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Etymology 1


Reflects the principal Proto-Slavic present passive ending *-omъ. Mostly unproductive in the colloquial speech, but reintroduced in the Standard language under the influence of Russian loanwords and the efforts of various "purist" movements (during the 18-20th century) for restoring grammatical features of Old Church Slavonic in Modern Bulgarian.

In rare occasions, the former participle may be fossilized as a noun, like in the case of Bulgarian владоми pl (vladomi, subjects, subordinates) (dated).



-ом (-om)

  1. (unproductive) Deverbal from athematic verbs, forms adjectives expressing capacity or proclevity.
    вям (vjam, to be familiar with)ведом (vedom, aware)
    ям (jam, to eat)ядом (jadom, edible) (obsolete)
  2. (unproductive) Deverbal from root-stem verbs, forms adjectives expressing capacity and intrinsic property.
    алча (alča, to hunger for)лаком (lakom, greedy)
    Proto-Slavic *pisti (to feed)*пита (*pita)питом (pitom, tamed, domesticated)
    тека (teka, to flow)теком (tekom, flowable) (obsolete)
    жежа (žeža, to heat, to ignite)всежегом (vsežegom, sacrificial) (obsolete)
Derived terms


  • L. Andrejchin (1983) “Сегашно страдателно причастие”, in Граматика на съвременния български книжовен език, volume 2, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, page 377

Etymology 2


From Proto-Slavic *-omь or Proto-Slavic *-ъmь, instrumental endings of o-stem and u-stem nouns. In the modern language, derivatives constructed with this suffix are interpreted as adverbs rather than an instrumental case of the base-noun. Sometimes, adverbs from former instrumental cases further get grammatisized into interjections, as in the case of Bulgarian сбогом (sbogom, goodbye) (originally meaning with God).



-ом (-om)

  1. Denominal, forms adverbs depicting manner or way from masculine o-stem nouns.
    ред (red, order)редом (redom, along)
    ход (hod, walk)ходом (hodom, by foot)
    бяг (bjag, run)бегом (begom, by running), набегом (nabegom, energetically)
    куп (kup, bunch, pile)купом (kupom, in block), вкупом (vkupom, together, as one)
    род (rod, kin)родом (rodom, by origin, by birth)
    кръг (krǎg, circle)кръгом (krǎgom, around, in the other direction)
  2. Denominal, forms adverbs depicting manner or way from neuter o-stem nouns.
    средство (sredstvo, mean, tool)посредством (posredstvom, by means of)
    писмо (pismo, letter, writing)писмом (pismom, in written form)
    слово (slovo, word, speech)словом (slovom, in verbal form)
    ребро (rebro, rib)ребром (rebrom, straightly)
  3. Denominal, forms adverbs depicting manner or way from masculine u-stem nouns.
    чин (čin, rank)чином (činom, by rank)
    мир (mir, peace)миром (mirom, in peace)
  4. Alternative form of -ою (-oju), -ам (-am) (generalized from the o-stem formation)
    група (grupa, group)групом (grupom, in group)
    сила (sila, strength, force)силом (silom, by force)
  5. Deadjectival, forms adverbs depicting manner or way.
    цял (cjal, whole, complete)цялом (cjalom, overall)
    скриш (skriš, secretive)скришом (skrišom, secretly)
    прав (prav, right, correct)правом (pravom, rightly, correctly)
    вървящ (vǎrvjašt, walking)вървешком (vǎrveškom, by walking)
Derived terms
  • -ешком (-eškom) (from present perfective participles, with dialectal decomposition of expected -щ- > -шк-)
  • -ем (-em) (from yo-stem and i-stem nouns)
  • -ою (-oju), -ам (-am) (from a-stem nouns)


  • R. Rusinov (1983) “Наречия от съществителни имена”, in Граматика на съвременния български книжовен език, volume 2, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, page 391