 εσύ 1 αυτός αυτή αυτό εμείς 1 εσείς 1 αυτοί αυτές αυτά
genitive English my thy his her its our your their their their
Greek εμένα εσένα αυτού αυτής αυτού εμάς εσάς αυτών αυτών αυτών
accusative English me thee him her it us you them them them
Greek εμένα 2 εσένα 2 αυτόν αυτήν 3 αυτό εμάς 2 εσάς 2 αυτούς αυτές αυτά
vocative English thou you
Greek εσύ εσείς
1. In colloquial speech, these nominative forms may lose their initial ε; the use of an apostrophe in the written form is optional:   e.g. ήρθα 'γώ (I came)
2. Accusative forms lose their initial ε when following από or για, and no apostrophe is used. The plural forms become monosyllabic and therefore lose the accent.   e.g. για μας (for us)
3. The final ν is optional. It is used before a following vowel or the letters κ, π, τ, ξ, ψ, μπ, ντ, γκ, τσ, τζ.

Clitic or weak forms


These single syllable personal pronouns cannot be used on their own; they are dependent on other words in the sentence.

singular plural
1st 2nd 3rd m 3rd f 3rd n 1st 2nd 3rd m 3rd f 3rd n
nominative English he she it they they they
Greek τος τη το τοι τες τα
genitive English my thy his her its our your their their their
Greek μου σου του της του μας σας τους τους τους
accusative English me thee him her it us you them them them
Greek με σε τον την 1 το μας σας τους τις / τες 2 τα
1. The final ν is optional. It is used before a following vowel or the letters κ, π, τ, ξ, ψ, μπ, ντ, γκ, τσ, τζ.
2. τις is used before a verb, τες after a verb.   e.g. Αν τις δεις, πες τες να έρθουν. (If you see them, tell them to come.)

Possessive pronouns


These pronouns are the same as the genitive forms of the weak personal pronouns.

singular plural
1st 2nd 3rd m 3rd f 3rd n 1st 2nd 3rd m 3rd f 3rd n
English my thy his her its our your their their their
Greek μου σου του της του μας σας τους τους τους

Emphatic possessive pronouns and determiners


Possessive personal pronouns may be preceded by the declinable δικός, δική δικό to stress possession.

singular plural
1st 2nd 3rd m 3rd f 3rd n 1st 2nd 3rd m 3rd f 3rd n
English my, mine thy, thine his her its our, ours your, yours their, theirs their, theirs their, theirs
Greek δικός μου δικός σου δικός του δικός της δικός του δικός μας δικός σας δικός τους δικός τους δικός τους

Interrogative pronouns


who?, which?



how much?

Declension of Greek pronouns
singular plural
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
nominative πόσος (pósos) πόση (pósi) πόσο (póso) πόσοι (pósoi) πόσες (póses) πόσα (pósa)
genitive πόσου (pósou) πόσης (pósis) πόσου (pósou) πόσων (póson) πόσων (póson) πόσων (póson)
accusative πόσο (póso) πόση (pósi) πόσο (póso) πόσους (pósous) πόσες (póses) πόσα (pósa)
vocative πόσε (póse) πόση (pósi) πόσο (póso) πόσοι (pósoi) πόσες (póses) πόσα (pósa)

Indefinite pronouns and determiners


Specific - κάποιος ("somebody, someone")

